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时代在不断发展,建筑业也在不断进步,随着最开始通过手绘将施工建筑表现在图纸之上,之后利用二维画图工具CAD将建筑模型更加完美地呈现在了计算机上,如今,随着技术不断地更新换代,BIM技术逐渐在建筑结构施工图设计的应用起来,BIM技术能够构建一个三维的信息模拟图,让不同施工人员共享一个数字设计信息,从而加快对建筑结构施工图的完善,提升建筑结构的设计质量,提高施工阶段的效率。本文则讲述了BIM技术的概念,与以往设计方法相比较BIM技术的优势以及BIM技术在建筑结构施工图设计中的应用现状。 相似文献
该文对BIM技术的含义进行了阐述,分析了BIM技术运用于建筑工程管理的技术特点,在此基础上说明了BIM技术在建筑工程各个环节的应用,以期充分发挥BIM技术的优势,促进建筑行业进一步发展。 相似文献
文章主要针对当前建筑行业中BIM即建筑信息模型概念进行了分析,并详细介绍而来技术特点以及设计理念。从而证实BIM是建筑行业发展的又一新的空间,是建筑行业中的信息革命,BIM应当在整个建筑行业中予以推广。 相似文献
该文详细对BIM技术的优势进行分析,然后介绍BIM技术在装配式建筑中的应用,希望可以在日后装配式建筑投入建设之后,将BIM技术的作用充分发挥出来,促使装配式建筑施工效率及质量得到大幅度提升,最终也就可以在建筑工程行业发展过程中,起到一定推动性作用。 相似文献
本文结合中科新经济科创园基础设施项目(D-6地块)总承包(EPC)工程施工难点,从施工方案设计及策划、机电管线综合排布、云端版智慧图纸系统的运用、三维技术交底、施工工序优化,以及施工成本控制等方面介绍了BIM技术在被动式建筑机电安装工程中的应用,为后续同类工程的施工提供一定的参考思路。 相似文献
BIM正在引发建筑行业一次史无前例的彻底变革。它实现了建筑行业从二维绘图向三维绘图的转变,必将为中国的建筑行业和相关企业带来巨大的价值。 相似文献
新时期,BIM技术在我国建筑行业中得到了有效应用.此技术在新型建筑工业化中的有效应用,能够及时发现新型建筑工业化中的信息化管理问题.应用BIM技术可对建筑内容进行标准化设计,并优化构件部品生产流程.基于此,本文阐述BIM技术的特点和工业化内容处方,完善新型建筑工业化施工方案,从而进一步提高我国建筑质量. 相似文献
未来生活,你想象过会是怎样的一番光景吗?也许复杂多元,也许单纯静默,又或许回归原生。窦腾璜和张李玉菁,这一对自从大学时代就开始搭档的台湾新晋设计师组合,至今已经默契合作了近20年。 相似文献
建筑工程运营和很多建筑设施运维管理有关,以前的设施管理形式是由每个参加方分别记录设施的有关信息,管理人员需要分别查看各种信息、二维设计图、文件等,这会浪费很多时间而且很难有效监管.基于BIM的建筑可视化运维管理系统的设计,通过运用BIM提供信息分享和可视化操作平台,结合建筑设施运转维护管理需要的信息,同时对设施维护的管... 相似文献
通过对BIM技术、RFID和云计算的分析,探讨了基于三种技术集成的智慧建筑的管理系统,利用BIM技术实现建筑物的数字化,利用RFID技术实现建筑物的自我感知,通过云计算实现数据的高效处理,从而有效实现空间管理、能源管理、设备管理、隐蔽工程管理等功能。 相似文献
正What is it?Building Information Modelling(BIM)is the process of generating andmanaging information about a building,facility or infrastructure asset during itsentire life cycle,to unlock more efficientand collaborative ways of working in thebuilding process.The BIM process involves the sharingof three-dimensional data by all those 相似文献
随着建筑施工动态管理日趋复杂,传统的进度管理方式已无法适应现代化建设的需要,基于BIM的施工进度模拟应运而生。4D施工进度模拟以BIM技术为工具,以某公共建筑为工程背景,利用Navisworks软件关联由Revit建立的建筑、结构以及机电设备的BIM模型和施工进度计划Project文件,动态演示整体和局部的施工过程以及施工场地布置情况。一方面可以直观地展示整个施工过程,实现施工过程的可视化管理。另一方面,有效实现了4D进度模拟与Project文件中的数据对接,为工程管理者管理大型建设项目提供了新途径和方法。 相似文献
Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), as effective thermal protection separating the substrate from high-temperature combustion gases and reducing the substrate temperature, are widely used in aerospace and other fields. During the service cycle of life, surface crack defects, interface disbond defects, and coating thickness changes are the main non-destructive testing (NDT) objects of TBCs. In this paper, the main active infrared thermography NDT techniques including the optical infrared thermography testing, the ultrasonic infrared thermography testing, and the microwave thermography testing techniques are reviewed. Through the summary and highlight of the detection principle and application status of these state-of-the-art techniques, the development of the active infrared thermography DNT technique in TBCs is presented. By comparing the sensitivity, advantages, and disadvantages of the techniques in TBC NDT, can provide a significant reference for researchers to choose an appropriate method. It is noteworthy that fabrication techniques of artificial defects for calibration of the active infrared thermography NDT technique inspection of TBC systems are also reviewed. Moreover, future trends in NDT for the TBC system based on the active infrared thermography NDT technique are also discussed and analyzed. 相似文献
晶体相场方法是一种能在原子尺度和扩散时间尺度模拟材料微观结构演化的新方法,它能够自洽地耦合弹塑性形变和多重晶粒位向,并能用于模拟与此相关的很多物理现象。从晶体相场模型与经典密度泛函理论之间的关系出发,详细论述了晶体相场模型的一些新进展,包括八阶拟合晶体相场模型、双模数晶体相场模型和幅值方程模型等。还描述了晶体相场方法在异质外延、多晶凝固和位错迁移等方面的应用,并展望了其未来的应用前景。 相似文献
为了有效开展长距离光电测距类仪器的室内检定工作,在50 m高精度导轨上利用1组平面反射镜进行光路折叠,搭建了100m室内基线场.对基线系统的测量误差进行了分析,考虑各项误差的调整精度,将误差分析结果应用到实际光路调整过程中,分析得到对基线长度影响更显著的误差量,并对其进行了控制和调整,提高测量光路的平行性调整精度,最后... 相似文献
We report on the development of experimental apparatus and the achievement of our research since 2006 when we reported “the present status and future plan of research in high magnetic fields” at the RHMF 2006 conference, after brief introduction of history and facility of the High Magnetic Field Laboratory at KYOKUGEN in Osaka University. As for our high-field and multi-frequency electron spin resonance (ESR) apparatus, we have expanded the magnetic field range up to 65 T and the frequency range up to 6 THz. In addition, ultra low temperature ESR apparatus down to 0.1 K for static fields and down to 0.6 K for pulsed fields have been fabricated. Furthermore, we have constructed a wide bore pulse magnet with the bore diameter of 48 mm ? that enables us to perform resistivity measurements, which have been improved with the signal to noise ratio more than 100 times, under high pressure utilizing a diamond anvil pressure cell. 相似文献
The digital information technology has become the consecutively developed channel of the thickly dotted high buildings and large mansions. Recently, the National Standard Compilation Committee for Digital Technology Application in Construction and Residential community was founded in Beijing to ensure the sound development of the digital channel in the field of the architecture, and the preparations for the related national standard was started. 相似文献
Composed of electrocaloric (EC) ceramics and polymers, polymer composites with high EC performances are considered as promising candidates for next-generation all-solid-state cooling devices. Their mass application is limited by the low EC strength, which requires very high operational voltage to induce appreciable temperature change. Here, an all-scale hierarchical architecture is proposed and demonstrated to achieve high EC strength in poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorofluoroethylene)-based nanocomposites. On the atomic scale, highly polarizable hierarchical interfaces are induced by incorporating BiFeO 3 (BFO) nanoparticles in Ba(Zr 0.21Ti 0.79)O 3 (BZT) nanofibers (BFO@BZT_nfs); on the microscopic scale, percolation of the interfaces further raises the polarization of the composite nanofibers; on the mesoscopic scale, orthotropic orientation of BFO@BZT_nfs leads to much enhanced breakdown strength of the nanocomposites. As a result, an ultrahigh EC strength of ≈0.22 K m MV −1 is obtained at an ultralow electric field of 75 MV m −1 in nanocomposites filled with the orthotropic composite nanofibers, which is by far the highest value achieved in polymer nanocomposites at a moderate electric field. Results of high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy, in situ scanning Kelvin probe microscopy characterization, and phase-field simulations all indicate that the much enhanced EC performances can be attributed to the all-scale hierarchical structures of the nanocomposite. 相似文献
This multiple case study of a contracting firm contributes to understanding the barriers that organizations face during the implementation of building information modeling (BIM) by providing insights into the impact of these barriers across different organizational levels (i.e., from top management to project teams) and by relating these barriers to different degrees of BIM maturity. First, we observe the dominance of barriers related to the motivation, competence, and time capacity of people across all levels of an organization. Second, the cluster of barriers at the middle-management level highlights the important role of this level in reducing these barriers. Third, only those cases with a low level of BIM maturity have struggled with lack of top management support, thereby highlighting the importance of such support in achieving BIM maturity growth. High BIM maturity situations are more prone to externally oriented barriers in attempting to further leverage the benefits of BIM. Our study provides insights on where to focus BIM implementation measures and how to enhance organizational BIM maturity. 相似文献