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Data management is important in developing and maintaining executive information systems (EISs). An EIS can fail due to the lack of an adequate data infrastructure for this `data intensive' application. From the literature, discussions with developers, consulting experiences, and eight case studies, a set of key data management issues were identified. Three – data security, ownership, and standards – were further studied, using survey data collected from 85 organizations. Canonical correlation analysis was used to investigate the relationship between these issues and potentially related variables. The breadth and depth of information provided were found to be correlated with the difficulty of the issues. The degree of support from key individuals was also found to be correlated with the level of difficulty.  相似文献   

The structure of an information system is defined, and the structural elements are considered as factors in providing measures of the degree of integration of an information system. Absorption, exclusion, reorganization and transfer are processes considered in the role of increasing the degree of integration. Finally measures for the effectiveness of integration of two or more systems are discussed.  相似文献   

本文结合医院信息系统建设的重要意义,在分析医院信息系统下医疗数据隐私安全危险因素的基础上,从安装漏洞扫描系统、建立完善的访问控制机制、安装入侵检测系统(IDS)及数据备份等方面探讨了医院信息系统下医疗数据隐私安全的防护策略.  相似文献   

本文的研究工作主要围绕在医院信息系统(HIS)中使用数据挖掘技术展开。将数据挖掘理论应用于实际的医院信息系统(HIS)系统中,实现医院信息系统(HIS)系统与数据挖掘技术的结合。本文对数据挖掘的概念及国内外应用现状,以及数据挖掘在医院信息系统中的应用和展望进行了阐述。  相似文献   

医院信息系统中的网络安全与管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在医院信息化规模不断扩大的同时,网络安全与管理逐渐成为网络工程师关注的热点。医院信息系统的正常运行是保证医院医疗业务正常开展的关键。只有建立完善的安全体系,才能保证网络提供的各项业务信息安全、可靠和准确。  相似文献   

在当前的医院信息化建设中,应该注意网络安全的维护工作,特别是在ORACLE数据库安全维护方面,更是需要特别的注重。以下本篇就来探讨RMAN克隆ORACLE数据库技术在完善医院信息系统维护工作中的作用。  相似文献   

With the rise of artificial intelligence, case-based health knowledge management systems (CBHKS) have been widely adopted in hospitals. CBHKS are data-driven intelligent platforms that integrate latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing. As an integral part of smart hospitals, CBHKS can support decision processes at different levels in hospitals. However, researchers have not yet clearly addressed how CBHBKS improves hospital management outcomes. Based on group effectiveness and leadership performance-maintenance theories, we develop a conceptual model to explain the role of CBHKS in hospital management. To test the research hypotheses in the conceptual model, we collected survey data from 214 doctors, and performed data analysis using partial least squares (PLS)-based structural equation modeling. The empirical testing results show that the CBHKS implementation significantly and positively influences group performance, group members’ satisfaction, group learning, and external satisfaction; and group members’ satisfaction and external satisfaction significantly and positively affect management performance and maintenance.  相似文献   

In radiation oncology, where treatment concepts are elaborated in interdisciplinary collaborations, handling distributed, large heterogeneous amounts of data efficiently is very important, yet challenging, for an optimal treatment of the patient as well as for research itself. This becomes a strong focus, as we step into the era of modern personalized medicine, relying on various quantitative data information, thus involving the active contribution of multiple medical specialties. Hence, combining patient data from all involved information systems is inevitable for analyses. Therefore, we introduced a documentation and data management system integrated in the clinical environment for electronic data capture. We discuss our concept and five-year experience of a precise electronic documentation system, with special focus on the challenges we encountered. We specify how such a system can be designed and implemented to plan, tailor and conduct (multicenter) clinical trials, ultimately reaching the best clinical performance, and enhancing interdisciplinary and clinical research.  相似文献   

伴随大数据时代个人信息保护领域风险管理理论的广泛应用,数据保护影响评估已经成为推动个人数据保护的重要制度。运用文献研究、实证分析的方法,以2016年欧盟《一般数据保护条例》(GDPR)对数据保护影响评估的规定为样本,深入分析数据保护影响评估的理论背景、兴起与演变、含义、适用范围等内容,以期搭建规范、明确的影响评估制度,加强个人信息保护。数据保护影响评估内容不限于隐私风险评估,还包括数据安全、数据质量、非歧视等内容;对于容易带来高风险的数据处理行为,应设定数据保护影响评估为强制性义务;评估过程应听取利益相关者的意见,反映其利益需求;加强外部监督并适度公开评估报告。  相似文献   

There are relatively few institutions that have developed clinical data warehouses, containing patient data from the point of care. Because of the various care practices, data types and definitions, and the perceived incompleteness of clinical information systems, the development of a clinical data warehouse is a challenge.In order to deal with managerial and clinical information needs, as well as educational and research aims that are important in the setting of a university hospital, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands, developed a data warehouse incrementally. In this paper we report on the in-house development of an integral part of the data warehouse specifically for the intensive care units (ICU-DWH). It was modeled using Atos Origin Metadata Frame method. The paper describes the methodology, the development process and the content of the ICU-DWH, and discusses the need for (clinical) data warehouses in intensive care.  相似文献   

为缩小需求分析与系统设计和实现之间的间隙,采用以需求为导向的系统开发方法,识别了航空型号研制项目干系人中的重要角色,通过对研制项目协同计划、控制过程的分析,提出了项目管理生命周期各阶段面向角色的系统需求矩阵,在此基础上构建了分布式航空型号研制项目管理信息系统框架,并给出系统用例。  相似文献   

分析了现有煤矿信息管理系统中权限控制策略的不足,指出基本的账户控制策略不仅功能简单,且在系统运行过程中无法修改权限,而基于角色的访问控制策略缺少对系统数据的区分,不利于系统的扩展与维护;提出了基于元数据与角色的权限控制模型,通过对用户可访问元数据范围的配置与限制,实现了对用户功能权限和数据权限的管理,并通过元控件实现了权限管理的模块化设计与开发,减少了代码重复率和逻辑复杂度。该模型已应用于多个煤矿综合信息管理系统中,具有很好的灵活性和可操作性。  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper presents an analysis of the implementation of a large information system in a New Zealand hospital. The system was intended to monitor and scrutinize clinical activity, and management hoped to influence clinical behaviour through the increased visibility afforded by the system. However, doctors were not the passive subjects of a computerized control system, and some were able to resist the application of the information produced by challenging its validity or using it to argue for more resources. Nevertheless, the interrelatedness of the information system with the organizational forms and practices within which it was used and which it helped shape reinforced the concepts, norms and values associated with the new management and economic discourse prevalent in the hospital, and helped to produce more defined accountabilities for doctors. With time, the role of the information system was reinterpreted, and in the face of continued resistance by doctors, it was relegated to a less significant role. The potential for engendering self-disciplining behaviour in organizational participants through the pervasive, everyday use of the information the system produced likewise diminished.  相似文献   

TEXPROS (TEXT PROcessing System) is an intelligent document processing, system; it supports storing, extracting, classifying, categorizing, retrieving, and browsing information from a variety of office documents [76]. This article presents a retrieval subsystem for TEXPROS, which is capable of processing incomplete, imprecise, and vague queries, and providing semantically meaningful responses to the user. The design of the retrieval subsystem is highly integrated with various mechanisms for achieving these goals. First, a system catalog including a thesaurus is used to store the knowledge about the database. Second, there is a query transformation mechanism composed of context construction and algebraic query formulation modules. Given an incomplete or imprecise query, the context construction module searches the system for the required terms and constructs a query that has a complete and precise representation: The resulting query is then formulated into an algebraic expression. Third, in practice, the user may not have a clear idea of what he is searching for. A browing mechanism is employed for such situations to assist the user in the retrieval process. With the browser, vague queries can be entered into the system until sufficient information, is obtained to the extent that the user is able to construct a query for his request. Finally, when processing of queries fails by responding with a null answer to the user, a generalizer mechanism is used to give the user cooperative explanation for the null answer. The presented techniques will contribute to our research toward development of highly intelligent data processing facilities beyond the present scope of database technology.This work was supported, in part, by the New Jersey Institute of Technology under grant No. 421280 and by a grant from the AT&T Foundation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Reorganization of the UK primary health care system to create an internal market for health services depends upon local family doctors (general practitioners) taking on budgetary responsibilities and purchasing services from hospitals. These budgets will be monitored by local committees. The success of the internal market is heavily dependent upon computerized management information systems. This paper investigates the introduction of information systems into an organization that is ill prepared for change.  相似文献   

为满足常州市城市防洪工程管理业务的需求,结合常州市防汛工作的实际情况,设计一套灵活易用的城市防洪管理信息化系统。系统基于B/S架构设计,并结合WebGIS技术,在常州市城市防洪水系图基础上,将监控、工情、管理、分析、预测、防洪调度等功能内嵌其中。通过防洪调度、办公管理、设施设备管理、防洪物资管理、水环境改善管理、巡检管理、移动端操作等7个子系统,实现了以城市防洪为核心业务的防汛调度综合管理信息化平台。  相似文献   

论企业信息安全体系的建立   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了基于ISO17799的安全体系的建立,着重从技术层面探讨多层次安全防护的理念及相关技术,最后通过一个简单的案例说明多层次安全防护的产品部署。  相似文献   

亢国栋  孙伟  陈杨 《工矿自动化》2014,(11):116-118
针对煤矿坑口电厂各个控制系统之间以及各个控制系统与厂级管理信息系统之间存在生产数据无法共享的问题,介绍了一种厂级监控信息系统;阐述了该系统实时数据库平台选择、辅机控制系统和机组分散控制系统的接入以及全厂生产过程实时监控等关键技术的具体实现方案。该系统提高了生产管理水平和工作效率,为电厂管理决策提供了科学可靠的依据。  相似文献   

分析了当前德州学院信息管理与信息系统专业学生学习和就业情况,研究了地方本科院校信息管理与信息系统专业创新型人才培养模式与社会服务之间的关系.针对学校与社会需求存在脱节,学生创新意识不强,对企业的研发方向知之甚少等问题,对现有的培养模式进行改进.创建了一种新的培养模式,以求让学生的创新与企业的创新融为一体,进一步增强地方本科院校的实力.  相似文献   

Design and implementation of a GIS system for planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geographic information system (GIS) provides a flexible and efficient general platform for planning and analysis, especially when large amounts of ever changing spatial information is dealt with. It helps managing the change in an economical and sustainable way. We decided to build a GIS to help in data management and in the dynamic planning process of our developing university, Al-Balqa' Applied University (BAU). In this paper, we present the GIS system, which we built for the campus of BAU and the customization of the needed software to help in decision-making and planning processes. Moreover, the output of our project is web enabled so that it can be used in the web site of Al-Balqa' Applied University as a web GIS application.  相似文献   

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