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Mobile devices have been widespread and become very popular with connectivity to the Internet, and a lot of desktop PC applications are now aggressively ported to them. Unfortunately, mobile devices are often vulnerable to malicious attacks due to their common usage and connectivity to the Internet. Therefore, the demands on the development of mobile security systems increase in accordance with advances in mobile computing. However, it is very hard to run a security program on a mobile device all of the time due the device's limited computational power and battery life. To overcome these problems, we propose a novel mobile security scheme that migrates heavy computations on mobile devices to cloud servers. An efficient data transmission scheme for reducing data traffic between devices and servers over networks is introduced. We have evaluated the proposed scheme with a mobile device in a cloud environment, whereby it achieved a maximum speedup of 13.4 compared to a traditional algorithm.  相似文献   

云计算环境下调度算法的趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云资源管理是云计算成败的关键,而调度作为云资源管理的重要手段,直接影响到云计算的效果.但是,云计算的异构性与动态性,导致云计算环境下的调度研究复杂和困难.因此,在传统并行分布调度工作的基础上,文中采用五要素刻画调度问题的本质,并且给出每个要素的具体表现形式.通过分析云调度的现有研究成果,结合云计算存在的困难和挑战,指出云计算中调度算法的发展趋势,为将来的云调度研究指明方向和思路.  相似文献   


The mobile cloud computing has become an emerging technology where the mobile computing is integrated with cloud computing to process the mobile data. Besides the advantages of mobile cloud computing, there are some issues which include power consumption, resource scarcity, quality of service, security and computational cost. In this paper, in order to minimize total power consumption with better performance, the neural network based optimization methods using artificial neural network and convolutional neural network models were implemented by varying variance and loudness. From the experimental results it is observed that, by using optimization in the neural network, the power consumption has been reduced by 53.68% and obtained improvement using convolutional neural network which further reduced the power consumption by 30.3% with minimum root mean square error compared with other algorithms.


云计算将计算能力作为通用性资源,提供一种弹性的资源获得模式,使业务的提供更具伸缩性,使能源在一定程度上得到更为合理的利用。文章从移动通讯运营商的需求入手,介绍了一种业务调度和虚拟化的计算云应用思路,为移动网络的云化提供了解决方法,使运营商真正能够以最小的投入,产生最大的收益。  相似文献   

Learn about projects on participant-environment interaction, the leveraging of information from mobile sensors, user authentication, and urban computing navigation.  相似文献   

文章在研究分析云计算安全风险和安全技术体系架构的基础上,结合移动互联网的特点,设计了一个多层次、多级别、弹性、跨平台和统一用户接口的移动互联网通用云计算安全技术体系架构。该架构可实现不同等级的差异化云安全服务,其中跨层的云安全管理平台可对整个系统的运维安全情况进行跨安全域和跨安全级别的监控。  相似文献   

基于云计算的特点和移动互联网存在的安全问题,提出了云计算环境下移动互联网应用的新特点,指出了由此带来的新的安全问题,如通过移动互联网对云服务的攻击、云服务可用性面临严峻考验、企业的业务流程和业务数据面临更大风险等,并指出移动互联网一些固有安全问题更为突出,如个人隐私泄露、不良信息传播、个人信息滥用、综合信息挖掘等;从终端安全、网络通信安全、云端安全等方面,提出了提升云计算环境下移动互联网安全防护能力的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Cloud computing makes computing power universally available and provides flexibility in resource acquisition.It allows for scalable provision of services and more reasonable use of resources.This article considers cloud service deployment and virtualization from the perspective of mobile operators.A solution is proposed that allows mobile operators to maximize profits with minimal investment.  相似文献   

认为云计算正在从炒作进入理性发展阶段,但仍然面临不少有待解决的问题。基于此,探讨了发展移动云计算所面临的一些关键问题,比如对移动性的理解和分工,信任体系如何建立,存储介质的寿命,软件定义可靠性以及商业模式的未来等。指出对这些问题的探讨可以加深对云计算未来发展的理解。  相似文献   

In 2010, cloud computing gained momentum.Cloud computing is a model for real-time, on-demand, pay-for-use network access to a shared pool of configurable computing and storage resources.It has matured from a promising business concept to a working reality in both the private and public IT sectors.The U.S.government, for example, has requested all its agencies to evaluate cloud computing alternatives as part of their budget submissions for new IT investment.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Scheduling in computing environments such as homogeneous and heterogonous is very challenging and faces various difficulties computationally. This computing needs...  相似文献   

云计算环境下传统独立任务调度算法容易导致较高资源能耗或较大任务时间跨度.针对该问题,文中提出了两种能量感知的任务调度算法,并利用遗传算法并行化搜索合理调度方案.两种算法在搜索过程中,分别通过能耗时间归一和能耗时间双适应度方法定义适应度函数并进行个体选择.仿真结果表明,与单独考虑时间或能耗相比,这两种算法能够更有效地缩短任务执行时间跨度,降低资源能耗.  相似文献   

在满足用户QoS的前提条件下,对海量任务进行高效调度并对云资源进行合理分配是云计算领域的一个研究热点。文章论述云计算环境下任务调度的概念、特点和目标,归纳了云计算任务调度的研究现状,并对传统任务调度算法、Hadoop中的任务调度算法、智能化的任务调度算法的实现机制和性能指标等进行了分析与比较。分析结果表明智能化任务调度算法性能优良且适应性强,是今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

Cloud computing is becoming a hot topic of the information industry in recent years. Many companies provide the cloud services, such as Google Apps and Apple multimedia services. In general, by applying the virtualization technologies, the data center is built for cloud computing to provide users with the computing and storage resources, as well as the software environment. Thus, the quality of service (QoS) must be considered to satisfy users’ requirements. This paper proposes a high efficiency scheduling scheme for supporting cloud computing. The virtual machine migration technique has been applied to the proposed scheduling scheme for improving the resources utilization and satisfying the QoS requirement of users. The experimental results show that in addition to satisfying the QoS requirement of users, the proposed scheme can improve the resources utilization effectively.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the energy-optimal uplink scheduling in mobile cloud systems. We establish a framework to optimize the energy consumption of the terminal using OFDM technology. We first consider the fixed overhead of RRC state promotion, then, we optimize the energy consumption in slow-start stage and normal transmission stage respectively. In normal data transmission stage, we consider both single-channel transmission scenario and multi-channel transmission scenario. In single-channel transmission scenario, we present an uplink scheduling algorithm which uses dynamic programming method to adjust the transmission rate in accordance with the fluctuating multi-states channel gain. In multi-channel transmission scenario, we propose four different algorithms respectively. Two algorithms of them allocate the transmission rate only among sub-channels and the other two allocate the transmission rate among both time slots and sub-channels. The numerical results show that when the average transmission rate is low, significant amount of energy can be saved by the presented algorithms. The results provide a method for mobile terminals to save energy, i.e., uploading applications to the cloud when data size is small or when the terminal is allocated with wide spectral bandwidth.  相似文献   

Cloud computing is becoming a hot topic of the information industry in recent years. Many companies provide the cloud services, such as Google Apps and Apple multimedia services. In general, by applying the virtualization technologies, the data center is built for cloud computing to provide users with the computing and storage resources, as well as the software environment. Thus, the quality of service (QoS) must be considered to satisfy users' requirements. This paper proposes a high efficiency scheduling scheme for supporting cloud computing. The virtual machine migration technique has been applied to the proposed scheduling scheme for improving the resources utilization and satisfying the QoS requirement of users. The experimental results show that in addition to satisfying the QoS requirement of users, the proposed scheme can improve the resources utilization effectively.  相似文献   

提出一套按需供给移动云计算安全服务解决方案,提升了云计算环境中安全资源的使用率,充分保障云服务的安全。该方案针对移动互联网环境,基于云计算提供服务的业务,满足不同用户、不同业务对安全的复杂、多变、多样化的安全需求,能够动态、实时地感知并分析安全态势、调整安全执行策略,尽可能地为用户降低安全支出成本,为不同用户、不同安全状态下的移动互联网业务提供差异化、高效的安全防护机制。  相似文献   

A Survey of Mobile Cloud Computing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is emerging as one of the most important branches of cloud computing. In this paper, MCC is defined as cloud computing extended by mobility, and a new ad-hoc infrastructure based on mobile devices. It provides mobile users with data storage and processing services on a cloud computing platform. Because mobile cloud computing is still in its infancy, we aim to clarify confusion that has arisen from different views. Existing works are reviewed, and an overview of recent advances in mobile cloud computing is provided. We investigate representative infrastructures of mobile cloud computing and analyze key components. Moreover, emerging MCC models and services are discussed, and challenging issues are identified that will need to be addressed in future work.  相似文献   

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