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We have established the nanofabrication technique for constructing nanopillars with high aspect ratio (100-500 nm diameter and 500-5000 nm tall) inside a microchannel on a quartz chip. The size of pillars and the spacing between pillars are designed as a DNA sieving matrix for optimal analysis of large DNA fragments over a few kilobase pairs (kbp). A chip with nanopillar channel and simple cross injector was developed based on the optimal design and applied to the separation of DNA fragments (1-38 kbp) and large DNA fragments (lambda DNA, 48.5 kbp; T4 DNA, 165.6 kbp) that are difficult to separate on conventional gel electrophoresis and capillary electrophoresis without a pulsed-field technique. DNA fragments ranging from 1 to 38 kbp were separated as clear bands, and furthermore, the mixture of lambda DNA and T4 DNA was successfully separated by a 380-microm-long nanopillar channel within only 10 s even under a direct current (dc) electric field. Theoretical plate number N of the channel (380-1450 microm long) was 1000-3000 (0.7 x 10(6)-2.1 x 10(6) plates/m). A single DNA molecule observation during electrophoresis in a nanopillar channel revealed that the optimal nanopillars induced T4 DNA to form a narrow U-shaped conformation during electrophoresis whereas lambda DNA kept a rather spherical conformation. We demonstrated that, even under a dc electric field, the optimal nanopillar dimensions depend on a gyration radius of DNA molecule that made it possible to separate large DNA fragments in a short time.  相似文献   

The controlled placement of DNA molecules onto solid surfaces is the first step in the fabrication of DNA arrays. The sequential deposition of tiny drops containing the probe DNA fragments using arrays of spotting needles or ink jet nozzles has become a standard. However, a caveat of liquid spotting is the drying of the deposited drop because this creates the typical inhomogeneities, i.e., rims around the spot. Another drawback is that each DNA array is an original and has to be fabricated individually. Microcontact printing is a versatile technique to place proteins onto different target surfaces in uniformly patterned monolayers with high lateral resolution. Here, we show for the first time that DNA can also be printed with equally high resolution in the submicrometer range using an elastomeric stamp with chemically tailored surface. Two regimes for the transfer of the molecules were observed. Finally, microcontact printing of an array of DNA probes onto a solid support and its use in a subsequent hybridization assay was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Single DNA molecules confined to nanoscale fluidic channels extend along the channel axis in order to minimize their conformational free energy. When such molecules are forced into a nanoscale fluidic channel under the application of an external electric field, monomers near the middle of the DNA molecule may enter first, resulting in a folded configuration with less entropy than an unfolded molecule. The increased free energy of a folded molecule results in two effects: an increase in extension factor per unit length for each segment of the molecule, and a spatially localized force that causes the molecule to spontaneously unfold. The ratio of this unfolding force to hydrodynamic friction per DNA contour length is measured in nanochannels with two different diameters.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigated the possibility of carrier doping of various types of DNA molecules including poly(dG)-poly(dC), DNA poly(dA)-poly(dT) and lambda DNA molecules at low temperatures (i.e., room temperature, 90, 100, and 130 °C) using a rapid thermal annealing processor. N2 and O2 were used as doping gasses. Annealing at low temperatures in a vacuum (i.e., without gas doping) was also performed to clarify the roles of both gas sources and heat treatment. The results of this study show that both O2 doping and heat treatment have certain roles in changing the conduction properties of DNA molecules. Specifically, the conductivity of poly(dG)-poly(dC) molecules increases as the annealing temperature rises, regardless of the gas type. However, the highest value of conductivity at a given annealing temperature was always obtained with the samples annealed at O2 ambient, suggesting that O2 doping is more effective at making p-type semiconductor-like poly(dG)-poly(dC) molecules. In contrast, O2 doping of poly(dA)-poly(dT) and lambda DNA molecules resulted in reduced conductivity. This phenomenon suggests that poly(dA)-poly(dT) and lambda DNA molecules behave like n-type semiconductors due to O2 doping.  相似文献   

A novel technique that can rapidly separate long-strand polymers according to length is presented. The separation mechanism is mediated by a confinement-induced entropic force at the abrupt interface between regions of vastly different configuration entropy. To demonstrate this technique, DNA molecules were partially inserted into a dense array of nanopillars (an entropically unfavorable region) using a pulsed electric field and allowed to relax to their natural state by removal of the field. Molecules of dissimilar lengths (T2 and T7 coliphage DNA) were inserted into this region in such a way that shorter molecules were fully inserted in this region, while longer molecules remained partially across the interface. The longer T2 molecules were observed to recoil entirely out of the pillar array, leaving the shorter T7 molecules inserted, and effecting separation of the two species in a single step. To show how this method can be used for separation of unknown samples, the inserting electric field was pulsed for progressively longer times, allowing passage of progressively longer molecules and producing the equivalent of a conventional electropherogram. The effects limiting resolution in this device are discussed, and the expected separating power of a multistage device is reported. The extracted resolution and running separation time compare favorably with current conventional separation techniques.  相似文献   

Separation of nontarget compounds by DNA aptamers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability of DNA aptamers to separate nontarget compounds is demonstrated. Two G-quarter forming aptamers, a 15-mer and a 20-mer, were covalently linked to fused silica capillary columns to serve as stationary-phase reagents in capillary electrochromatography. Separations of binary mixtures of amino acids (D-trp and D-tyr), enantiomers (D-trp and L-trp), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were achieved. Aptamers offer several attractive features for stationary-phase reagents, including ease of synthesis and of attachment to surfaces and modification of their binding properties through minor changes in sequence.  相似文献   

DNA molecules and configurations in a solid-state nanopore microscope   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A nanometre-scale pore in a solid-state membrane provides a new way of electronically probing the structure of single linear polymers, including those of biological interest in their native environments. Previous work with biological protein pores wide enough to let through and sense single-stranded DNA molecules demonstrates the power of using nanopores, but many future tasks and applications call for a robust solid-state pore whose nanometre-scale dimensions and properties may be selected, as one selects the lenses of a microscope. Here we demonstrate a solid-state nanopore microscope capable of observing individual molecules of double-stranded DNA and their folding behaviour. We discuss extensions of the nanopore microscope concept to alternative probing mechanisms and applications, including the study of molecular structure and sequencing.  相似文献   

Zheng J  Yeung ES 《Analytical chemistry》2002,74(17):4536-4547
We report the unexpected radial migration of DNA molecules in capillary electrophoresis (CE) with applied Poiseuille flow. Such movement can contribute to anomalous migration times, peak dispersion, and size and shape selectivity in CE. When Poiseuille flow is applied from the cathode to the anode, DNA molecules move toward the center of the capillary, forming a narrow, highly concentrated zone. Conversely, when the flow is applied from the anode to the cathode, DNA molecules move toward the walls, leaving a DNA-depleted zone around the axis. We showed that the deformation and orientation of DNA molecules under Poiseuille flow was responsible for the radial migration. By analyzing the forces acting on the deformed and oriented DNA molecules, we derived an expression for the radial lift force, which explained our results very well under different conditions with Poiseuille flow only, electrophoresis only, and the combination of Poiseuille flow and electrophoresis. Factors governing the direction and velocity of radial migration were elucidated. Potential applications of this phenomenon include an alternative to sheath flow in flow cytometry, improving precision and reliability of single-molecule detection, reduction of wall adsorption, and size separation with a mechanism akin to field-flow fractionation. On the negative side, nonuniform electroosmotic flow along the capillary or microfluidic channel is common in CE, and radial migration of certain analytes cannot be neglected.  相似文献   

Wei W  Yeung ES 《Analytical chemistry》2001,73(8):1776-1783
Aqueous solutions of monomeric nonionic surfactants, n-alkyl polyoxyethylene ethers (C16E6, C16E8, C14E6), can be used as sieving matrixes for the separation of DNA fragments by capillary electrophoresis. Unlike ordinary polymer solutions, these surfactant solutions behave as dynamic polymers. By combining the "reversible gel" theory of DNA electrophoresis and the static and dynamic properties of wormlike surfactant micelles, a model is developed for describing the migration behavior of DNA molecules in these solutions. According to the model, the separation limit can be extended at low surfactant concentrations. Surfactant solutions as a separation medium provide many advantages over ordinary polymers, such as ease of preparation, solution homogeneity, stable structure, low viscosity, and self-coating property for reducing electroosmotic flow. More importantly, the properties of wormlike micelles (micelle size, entanglement concentration) can be adjusted by simply changing the monomer concentration, denaturant, and temperature to allow the separation of different size ranges of DNA fragments. Fast separation is achieved for DNA fragments ranging from 10 bp to 5 kb by using bare fused-silica columns. DNA sequencing fragments of BigDye G-labeled M13 up to 600 bases were separated within 60 min.  相似文献   

Nanofluidic channel arrays, which have a width of about 40 nm, depth of 60 nm and length of 50 mum, were created using a focused-ion-beam milling instrument on a silicon nitride film swiftly and exactly, as is necessary. Stained -DNA molecules were put inside these sub-100 nm conduits by capillary force and they were stretched and transferred along these conduits, which were dealt with activating reagent Brij aqueous solution in advance. The movements of DNA molecules in these channels were discussed. These nano-structure channels may be useful in the study and analysis of the statics as well as the dynamics of single biomolecules.  相似文献   

Actual or surrogate chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive materials and illicit drug precursors can be rapidly detected and identified when in aerosol form by a Single-Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (SPAMS) system. This entails not only the sampling of such particles but also the physical analysis and subsequent data analysis leading to a highly reliable alarm state. SPAMS hardware is briefly reviewed. SPAMS software algorithms are discussed in greater detail. A laboratory experiment involving actual threat and surrogate releases mixed with ambient background aerosols demonstrates broad-spectrum detection within seconds. Data from a field test at the San Francisco International Airport demonstrate extended field operation with an ultralow false alarm rate. Together these data sets demonstrate a significant and important advance in rapid aerosol threat detection.  相似文献   

YOYO-I-labeled lambda-DNA was employed as a nanoprobe for different functionalized surfaces to elucidate adsorption in chromatography. While the negatively charged backbone is not adsorbed, the 12-base unpaired ends of this DNA provide exposed purine and pyrimidine groups for adsorption. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) formed on gold substrate provide a wide range of choices of surface with well-defined and well-organized functional groups. Patterns of amino-terminated, carboxylic acid-terminated, and hydroxyl-terminated SAMs are generated by lithography. Patterns of metal oxides are generated spontaneously after deposition of metals. By recording the real-time dynamic motion of DNA molecules at the SAMs/aqueous interface, one can study the various parameters governing the retentivity of an analyte during chromatographic separation. Even subtle differences among adsorptive forces can be revealed.  相似文献   

We have detected individual DNA molecules labeled with two different fluorophores in solution by using two-color excitation and detection of coincidence fluorescence bursts. The confocal volumes of the two excitation lasers were carefully matched so that the volume overlap was 30% of the total confocal volume illuminated. This method greatly reduces the level of background fluorescence and, hence, extends the sensitivity of single molecule detection down to 50 fM. At these concentrations, the dual-labeled DNA is detectable in the presence of a 1000-fold excess of single-fluorophore-labeled DNA. We demonstrate that we can detect 100 fM dual-labeled DNA diluted in 1 microM unlabeled DNA, which was not possible with single color detection. This method can be used to detect rare molecules in complex mixtures.  相似文献   

M Strege  A Lagu 《Analytical chemistry》1991,63(13):1233-1236
The abilities of several different capillary electrophoresis techniques to separate DNA restriction fragments up to 23,000 bp were investigated. Methods employing electroosmotic flow in an untreated silica capillary were found to provide, at best, only partial resolution of the 23 fragments in a 1-kbp DNA ladder. By coating the inner walls of a silica capillary with poly(acrylamide) and filling these capillaries with buffers containing methylcellulose as a sleving medium, all fragments in the 1-kbp DNA ladder were separated. In addition, this technique facilitated the separation of the very large fragments in a lambda DNA-HindIII digest. Optimum resolution was obtained at low separation potentials using buffers containing at least 0.5% methylcellulose. The performance of this technique, i.e., resolution and quantitation, make capillary electrophoresis a powerful complement to slab gel electrophoresis and may make it a preferred alternative to both agarose gel electrophoresis and HPLC for applications such as the confirmation of plasmid integrity.  相似文献   

Wang X  Ozkan CS 《Nano letters》2008,8(2):398-404
We describe a novel application for detecting specific single strand DNA sequences using multisegment nanowires via a straightforward surface functionalization method. Nanowires comprising CdTe-Au-CdTe segments are fabricated using electrochemical deposition, and electrical characterization indicates a p-type behavior for the multisegment nanostructures, in a back-to-back Schottky diode configuration. Such nanostructures modified with thiol-terminated probe DNA fragments could function as high fidelity sensors for biomolecules at very low concentration. The gold segment is utilized for functionalization and binding of single strand DNA (ssDNA) fragments while the CdTe segments at both ends serve to modulate the equilibrium Fermi level of the heterojunction device upon hybridization of the complementary DNA fragments (cDNA) to the ssDNA over the Au segment. Employing such multisegment nanowires could lead to the fabrication more sophisticated and high multispecificity biosensors via selective functionalization of individual segments for biowarfare sensing and medical diagnostics applications.  相似文献   

The rapid chemical analysis of individual cells is an analytical capability that will profoundly impact many fields including bioaerosol detection for biodefense and cellular diagnostics for clinical medicine. This article describes a mass spectrometry-based analytical technique for the real-time and reagentless characterization of individual airborne cells without sample preparation. We characterize the mass spectral signature of individual Bacillus spores and demonstrate the ability to distinguish two Bacillus spore species, B. thuringiensis and B.atrophaeus, from one another very accurately and from the other biological and nonbiological background materials tested with no false positives at a sensitivity of 92%. This example demonstrates that the chemical differences between these two Bacillus spore species are consistently and easily detected within single cells in seconds.  相似文献   

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