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问:能否介绍一下您在怎样的背景下提出2007深圳·香港城市\建筑双城双年展的主题——"城市的过期和再生"?马清运:一般说来对于城市的理解有两种学派,一种学派认为城市是通过时间的孕育和历史的演变自然而然生长出来的,是一个有机体,所有的有机体都有生、长、熟、死的过程。但这恰恰违背我们盖房子和建城市  相似文献   

北京:积极推进节约型园林绿化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董瑞龙 《园林》2008,(5):12-14
·编者按· 实施节约园林,是当今世界非常关注的问题,更是人类对自己所生存的环境关爱的明智之举.本期专题围绕"节约园林"这个行业的热门话题,邀请北京、上海、广州三个城市的专家领导和从事设计、科研、建设的专家,结合自己的实践各抒己见,并介绍推荐了许多好的做法,给读者以启发和借鉴.  相似文献   

十年前,建筑界最精力充沛的探险家瑞姆·库哈斯带领着他的哈佛团队潜入珠三角,以一部后来被冠名为"大跃进"的集体著作,拉开一个区域被大笔书写的序幕。此后的十年,以广州、深圳为中心的珠三角城市故事作为一种全新的模式受到世界关注。这里发生的一切好像一部美国西部大开发历史,曾经蛮荒的土地上,城市运动带来的变化令人目眩神迷。  相似文献   

直到现在我们所知的、中国风景园林对美国的影响都是间接的。也就是说,它的影响是通过其他设计传统传到美国的①,正因为如此,且不提普通大众,许多设计师可能也没有意识到有来自中国的任何影响。尽管随着大量中国式庭院在美国兴建的状况正在发生着改变,但中国式的设计仍然被另2个国家—日本和英国的设计传统先入为主地诠释了。探讨为什么大量中国的风景园林设计对美国的影响是间接的,进而探讨为什么这种状况在今后可能有所改观。  相似文献   

许工 《工程机械》2005,36(5):61
2005年4月8日,在”四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”的文化名城济南,山东临工工程机械有限公司迎来了喜庆的日子。经国家人事部批准,临工博士后科研工作站正式成立,同时挂牌的还有临工工程机械研究所。出席挂牌典礼的有山东省人事厅的领导、临沂市人民政府的领导、中国工程机械工业协会的领导,还有吉林大学、同济大学、长安大学、山西科技大学、北京航空航天大学、柳工工程机械集团的专家、教授以及新闻媒体、协作单位的代表。  相似文献   

在轮式装载机工作过程中,有时会发生轮胎打滑现象.所谓打滑,是指轮胎在路面上滑移或滑转.此时,装载机的牵引力急剧下降,轮胎磨损,装载机无法正常工作.从车辆的运动学和动力学方面解释了造成轮胎打滑的根本原因,说明了打滑的种类及造成的危害.论述了避免轮胎打滑的应对措施,其中包括对两侧和单侧轮胎打滑,以及因存在寄生功率而使轮胎打滑时应采取的不同措施.  相似文献   

The 121 mining method of longwall mining first proposed in England has been widely used around the world.This method requires excavation of two mining roadways and reservation of one coal pillar to mine one working face.Due to considerable excavation of roadway,the mining roadway is generally destroyed during coal mining.The stress concentration in the coal pillar can cause large deformation of surrounding rocks,rockbursts and other disasters,and subsequently a large volume of coal pillar resources will be wasted.To improve the coal recovery rate and reduce excavation of the mining roadway,the 111 mining method of longwall mining was proposed in the former Soviet Union based on the 121 mining method.The 111 mining method requires excavation of one mining roadway and setting one filling body to replace the coal pillar while maintaining another mining roadway to mine one working face.However,because the stress transfer structure of roadway and working face roof has not changed,the problem of stress concentration in the surrounding rocks of roadway has not been well solved.To solve the above problems,the conventional concept utilizing high-strength support to resist the mining pressure for the 121 and 111 mining methods should be updated.The idea is to utilize mining pressure and expansion characteristics of the collapsed rock mass in the goaf to automatically form roadways,avoiding roadway excavation and waste of coal pillar.Based on the basic principles of mining rock mechanics,the“equilibrium mining”theory and the“short cantilever beam”mechanical model are proposed.Key technologies,such as roof directional presplitting technology,negative Poisson’s ratio(NPR)high-prestress constant-resistance support technology,and gangue blocking support technology,are developed following the“equilibrium mining”theory.Accordingly,the 110 and N00 mining methods of an automatically formed roadway(AFR)by roof cutting and pressure releasing without pillars are proposed.The mining methods have been applied to a large number of coal mines with different overburdens,coal seam thicknesses,roof types and gases in China,realizing the integrated mode of coal mining and roadway retaining.On this basis,in view of the complex geological conditions and intelligent mining demand of coal mines,an intelligent and unmanned development direction of the“equilibrium mining”method is prospected.  相似文献   

我和你一样,都没有翅膀。但我要带着你飞,御着风。让我们从南中国五十年不遇的浩雪冻雨中起飞,在浩瀚的太平洋上拍浪翱翔,飞过赤道时请向严寒挥手道别。前方!神奇的非洲大陆就在前方!降落时你是否会有时空错乱的感觉?在这原始的茅棚聚  相似文献   

整理旧物,偶然找到黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、山东、山西、湖北六省联合研制"油路综合养护车"设计人员的集体照,照片是1979年哈尔滨拍摄的.这张不寻常的黑白老照片在见证我国公路养护机械化发展历程的同时,也勾起了我对那段难忘岁月的回忆.  相似文献   

<正>这个博物馆并没有气派的入口、门厅,亲切信息服务台和大尺度的展览空间。它位于城山洞的住宅区深处,只有一扇门,而且比通常建筑的门还要小。周围也没有明显的指示牌标示博物馆的所在。取而代之的,是一条联通博物馆内外的游客步道,引领着游客去了解这里的故事。游客们在这样一种充满不确定性的环境中的体验,在某种程度上与当年被战争挟裹而成为慰安妇的老奶奶们所经历的不安感类似。  相似文献   

数字视频感烟探测(DVSD)是闭路摄像机(通常称作CCTV)与运动传感软件的创新结合,用来探测烟的存在。这个概念十分简单:我们看见了烟,经过大脑加工,我们识别出这是烟并去寻求帮助;用同样的方式,CCTV看见了烟,处理图像运动(在专用计算机中)识别出烟并启动警报器。接下来这部分将为  相似文献   

The Steiner Tunnel test is the one of the primary test methods used in the United States to evaluate building materials for flame spread and smoke-developed properties.Traditionally, smoke generation data developed on a material during the Steiner Tunnel test are expressed as a smoke developed index. In recent years, new measuring techniques have been developed to describe the hazards from fire-generated smoke. These new techniques use smoke release rate data from the burning material to estimate the light obscuration in a fire-affected room. Thus, new instrumentation has been added to the Steiner Tunnel for measuring smoke release rate.Analysis was conducted to correlate the traditional smoke measurements with smoke release rate and total smoke released.The correlations are presented in the form of linear and exponential curve fits. The R2 correlation coefficients are presented, as well as statistical prediction intervals. The correlation results are provided as equations and as graphs of the correlations overlying the test data.  相似文献   

介绍了两种运用于大空间建筑上的火灾烟雾探测报警产品——红外光束线型感烟火灾探测器和高灵敏度吸气型感烟探测器 ,详细阐述了其工作原理和应用特点 ,并对其工程使用情况做了简要说明。  相似文献   

It has long been recognised that the natural wind has a major influence on air movement in buildings and that the shape and size of buildings will influence the character of wind flow. The action of wind on leaky buildings is a complex topic and, in the inclusion of information on the interaction of wind and buildings in the assessment of smoke movement and the design of smoke control systems, has required some simplification of the aerodynamic data. Such simplification and some assumptions about the ventilating effects of the natural wind, may mask conditions of failure for smoke control systems.Some possible failure modes are discussed with respect to different types of smoke control systems and it is noted that a single state may be a failure state for one type of smoke control system but enhances the effectiveness of another type of system. The alternative effects of the natural wind indicates that the designer must be fully aware of the objectives and physical concepts of each type of smoke control system.  相似文献   

说明 :澳大利亚消防协会 (简称 FPA) ,在促进澳大利亚消防工作社会化方面发挥了重要的作用 ,下面是他们为在家庭中推广普及感烟探测器而写的一篇科普性文章。在欧洲和北美洲的大多数家庭 ,感烟探测器是一个很普通的装置 ,这些探测器为挽救无数的生命发挥了重要的作用。在澳大利  相似文献   

吸气式感烟探测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早期感烟探测已经发展成为多种工业产品。从高端电子设备和服务农场,到陈设无价之宝的博物馆,都是用吸气式感烟探测器或其它早期探测技术,探测火灾初期阶段的生成物,从而达到探测火灾的目的。早期探测对贵重物品的保护来说是至关重要的。现在的数据处理和电信行业需要专门的灭火和探测系统。在限制消耗臭氧产品(Ozone DepletingProduct,ODP)使用和生产的蒙特利尔和东京议定书生效前,卤代碳氟化合物(哈龙)灭火剂在数据处理和电信领域应用得非常广泛。通过使用普通感烟探测器,可以用哈龙扑灭火灾,同时对电子设备、历史文献和其它灵敏设备或…  相似文献   

地下建筑火灾中的烟气控制及烟气流动模拟研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
介绍了地下建筑火灾特点 ,综述了地下建筑火灾烟气的控制方法及烟气流动的模拟研究进展 ,针对当前地下建筑火灾烟气控制的现状、存在的问题及烟气流动模拟研究的发展方向提出了一些建议  相似文献   

结合高层建筑火灾的特点,阐述了建筑消防防烟、排烟设计的重要性,并对当前高层建筑消防防烟、排烟设计中存在的问题进行了深入分析,提出了高层建筑消防防烟、排烟设计的方案与对策。  相似文献   

In this paper, a deep domain adaptation based method for video smoke detection is proposed to extract a powerful feature representation of smoke. Due to the smoke image samples limited in scale and diversity for deep CNN training, we systematically produced adequate synthetic smoke images with a wide variation in the smoke shape, background and lighting conditions. Considering that the appearance gap (dataset bias) between synthetic and real smoke images degrades significantly the performance of the trained model on the test set composed fully of real images, we build deep architectures based on domain adaptation to confuse the distributions of features extracted from synthetic and real smoke images. This approach expands the domain-invariant feature space for smoke image samples. With their approximate feature distribution separated from non-smoke images, the recognition rate of the trained model is improved significantly compared with the model trained directly on mixed dataset of synthetic and real images. Experimentally, several deep architectures with different design choices are applied to the smoke detector. The ultimate framework can get a satisfactory result on the test set. We believe that our method own strong robustness and may offer a new way for the video smoke detection.  相似文献   

通过N百分比法,理论计算得到了挡烟垂壁与排烟口设置对商业建筑内相邻防火分区烟气层高度变化的影响.分析结果发现,挡烟垂壁凸出越多,烟气层下降速率更为缓慢,后期烟气层高度越高;排烟口距离火源越近,后期烟气层高度越高;排烟口朝向对烟气层高度的变化影响不大.  相似文献   

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