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We compare the flow behavior of viscoelastic surfactant (VES) solutions and Newtonian fluids through two different model porous media having similar permeability: (a) a 3D random packed bed and (b) a microchannel with a periodically spaced pillars. The former provides much larger flow resistance at the same apparent shear rate compared to the latter. The flow profile in the 3D packed bed cannot be observed since it is a closed system. However, visualization of the flow profile in the microchannel shows strong spatial and temporal flow instabilities in VES fluids appear above a critical shear rate. The onset of such elastic instabilities correlates to the flow rate where increased flow resistance is observed. The elastic instabilities are attributed to the formation of transient shear induced structures. The experiments provide a detailed insight into the complex interplay between the pore scale geometry and rheology of VES in the creeping flow regime. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 773–781, 2018  相似文献   

This article presents an experimental investigation on transport of methylhydroxyethylcellulose (MHEC) during drying of a model porous material. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and thermogravimetric analysis are used to measure water and MHEC transport, respectively. MHEC is added to glue mortars to increase open time, i.e., the time period during which tiles can be applied with sufficiently good adhesion. Previous work showed that MHEC promotes a receding front during drying and therefore leads to differences in the degree of hydration throughout the mortar sample, i.e., the top surface shows poor hydration and the bottom surface shows good hydration. In this study, we investigate the transport of MHEC during drying of a model porous material, consisting of packed glass beads saturated with an aqueous MHEC solution. At MHEC concentration less than 1.3?wt%, homogeneous drying is observed, enabling advective transport of MHEC toward the drying surface. In this case, accumulation of MHEC may form a skin at the top surface and below this skin layer, a gel zone may form, which allows migration of water toward the evaporation surface. When the MHEC concentration is above 1.3?wt%, front receding drying is observed, which prevents transport of MHEC, resulting in a more homogeneous distribution of MHEC.  相似文献   

We study the mobilization and subsequent flow in a porous medium of a fluid with a yield stress, modeled as a Bingham plastic. We use single-capillary expressions for the mobilization and flow in a pore-throat, and a pore-network model that accounts for distributed yield-stress thresholds. First, we extend the statistical physics method of invasion percolation with memory, which models lattice problems with thresholds, to incorporate dynamic effects due to the viscous friction following the onset of mobilization. Macroscopic relations between the applied pressure gradient and the flow rate for single-phase flow are proposed as a function of the pore-network microstructure and the configuration of the flowing phase. Then, the algorithm is applied to model the displacement of a Bingham plastic by a Newtonian fluid in a porous medium. The results find application to a number of industrial processes including the recovery of oil from oil reservoirs and the flow of foam in porous media.  相似文献   

An analysis of viscoelastic flow in packed beds or porous media is presented based on a capillary hybrid model of the flow which incorporates a viscous mode and an elongational mode. The development includes modelling of the elongational mode of the flow to obtain the elongational flow contribution to the potential drop for a viscoelastic fluid. A general expression describing viscoelastic flow in porous media is developed which utilizes the viscous response determined by the fluid model equation and an elongational flow response characterized by an elongational viscosity difference for the fluid. The expression applies to all three traditional bed models employing the tortuosity and Kozeny constant. The relationship yielded extensions of Darcy's law applicable to viscoelastic flow in porous media and an expression representing the flow of a viscoelastic fluid in a packed bed or porous core of length L. The relationship of the friction factors and respective Reynolds numbers is also presented.  相似文献   

多孔介质内H2S超绝热燃烧制氢的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为探索H2S在多孔介质内超绝热燃烧裂解制硫制氢的机理,采用计算流体力学(CFD)与CHEMKIN相结合的方法,使用标准k-ε湍流模型和一个17组分、57步复杂化学反应机理,模拟了H2S在直径为3 mm的Al2O3圆球堆积成的多孔介质内的燃烧,模拟结果与实验数据基本吻合.模拟结果显示:多孔介质内H2S的燃烧温度超过了绝热燃烧温度,为H2S的裂解制硫制氢提供高温环境,富燃条件下H2S部分地裂解生成单质硫和氢气.另外,对采用的复杂化学反应机理是否适用于多孔介质内H2S燃烧时各向异性火焰的模拟作了有意义的探索.  相似文献   

史俊瑞  解茂昭  韩春福  李军  李刚 《化工学报》2009,60(5):1116-1120
通过二维数值模型研究了多孔介质燃烧-换热器。在宽广的工况范围内,研究多孔介质燃烧-换热器内的温度、速度分布和压力损失,研究主要工作参数过量空气系数和功率对换热管总的热效率的影响。结果表明,过量空气系数和功率对总的热效率有显著的影响,随二者的增大,总的热效率降低。实验验证了数值计算结果的有效性。  相似文献   

The proposed in situ catalytic upgrading of heavy oil to achieve an environmentally sustainable method for heavy oil recovery requires the placement of nanodispersed catalyst particles deep into the formation where it can accelerate the high‐temperature upgrading reactions. In continuation of the previous work [Zamani et al., Energy Fuels 24, 4980‐4988 (2010)], this paper presents results of several new experiments carried out to examine the effects of other parameters, including the connate brine salinity, absolute permeability, sand‐bed temperature and particle concentration on the propagation of nanoparticles in porous media. The results show that lower permeability, increased operating temperature and higher particle concentration did not significantly affect the propagation of nanodispersed catalyst suspension through the sand‐bed. Virtually the same filtration behaviour, displaying a rapid increase of effluent concentration at 1 pore volume injected to a steady concentration close to the inlet concentration was seen in all experiments. A classical phenomenological approach was used to model the macroscopic propagation behaviour of suspended particles in the porous medium. The model was successful in history matching the effluent composition profile observed in the experiments and the deposition profile obtained from post‐test analysis of the sand‐bed. © 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

Pressure drop is one of the most important characteristics of a fibrous media. While numerous analytical, numerical, and experimental published works are available for predicting the permeability of media made up of fibers with a unimodal fiber diameter distribution (referred to as unimodal media here), there are almost no easy-to-use expressions available for media with a bimodal fiber diameter distribution (referred to as bimodal media). In the present work, the permeability of bimodal media is calculated by solving the Stokes flow governing equations in a series of 3-D virtual geometries that mimic the microstructure of fibrous materials. These simulations are designed to establish a unimodal equivalent diameter for the bimodal media thereby taking advantage of the existing expressions of unimodal materials for permeability prediction. We evaluated eight different methods of defining an equivalent diameter for bimodal media and concluded that the area-weighted average diameter of Brown and Thorpe [2001. Glass-fiber filters with bimodal fiber size distributions. Powder Technology 118, 3-9], volume-weighted resistivity model of Clague and Phillips [1997. A numerical calculation of the hydraulic permeability of three dimensional disordered fibrous media. Physics of Fluids 9 (6), 1562-1572], and the cube root relation of the current paper offer the best predictions for the entire range of mass (number) fractions, 0?nc?1, with fiber diameter ratios, 1?Rcf?5, and solidities, 5?α?15.  相似文献   

We report the effects of polymer size, concentration, and polymer fluid viscoelasticity on the propulsion kinematics of achiral microswimmers. Magnetically driven swimmer's step-out frequency, orientation angle, and propulsion efficiency are shown to be dependent on fluid microstructure, viscosity, and viscoelasticity. Additionally, by exploring the swimming dynamics of two geometrically distinct achiral structures, we observe differences in propulsion efficiencies of swimmers. Results indicate that larger four-bead swimmers are more efficiently propelled in fluids with significant elasticity in contrast to smaller 3-bead swimmers, which are able to use shear thinning behavior for efficient propulsion. Insights gained from these investigations will assist the development of future microswimmer designs and control strategies targeting applications in complex fluids.  相似文献   

The permeability of particulate colloidal titanium dioxide, P25, was investigated during sedimentation, permeation and filtration when suspended in water at a consistent ionic strength similar to tap water. Happel's cell model of permeability was used to determine the apparent particle size during these processes, and compared with the size of particle clusters measured using laser diffraction under identical ionic conditions and varying degree of shear. The primary particle size of the P25 was determined to be 28 nm, from consideration of the surface area and density of the particles, and the cluster size during permeation and filtration was close to 100 nm. During sedimentation the cluster size was determined to be close to 10 μm, which is the same size obtained by laser diffraction when measuring under conditions of low shear. Using the above two sizes (28 nm and 10 μm) as limits in Happel's permeability model it was possible to determine an ‘operating envelope’ of permeability that matched the experimentally measured values for the sedimentation, permeation and filtration processes.  相似文献   

研究了悬浮液中的颗粒在通过逾渗多孔介质时的被吸附特性。采用数值计算的方法;通过求解描述低速流体流动的Stokes方程以及简化的颗粒运动方程;初步得到颗粒在逾渗多孔介质中的运动轨迹;并在此基础上;求得颗粒与多孔介质内表面的碰撞概率;进而研究颗粒的被吸附特性。数值结果表明均匀多孔介质和分形多孔介质对颗粒的吸附存在本质差异。颗粒流出概率(实际中常表示为出口悬浮液中的颗粒浓度)与多孔床深度间的指数关系仅对均匀多孔介质成立;而对分形多孔介质并不成立。  相似文献   

We study the transport phenomena of colloidal particles embedded within a moving array of obstacles that mimics a dynamic, time-varying porous material. While colloidal transport in an array of stationary obstacles (“passive” porous media) has been well studied, we lack the fundamental understanding of colloidal diffusion in a nonequilibrium porous environment. We combine Taylor dispersion theory, Brownian dynamics simulations, and optical tweezer experiments to study the transport of tracer colloidal particles in an oscillating lattice of obstacles. We discover that the dispersion of tracer particles is a nonmonotonic function of oscillation frequency and exhibits a maximum that exceeds the Stokes–Einstein–Sutherland diffusivity in the absence of obstacles. By solving the Smoluchowski equation using a generalized dispersion framework, we demonstrate that the enhanced transport of the tracers depends critically on both the direct interparticle interactions with the obstacles and the fluid-mediated, hydrodynamic interactions generated by the moving obstacles.  相似文献   

Darcy's law for the laminar flow of Newtonian fluids through porous media has been modified to a more general form which will describe the flow through porous media of fluids whose flow behavior can be characterized by the Herschel-Bulkley model. The model covers the flow of homogeneous fluids with a yield value and a power law flow behavior. Experiments in packed beds of sand were carried out with solutions of paraffin wax in two oils and with a crude oil from the Peace River area of Canada. The model fitted the data well. A sensitivity analysis of the fitting parameters showed that the model fit was very sensitive to errors in the flow behavior index, n , of the Herschel-Bulkley model. A comparison of the “n” values calculated from viscometer measurements and from flow measurements agreed well. A more general Reynolds number for flow through porous media, which includes a fluid yield value, was developed. The data were fitted to a Kozeny-Carman type equation using this Reynolds number. The constant in the Kozeny-Carman equation was determined for the two packed beds studied using Newtonian oils. The data could all be represented, within the experimental error, by the relationship f* = 150/Re*. Since the mean volume to surface diameter of the packing was determined by the measurement of its permeability to a Newtonian oil, assuming C' = 150, the new definition of the Reynolds number allows the direct use of the Kozeny-Carman equation with Herschel-Bulkley type fluids.  相似文献   

Summary In this work we present an experimental study of flow-induced degradation of hydrolyzed polyacrylamide in aqueous solutions flowing through porous media. The degradation is analyzed by passing the solution repeatedly through the medium at a constant flow velocity and the degraded solution is then characterized by porous media and opposed jets flows. When the polyacrylamide is dissolved in deionized water, it exhibits a gradual extension thickening in the flow through porous media and opposed jets. In this case, the polymer degrades as it passes through the porous medium even at relatively low flow rates. When the polyacrylamide is dissolved in an NaCl solution, it exhibits critical extension thickening in porous media flows, and it only degrades at Reynolds numbers that are higher than the onset of the extension thickening behavior. Chain degradation is therefore only encountered when extension thickening is produced. The results also show that the extent of degradation decreases as the pore size decreases.  相似文献   

含内热源多孔介质通道内ONB特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
徐广展  孙中宁  孟现珂  张小宁 《化工学报》2012,63(10):3080-3085
对含内热源多孔介质通道内过冷沸腾起始点(ONB)的特性进行了实验研究,采用壁温拐点法确定了ONB。在表观流速为0.025~0.050 m·s-1,热通量为7.5~52 kW·m-2的范围内研究了各参数对ONB的影响规律。实验结果表明:出现ONB时壁温存在一个明显拐点;越靠近实验段出口,出现ONB所需壁面过热度越小,表面热通量越低;表观流速越高,出现ONB所需壁面过热度越大,表面热通量越高。  相似文献   

A continuous process for producing porous carbon xerogel beads has been developed. It consists in injecting a pre‐cured aqueous solution of resorcinol and formaldehyde on top of a column filled with hot oleic acid. The latter is pumped on the top of the column and fed at the bottom, generating an upward flow that can be adjusted to match the terminal velocity of the settling beads. Thus, the bead residence time in the column can be adjusted to match the gelation time, allowing the beads to solidify before reaching the bottom of the vessel. The obtained beads are subsequently dried and pyrolyzed. The developed experimental setup proved the continuous synthesis of porous carbon beads is possible. Nevertheless, the shaping process caused various texture changes of the porous carbon, which mainly yields macropores instead of micro and mesopores. This process also leads to the build‐up of a denser skin around the beads. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 1049–1058, 2018  相似文献   

温度对多孔介质中甲烷水合物生成过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自行设计的实验装置,分别进行了0℃以上(274.7 K)、0℃附近(272.8±0.5 K)和0℃以下(267.4 K)3种不同温度下,在20~40日石英砂中甲烷水合物的生成实验.结果表明甲烷水合物在0℃以上生成比较快;在0℃附近储气量大,水合物在整个砂层中的分布比较均匀.针对实验结果,本文提出了水合物在三种不同温度下的生成机理.  相似文献   

彭爱夏  占敬敬  吴明火 《化工学报》2021,72(10):5114-5122
当前,纳米粒子在土壤等多孔介质中的传输多采用单集去除率(η)进行定量描述。然而,单集去除率仅考虑单个介质颗粒对纳米粒子的作用,并未考虑介质颗粒之间的孔隙对纳米粒子的拦截效应,如T-E模型。鉴于此,采用持水度(fr)来定量反映多孔介质的孔隙特征,并对现有的T-E模型进行了修正。实验表明,纳米粒子通过具有相同孔隙度(f)砂柱的穿透率并不相同,且与持水度(fr)呈反比关系。在此基础上,将截留机制产生的碰撞效率(ηI)调整为与孔隙度(f)和持水度(fr)同时相关的表达式来实现对原有模型的优化。此外,通过砂柱对纳米二氧化硅(nSiO2)的传输实验和纳米二氧化钛(nTiO2)在不同粒径石英砂中的传输实验证明,优化模型适用于不同粒径的多孔介质并可以更准确地预测纳米粒子在多孔介质中的迁移。  相似文献   

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