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基于多代理的容忍入侵体系结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文提出了一种基于多代理(Agent)技术的容忍入侵体系结构。通过在系统组件中引入一定的冗余度,将冗余和多样性技术相结合,利用门限秘密共享技术将秘密信息分布于多个系统组件上来达到容忍入侵的目的。通过分布在每个服务器上的多个代理,建立一个容忍入侵的安全内核,重要信息通过安全内核来传递,保证系统关键部件为合法用户提供连续和可靠的基本服务。该方案采用系统整体安全策略,将容忍入侵与多代理的入侵检测相结合,使系统具有更好的实用性和可生存性。  相似文献   

分析了段晓毅等人提出的动态ID的远程认证方案,发现该方案不能抵御离线密码字猜测攻击,重放攻击,冒充服务器攻击,且在相互认证后不能提供会话密钥。提出了一个改进方案,改进后的方案克服了以上的安全缺陷,且用户可自由选择登录系统的密码,相互认证后用户和服务器共享一个会话密钥。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的发展,如何实现对网络用户的身份认证成为了一个非常迫切的问题,目前广泛采用的是基于PKI的认证技术,而在PKI认证体系中,认证中心CA是核心部分。本文提出了一个基于门限ECC的PKI/CA的设计,本方案在传统的CA方案上引入了入侵容忍机制,结合椭圆曲线密码体制和门限密码方案,提高了CA系统的可靠性和安全性。  相似文献   

入侵容忍技术在Web服务器系统的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一个具有入侵容忍特性的Web服务器系统.在系统设计中结合入侵容忍通用模型SITAR,应用了多代理、多样性、冗余等入侵容忍技术,在响应的一致性协商过程中引入分散选举算法和加密技术,提高了运行效率,加强系统的安全性.  相似文献   

基于手机令牌方式的动态身份认证系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文提出基于手机令牌方式的动态身份认证系统,该系统在手机令牌和认证服务器上分别独立地产生同步动态认证密码。系统定义了安全身份认证协议,通过该协议解决了手机令牌认证服务器的同步校正问题,并且用户能够使用手机“短信”,完成认证服务、帐号解锁、取消动态身份认证服务和无线报警提示等功能。系统具有使用成本低,稳定性高,便于用户使用的特点,并能够主动有效地发现非法用户的假冒攻击行为。  相似文献   

提出了一种综合的数据库安全结构,该结构利用密码学知识,设计了加密认证模块,实现了数据的完整性、机密性,并保证了源数据的合法性。该结构还具有单一错误检测修正功能,单一错误的纠正,可以容忍在数据传输过程中的错误,实现了数据库的外部级入侵容忍。内部容忍模块给出了一种基于入侵容忍的内部数据库结构,提高数据库的柔性和抵御入侵的能力。该系统不仅具有入侵容忍功能,而且还具有加密认证功能,适用于安全需求较高的领域。  相似文献   

构造入侵容忍的COTS服务器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中提出一种可为COTS服务器提供入侵容忍能力的开放式结构,该结构可以在系统已经被入侵时仍然保护系统的可用性、完整性和机密性,并且通过用户代理解决了系统透明性的问题。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络的快速发展,传统的单服务器认证方案存在明显的不足。如果一个远程用户想要从不同的服务器获得网络服务,则必须分别向这些服务器提交注册信息。为解决这个问题,研究者提出了多服务器认证方案。然而,大部分多服务器认证方案不能抵抗某些密码攻击或者计算复杂度太高。本文提出一种高效、安全的多服务器认证与密钥协商协议。由于智能卡和读卡器使得实现这类方案的成本较高,新方案没有使用智能卡。与相关的多服务器认证方案相比,新方案同时具有高效性和安全性,因而更适合在实际环境中应用。  相似文献   

在SITAR模型基础上,设计Web服务器入侵容忍模型,并阐述工作原理.建立敖学模型,确定Web服务器最优个数;对性能进行测试,表明Web服务器入侵容忍系统具有更高的安全性.  相似文献   

提出了一种入侵容忍的密钥分发方案。在该方案中,密钥的生成由若干服务器通过秘密共享机制协作完成,每个服务器并不知道所生成的密钥,只持有其秘密份额。密钥分发的过程同样基于秘密共享实现,由用户获取各服务器所持有的秘密份额进行恢复从而获取密钥。分析表明,该方案中不存在唯一失效点,即使一定数量的服务器被攻击者控制后,系统仍然可以完成密钥分发。  相似文献   

In a multi-server authentication environment, a user only needs to register once at a central registration place before accessing the different services on the different registered servers. Both, from a user point of view as for the management and maintenance of the infrastructure, these types of environments become more and more popular. Smartcard- or smartphone-based approaches lead to more secure systems because they offer two- or three-factor authentication, based on the strict combination of the user’s password, the user’s biometrics and the possession of the device. In this paper, we propose an efficient anonymous authentication protocol in multiple server communication networks, called the EAAM protocol, which is able to establish user anonymity, mutual authentication, and resistance against known security attacks. The novelty of the proposed scheme is that it does not require a secure channel during the registration between the user and the registration center and is resistant to a curious but honest registration system. These features are established in a highly efficient way with the minimum amount of communication flows between user and server during the establishment of the secret shared key and by using light-weight cryptographic techniques such as Chebyshev chaotic map techniques and symmetric key cryptography. The performance and security of the protocol are analyzed and compared with the latest new proposals in this field.  相似文献   

云用户与公有云之间的双向认证是云计算中用户访问公有云的重要前提.2011年,Juang等首次提出了云计算环境下采用代理签名的认证协议,其优点是用户只需到私有云中注册,然后在私有云的帮助下通过公有云的认证.但是,该方案存在3个缺陷:1)为保护用户的隐私,每次会话都需更新用户公钥;2)当私有云中的许多用户同时登录不同的公有云时,私有云会遭遇网络拥堵;3)用户的私有云与访问的公有云之间需要预先共享秘密.为弥补上述不足,提出了一种保护用户隐私的可证安全的可转换代理签密方案,基于该方案设计了一种一轮云计算认证协议.新方案的优点在于用户向私有云注册后,就能通过公有云的认证,而不需要私有云的帮助,并且它还能保护用户的隐私性、抗抵赖性.协议不需要在每次会话开始前更新用户公钥,同时私有云与访问的公有云之间不再需要预先共享秘密.在随机谕言机模型下证明了新协议的安全性,并且比较说明新协议在效率方面优于Juang等的协议.  相似文献   

Password-based remote user authentication schemes using smart cards are designed to ensure that only a user who possesses both the smart card and the corresponding password can gain access to the remote servers. Despite many research efforts, it remains a challenging task to design a secure password-based authentication scheme with user anonymity. The author uses Kumari et al.’s scheme as the case study. Their scheme uses non-public key primitives. The author first presents the cryptanalysis of Kumari et al.’s scheme in which he shows that their scheme is vulnerable to user impersonation attack, and does not provide forward secrecy and user anonymity. Using the case study, he has identified that public-key techniques are indispensable to construct a two-factor authentication scheme with security attributes, such as user anonymity, unlinkability and forward secrecy under the nontamper resistance assumption of the smart card. The author proposes a password-based authentication scheme using elliptic curve cryptography. Through the informal and formal security analysis, he shows that proposed scheme is secure against various known attacks, including the attacks found in Kumari’s scheme. Furthermore, he verifies the correctness of mutual authentication using the BAN logic.  相似文献   

面向多网关的无线传感器网络多因素认证协议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
无线传感器网络作为物联网的重要组成部分,广泛应用于环境监测、医疗健康、智能家居等领域.身份认证为用户安全地访问传感器节点中的实时数据提供了基本安全保障,是保障无线传感器网络安全的第一道防线;前向安全性属于系统安全的最后一道防线,能够极大程度地降低系统被攻破后的损失,因此一直被学术及工业界视为重要的安全属性.设计面向多网关的可实现前向安全性的无线传感器网络多因素身份认证协议是近年来安全协议领域的研究热点.由于多网关无线传感器网络身份认证协议往往应用于高安全需求场景,一方面需要面临强大的攻击者,另一方面传感器节点的计算和存储资源却十分有限,这给如何设计一个安全的多网关无线传感器网络身份认证协议带来了挑战.近年来,大量的多网关身份认证协议被提出,但大部分都随后被指出存在各种安全问题.2018年,Ali等人提出了一个适用于农业监测的多因素认证协议,该协议通过一个可信的中心(基站)来实现用户与外部的传感器节点的认证;Srinivas等人提出了一个通用的面向多网关的多因素身份认证协议,该协议不需要一个可信的中心,而是通过在网关之间存储共享秘密参数来完成用户与外部传感器节点的认证.这两个协议是多网关无线传感器网络身份认证协议的典型代表,分别代表了两类实现不同网关间认证的方式:1)基于可信基站,2)基于共享秘密参数.分析指出这两个协议对离线字典猜测攻击、内部攻击是脆弱的,且无法实现匿名性和前向安全性.鉴于此,本文提出一个安全增强的可实现前向安全性的面向多网关的无线传感器网络多因素认证协议.该协议采用Srinivas等协议的认证方式,即通过网关之间的共享秘密参数完成用户与外部传感器节点的认证,包含两种典型的认证场景.对新协议进行了BAN逻辑分析及启发式分析,分析结果表明该协议实现了双向认证,且能够安全地协商会话密钥以及抵抗各类已知的攻击.与相关协议的对比结果显示,新协议在提高安全性的同时,保持了较高的效率,适于资源受限的无线传感器网络环境.  相似文献   

远程认证协议能有效的保证远程用户和服务器在公共网络上的通信安全。提出一种匿名的安全身份认证方案,通过登录 的动态变化,提供用户登录的匿名性,通过用户和服务器相互验证建立共享的会话密钥,抵抗重放攻击和中间人攻击,实现用户安全和隐私,通过BAN逻辑分析证明改进方案的有效性,通过安全性证明和性能分析说明了新协议比同类型的方案具有更高的安全性、高效性。  相似文献   

Most password-based user authentication systems place total trust on the authentication server where cleartext passwords or easily derived password verification data are stored in a central database. Such systems are, thus, by no means resilient against offline dictionary attacks initiated at the server side. Compromise of the authentication server by either outsiders or insiders subjects all user passwords to exposure and may have serious legal and financial repercussions to an organization. Recently, several multiserver password systems were proposed to circumvent the single point of vulnerability inherent in the single-server architecture. However, these multiserver systems are difficult to deploy and operate in practice since either a user has to communicate simultaneously with multiple servers or the protocols are quite expensive. In this paper, we present a practical password-based user authentication and key exchange system employing a novel two-server architecture. Our system has a number of appealing features. In our system, only a front-end service server engages directly with users while a control server stays behind the scene; therefore, it can be directly applied to strengthen existing single-server password systems. In addition, the system is secure against offline dictionary attacks mounted by either of the two servers.  相似文献   


Nowadays with widespread employment of the Internet, servers provide various services for legal users. The vital issue in client/server connections is authentication protocols that make the communication channel safe and secure against famous attacks. Recently, Kumari et al. and Chaudhry et al. proposed two authentication and key agreement protocols and illustrated that their proposed protocols are secure against various security attacks. However, in this paper we demonstrate that both protocols are vulnerable to off-line password guessing attacks. Moreover, we show that Kumari et al.’s protocol does not provide the property of user anonymity. In order to overcome these weaknesses, we propose a lightweight authentication and key agreement protocol. The correctness of the proposed protocol is proved using BAN logic. Security analysis demonstrates that the proposed protocol resists various security attacks and provides user anonymity. Furthermore, performance analysis confirms that the computation cost of the proposed protocol is acceptable.


Advancement in communication technology provides a scalable platform for various services, where a remote user can access the server from anywhere without moving from its place. It provides a unique opportunity for online services such that a user does not need to be physically present at the service center. These services adopt authentication and key agreement protocols in order to ensure authorized and secure access to the resources. Most of the authentication schemes proposed in the literature support a single-server environment, where the user has to register with each server. If a user wishes to access multiple application servers, he/she requires to register with each server. The multi-server authentication introduces a scalable platform such that a user can interact with any server using single registration. Recently, Chuang and Chen proposed an efficient multi-server authenticated key agreement scheme based on a user’s password and biometrics (Chuang and Chen, 2014). Their scheme is a lightweight, which requires the computation of only hash functions. In this paper, we first analyze Chuang and Chen’s scheme and then identify that their scheme does not resist stolen smart card attack which causes the user’s impersonation attack and server spoofing attack. We also show that their scheme fails to protect denial-of-service attack. We aim to propose an efficient improvement on Chuang and Chen’s scheme to overcome the weaknesses of their scheme, while also retaining the original merits of their scheme. Through the rigorous informal and formal security analysis, we show that our scheme is secure against various known attacks including the attacks found in Chuang and Chen’s scheme. Furthermore, we simulate our scheme for the formal security verification using the widely-accepted AVISPA (Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications) tool and show that our scheme is secure against the replay and man-in-the-middle attacks. In addition, our scheme is comparable in terms of the communication and computational overheads with Chuang and Chen’s scheme and other related existing schemes.  相似文献   

基于USB key的零知识证明双向认证方案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
基于USB key和零知识证明思想,构造一种双向交互认证方案,不仅实现了对用户的身份认证,而且实现了对用户的公钥认证。分析表明,该方案具有安全性高,计算复杂性低的特点。  相似文献   

Social networking is one of the major source of massive data. Such data is not only difficult to store, manipulate and maintain but it’s open access makes it security prone. Therefore, robust and efficient authentication should be devised to make it invincible against the known security attacks. Moreover, social networking services are intrinsically multi-server environments, therefore compatible and suitable authentication should be designed accordingly. Sundry authentication protocols are being utilized at the moment and many of them are designed for single server architecture. This type of remote architecture resists each user to get itself register with each server if multiple servers are employed to offer online social services. Recently multi-server architecture for authentication has replaced the single server architecture, and it enable users to register once and procure services from multiple servers. A short time ago, Lu et al. presented two authentication schemes based on three factors. Furthermore, both Lu et al.’s schemes are designed for multi-server architecture. Lu et al. claimed the schemes to be invincible against the known attacks. However, this paper shows that one of the Lu et al.’s scheme is susceptible to user anonymity violation and impersonation attacks, whereas Lu et al.’s second scheme is susceptible to user impersonation attack. Therefore an enhanced scheme is introduced in this paper. The proposed scheme is more robust than subsisting schemes. The proposed scheme is thoroughly verified and validated with formal and informal security discussion, and through the popular automated tool ProVerif. The in-depth analysis affirms that proposed scheme is lightweight in terms of computations while attaining mutual authentication and is invincible against the known attacks, hence is more suitable for automated big data analysis for social multimedia networking environments.  相似文献   

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