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G. Criscuolo 《Calcolo》1986,23(2):161-174
Sommario L’autore considera formule di quadratura del tipo Gauss-Lobatto per il calcolo di integrali a valor principale secondo Cauchy rispetto ad un peso generalizzato regolare di Jacobi. Vengono dimostrati teoremi di convergenza e stabilite alcune stime dell’errore. Si generalizzano e migliorano, inoltre, precedenti risultati.
The author considers Gauss-Lobatto rules for evaluating of Cauchy singular integrals with respect to a generalized smooth Jacobi weight. Convergence theorems are given, and some estimates of the remainder are established. The previous results are generalized and improved.

Lavore scritto nell'ambito del gruppo di ricerca no 32 del Comitato Nazionale per la Matematica del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.  相似文献   

We consider gaussian quadrature rules for the numerical approximation of the derivatives of Cauchy principal value integrals. Convergence results are given and some estimates of the remainder are established in relation to the regularity of the «density» function.  相似文献   

L. Rebolia 《Calcolo》1973,10(3-4):245-256
The coefficientsA hi and the nodesx mi for «closed” Gaussian-type quadrature formulae $$\int\limits_{ - 1}^1 {f(x)dx = \sum\limits_{h = 0}^{2_8 } {\sum\limits_{i = 0}^{m + 1} {A_{hi} f^{(h)} (x_{mi} ) + R\left[ {f(x)} \right]} } } $$ withx m0 =?1,x m, m+1 =1 andR[f(x)]=0 iff(x) is a polinomial of degree at most2m(s+1)+2(2s+1)?1, have been tabulated for the cases: $$\left\{ \begin{gathered} s = 1,2 \hfill \\ m = 2,3,4,5 \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right.$$ .  相似文献   

A. Murli 《Calcolo》1967,4(4):647-676
In this paper we get three formulas to compute Fourier integral. The formulas are essentially a linear combination of values of the functionf(t) with weight coefficients, which are independent of thef(t) and of the parameter ω. The formulas are obtained by means of a polinomial approximation off(t) on each interval (kmτ, (k+1)mτ) wherem is an integer and τ is the period of the trigonometric function.   相似文献   

A. Bellen  S. Guerra 《Calcolo》1982,19(1):87-97
The concept of «extended gaussian quadrature rules» is considered for rules of type (1.1) and new rules of type (2.2) are obtained. The number of nodes and the order of derivation are increased, and the choice of the new nodes and weights is made in order to have the maximum polynomial order for the rules.  相似文献   

S. Guerra  G. Vincenti 《Calcolo》1985,22(3):335-349
The authors establish a necessary and sufficient condition to effectively construct a quadrature formula type (2.1)1 ((2.1)2) with the property (2.2). Once this is verified, they assign-in the case g>2(n−1)—a simple expression for the integral of the relative Peano's Kernel. The authors consider the case m=1 and demonstrate, under this hypothesis, that (2.1)2, with property (2.2), is effectively constructable for each weight function (1.1) and each even choice of the non negative integer r. Finally, the authors determine the quadrature formulae (2.1)1 and (2.1)2, if W(x)=1, in the case r=1 and r=2.   相似文献   

S. Seatzu 《Calcolo》1975,12(3):259-273
Sommario In questa nota vengono dapprima presentati i teoremi di esistenza ed unicità (in opportuni spazi) delle smoothing splines naturali mono e bidimensionali, soluzioni rispettivamente dei problemi (1,5)–(1,6) e (4,5)–(4,6). Viene quindi indicato un procedimento, basato sulla costruzione di basi locali di splines naturali, per la costruzione di tali soluzioni. Infine viene presentato un metodo generale per la costruzione di tali basi.
In this paper, we shall present the theorems of existence and uniqueness (in proper spaces) of the natural smoothing splines which are the solutions of the problems (1,5)–(1,6) for the one dimension case, and of the problems (4,5)–(4,6) for the two dimension case. We shall then suggest a method, based on construction of local bases of the natural splines, to determine these solutions. Finally, we shall indicate a general method to construct these bases.

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del gruppo di ricerca GNAFA del CNR e dei programmi di ricerca dell’Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo del CNR in Roma  相似文献   

M. R. Occorsio 《Calcolo》1967,4(4):625-631
An iterative method to solve systems of equations is given. The method may be either «total step” or «single step»; we have called it a «plurirelaxation» method because the iterative formulas have many parameters. Also a convergence criterion is given. In particular the case of linear systems has been considered. A numerical example is referred.  相似文献   

V. Patruno 《Calcolo》1972,9(1-2):111-130
Sommario Utilizzando formule di quadratura di Newton-Cotes di tipo estrapolatorio, si propone un metodo numerico per la risoluzione delle equazioni differenziali ordinarie. Il metodo è antopartente e se ne dimostra la stabilità in un caso particolare. Si riportano esempi paragonando il metodo proposto con i metodi di Milne e di Runge-Kutta.
By making use of extrapolation Newton-Cotes formulas a numerical method for integrating ordinary differential equation is presented. The method is self-starting and stability is demonstrated in a particular case. In order to compare this method and those of Milne and Runge-Kutta some example are presented.

Lavoro eseguito con contributo del C.N.R. nell'ambito del Gruppo Nazionale per l'Analisi Funzionale e le sue Applicazioni.  相似文献   

Murli  A.  Patruno  V. 《Calcolo》1978,15(1):51-58
Riassunto Si presenta un metodo per il calcolo dell'antitrasformata di Laplace che utilizza la serie cardinale di Whittaker; si indica una classe di funzioni per la quale è possibile stimare l'errore. Si riportano esempi numerici.
A numerical method to compute the inverse Laplace transforms by using Whittaker's cardinal series is presented. The error bound is estimated. Numerical results are given.

G. Gheri  P. Marzulli 《Calcolo》1982,19(3):301-320
In this paper we describe a method, based on predictor-corrector formulas, for the bilateral approximation of the solution of special initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. For given predictor-corrector formulas, conditions are stated in order to obtain, at any mesh-point, an interval containing the exact solution. The amplitude of the interval gives an error estimate according to the order of the method. Some numerical examples are considered and relevant results are displayed.   相似文献   

Sommario Si costruiscono formule di quadratura gaussiane per il calcolo di integrali a valor principale secondo Cauchy e si dimostrano alcuni teoremi di convergenza.
Gaussian quadrature rules for Cauchy principal value integrals are introduced and convergence theorems are given.

G. Ghelardoni 《Calcolo》1970,7(3-4):379-385
We describe a method for the solution of an algebraic equationP(z)=0, based on the determination of the linear factors of the polinomialP(z):§ 2 gives some more details for the case of algebraic equations with real coefficients, but the method can also be applied to equations with complex coefficients: some variants are shown in § 4. Computer results of a program based on the method are generally superior to those obtained with other methods.   相似文献   

V. Ruggiero 《Calcolo》1984,21(3):213-227
In this paper we given an algorithm of low computational complexity which determines the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix. The algorithm uses the technique of spectrum slicing together with methods for finding the zeros of polynomials. An application of algorithm for computing Gauss quadrature formulas is given.

Lavoro svolto nell'ambito del Gruppo Nazionale di Informatica Matematica del C.N.R.  相似文献   

S. Guerra 《Calcolo》1966,3(1):103-111
In this paper a process is suggested for the numerical approximation of the complex roots equations.

Lavoro eseguito nell'ambito del gruppo di ricerca no 22 del C. N. R. (1963–64).  相似文献   

P. Brianzi 《Calcolo》1977,14(1):85-96
The purpose of this note is to give a difference equation stabilizing the explicit method for a Schrödinger equation.  相似文献   

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