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我最喜爱的品牌选票(排名不分先后,可多选,划对钩即可): 1.最喜爱的主板品牌: A.微星 B.技嘉 C.联想QDI D.艾崴 E.华硕 F.新天下 G.升技 H.捷波 I.硕泰克 J.美达 K.磐英 L.精英 M.昂达 N.Topstar O.建达蓝德 P.其他____  相似文献   

综吕与门户类W功乃刀.Chollan,netWwW .emPaS.COmWW、v.iworld.netWWW.hanSO!.nGtw功八刀.Unitel.CO.krWWW.Shinbim.COmW,八彻.nownUri.net协八切叫.yahoo.eo.kr协闪叭份.hitel.netwww.netsgo.comWWw.4989.eo,krWWW.efm.eo.krWWW.modU.netW功乃N.k21C.CO.krW功八刀.n6Wb0Ok.CO.krwww.koreanshoPPing.eo.krWWW沈ongdaemun,co.kr功乃刀W.kisdire.krWWW .kfke.r6.krWwW.igo.CokrW功八刀.PaPi.eo.kr电脑网络类WWW.nanotim6S.C0mWWW.nara.CO.krWv户刊.neta!k.CO.krww、v.daum,CO.krWwweyberkorea.eo.krW功八NoPe…  相似文献   

三、华东地区:学学-●学学学--学学六、西北地区:#★西安交通大学#西北工业大学 兰州大学七、东北地区:锦城驿站重庆三峡绿茵站曙光站水上明珠白云黄鹤Geosciences珞珈山水逸仙时空木棉站暨大sTI站佛大风情荔园站越秀山杏林站金凤站兵马俑站丝绸之路bbs.switu.edu.ellbbs.equ.edu.cnbbs.scuu.edu.cnbbs.edit.edu.CUblue.neic.ac.cnbbs.ict.ZC.cnbbs.sepc.ac.cnbbs.tsinghua.edu.cnnkl.bupt。edu.crlbbs.cr~pa.bupt.edu.ellbbs.njtu.edu.cnbbs.nankai.edu.cnbbs.netchina。co.cnbbs.east.en.netbbs.fudan.sh.cnsjtu.edu.cnzju.edu.cnxmu.e…  相似文献   

MTV中国劲歌排行榜2月榜单国际榜1.ISTIL.L.......................B..A.C.K..S.T.R.E..E.T..B.O..YS......2.CHECKONIT...................B.E..YO.N.C..E..K..N.O.W.L..E.S3.L.O.V..E........................A.S.H.L..E.E..S.I.M..P.S.O..N......4.ADVERTISINGSPACE............R.O.B..B.I.E...W.ILLIAMS5.LETTHEREBELOVE............O.A.S..I.S.....6.WHENYOU.....................W.E..S.T.L.I.F..E.V.S...D.I.A.N.AROSS7.I\'MFEELINGYOUSANTANAFEAT...M.ICHELLE…  相似文献   

一、 读者资料姓名年龄性别学历职业邮政编码电话通信地址电子邮件二、 电脑数码产品情况1. 您的电脑主要用于A.上网B.办公C.学习D.玩游戏E.其他2. 您使用电脑水平是A.初级B.一般C.熟练D.精通3. 您已经购买了A.台式电脑B.打印机C.数码相机D.MP3E.笔记本电脑三、内容、发行、广告1. 您是以何种方式获得杂志A.邮局订阅B.报摊零售C.杂志社邮购D.网上订阅E.其他2. 您的杂志一般有几个人传看A.1人B.2-3人C.4-6人D.7-10人E.10人以上3. 您阅读《电脑爱好者》有几年历史了A.半年以内B.1年C.2年D.3年E.4年F.5年以上4. 您是如何知道《电…  相似文献   

中文BBS站址大全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文收集了目前大陆和台湾地区的一些主要BBS站址,希望能对读者有所帮助。 大陆网络BBS站一览表 站名 域名、IP地址国家智能计算机中心曙光站 bbs.ncic.ac.cn科学院化冶所开心加油站 lcc.icm.ac.cn清华网络中心水木清华 bbs.net.tsinghua.edu.cn西安交通大学兵马俑站 bbs.xanet.edu.cn北京邮电大学鸿雁传情 bbs.bupt.edu.cn哈尔滨工业大学 bbs.hit.edu.cn东北大学 bbs.neu.edu.cn武汉华中理工大学 sun200.whnet.edu.c  相似文献   

1.本刊介绍的 Windows 自带命令可以给文本文件批量添加内容,它是什么?A.Copy B.Find C.For2.当启动软件出错的时候,系统会关闭程序并生成一个记录文件,它的名字是什么?A.drwtsn32.txt B.errorlog.txt C.systemlog.txt3.本刊介绍的什么工具可以关闭 Windows XP 的文件保护功能A.XPFile B.XPEpress C.XPLite  相似文献   

中国互联网络信息中心公布98年度中国互联网络十佳网站 1、广州网易计算机系统有限公司的“网易”www.netease.com 2、爱特信搜狐公司的“搜狐”www.sohoo.com.cn(www.sohu.com) 3、广州市飞华电信工程有限公司的“163电子邮局”www.163.net 4、首都公众信息网的“首都在线”www.263.net 5、四通利方信息技术有限公司的“新浪网”www.sina.com.cn(www.srsnet.com)  相似文献   

系统地比较分析了常用的WMN路由协议,包括基于三层的AODV、OLSR、B.A.T.M.A.N.、Babel以及基于二层的B.A.T.M.A.N.adv和HWMP路由协议,搭建了基于B.A.T.M.A.N.adv协议的WMN实验平台,对该协议在传输带宽、传输时延、路径切换以及重新组网方面的性能进行了深入的实验研究与分析,实验结果表明,B.A.T.M.A.N.adv协议基本可以满足交通干线无线宽带网络覆盖的性能需求,但在连接丢失后的重新组网时间约为5 s,因此其无线宽带网络覆盖需要配置足够的重叠覆盖区域以实现无缝的路径切换。  相似文献   

专家系统是人工智能研究领域的一个重要研究分支。专家系统主要由两部分组成:知识库和推理机。知识库中的知识主要由“IF-THEN”这样的知识组成。知识图是一种新的知识表示方法。在知识图中,含有“IF-THEN”结构的句子是由起因操作符(causal operator)或起因关系(CAU-relation)表示的。本文挑选了一些具有一定代表性的起因意义的汉语“CAU”操作符,并且基于知识图理论分析了这些操作符,并进行了分类,目的是为专家系统中知识库的建立做准备。  相似文献   

In this paper we generalize the Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma to the Pritchard-Salamon class of infinite-dimensional systems, i.e. systems determined by semigroups of operators on a Hilbert space with unbounded input and output operators. At the same time we prove a comparison theorem for Riccati equations of the same class.  相似文献   

The paper deals with definitions of zeros and poles and their features in finite-dimensional linear continuous-time periodic (FDLCP) systems under a harmonic framework. More precisely, system and transfer zeros and poles in the harmonic wave-to-wave sense are defined on what we call the regularized harmonic system operators and the harmonic transfer operators of FDLCP systems by means of regularized determinants; then their composition and properties related to system structures are examined via the Floquet theory and controllability/observability decompositions of FDLCP systems. The study shows that under mild assumptions, the harmonic transfer operators of FDLCP systems are analytic and meromorphic, on which zeros and poles are well-defined. Basic zero/pole relationships are established, which are similar to their linear time-invariant counterparts and in particular explicate some interesting harmonic wave-to-wave behaviors of FDLCP systems. The results are significant in analysis and synthesis of FDLCP systems when the harmonic approach is adopted.  相似文献   

Sanger TD 《Neural computation》2011,23(8):1911-1934
Control in the natural environment is difficult in part because of uncertainty in the effect of actions. Uncertainty can be due to added motor or sensory noise, unmodeled dynamics, or quantization of sensory feedback. Biological systems are faced with further difficulties, since control must be performed by networks of cooperating neurons and neural subsystems. Here, we propose a new mathematical framework for modeling and simulation of distributed control systems operating in an uncertain environment. Stochastic differential operators can be derived from the stochastic differential equation describing a system, and they map the current state density into the differential of the state density. Unlike discrete-time Markov update operators, stochastic differential operators combine linearly for a large class of linear and nonlinear systems, and therefore the combined effects of multiple controllable and uncontrollable subsystems can be predicted. Design using these operators yields systems whose statistical behavior can be specified throughout state-space. The relationship to Bayesian estimation and discrete-time Markov processes is described.  相似文献   

Injectivity, and existence of a bounded inverse, of Riccati operators is investigated for various classes of systems. A unified approach to this problem, based on few general properties verified by several control systems, is proposed. The relation between the invertibility of Riccati operators and the controllability of certain related systems is pointed out.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on investigating the problems of matrix representations of adjoint and anti-adjoint operators as well as computations for these matrices in multi-spin 1/2 systems. By introducing a multi-index transformation mapping, adjoint and anti-adjoint operators on tensor space as well as their matrix representations are defined to describe dynamics of multi-spin 1/2 systems. Formulas for computing these matrices of the adjoint and anti-adjoint operators in multi-spin 1/2 systems are given in terms of matrix representations of the adjoint and anti-adjoint operators in single-spin 1/2 systems.  相似文献   

Specifying real-time properties with metric temporal logic   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
This paper is motivated by the need for a formal specification method for real-time systems. In these systemsquantitative temporal properties play a dominant role. We first characterize real-time systems by giving a classification of such quantitative temporal properties. Next, we extend the usual models for temporal logic by including a distance function to measure time and analyze what restrictions should be imposed on such a function. Then we introduce appropriate temporal operators to reason about such models by turning qualitative temporal operators into (quantitative) metric temporal operators and show how the usual quantitative temporal properties of real-time systems can be expressed in this metric temporal logic. After we illustrate the application of metric temporal logic to real-time systems by several examples, we end this paper with some conclusions.Part of this research has been performed at the Eindhoven University of Technology when the author was working in ESPRIT project 937: Debugging and Specification of Ada Real-Time Embedded Systems (DESCARTES).  相似文献   

Searching the hypothesis space bounded below by a bottom clause is the basis of several state-of-the-art ILP systems (e.g. Progol, Aleph). These systems use refinement operators together with search heuristics to explore a bounded hypothesis space. It is known that the search space of these systems is limited to a sub-graph of the general subsumption lattice. However, the structure and properties of this sub-graph have not been properly characterised. In this paper firstly, we characterise the hypothesis space considered by the ILP systems which use a bottom clause to constrain the search. In particular, we discuss refinement in Progol as a representative of these ILP systems. Secondly, we study the lattice structure of this bounded hypothesis space. Thirdly, we give a new analysis of refinement operators, least generalisation and greatest specialisation in the subsumption order relative to a bottom clause. The results of this study are important for better understanding of the constrained refinement space of ILP systems such as Progol and Aleph, which proved to be successful for solving real-world problems (despite being incomplete with respect to the general subsumption order). Moreover, characterising this refinement sub-lattice can lead to more efficient ILP algorithms and operators for searching this particular sub-lattice. For example, it is shown that, unlike for the general subsumption order, efficient least generalisation operators can be designed for the subsumption order relative to a bottom clause.  相似文献   

Constraint automata are the first-proposed operational semantics of Reo coordination language. They can be composed not only by all well-defined composition operators of labeled transition systems but also by two new operators. The new operators are joining of constraint automata with respect to their common port names and hiding a port name in all transition labels. The operations of these two extra operators depend on the internal structures of the transition labels, while in the others each transition label is considered as a simple entity. An equivalence relation between transition systems is a congruence relation if the replacement of the components of a model by the equivalent ones always yields a model that is equivalent with the original one. Obviously, this definition of the congruency depends on the operators which are used to compose the components of models. This paper introduces four congruency results: we prove that failure-based equivalence relation CFFD (chaos-free failures divergences relation) is a congruence relation with respect to joining of constraint automata and also with respect to hiding port names in a constraint automaton. We also show that these are cases for equivalence relation NDFD (non-divergent failures divergences).  相似文献   

Stability robustness of linear normal distributed parameter systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the stability robustness analysis problem for linear distributed parameter systems containing known perturbation operators multiplied by uncertain parameters. The nominal system operators are assumed to be normal, but allowed to be unbounded. The perturbation operators are confined to some relative bounded set, but may be unbounded also. By using the Lyapunov stability criterion, simple bounds on uncertain parameters are derived to ensure the stability of the perturbed systems. Examples are provided to illustrate the usage of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

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