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本发明公开了一种耐化学性高透明柔性聚酯合金薄膜及其制备方法,它由聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)和聚对苯二甲酸丙二酯(PTT)通过长径比为40~100的双螺杆挤出机共混制备。其中PTT的质量分数为30%~80%。所制备薄膜的冷结晶峰温度在83℃~125℃之间,玻璃化转变温度在59℃~70℃之间。制备方法为将干燥过的PTT和PET切片通过挤出机进行熔融共混挤出,制得非取向聚酯合金薄膜。  相似文献   

研究了光化学引发聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯( PET)薄膜与丙烯酰胺(AM)接枝共聚的改性方法,探讨了预辐照时间及表面结晶结构对接枝率的影响.傅里叶变换红外光谱、扫描电子显微镜、X射线光电子能谱及接触角测试结果表明,接枝后PET表面粗糙度及亲水性都有较大改善.实验证明,氮气保护下对PET进行预辐照处理,增加了表面无定形区含量,...  相似文献   

为提高聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)材料的阻燃性能,减少其在燃烧时释放的有毒有害气体,同时对聚合型膦酸酯的阻燃行为进行研究,合成了一种聚磷酸酯阻燃剂(PDPP)。分别采用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪和核磁共振光谱仪表征了PDPP的化学结构。利用热失重分析仪、极限氧指数(LOI)测定仪、UL 94垂直燃烧测试,表征了阻燃剂和PET复合物的综合性能。结果发现,PDPP拥有良好的热稳定性,且添加质量分数8%PDPP的PET/PDPP复合材料的LOI值能够达到29.6%,并垂直燃烧测试通过了UL94 V-0级,同时在燃烧过程中PDPP能有效地抑制烟热的释放,较纯PET,热释放速率峰值(PHRR)和总烟释放量(TSR)分别降低了61.5%和47%。利用扫描电子显微镜,热重红外联用仪,热台红外仪对PET/PDPP复合材料的阻燃机理进行了测试,得出结论,PDPP能够在燃烧过程中同时发挥气相和凝聚相阻燃作用,共同提高了PET/PDPP复合材料的阻燃性能,为高效聚膦酸酯阻燃体系提供了新的思路。结果发现在气相和凝聚相的共同作用下,提高了PET/PDPP复合材料的阻燃性能。  相似文献   

使用聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)-聚萘二甲酸乙二酯(PEN)无规共聚酯作增容剂,通过双螺杆挤出机熔融共混,制备了不同PET-PEN共聚酯用量的PET/PEN共混物,采用差示扫描量热分析、热重分析、热变形温度测试以及力学实验等方法,研究了该共混物的相容性及其它性能。结果表明,PET-PEN共聚酯对PET/PEN共混物具有明显的增容作用,能有效提高PET/PEN共混物的热稳定性,其用量越高,热稳定性提高越明显,当PET-PEN共聚酯用量为15质量份时,起始失重温度提高了20.3℃。PET-PEN共聚酯增容剂能提高PET/PEN共混物的维卡软化温度、拉伸和弯曲性能以及冲击性能,当PET-PEN共聚酯用量为5质量份时,增容改性的综合效果最好。  相似文献   

关于控制PET/PEN共混物酯交换反应的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
盛平厚  余瑛  吴刚 《塑料工业》2001,29(1):10-12
通过在聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯和聚二甲酸乙二酯的共混体系中加入不同种类,不同含量的热稳定剂或酯交换阻止剂,在300℃左右,经不同时间的熔融共混后取样,再经DSC、NMR测试观察,发现所使用的化学试剂不能阻酯交换反应的发生,酯交换反应程度与所加化学试剂的种类、含量基本夫关,而随熔融共混时间的缩短而受到抑制。  相似文献   

PET瓶回收料的增粘工艺研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
对PET瓶回收料的物理增粘、化学增粘工艺进行了研究。结果表明,这两种工艺均能有效提高PET瓶回收料的粘度;以增粘后的PET瓶回收料制备的阻燃增强复合材料,其力学性能明显高于未增粘的PET瓶回收料;物理增粘PET的特性粘度与各掺混组分的粘度呈加和法则关系;环氧树脂类扩链剂的化学增粘效果优于恶唑啉类扩链剂。  相似文献   

综述了热塑性聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯、聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯在工程塑料应用方面改性的研究进展,分别阐述了聚酯的结晶性能、力学性能以及其它性能的改性等,并指出其改性存在的问题及其发展前景。  相似文献   

采用氨基磺酸盐体系在碳骨架上制备了多孔镍。观察了多孔镍的表面形貌和断口形貌,并测试了多孔镍的孔隙率和压缩性能。结果表明:原始碳骨架的孔隙率为93.0%,经过电沉积之后孔隙率减小了6.0%~11.2%;氨基磺酸盐体系所得多孔镍的最高抗压强度是硫酸盐体系所得多孔镍的最高抗压强度的9.37倍;氨基磺酸盐体系所得多孔镍断口为三角形断口,断口镀层较厚且均匀,镀层中间未见裂纹。  相似文献   

PET/PEN共混物结构和性能的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
盛平厚  丁筠  吴刚 《塑料工业》2001,29(5):11-14
在控制熔融共混温度和时间的前提下制备了一系列配比不同的PET/PEN共混物,通过NMP、WAXS、DSC和DMA等手段对共混物的结构特别是酯交换反应的情况进行了研究。发现在所选定的低熔融温度、较短熔融共混时间等条件下,PET与PEN之间基本未发生酯交换反应,熔融挤出产物中PET和PEN两组分仍然保持着各自分子链的规整性,在加热时仍然可以独自结晶。  相似文献   

A method for preparing thin foils for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been developed in the field of ceramic matrix composites (CMC). These composites belong to the last generation. They are developed for high temperature applications in oxidative environment (1350 °C). They possess a self-healing capability. Their design is based on a multilayered matrix. A refinement of the regular ion-milling technique was necessary to thin the samples and to proceed to a full observation of the inner matrix of the composite by TEM. In a regular CMC, the matrix is homogeneous and thereafter it has not to be fully inspected from the fiber to the surface. This sampling technique unable to thin the complete sequence of the different layers in the vicinity of large pores where the ion-milling technique is known to be very difficult. High resolution TEM as well as electron energy loss spectroscopy can be managed anywhere in the core sequence of the matrix.  相似文献   

以废聚酯薄膜(PET)为原料制得了不饱和聚酯树脂(UPR),通过产物酸值测定研究了反应温度、催化剂种类对聚酯薄膜降解反应的影响,通过固化性能测试及其浇注体和玻璃钢制品的力学和热性能测试确定了废聚酯薄膜的用量,并将制品的性能与邻苯型196#不饱和聚酯树脂作了比较。结果表明:采用有机锡类和醋酸锌的复合催化剂,反应温度210~225℃,废聚酯薄膜与顺丁烯二酸酐物质的量比1:2.7时UPR产品性能最优,其力学性能、耐热性和耐腐蚀性均优于196#UPR。  相似文献   

以4–羟基吲哚和4,4’–二氟二苯砜为原料制备吲哚基聚醚砜(PESI),采用旋涂法制备PESI超薄膜,研究结果表明,PESI超薄膜的厚度与聚合物的含量有关。当PESI的质量浓度为10mg/mL时,PESI超薄膜的厚度仅为38nm。采用浸泡法将Mg2+引入聚合物体系中,通过吲哚和Mg2+间的"点–面"阳离子–π相互作用构筑PESI–Mg2+聚合物薄膜,与PESI薄膜相比,其拉伸强度提高了45.9%,断裂伸长率提高了27.9%。理论模拟进一步确定了PESI和Mg2+间存在阳离子–π相互作用。  相似文献   

We have investigated the electrochemical oxidation of sulfuric acid on boron-doped synthetic diamond electrodes (BDD) obtained by HF CVD on p-Si. The results have shown that high current efficiency for sulfuric acid oxidation to peroxodisulfuric acid can be achieved in concentrated H2SO4 (>2 M) at moderate temperatures (8-10 °C). The main side reaction is oxygen evolution. Small amounts of peroxomonosulfuric acid (Caro's acid) have also been detected. A reaction mechanism involving hydroxyl radicals, HSO4 and undissociated H2SO4 has been proposed. According to this mechanism electrogenerated hydroxyl radicals at the BDD anode react with HSO4 and H2SO4 giving peroxodisulfate.  相似文献   

Nickel oxide films were synthesized by electrochemical precipitation of Ni(OH)2 followed by heat-treatment in air at various temperatures (200-600 °C). Their structure and electrochemical properties were studied by cyclic voltammetry, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). XRD results showed that the nickel oxide obtained at 250 °C or above has a crystalline NiO structure. The specific capacitance of the oxide depends on the heat-treatment temperature, showing a maximum value at 300 °C. XAS results revealed that the non-stoichiometric nickel oxide (Ni1−xO) approached the stoichiometric NiO structure with increasing heat-treatment temperature due to the defect healing effect. The defective nature of the nickel oxide could be utilized to improve its specific capacitance for supercapacitor application.  相似文献   

Polymer gel electrolytes were investigated for an electrochromic device (ECD) using nickel oxide thin film. Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) derivatives were cross‐linked and swelled in KOH–aqueous solution giving a hydrogel electrolyte. The ECD containing the uniformly cross‐linked hydrogel showed good result in electrochromic switching performance. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 83: 1305–1308, 2002  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2023,49(4):6470-6478
Nickle-based oxides exhibit seamless redox activity and show undisputed parameter optimization flexibility, which makes them a candidate of choice for various scientific analysis and multipurpose execution. The communique addresses the domain of energy storage of hydrothermally fabricated nickel oxide nanostructures by analysing the capacitive behaviour of the sample. The crystal geometry, chemical composition and bonding state of the material were carried out through XRD and XPS analysis, respectively. Electron microscopy showed systematically aligned nano-needles, which in aggregate represent an urchin. A comparative study of specific capacitance (Cs) at a scan rate of 1 mVs?1 showed an enhanced Cs of nickel oxide embedded Ni-foam (1125 Fg-1) against nickel oxide deposited Ni-foil (454 Fg-1). At a current density of 8 mAcm ?2, the nickel oxide based Ni-foam electrode exhibited an energy density of 23 Whkg?1 and a power density of 259 Wkg-1 which makes it instrumental in electrochemical devices. The Ni-foam electrode also showed less ‘cycle fatigue’ as its charge/discharge stability dipped by just 12% even after 5000 cycles. The novel supercapacitor electrode developed in this study exhibits excellent specific capacitance, high stability, high power density, and low impedance, demonstrating its promising practical functionality.  相似文献   

在聚酯的合成过程中加入纳米硫酸钡,制备膜用聚酯开口剂母料。考察纳米硫酸钡对聚合反应的影响,对含有纳米硫酸钡的开口剂母料进行性能分析,用小试挤出流延机和拉膜机对硫酸钡开口剂母料进行铸片、制膜试验,考察成膜性能,对膜片进行性能分析。结果表明:纳米硫酸钡的加入对聚合过程无影响,用硫酸钡制备的聚酯开口剂母粒同用二氧化硅制备的开口剂母料性能指标基本相同。硫酸钡膜用聚酯开口剂母料制膜过程顺利,纳米硫酸钡作为开口剂的双向拉伸膜片的摩擦因数比二氧化硅作为开口剂的双向拉伸膜片的摩擦因数高。  相似文献   

Separation performance of polyamide composite membranes is affected by several parameters during formation of thin upper layer via interfacial polymerization. We investigated the effect of various polyamide synthesis conditions on the performance of organic solvent resistant polyamide composite membranes through the model equations designed by 2-level fractional factorial design. The dewaxing solvent recovery was selected as separation process. Five factors were changed in two level includin; TMC concentration (0.05–0.1%), MPD concentration (1–2%), support immersion time in organic solution (2–4 min), support immersion time in aqueous solution (1–2 min), and curing temperature (70–80 °C). The resultant equations showed 93.48% and 94.82% of the variability (R adj 2 ) in data used to fit oil rejection and permeate flux models, respectively. The analysis of variance revealed that both models were high significant. It was also observed that TMC concentration, MPD concentration and immersion time in TMC have more pronounced effect on the oil rejection and permeate flux than other factors and interactions. Optimal polyamide preparation conditions were obtained using multiple response method for 94% oil rejection as target value. According to the results, the best value of permeate flux (8.86 l/(m2·h)) was found at TMC concentration of 0.1%, MPD concentration of 1.94%, immersion time in TMC of 3.88 min, immersion time in MPD of 1.95 min and curing temperature of 71.96 °C with desirability factor of 1.  相似文献   

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