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The 11th Five-Year Plan period is a critical time for PetroChina transforming to a transnational enterprise group with international competitiveness, also a turning point for the implementation of its scientific and technological strategy.[第一段]  相似文献   

Major problems in petroleum equipment manufacturing Difference of petroleum equipment manufacturing technology between China and foreign countries (1) Drilling equipment. The gap between Chinese drilling equipment and that of other countries is still large in its quality and the application of high-level technology.  相似文献   

The author used two common methods in this industry, i. e. the "Consumption Coefficient Method" and the "Elasticity Coefficient Trend Method", to forecast the refined oil product demand in 2010. Through analyzing and comparing the two forecast results, it is projected that the demand for finished product oils in 2010 will be in the range of 220 to 240 million tons a year. In addition, out of concern about the total oil products consumption to exceed 600 million tons/year in 2020, the author puts forward suggestions and measures aimed at conservation of oil products and application of alternative fuels.  相似文献   

The 11th Five-Year Plan period is a critical time for PetroChina transforming to a transnational enterprise group with international competitiveness, also a turning  相似文献   

Liu Bingyi 《中国油气》2006,13(4):42-47
The equipment manufacturing industry is a fundamental industry to provide technology and equipment for national economy development. Thus it is a strategic action to realize the sustainable development of national economy by vigorously developing the equipment manufacturing industry and taking the road of new industrialization. For more than 50 years, CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation) has made significant achievements and developed a large integrated industrial system, making great contribution to the sustained stable development of Chinese petroleum industry.  相似文献   

Deep and ultra-deep drilling technologies have been developed since the late 1930s, and got great achievements especially in the last two decades. The depth of well completion has even reached to 12 kilometers. Several countries, such as US and some European countries, are leading in the advanced deep and ultra-deep drilling technologies in the world. In recent years, nevertheless, PetroChina has also made big progress in mechanical penetration rate (ROP), drilling period, amount of drilling bit used in a single well of deep drilling as well as in deep drilling equipments. Compared with the high-level technologies of complicated deep drilling in the world, PetroChina still has a long way to go.  相似文献   

PetroChina has strengthened the efforts for integrated geological study and achieved a number of important exploration results in the past three years,providing the resources foundation for PetroChina to implement the sustainable development strategy and boost the corporate value.  相似文献   

Petro China has made a number of important strategic breakthroughs and progress in the country's onshore oil and gas exploration in the January-October period of 2002, creating the conditions for a sustainable development for the upstream business on the basis of resources.  相似文献   

Currently, Sinopec Dian-Qian-Gui Petroleum Exploration Bureau has discovered a oil and gas field through drilling, located in Hanoi Basin, Vietnam, its daily output was 30,000-40,000 cubic meter. This is a historic breakthrough in the projects undertaken by Chinese oil exploration industry in Vietnam. Having seized the opportunities of building China-ASEAN free trade zone, Sinopec Dian-Qian-Gui Petroleum Exploration Bureau goes abroad positively to develop oversea market and participate in the competition with international oil giants. The Hanoi Basin drilling project in Vietnam was awarded a bid by competing with Centrury - a famous Australian petroleum company.  相似文献   

XuPing 《中国油气》2003,10(1):15-15
PetroChina held a 12-day meeting for 2003 exploration work in Beijing in mid-March. More than 300 geologists and experts as well as managers in charge of exploration work, coming from all the oil fields and research institutes of PetroChina, attended the meeting to formulate the company‘s oil and gas  相似文献   

我国石油工业的发展历程,是新中国社会主义建设事业进程中最为的篇章,“一部艰难创业史,百万覆地翻天人”,讲得何其好啊!五十年来,特别是改革开放20多年来,石油职工以马克思主义的唯物辩证法作指导,坚持“实践、认识、再实践、再认识”的路线,反复探索地质规律,揭示地下奥秘,艰苦创业,克服困难,以革命加拚命的精神,不断创新发展,取得了一个又一个的丰硕成果。到1999年底,我国已探明石油地质储量203亿吨,天然气地质储量2.2万亿立方米,当年生产原油1.6亿多吨,居世界第5位。  相似文献   

Li Xiaodi 《中国油气》2006,13(2):18-20,17
World oil production and reserve additions heavily depend on giant oilfields. Currently, there are more than 4,000 producing oilfields in the world, producing around 68 million barrels of oil per day. Most oilfields in the world are minor ones, with oil production below 20,000 barrels per day; only 3% (about 120) oilfields in the world produce over 100,000 barrels per day with overall daily production exceeding 32 million barrels, which accounts for 47% of the total world oil supply . The scales of the oilfields heavily influence economic indices like investment, production and life spans of the oilfields. Therefore, giant oilfields have always been the dream of oil finders and targets of geologists' researches .  相似文献   

Pan Jiping 《中国油气》2007,14(3):29-34
The oil shortages in China have been becoming more serious in the recent years, which set higher pressure on petroleum exploration in China. In order to increase oil and gas supply and safeguard national energy security, it is critical for China to strengthen oil and gas exploration for more and more oil and gas discoveries. Based on summing up the outcomes of petroleum exploration achieved in the 10th Five-Year Plan period (2001-2005), the paper analyzes the main issues facing China's petroleum exploration currently and in the future. What' s more, it probes into the trends of petroleum exploration in the future and predicts the growth of oil and gas reserves. The strategic trend of petroleum exploration is to "be based on exploration for large basins, look for new exploration areas, maintain the development of eastern China, accelerate the exploration of western China, speed up offshore exploration."[第一段]  相似文献   

China‘s oil refining industry was ironically described as “small tea pot” industry in the 1950s. Currently, China has established a comparatively complete oil refining system, taking an important position in the world after the efforts of more than five decades. First of all. Chinas refining capacity has grown significantly. The nation‘s crude processing capacity reached 304 million tons in 2003 with the actual processing volume amounting to 26““7 million tons,ranking the second in the world. Secondly, remarkable achievements have been made in the expansion of refineries and units. Thirdly, the system of scientific research, designing, construction, manufacture and production has been established for oil refining industry.Fourthly, the quality of oil products is continually on the rise. Finally, the long-distance pipelines for transmission of crude and oil products experienced a rapid development.Although the eye-catching achievements have been made in China‘s oil refining industry, the situation facing the nation is not optimistic in the future owing to the following reasons.  相似文献   

This article has suggested that high oil price could loom many years in the future and has analyzed the impact of this trend on the oil product mix and petroleum refining industry in China. This article has also put forward measures for sharpening the international competitive edge of China's petroleum refining industry to cope with the challenges of high oil price.  相似文献   

WangYuxiao 《中国油气》2003,10(2):26-27
Sinopec, Asia‘s largest refiner,announced on April 29 that its net first quarter profit skyrocketed almost 12fold as it sold more refined oil and petrochemical products, cashing in on the international price hikes in oil during the period. However, analysts said the growth of China‘s second largest oil company is expected to  相似文献   

After having increased greatly for three consecutive years, the net import of crude oil dropped by 5.2% in 2005 in China. The price inversion between the prices of major product oil in Chinese market with the international market leads to a great decrease of imported fuel and diesel oil and an increase of gasoline and diesel exportation. Except crude oil, the net import volumes of oil products including product oil, LPG and other oil products dropped obviously last year.  相似文献   

Current state of Sinopec's exploration for natural gas
Distribution of exploration area and, resource base
Sinopec now owns the exploration right of 364 blocks, with the acreage about one million square kilometers. The company mainly carries out exploration for oil and gas resources in 221, with the acreage about 650,000 square kilometers and taking up 65% of its total exploration area. These blocks concentrate in the Sichuan Basin and its surrounding area, the Tarim Basin, the northern area of Ordos Basin, the southern area of Bohai Bay Basin, the southern area of Songliao Basin, and the East China Sea Shelf Basin.  相似文献   

China‘s resin industry is characterized with three features in 2003.  相似文献   

Market demand and supply
(1) Crude oil production continued to rise slowly, while the output of most oil products decreased increasingly.
① Domestic crude oil production increased slowly. Bases the limited domestic resources, combined with the purchasing price of crude oil being higher than the selling price of product oil as at present in China, the output of crude oil increased slowly from April to June in 2008.  相似文献   

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