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通过将离散频域表示的信道冲击响应矩阵等效为由多径间相关和收发两端空域相关三者所确定的"Kronecker"相关信道模型,推导出了频率选择性莱斯衰落信道中MIMO-OFDM系统在同时具有这三种相关性条件下的各态历经容量公式.该公式为评估各种相关性对于MIMO-OFDM系统容量的影响提供了一个简单而有效的工具,并由Monte Carlo仿真给出了三种相关性、多径时延扩展对各态历经容量的影响.  相似文献   

The performance of an L-branch equal gain (EG) combiner on slow and nonselective Rician fading channels is analyzed. Two performance criteria are considered; the probability distribution of signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) at the output of the EG combiner and the average bit error rate (BER). Matched filter receivers are considered for two binary modulation formats, coherent phase shift keying (CPSK) and noncoherent frequency shift keying (NCFSK). Results using both maximal ratio combining (MRC) and selection diversity combining (SC) are presented for comparison. Our results show that from a feasibility and practical tradeoffs point of view, the performance of an EG combiner may be as good as that of a MR combiner. The effects of gain unbalance between branches of the EG combiner on the probability distribution of SNR and on the bit error rates are also investigated. The Rician fading model may be used to model bath the microcellular environment and the mobile satellite fading channel. Hence, the results of this paper may be useful in both of these areas. Furthermore, in the development of the analysis, we present an efficient method for computing the distribution of sums of Rician random variables. This may be useful for other problems involving Rician fading. The suitability of modeling a Rician fading environment by a properly chosen Nakagami model is examined. A formula for determining the corresponding values of Rician parameter K and Nakagami parameter m is also assessed  相似文献   

There has been an increasing interest in the use of code-division multiple access (CDMA) in cellular mobile and wireless personal communications. The choice of such multiaccess technique is attractive because of its potential capacity increases and other technical factors such as privacy and multipath rejection capabilities. However, it is well known that the performance of CDMA can be significantly degraded due to cochannel interference (CI) and the near-far effects. We consider the performance of direct-sequence (DS)-based CDMA over fading channels that are modeled as slowly varying Rayleigh-fading discrete multipath channels. Specifically, we propose and analyze an adaptive multistage interference cancellation strategy for the demodulation of asynchronous DS spread-spectrum multiple-access signals. Numerical results show that the proposed multistage detector, which alleviates the detrimental effects of the near-far problem, can significantly improve the system performance  相似文献   

We present a reduced-complexity parallel interference cancellation (PIC) technique, in which PIC is performed only on "unreliable" bits (blocks). We term our technique statistical PIC (STPIC), since the decision to employ PIC for any user signal is based upon received signal statistics. Here we propose two different methods: one is bitwise (instantaneous) STPIC (ISTPIC), in which IC is performed only on the bits whose absolute log likelihood ratio (LLR) is below a pre-selected threshold; the other method is block STPIC (BSTPIC), in which IC is performed only on the blocks whose average signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio (SNIR) is below a pre-selected threshold. Both LLR and SNIR statistics reduce to quantities simple to obtain. We show that STPIC can achieve performance equivalent to conventional full PIC (FPIC) and other partial PIC techniques in flat Rayleigh fading channels, but with reduced computational complexity. We also show our proposed ISTPIC can achieve performance better than FPIC in good channel conditions (e.g., AWGN), still with reduced computational complexity. The ISTPIC performance gain over conventional FPIC is larger in conditions of larger loading factor where efficient IC techniques are more likely to be needed  相似文献   

The performance of multistage interference cancellation (MIC) and three combining techniques, i.e., multipath decorrelating (MIC-DECO), optimum combining (MIC-OPTM), and RAKE combining (MIC-RAKE) for asynchronous quadrature phase-shift keying/direct-sequence code-division multiple access over frequency-selective multipath Rayleigh fading channels is studied. The analytical bit-error probabilities of the MIC-DECO and MIC-OPTM are derived and shown to be in a good agreement with simulation results. Both analytical and simulation results show that the MIC-DECO, MIC-OPTM, and MIC-RAKE in a multiuser environment provide a good performance close to the ideal performance in a single-user system even in the presence of channel estimation error  相似文献   

研究了Rician衰落信道下采用紧凑型双偶极子阵列的MIMO系统容量,建立了相关Rician衰落信道下紧凑MIMO系统的模型,深入分析了天线互耦、空间相关性、功率分配方案以及信道衰落环境对信道容量的影响。数值结果表明天线间距较小时,互耦和相关性会导致信道容量的损失,而在某些情况下互耦和相关性的影响会使信道容量有所增加。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a multistage interference cancellation (MIC) technique with diversity reception for quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) asynchronous direct-sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) systems over frequency-selective multipath Rayleigh fading channels. Unlike the previous MIC, which tries to remove the lump sum of the multiple-access interference (MAI) and self-interference (SI), this introduced MIC attempts to cancel only the MAI and part of the SI due to the intersymbol interference, while treating the remaining SI created by the current symbol as useful information for symbol decision. In this technique, the RAKE combining is used to collect signal replicas over multiple fading paths. Upper and lower bounds on the bit error probability are derived using a Gaussian approximation and the characteristic function method. Furthermore, effects of channel estimation error on the performance are studied. Analytical and simulation results show that the introduced MIC can provide a performance extremely close to that in an ideal single-user environment and outperforms the previous MIC even in the presence of channel estimation error  相似文献   

In this paper, a closed-form bit error rate (BER) of hard-decision multistage partial parallel interference cancellation (PPIC) having perfect and imperfect channel estimation for complex spreading code-division multiple access (CDMA) over multipath Rayleigh channels was derived. The effects of receiving BER, power ratio of pilot to data channels, multiple-access interference (MAI) and multipath interference, additive white Gaussian noise, and other factors affecting channel estimation error are analyzed. The expression determining the optimal interference cancellation weight at path level for PPIC is first derived. Then, the oscillatory behavior of user-level-optimized PIC and the convergence of perfect channel estimation PIC and path-level-optimized PIC are validated. Results indicate that all factors determining the optimal weight certainly affect the BER performance of PPIC and that the lower BER limit of multistage PPIC depends on the adjustable factors, which include power ratio, observation length, and signal-to-noise ratio, and an unchangeable factor, i.e., number of users. In addition, the variance of MAI for complex spreading sequence is obtained, and the analytical expression can also be employed to predict the performance of multicode CDMA.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose and analyse parallel CCI multistage cancellation by combining RAKE and selection diversity. In order to account for channel variations, adaptive implementation of decision thresholds at the RAKE output is suggested. It is shown to provide significant improvement over either hard or soft decision techniques especially in the near‐far situation. Investigation of the system robustness to imperfect channel parameter estimation is also presented. The communication channel is modelled as slowly varying Rayleigh fading discrete multipath channel. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, time-varying multipath fading leads to the loss of subcarrier orthogonality and the occurrence of intercarrier interference (ICI). In this study, an efficient ICI suppression with less noise enhancement for multicarrier equalization is presented by using a parallel canceling scheme via frequency-domain equalization techniques, with the assumption that the channel impulse response (CIR) varies linearly during a block period. In order to avoid performance deterioration due to unreliable initial estimations in the parallel cancellation scheme, a cost function with proper weighting factor is introduced to improve the performance of the proposed equalizer. The proposed equalizer consists of a set of prefilters and a set of ICI cancellation filters, with two stages to perform different functions to achieve minimum mean square error (MMSE) equalization. The prefilters compensate for the multiplicative distortion at the first stage, and the ICI cancellation filters remove the effects of ICI by a parallel cancellation scheme at the second stage. Finally, the performance of the proposed equalizer is analyzed and compared with that of other equalizers, indicating significant performance improvement.  相似文献   

This paper introduces and analyzes a detection scheme for adaptive suppression of Multiuser Access Interference(MAI) and Multipath Distortion(MPD) for mobile station of DS/CDMA system.The proposed detection scheme may amount to a RAKE receiver structure, wherein each branch is considered as a linear multiuser filter designed under a Linear Constrained Minimum Variance(LCMV) optimization strategy to suppress MAI, followed by a proper combin-ing rule to suppress MPD.The adaptive blind multiuser detecting and optimum combining of the proposed receiver are realized, based on the Least-Mean-Square(LMS) algorithm and an adap-tive vector tracking algorithm respectively.Finally,the feasibility of the above two algorithms is proved by the numerical results provided by computer simulation.  相似文献   

针对空时分组编码多载波码分多址系统的上行物理链路,提出了基于QR分解和基于最小均方误差的逐级干扰对消接收机算法。经算法处理后的数据矩阵保持了空时分组编码的正交结构,从而可以通过简单的线性处理实现空时分组编码的次优译码。与传统的置零接收机算法相比,此算法不会对接收机端的白噪声产生放大作用。计算机仿真结果表明,在独立衰落信道或相关衰落信道下,此算法均优于置零接收机算法。在误码率为10-6水平下,此算法比传统算法的信噪比改善约4dB。  相似文献   

A new side information generating mechanism, the difference threshold test (DTT), is proposed to improve the capacity of asynchronous frequency-hopped multiple access systems with binary frequency shift keying (BFSK) signalling over Rician fading channels. By adjusting the threshold in the DTT decision logic, optimum capacity can be obtained. This technique has proven to be advantageous compared with the conventional hard decision technique. For systems with signal-to-noise ratio ranging from 10 to 13 dB, this improvement can be >13%  相似文献   

The computer generation of multiple cross-correlated Rician fading channels is investigated. We prove that the output sequences of existing multichannel fading simulators are restricted to have cross-correlation statistics that have the same functional form as the component autocorrelation functions. To overcome this limitation, vector autoregressive stochastic models are proposed for the generation of multiple Rician fading processes with specified realizable autocorrelation and cross-correlation statistics. This capability is desirable, for example, to permit realistic performance assessments of space-time modem designs by enabling the simulation of space-time-selective wireless channel models. The utility of the simulation approach is demonstrated by the accurate synthesis of some bandlimited multichannel Rayleigh and Rician processes.  相似文献   

Symbol and bit error rates of M-ary differentially encoded/differentially decoded phase-shift keying (MDPSK) and coherent M-ary phase-shift keying (M-PSK) over slow, flat, Rician fading channels are derived when linear diversity combining is applied to combat degradation due to fading. These closed-form solutions are general enough to cover several cases of nondiversity, additive white Gaussian noise (the nonfading mode), Rayleigh fading, mixtures of Rayleigh and Rician fading (the mixed mode), and Rician fading. The results presented here can also be applied to predict the error-rate performance when recent transmit diversity techniques are employed. The solutions for the nonuniform fading profile are included as well. Error probabilities are graphically displayed for both modulation schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper, successive intracell interference cancellation (IIC) of the wideband-code division multiple access (W-CDMA) signal at the mobile unit is considered. Three new interference cancellation techniques suitable for the downlink of any CDMA system with orthogonal spreading are proposed. No prior knowledge of users' spreading codes or even their spreading factors are required for interference cancellation. A new term, effective spreading code, has been introduced, which is defined as the interfering user physical code as seen by the desired user within the desired user symbol duration. The mobile receiver estimates the effective spreading codes of the interfering users regardless of their spreading factors using fast Walsh transform (FWT) correlators (instead of the regular correlators) and uses this information to suppress the intracell multiuser interference. Three different interference-suppressing techniques are studied: subtraction; combined interfering signal projection; and separate interfering signal subspace projection. The complexity of the proposed techniques is low compared to conventional interference cancellation techniques. For a W-CDMA system and the IMT-2000 vehicular channel model, a capacity increase of up to 150% of the original (without IIC) system capacity is shown  相似文献   

This letter focuses on the performance analysis of the decorrelating receiver in multipath Rician faded CDMA channels. M-ary QAM scheme is employed to improve the spectral efficiency. Approximate expressions are first derived for the two performance indexes: the average symbol error rate (SER) and the average bit error rate (BER) when the decorrelating-first receiver perfectly knows the channel information of the user of interest. To achieve desirable closed-form expressions of the SER and the BER, we exploit results in large system analysis and make assumptions of a high signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) and/or a small Rician K-factor. To measure the receiver performance in the practical scenario, we further derive expressions to approximate the average SER and BER of the decorrelating-first scheme with channel uncertainty. Simulation results demonstrate that the analytical results can also be employed to evaluate the performance of the combining-first receiver.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a successive interference cancellation (SIC) scheme for a multicarrier (MC) direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system, using band-limited spreading waveforms to prevent self-interference. In every subband, the SIC receiver successively detects the interferers' signals and substracts them from the user-of-interest. A comparison is made among SIC, a minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) receiver, and matched filter (MF) detection with maximal-ratio combining (MRC). We also consider suboptimal combining using pilot symbol-assisted modulation (PSAM) to make the system more realistic. Analytic bit-error probabilities for SIC, MMSE, and MF in correlated Rayleigh fading channels are derived. The theoretical results for SIC, MMSE, and MF are shown to agree well with simulations. In particular, SIC and MMSE are shown to achieve better performance than MF with MRC; when the number of users is small, SIC provides better performance than does MMSE. Further, the correlation among different subcarriers is studied, and only large subcarrier correlation coefficients result in an obvious worsening of performance. Finally, we derive results for the performance degradation that an SIC scheme experiences in MC CDMA due to phase and timing tracking errors. It is shown that SIC can still retain a performance advantage over MF-MRC, although the advantage of SIC decreases with increasing tracking errors, especially when subcarrier correlation coefficients are small  相似文献   

Analyses of worst-case partial-band noise jamming of binary digital modulation are presented. Both noncoherent detection and differentially coherent detection over slowly varying, frequency-nonselective Rician fading channels are considered. The analysis bridges the gap between earlier works by Viterbi and Jacobs (1975) and by Omura (1981) for the limiting cases of Gaussian and Rayleigh channels, respectively. The results complement those by Crepeau (1990) for noncoherent binary transmission over the Nakagami fading channel. However, the Rician channel model has more physical significance since the parameter k is the ratio of scattered and specular powers. It is shown that a partial-band (partial-time) jamming strategy is optimum for all Rician channels with k<1 if the signal-to-jamming power ratio is sufficiently high. On the other hand, a full-band jamming strategy is the optimal strategy for k⩾1. Results for the Gaussian and Rayleigh channels can be derived from the present analysis in the limit as k=0 and k→∞, respectively  相似文献   

In Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) radio environments, the maximum number of supportable users per cell is limited by multipath fading, shadowing, multiple access interference and near-far effects which cause fluctuations of the received power at the base station. In this context, power control and signal detection are essential to provide satisfactory Quality of Service (QoS) and to combat the near-far problem in CDMA systems. In this paper, we raised the uplink power control problem for a generalize asynchronous direct-sequence (DS) CDMA system that explicitly incorporate into the analysis: (1) the propagation delays in the network (generally neglected in the literature), (2) the adverse effect of multipath fading for wireless channels, and (3) the asynchronous transmissions in the uplink channels. This framework is used to propose a distributed power control strategy enhanced with linear multiuser receivers. It is shown that through a proper selection of an error function, the nonlinear coupling among active users is transformed into individual linear loops. A Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) power control strategy is derived and compared with other approaches from the literature. Simulation results show that the uplink channel variations do not destroy the stability of these power control structures. However, delays in the closed-loop paths can severely affect the stability and performance of the resulting feedback schemes. It is also shown that the use of multiuser detection at the base station can bring significant improvements to the performance of power control.  相似文献   

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