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本文针对网络教育快速发展的现状,完成了基于web的C语言题库管理系统.本系统主要包含了用户管理模块、题库管理模块、组卷模块以及试卷分析四大模块.系统用户主要分为学生、教师和管理员.系统采用了Springboot+Mybatis框架技术,以java为编程语言进行开发,数据库选择使用MySql关系型数据库,建立了12张数据...  相似文献   

为提高学生作业管理效率,提高工作质量,使教师和学生实时掌握各科作业的上交、批改、评价等情况,以促进各学科课程作业管理的规范化,高职高专院校开发适应自身的特色在线作业上传系统是提升现代化教学水平的重要手段和发展趋势。基于ASP.NET平台,采用C#语言,应用B/S架构和模块化思想方法,使用SQL2005作为后台数据库,设计了作业上传系统,包括作业发布、提交、评价及相关的管理等功能,有效促进了我院信息化教学服务平台的建设。  相似文献   

为了保证程序设计课程线上教学的效果,借助微信小程序开发快捷和使用方便的优点,设计开发一款程序设计语言在线考试系统。该小程序前端使用微信开发工具,后端使用Spring MVC框架技术,用MySQL数据库存储业务数据。系统允许教师上传试卷和统计成绩,学生能够完成在线测试、考试、查看成绩等。同时,为避免考试作弊现象,使用优化的随机组卷算法。该系统提高了学生学习主动性,对学生掌握编程语言知识点进行碎片化学习有一定实用性,适应了“互联网+”教育的发展趋势,也为在线考试系统的开发提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

针对教学目标和学生特点,介绍如何设计根据作业要求、数量和时间分层的编程类作业以及开放性、创造性的主题性作业,并针对不同类型的作业提出多元化的形成性评价方法;具体介绍在高级语言程序设计和移动应用开发课程中进行基于形成性评价的作业设计实践,并说明教学效果。  相似文献   

本文针对高校师生作业的管理需求,开发了基于Spring Boot框架与MySQL数据库的作业管理系统。该系统有教师端、学生端和管理员端,教师端提供课程建立,作业发布与网上批改、作业打包下载等功能,学生端提供作业查看,作业附件下载,作业上传和作业分数查看等功能,管理员端提供用户管理和课程管理等功能。系统前端基于Bootstrap框架并结合JavaScript和jQuery进行开发,系统后端采用Spring Boot架构整合开发,使用结果表明能有效提高作业管理效率,可为其他高校的作业管理系统的设计提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

戴红 《计算机教育》2009,(13):175-178
数据库实训课程是我们综合运用软件工程思想、软件开发环境和数据库技术设计开发具有实用性的数据库应用系统的综合独立实践环节。作者经多年实践,总结形成了在数据库实训课程中的一种新的教学方法—工作情景模拟教学法。本文着重描述了工作情景模拟教学法应用的背景、情景创设方法、学生的角色扮演和教师在此过程中的作用,经多个班级的实践,说明了该教学法对于完成课程任务、为学生体验真实项目开发的工作过程和场景提供了帮助,为教师全面评价学生提供了依据。  相似文献   

试卷质量的评价对于进行素质教育的意义重大。本文探讨通用试卷评价系统的数据库结构,系统的功能模块结构,以及利用PowerBuilder开发通用试卷评价系统所需解决的相关技术问题。  相似文献   

以Java语言和SQL Server2008数据库为基础,结合Ajax等技术,同时利用Myeclipse开发了一款适合教育机构使用的网络在线考试系统。该系统主要由学生考试系统和教师管理系统组成。学生考试系统主要用于学生网上考试,教师管理系统主要用于教师完成相应的考试管理工作。  相似文献   

1系统总体设计 本考试机采用 Java 语言实现,主要包括学生考试模块和教师管理模块两大部分.在学生模块部分,开发了用户登录、上机测验、成绩查询、个人考试结果分析功能;在教师模块部分,开发了登录信息管理、题库编辑、创建试卷、评阅试卷、班级成绩分析等功能.  相似文献   

运用Visual C++程序设计技术与SQL Server2000数据库技术相结合,开发了学生网上考试系统.根据学生考试的特点和学校的实际情况,网上考试系统中设置两种用户,分别是学生和教师.学生进入考试界面抽取试卷、网上考试、交卷、查看成绩.教师进入后台可以设置试卷科目和考试的试题、查看学生的考试成绩和各题得分,以及进行学生成绩的统计、学生的信息管理等,实现了教考分离以及考务工作全自动化管理,在一定程度上减少了影响考试的人为主观因素,同时减少了教师的工作量.  相似文献   

一门计算机课程的形成性评价应用策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
形成性评价是一种注重学生学习过程的教学评价方法,它能引导学生调整自己的学习策略,促进教师不断改进教学。文章在分析形成性评价特点的基础上,结合算法分析与设计课程的教学目标及特点,采用程序在线评测系统和程序雷同检测系统,设计并搭建了课程形成性评价的实施方案和环境。实践表明,该方案能切实提高学生的算法设计及应用综合能力,同时能有效激发学生的学习热情。  相似文献   

吴静松  冯慧玲 《软件》2012,33(9):27-28
随着网络技术的飞速发展以及信息化教学手段的需要,越来越多的高校教师需要通过网络来与学生进行交流互动,其中对于电子作业的提交及管理越来越显示出它的重要性.为此,本文设计并提出了基于B/S结构,在.NET平台上使用C#和Microsoft SQL 2005开发的作业管理系统的实现方案,主要目的是解决学生提交作业和教师批改作业用单一的上传、拷贝等方法的交流不方便的问题,充分利用现有的网络资源,实现作业提交方式的网络化管理.  相似文献   

为适应计算机操作考试的需要,在服务器端开发了交卷统计系统。系统通过显示交卷人数、未交卷考号以及交空白卷考生目录等交卷信息,帮助监考教师及时发现和处理各种交卷异常。系统采用C#为开发工具,讨论了交卷统计系统的系统分析和系统设计过程。经过多次考试的检验,在监考中使用本系统,可以避免在考试过程中出现考号错误、漏交卷等异常情况,并可减少空白卷率以及因交卷问题而引起的考生与考场之间的各种纠纷。  相似文献   

Secondary teachers across the United States are being asked to use formative assessment data (Black and Wiliam 1998a,b; Roediger and Karpicke 2006) to inform their classroom instruction. At the same time, critics of US government’s No Child Left Behind legislation are calling the bill “No Child Left Untested”. Among other things, critics point out that every hour spent assessing students is an hour lost from instruction. But, does it have to be? What if we better integrated assessment into classroom instruction and allowed students to learn during the test? We developed an approach that provides immediate tutoring on practice assessment items that students cannot solve on their own. Our hypothesis is that we can achieve more accurate assessment by not only using data on whether students get test items right or wrong, but by also using data on the effort required for students to solve a test item with instructional assistance. We have integrated assistance and assessment in the ASSISTment system. The system helps teachers make better use of their time by offering instruction to students while providing a more detailed evaluation of student abilities to the teachers, which is impossible under current approaches. Our approach for assessing student math proficiency is to use data that our system collects through its interactions with students to estimate their performance on an end-of-year high stakes state test. Our results show that we can do a reliably better job predicting student end-of-year exam scores by leveraging the interaction data, and the model based on only the interaction information makes better predictions than the traditional assessment model that uses only information about correctness on the test items.  相似文献   

The rapid advance of information and communication technologies (ICT) has important impacts on teaching and learning, as well as on the educational assessment. Teachers may create assessments utilizing some developed assessment software or test authoring tools. However, problems could occur, such as neglecting key concepts in the curriculum or having disproportionate course topics distribution, when teachers create assessments or test items. This study proposes a novel approach, which uses knowledge map with appraisal of concept weights and other ICTs, and implements an assessment system KMAAS to help primary school teachers in Taiwan, or elsewhere, create educational assessments properly. When compiling an assessment, KMAAS ensures that teachers can include all important course concepts intended for assessing and maintain correct balance between course concepts among test items. It does so first by analyzing course material of the assessment range and displaying a concept-weight-annotated knowledge map which concretize and visualize the importance of and the relationships among concepts in the range. It then analyzes the test sheet which is being complied and displays another similar real-time updated knowledge map containing balance between course concepts among the test items. Teachers may cross-refer to these maps to help them adjust concept balances and even select appropriate test items from test banks. The system has being evaluated in both the accuracy of learning concepts extraction and the degree of user satisfaction, as measured by questionnaires given to the teachers who tested the system. The promising results confirm the feasibility of this system in helping teachers compile their educational assessments easily and precisely. Other results of the formative evaluations on techniques have being used to improve the system in order to make it more effective and efficient. The methodology and technologies KMAAS employed are all well developed and are domain independent, which makes it highly flexible to transfer to other course subject domain too.  相似文献   

This paper describes an online image analysis tool developed as part of an iterative, user-centered development of an online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called the Education through Virtual Experience (EVE) Portal. The VLE provides a Web portal through which schoolchildren and their teachers create scientific proposals, retrieve images and other resources, and produce collaborative scientific papers summarizing their learning experiences. The VLE underwent substantive formative testing involving over 200 schoolchildren producing over 50 collaboratively written research papers. Detailed analysis of these research papers identified some shortfalls toward the goal of producing authentic scientific engagement. The absence of data collection and data analysis within these research papers was disappointing despite having scheduled time for this activity and having several professional imaging tools available. The post-evaluation analyses have enabled the development team to identify specific design flaws in the previous VLE and have shaped the design of the new custom-built tool. The success of the tool will be born out through content analysis of future collaboratively written student papers.  相似文献   

An essential component of any library of online learning objects is assessment items, for example, homework, quizzes, and self-study questions. As opposed to exams, these items are formative in nature, as they help the learner to assess his or her own progress through the material. When it comes to quality control of these items, their formative nature poses additional challenges. e.g., there is no particular time interval in which learners interact with these items, learners come to these items with very different levels of preparation and seriousness, guessing generates noise in the data, and the numbers of items and learners can be several orders of magnitude larger than in summative settings. This empirical study aims to find a highly scalable mechanism for continual quality control of this class of digital content with a minimalist amount of additional metadata and transactional data, while taking into account also characteristics of the learners. In a subsequent evaluation of the model on a limited set of transactions, we find that taking into account the learner characteristic of ability improves the quality of item metadata, and in a comparison to Item Response Theory (IRT), we find that the developed model in fact performs slightly better in terms of predicting the outcome of formative assessment transactions, while never matching the performance of IRT on predicting the outcome of summative assessment.  相似文献   

对计算机公共实验室文件共享方法进行了研究,实验室学生用机操作系统为Windows XP,服务器操作系统为Windows 2003。通过批处理及C#编程实现在学生机上使用密码映射网络驱动器,且重启系统后学生机与服务器自动连接不必再次输入密码。修改组策略禁止学生机之间的网上邻居共享,提高安全性。学生文件直接存放在网络驱动器中,教师只需在服务器上简单操作即可将学生作业收集及清理,提高收集作业的效率。  相似文献   

The use of web-based learning and assessment tools is growing in tertiary institutions around the world. To date, very few papers have reported the development and evaluation of a web-based formative assessment tool for postgraduate students. The aim of the present paper was to report on the development and evaluation of an online formative assessment tool for this student group. The web-based formative assessment tool was evaluated by a sample of undergraduate students, postgraduate students and academic staff within a psychology department in order to determine the suitability and sensitivity of the tool. The results of this pilot test suggest that the development of such a tool is both appropriate and feasible for Masters students studying psychology.  相似文献   

An essay-based discourse analysis system can help students improve their writing by identifying relevant essay-based discourse elements in their essays. Our discourse analysis software, which is embedded in Criterion, an online essay evaluation application, uses machine learning to identify discourse elements in student essays. The system makes decisions that exemplify how teachers perform this task. For instance, when grading student essays, teachers comment on the discourse structure. Teachers might explicitly state that the essay lacks a thesis statement or that an essay's single main idea has insufficient support. Training the systems to model this behavior requires human judges to annotate a data sample of student essays. The annotation schema reflects the highly structured discourse of genres such as persuasive writing. Our discourse analysis system uses a voting algorithm that takes into account the discourse labeling decisions of three independent systems.  相似文献   

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