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谭俊  张勇  吴迪  赵军军 《材料导报》2013,27(17):79-83
阐述了自蔓延高温合成法(SHS)制备的功能梯度材料的种类、特性及其应用前景,探讨了自蔓延高温反应合成金属陶瓷功能梯度材料的影响因素(合成原料、点火工艺、反应环境和辅助措施),并分三个阶段(准备阶段、合成阶段和后处理阶段)讨论了SHS法制备功能梯度材料应注意的技术问题,同时介绍了自蔓延法辅助其他工艺(SHS反应喷涂)制备梯度陶瓷材料技术,并提出了自蔓延高温合成法制备金属陶瓷功能梯度材料今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

材料合成新技术—自蔓延高温合成   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

材料合成新技术──自蔓延高温合成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自蔓延高温合成(SHS)是目前被广泛开发用于工业陶瓷和其它先进材料制备的一种独特的先进工艺技术。本文对生产高科技材料的自蔓延高温合成技术方法进行了介绍,并分析了该工艺的特点及其理论基础,同时还讨论了影响材料合成的因素。  相似文献   

运用电场激活压力辅助合成(FAPAS)和原位合成技术制备了TiC-TiB2-Ni/TiAl/Ti功能梯度材料,主要研究了外加电场对材料合成及层界面扩散连接的作用,分析了材料各层及界面微观组织和相组成;分析了电场的施加以及TiAl的燃烧反应对材料合成过程及合成结构的影响;研究结果表明,TiC-TiB2-Ni/TiAl/Ti功能梯度材料的界面区产生成分的互扩散和形成了良好的冶金结合,从钛板到金属陶瓷层的显微硬度呈梯度变化。  相似文献   

钛基梯度功能材料电场激活原位合成   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用电场激活压力辅助燃烧合成工艺(FAPAS),以Ti-Al和Ni-Ti-C体系的放热反应,实现了TiC陶瓷颗粒增强的Ni基复合材料的原位合成以及Ti-TiAl-(TiC)pNi功能梯度材料的同步连接制备。借助SEM和XRD等手段分析了各层界面的相组成和微观结构以及界面元素扩散特征,探讨了电场对功能梯度材料制备过程中各层间界面的冶金特征及连接结构的影响,揭示了电场作用下,利用放热体系进行原位合成和扩散连接的机制。研究结果表明,外加电场条件下,钛粉和铝粉反应形成TiAl相产生的化学热促进了钛基板与TiAl层界面原子的扩散溶解,是两者形成连接的关键;钛-碳反应热促进TiC/Ni细晶复合结构形成,提高了TiC颗粒与基体之间的润湿性和复合材料层的致密度。  相似文献   

本文在建立了自蔓延高温合成过程燃烧动力学模型的基础上,用数值计算和计算机模拟方法,对燃烧波特征及其变化规律进行分析模拟。结果表明:随着参数条件的改变,自蔓延高温合成过程中燃烧波会出现各种时空有序的耗散结构。非线性动力学机理分析表明,体系中两个强烈耦合的非线性动力学过程是引起耗散结构的动力学原因。  相似文献   

自蔓延高温合成技术研究动态   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
综述了俄、美、中、日等国自蔓延高温合成技术的最新研究动向。简要评述了其发展趋势和应用前景。  相似文献   

自蔓延高温燃烧合成MoSi2   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以Mo粉和Si粉为原料,通过自蔓延高温燃烧合成(SHS)的方法成功地制备了MoSi2材料.研究了反应物原料粒度、反应物料坯相对密度、反应物预热温度、稀释剂加入量以及反应气氛对MoSi2燃烧合成的影响.并通过XRD和SEM对燃烧合成产物的物相组成和形貌进行了分析.  相似文献   

高压氮气中自蔓延燃烧合成氮化钛   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用钛粉在高压氮气中的自蔓延燃烧合成(SHS),制备了含氮量较高的TiN,研究了反应物的松装密度、氮气压的改变与稀释剂的加入对燃烧波蔓延速率和产物转化率的影响,还观察到燃烧方式的改变。  相似文献   

高压氮气下,自蔓延燃烧合成(SHS)氧化铝实验中,研究了稀释剂含量、添加剂含量、氮气压力、反应物的相对密度、反应物厚度对燃烧波最高温度、燃烧波蔓延速率的影响,并制备了含氮量较高的(33.4wt%)的氮化铝。  相似文献   

以3TiO2 3C (4 x)Al为反应体系,用电场激发燃烧合成技术并使用合成中形成的液态Al对产物的渗透作用,制备出致密度为92.5%的Al2O3-TiC-Al复合材料,采用燃烧波峰淬熄法研究了原位合成Al2O3-TiC-Al复合材料的结构形成机理.结果表明:电场提供的焦耳效应可提高体系的绝热燃烧温度,从而可突破该体系只能在x<10 mol下发生SHS反应的热力学限制;在Al2O3-TiC-Al复合材料动力学过程中,首先Al粉熔融,进而加速与TiO2的反应生成Al2O3;然后Al与TiO2反应还原出Ti并与C反应生成TiC;液态Al的渗透将Al2O3和TiC颗粒粘结起来,形成致密的复合材料组织.  相似文献   

The activation of self-propagating combustion reactions in the W-C system and its composite with Ni as additive was achieved by using an electric field. The reaction mechanisms of Field-Activated Combustion Synthesis (FACS) of tungsten carbide and its composite have been investigated by using sample-quenched method. Through turning off electric field during FACS process, a series of combustion products with different phase compositions have been obtained. Layer to layer X-ray and microscopic analyses of these combustion products across quenched combustion front suggested that the synthesis of WC is a process involving the solid diffusion of carbon into a carbide layer. W2C is the intermediate phase between WC and reactants (W and C). Metal additive produces liquid phase and accelerates the diffusion between solid reactants (W and C), which facilitates the formation of W2C and the transformation from W2C to WC phase. Moreover, melted Ni reacts with W and W2C to form mixed compounds of type W x C y M z .  相似文献   

A new temperature-enthalpy approach has been proposed to model self-propagating combustion synthesis of advanced materials. This approach includes the effect of phase change which might take place during a combustion process. The effect of compact porosity is also modelled based on the conduction, convection and radiation in the local scale. Various parametric studies are made to analyse numerically the effects of activation energy, non-reacting phase content, porosity, Biot number, etc. The model predictions of the combustion pattern are in close agreement with those observed in experiments.Nomenclature c Concentration (wt %) - B i Biot number =hL/k - f Fractional value - c p Specific heat (J kg–1 K) - h Heat-transfer coefficient (W m–2 K) - L Height of material,m - Q Heat of reaction (J kg–1) - H SL * Latent heat of fusion (J kg–1) - H SE * Latent heat of fusion at eutectic (J kg–1) - k Thermal conductivity (W m–1 K) - k Equilibrium partition coefficient - Reaction kinetic function - t Time (s) - Non-dimensional time - T Temperature (K) - T 0 Initial temperature (K) - Non-dimensional temperature - H Enthalpy (J kg–1) - Kinetic function - Non-dimensional enthalpy - v f Volume fraction of non-reactive phase - V Volume (m3) - k 0 Pre-exponential constant to reaction rate (s–1) - z Cartesian co-ordinate - z* Non-dimensional co-ordinate - Non-dimensional reacted fraction - Density (kg m–3) - A non-dimensional temperature - Pore surface emissivity - Planck's constant - i Initial state - r Reacted state - l, L Liquid state - s Solid state - E Eutectic - M Melting point of pure material - P Centre of control volume - s Southern side of central volume - S Southern control volume - n Northern side of central volume - N Northern control volume - * Non-dimensional term - n New time level - o Old time level - m Iteration level  相似文献   

The field-activated, and pressure-assisted combustion synthesis (FAPACS) process, which combines the simultaneous synthesis and densification of materials, was utilized to produce WC–Ni composites from powdered reactants, mixtures of tungsten, carbon and nickel. These reactants were subjected to high DC currents and uniaxial pressures. Under these conditions, a reaction is initiated by field activation and completed within a short period of time. Several experimental parameters, such as pulse current, power-controlled mode, temperature-increasing rate, maximum temperature and pressure during FAPACS on the relative densities of products were studied. Finally, the material with nearly complete density was fabricated. The percentage of the total shrinkage occurring before and during the synthesis reaction and addition densification was measured. The relative density of the end product and Vickers microhardness measurement (at 50 kg force) on the dense sample is 99.2% and 1424 kg mm−2, respectively.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the combustion synthesis of TiN are investigated through a self-propagating reaction of titanium powder compacts of specific packing density (40% to 60% theoretical one) in the presence of flowing nitrogen gas (0.01 m3 min–1) under atmospheric pressure. It was found that the propagating velocity of the combustion wave became slower with increasing packing density. The conversion ratio of nitrided titanium increased with increasing packing density, and reached about 70% in the case of 60% densely packed compact covered with a quartz tube. However, in the case where nitrogen gas flowed from the centre bottom of the compact, the conversion ratio was almost independent of packing density. It is considered that the predominant factors for achieving higher conversion are the combustion wave velocity and temperature gradient in the high temperatures region behind the combustion front.  相似文献   

体系成分对Fe-Cu-Ti-C体系电场原位合成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究电场作用下成分对Fe-Cu-Ti-C体系燃烧合成的影响,采用Gleeble-3500D热模拟机,原位合成了Fe-Cu-TiC复合材料.实验前计算体系的绝热温度;实验后对终试样进行XRD物相分析,扫描电子显微镜观察其组织,排水法测终试样密度.热力学计算表明,Fe质量分数为65%~75%、Cu质量分数为15%~20%的Fe-Cu-Ti-C体系的绝热燃烧温度在1245~1542 K,但电场作用使试样在927.98~1056.23 K间发生燃烧合成反应,铜含量越大,体系点火温度升高,且点火延迟时间变长,反应终产物均为Fe、Cu和TiC,其中TiC颗粒的尺寸均小于0.5μm.试样致密化程度随着铁-铜基体含量的增加而提高.电场可促使不同成分的Fe-Cu-Ti-C体系发生燃烧合成反应.  相似文献   

使用以Al粉、Cu粉混合,添加NaCl或无水K_2CO_3的混合配比,并采用燃烧反应合成的方法制备了规则的、具有良好吸声性能的开孔Al-Cu吸声材料.采用扫面电镜及X射线衍射对样品进行表征,并使用驻波管法测其吸声系数.实验结果表明:随着NaCl或无水K_2CO_3含量的增加, Al-Cu吸声材料的孔隙率及吸声系数随之增加;造孔剂为无水K_2CO_3的Al-Cu吸声材料,其吸声性能高于造孔剂为NaCl的;在反应过程中,没有Al、Cu单质残留,完全形成了Al-Cu金属间化合物.超声清洗后NaCl、无水K_2CO_3 均充分溶解.  相似文献   


The use of microwave energy to initiate self-propagating, high temperature synthesis (SHS) reactions has been reviewed. Microwave initiation usually results in ignition occurring at the centre of the body, with the combustion wavefront propagating radially outwards. This leads to a number of differences compared with conventionally ignited SHS reactions. These include ignition in both weakly exothermic systems and denser green bodies, crude control of the wavefront propagation, and the generation of different microstructures owing to dissimilar time-temperature and spatial temperature profiles. The technology also extends the range of materials and compositions that can be produced in a self-propagating manner. Commercially important developments are likely to be those that utilise these features to produce tailored microstructures for niche applications  相似文献   

以超重力辅助燃烧合成熔渗工艺制备了具有梯度特征的WC-Ni硬质合金材料。该工艺以铝热反应为基础,施加辅助超重力场,制备出具有梯度特征的硬质合金材料。该材料具有双层梯度结构:沿重力场方向依次为Ni金属层和WC-Ni硬质合金层。其中Ni金属层的硬度值为72HRA;硬质合金层的硬度值最高为87HRA。Ni熔体在熔渗过程中的搅动使WC在Ni金属层出现弥散分布并导致硬质合金层WC的长大。熔体由底层开始向顶层逐渐凝固的特点使该梯度材料抗弯强度降低。  相似文献   

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