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轻敲模式是原子力显微镜(AFM)最为常见的扫描模式之一。轻敲模式以探针振动信号幅值作为反馈信号,实行实时检测。目前,有模拟检测和数字检测两种检测方法,模拟检测方法由于模拟器件固有的温漂导致误差较大,数字检测方法误差小但运算量较大。提出了一种实时检测轻敲模式信号振幅的改进型数字锁相放大器(MDLIA),在自制的AFM扫描成像系统中同时具备误差较小和运算量较小两个优点。MDLIA使用与振动信号同频同相的方波信号作为参考信号,因此仅采用单通道运算即可检测振动信号幅值。首先通过理论分析介绍了MDLIA的原理,然后介绍各组成部分及实现过程,最后通过运算耗时实验验证MDLIA运算量小且运算速度快的特点,并通过误差对比实验证明MDLIA误差较小,同时通过标准栅格扫描实验验证MDLIA的稳定性。 相似文献
微加工硅表面基于AFM的纳米压痕测量与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
原子力显微镜(AFM)在完成对单晶硅的微加工后,其金刚石针尖被用做一个纳米压痕头以实现微加工区域内外机械性质的测量与分析。结果表明,以安装有金刚石针尖的AFM在经过化学机械抛光的硅基片上所进行的微加工,即使使用极小的切削力也会在加工表面形成变质层,但是其厚度值要小于化学机械抛光的硅表面变质层。由AFM测量的纳米级硬度值要大于由传统的Vickers和Hysitron硬度测试仪所测量的值。另外,随着AFM压入载荷的减小,纳米级硬度值呈现出增加的趋势,这是由于在很小的压入载荷下所呈现出的压痕尺寸效应所导致。 相似文献
"核心"DNA纳米结构的精确定位是实现指定位置的DNA纳米结构可控自组装构建纳米器件或系统的关键难题之一。研究了一种可编程控制的原子力显微镜(AFM)操作方法,通过运用操作过程中参数调控,实现液体环境中柔性DNA纳米结构的可控定位及定向操作。对操作振幅和溶液中Mg2+浓度两个关键参数进行了实验优化。实验采用的是长400 nm和直径约6 nm的DNA纳米管状结构。实验结果表明,在操作振幅为3.5 nm和Mg2+浓度为10 mmol/L的优化控制条件下,应用可编程控制的AFM调控操作方法,实现了液体环境中DNA纳米结构的定位定向操作,且成功率达到80%。 相似文献
原子力显微镜磁驱动轻敲模式在活细胞成像中的应用研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用MI公司最新发展的磁驱动轻敲模式(MAC mode)时体外培养成纤维细胞系3T3细胞进行在位成像研究.分别用力常数为0.95 N/m及0.03 N/m的微悬臂进行磁驱动轻敲模式成像,并与接触模式进行比较.同时研究了固定细胞与活体细胞之间的形貌差异.结果显示,利用上述两种微悬臂探针,磁驱动轻敲模式均可获得高分辨像.与接触模式相比,磁驱动轻敲模式对活细胞的影响较小,在细胞膜表面微结构及细胞内亚结构成像方面,有明显优势.而接触模式由于其施力方式,使活细胞应力纤维应激性绷紧,更适合于对活体细胞应力纤维的成像研究.固定细胞与活细胞表面形貌存在较大差异,在生理环境下,进行活细胞检测更能了解细胞的真实状况. 相似文献
扫描探针显微镜(SPM)作为一种广泛应用的表面表征工具,不仅可以表征三维形貌,还能定量地研究表面的粗糙度、孔径大小和分布及颗粒尺寸,在许多学科均可发挥作用.以纳米材料为主要研究对象,综述了国外最新的几种扫描探针显微表征技术,包括扫描隧道显微镜(STM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)和近场扫描光学显微镜(SNOM)等方法,展示了这几种技术在纳米材料的结构和性能方面的应用. 相似文献
纳米晶材料力学性质的研究一直得到材料科学及凝聚态物理研究者的广泛重视,其原因在于纳米材料具有不同于常规多晶材料的力学性质,如纳米金属的屈服强度高、低温超塑性、超延展性。用不同的实验方法如硬度、弯曲、拉伸等研究纳米晶材料的塑性形变机理的力学行为。尽管一些现象已有很好的解释,但其结果不适合小于50nm纳米晶材料,还有纳米晶材料随温度变化形变机理的转变也很少见报道。揭示固体材料形变机制传统方法一般是宏观的力学性能测量和计算机模拟;对塑性形变形貌的直接观察与研究可采取另一条重要途径,原子力显微镜(AFM)恰恰能在实空间定量地提供表面微结构形貌特征,特别是纵向有较高的分辨率(~0.1nm)。本文着重研究AFM观察块体纳米Ni-Fe合金形变形貌与温度行为关系。 相似文献
运用原子力显微镜(AFM)对不同浓度海藻酸钠在云母表面上形成的自组装膜进行了研究,实验结果显示在0.001mg/ml时,海藻酸钠出现单分子聚集体形态;0.01mg/ml和0.05mg/ml时,呈现致密、紧凑的网格状结构。随着浓度的改变,海藻酸钠自组装表面超微结构也发生变化。初步分析了影响其表面超微结构变化的一些因素并运用耗散理论探讨了这种变化过程可能的机理。 相似文献
《Components and Packaging Technologies, IEEE Transactions on》2009,32(2):333-338
提出了多尺度多方向Gabor滤波自适应融合的图像增强方法.使用特定不同方向不同尺度的Gabor滤波器与图像卷积,卷积图像进行规格化,通过取极小值和平均值对多通道图像Gabor滤波结果进行自适应融合,得到增强图像.将其用于原子力显微镜(AFM)显微图像增强,能有效消除阴影和噪声,获得了良好效果. 相似文献
具有原子级光滑平面的石墨平台微结构是实现特殊功能微机电器件、微系统的重要基础.石墨微结构的化学信息表征对微机电器件、微系统的制备及性能有着重要的意义.先使用原子力显微镜获得形貌信息,再使用纳米级红外光谱对微结构的不同区域进行表征,获得了多个特征位置的红外光谱.通过对红外光谱的分析发现相对于其他位置,石墨平台表面具有非常有序的碳六元环结构,并且吸附的水分子最少.而石墨平台微结构的边缘由于悬键及微加工等原因是吸附水分子最多的位置,石墨基底由于微加工的破坏已经不具有碳六元环结构.这些信息为了解微结构的化学状态提供了帮助,明确所处环境对石墨平台微结构不同位置的影响,能够指导微机电器件的制备与应用. 相似文献
一种评估旋转式机械设备工况的方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用数据采集系统采集旋转式机械设备旋转构件上所选测点的振动位移,并计算出该振动参数基本统计特性的数值,就可以应用本文提出的判断不等式对设备的工况进行初步评估。动力增益因子的引入使静态测量精度能用于对振动动态过程的分析。以集成电路制造专用设备硅片磨床为例,阐述了这种评估方法。 相似文献
Xudong Chen Kevin O'Neill Tomasz M. Grzegorczyk Jin Au Kong 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》2007,45(3):697-706
We propose a spheroidal mode approach to characterize the electromagnetic induction (EMI) response of buried objects, assumed to be much more conductive than their environment. Both the excitation and the response are formulated as the linear superpositions of basic spheroidal modes. The scattering coefficients characterize objects, regardless of their geometrical complexity and material inhomogeneity, due to the orthogonality of the spheroidal modes. The ill-conditioning encountered in retrieving the scattering coefficients is dealt with by mode truncation and Tikhonov regularization. The approach is tested for both simulated and measured data, and the retrieval results show encouragingly that only few excitation and response modes effectively represent the EMI response of the objects. The proposed approach is therefore promising in the detection and classification of buried objects 相似文献
Madhu Bhaskaran Sharath Sriram Simon Ruffell Arnan Mitchell 《Advanced functional materials》2011,21(12):2251-2257
We report on the use of nanoindentation to characterize in situ the voltage and current generation of piezoelectric thin films. This work presents the controlled observation of nanoscale piezoelectric voltage and current generation, allowing accurate quantification and mapping of force function variations. We characterize both continuous thin films and lithographically patterned nanoislands with constrained interaction area. The influence of size on energy generation parameters is reported, demonstrating that nanoislands can exhibit more effective current generation than continuous films. This quantitative finding suggests that further research into the impact of nanoscale patterning of piezoelectric thin films may yield an improved materials platform for integrated microscale energy scavenging systems. 相似文献
H.J. Uppal S. Bernardini E. Efthymiou S.N. Volkos A. Dimoulas V. Markevich B. Hamilton A.R. Peaker 《Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing》2008,11(5-6):250
Extreme scaling in both silicon and alternative channel CMOS has highlighted the importance of localized characterization on the nanometer scale. We have used a conductive-contact atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) technique in ultra high vacuum (UHV) conditions to analyze and compare intrinsic stack degradation mechanisms leading to breakdown (BD) for ultrathin high-k dielectric films of (4 nm) HfxSiOy/SiO2 on Si and (2 nm) ZrO2/GeO2 on Ge. Simultaneous nanoscale current–voltage I–V characteristics, topography, tunneling current and relative tip–surface contact interactions as normal and lateral force maps revealed localized injected charge dependence on electrical stress. It is shown that the charge can propagate laterally. Successive voltage scanning is related to the overall post-BD conductivity for pre- to post-BD degradation propagation. In contrast with SiO2 interface, an increased GeO2 interlayer reactivity yielding more active interface defects is suggested. 相似文献
V. A. Kotenev 《Russian Microelectronics》2004,33(6):353-361
The concept and mathematical framework are presented of a multiwavelength approach to optical reflectometry, including ellipsometry, in order to obtain a nondestructive tool for the analysis and depth profiling of ultrathin inhomogeneous films. It is noted that the multiwavelength approach allows one to employ ideas of multiplex spectroscopy and computerized tomography, the film being characterized by solving an integral equation of the first kind. Some applications of the approach are discussed, including measurement of complex-permittivity and chemical-composition profiles of oxide films on metal substrates. 相似文献
Lucile C. Teague Samantha A. Hawkins Martine C. Duff Michael Groza Vladimir Buliga Arnold Burger 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2009,38(8):1522-1527
Raman laser studies of detector-grade CdZnTe crystals show an increase in intensity of the Te peaks of the Raman spectra even
at very low laser powers. In this study, atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to characterize the extent of damage to the
CdZnTe crystal surface following exposure to the Raman laser. AFM images revealed localized surface damage in the areas exposed
to the Raman laser beam. Additional studies using conductive-probe AFM techniques provided localized electrical information
for the laser-induced Te-rich areas. 相似文献
Gwonchan Yoon Jinhak Kwak Jae In Kim Sungsoo Na Kilho Eom 《Advanced functional materials》2011,21(18):3454-3463
Recent experimental studies have shown that amyloid fibril formed by aggregation of β peptide exhibits excellent mechanical properties comparable to other protein materials such as actin filaments and microtubules. These excellent mechanical properties of amyloid fibrils are related to their functional role in disease expression. This indicates the necessity of understanding how an amyloid fibril achieves the remarkable mechanical properties through self‐aggregation with structural hierarchy. However, the structure‐property–function relationship still remains elusive. In this work, the mechanical properties of human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) are studied with respect to its structural hierarchies and structural shapes by coarse‐grained normal mode analysis. The simulation shows that hIAPP fibril can achieve the excellent bending rigidity via specific aggregation patterns such as antiparallel stacking of β peptides. Moreover, the length‐dependent mechanical properties of amyloids are found. This length‐dependent property has been elucidated from a Timoshenko beam model that takes into account the shear effect on the bending of amyloids. In summary, the study sheds light on the importance of not only the molecular architecture, which encodes the mechanical properties of the fibril, but also the shear effect on the mechanical (bending) behavior of the fibril. 相似文献