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大量出现的宽带无线接入技术,一方面为固定网络和移动网络的融合,计算机网络、移动通信网络、广播电视网络和传感器网络的融合提供了基础性的技术桥梁;另一方面又对无线电频率资源产生了巨大需求,频率资源稀缺的问题日益突出,给现有无线电管理模式带来了前所未有的挑战。[第一段]  相似文献   

大量出现的宽带无线接入技术,一方面为固定网络和移动网络的融合,计算机网络、移动通信网络、广播电视网络和传感器网络的融合提供了基础性的技术桥梁;另一方面又对无线电频率资源产生了巨大需求,频率资源稀缺的问题日益突出,给现有无线电管理模式带来了前所未有的挑战。[第一段]  相似文献   

2007年9月5-6日,第七届无线技术大会在北京亮马河酒店举行,新浪科技现场直播。本届会议由信息产业部无线电管理局主办,除了探讨无线技术的发展,如移动宽带技术外,大会还重点研讨无线技术在其他多个行业的应用。[第一段]  相似文献   

在2007年中国无线技术大会上,信息产业部无线电管理局副局长谢飞波作了题为《中国无线电频谱管理》的主题报告。在报告中,他回顾了各种无线电业  相似文献   

中国加入WTO,国际、国内电信业将出现新的市场环境,中国无线电频率与卫星轨道资源将面临许多新课题。如何正确认识未来宽带固定无线接入与新一代宽带移动通信的关系、如何对宽带无线接入与移动通信的频率资源进行合理的规划及分配、如何处理好市场驱动与技术驱动的基本关系问题……对于这一系列新问题的出现,中国政府将如何尽快制订合理的应对策略,完善各项法律法规,营造一个既符合我国入世承诺又有利于公平竞争的市场环境?信息产业部无线电管理局原副局长陈如明在本文中详细阐述了对上述问题的看法及观点,并展望了新世纪中国电信业广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

7月19日,“宽带无线移动通信技术专家组”在北京成立,该专家组是由信息产业部电信研究院联合中国移动、中国联通、华为、中兴、大唐等公司发起,并经信息产业部科技司批准成立的。  相似文献   

近几年来,在公众移动通信网络向3G全面演进的同时,诸如WLAN、WiMAX、UWB、RFID和Zigbee等新的宽带无线接入技术和短距离无线技术相继涌现,应用步伐不断加快。如今,随着信息技术的不断发展和通信网络的日趋演进,不同无线技术的互补和融合成为大势所趋,而网络的融合使得更多的业务应用应运而生。从人与人之间的通信,到人与机、机与机之间的通信,无线业务应用正趋于多样化,真可谓百花齐放春满园。  相似文献   

积极推动我国无线电技术应用发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今,各种无线技术快速发展,在通信乃至广阔的经济生活领域发挥着越来越大的作用。除传统的移动通信网络,各种无线接入技术纷纷涌现,带动了整个通信领域的繁荣。而包括WiMAX、UWB、RFID、ZigBee等无线接入技术也在办公、物流、信息化家庭等领域崭露头角。可以说,今天的世界离不开无线,推动无线技术应用和发展,规范行业市场健康成长,是我们需要研究的课题。  相似文献   

向泽凡 《通信世界》2007,(16B):6-6,8
近年来,WiMAX作为一项新兴技术崛起于世界宽带无线接入市场,受到主导设备商、运营商的青睐。本文通过分析WiMAX的技术发展现状、与3G的竞争与融合关系及未来发展趋势,提出了国内四大主要运营商面对WiMAX的发展建议。[编者按]  相似文献   

崔伟东  李星 《电信科学》1999,15(12):20-23
本文首先介绍了无线宽带网络的技术背景和空中接口,然后讨论了无线宽带通信的核心技术-无线ATM的基本原理,如网体系结构、信元格式、协议栈,以及关键技术等,最后给出了现有的无线宽带网络的实验系统和它的标准化进程。  相似文献   

A multistation packet radio network with m stations and a finite number of nodes n that uses a conflict-free protocol to access the backbone network of stations through a shared channel is discussed. The goal is to derive an allocation of the channel time slots (time-division multiplexing cycle), so that all transmissions will be conflict-free and some measure of performance (e.g., the expected total weighted throughput, the expected weighted holding cost) will be optimized. The methodology that is used is to bound the performance and to allocate the slots according to the golden ratio policy  相似文献   

The 3G and Beyond 3G wireless networks introduce new technologies, and in many cases, new frequency bands. Integrated hierarchical network architectural studies suggest that by using a Common Radio Resource Manager to engineer traffic across these component networks, operators can achieve increased efficiency and flexibility in supporting changing traffic demands. This study demonstrates how vertical handovers can be used to optimize network performance, by adaptively rearranging traffic across network boundaries. We survey policy implementations that consider which services/sessions shall move, where they shall move, when they shall move, and whether they shall return. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A REVIEW is given of some of the international technical standards activities and Recommendations of the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) for radio communications. A new Recommendation for the digital coding of television signals provides a basis for a single world standard for video signals in broadcasting studios, recording, and exchange of programs. Work is underway on high-definition television and a standard for satellite direct broadcasting downlink. Fixed satellite earth-station antenna standards (developed earlier), and performance criteria for satellite links in the integrated services digital network are being improved. Digital microwave radio relay standards include allowable bit error ratio, channel arrangements, and baseband interconnection. Mobile service Recommendations include system standards for VHF/UHF automated radiotelephony, a future global maritime distress and safety system, and radio paging codes and formats. Standards for the use of ARQ in HF and maritime communications, and the use of Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) in international telecommunications, are based on CCIR Recommendations.  相似文献   

As CDMA-based cellular networks mature, the current point-to-point links used in connecting base stations to network controllers evolve to an IP-based radio access network (RAN) for reasons of lower cost due to statistical multiplexing gains, better scalability and reliability, and the projected growth in data applications. In this paper, we study the impact of congestion in a best-effort IP RAN on CDMA cellular voice networks. We propose and evaluate three congestion control mechanisms, admission control, diversity control, and router control, to maximize network capacity while maintaining good voice quality. We first propose two new enhancements to CDMA call admission control that consider a unified view of both IP RAN and air interface resources. Next, we introduce a novel technique called diversity control that exploits the soft-handoff feature of CDMA networks and drops selected frames belonging to multiple soft-handoff legs to gracefully degrade-voice quality during congestion. Finally, we study the impact of router control where an active queue management technique is used to reduce delay and minimize correlated losses. Using simulations of a large mobile network, we show that the three different control mechanisms can help gracefully manage 10-40 percent congestion overload in the IP RAN.  相似文献   

"好运北京"2007青岛国际帆船赛于8月8日至24日在青岛奥林匹克帆船中心成功举行。青岛市无委办在信息产业部无线电管理局、市政府和北京无委及奥  相似文献   

从湖北省乃至全国范围来看.无线电管理依法行政和监督检查工作取得了一定成绩.但仍处于起步阶段。结合十多年的执法工作经验和对《中华人民共和国无线电管理条例》(以下简称《条例》)等法律、法规的理解,本文着重研究了无线电管理执法工作中应注意的几个具体问题。  相似文献   

在无线电管理行政处罚案件中,证明当事人的违法事实及行政处罚合法性的核心是证据,调查取证环节在行政处罚案件中具有重要地位与作用。衡水无线电管理分局陈立斌,就无线电管理行政处罚案件中“证据”的法定形式、采集要求,以及证据在行政处罚和行政诉讼中的运用,作了详细的研究,现将其研究成果呈现给大家。[编者按]  相似文献   

无线电频率是一种有限的自然资源,而且电波传播是没有国界的,为了保证各国平等、有效地利用频率,必须制定一个各国共同遵守的无线电频率划分表。  一、国际频率划分表的演变情况  自从1906年在柏林召开的第一次国际无线电报会议以来,每次无线电会议最关心的是避免无线电台之间可能产生的干扰问题。频率划分表和所有各国无线电台详细记录的集中登记作为保证利用无线电波的原则和重要措施被各国公认了,并纳入第一个国际无线电报公约内。  明确规定各种无线电通信业务使用的特定频段的第一个频率划分表于1927年在华盛顿国际无线电会…  相似文献   

The authors derive optimal admission policies for integrated voice and data traffic in packet radio networks employing code division multiple access (CDMA) with direct-sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) signaling. The network performance is measured in terms of the average blocking probability of voice calls and the average delay and packet loss probability of data messages. The admission scheme determines the number of newly arrived voice users that are accepted in the network so that the long-term blocking probability of voice calls is minimized. In addition, new data arrivals are rejected if the mean delay or the packet loss probability of data exceeds a desirable prespecified level. A semi-Markov decision process (SMDP) is used to model the system operation. Then, a value iteration algorithm is used to derive the optimal admission control. Two models for the other-user interference of the CDMA system are considered: one based on thresholds and another based on the graceful degradation of the CDMA system performance, and their performance is compared. These admission policies find application in emerging commercial CDMA packet radio networks including cellular networks, personal communication networks, and networks of LEO satellites for global communications  相似文献   

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