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Passive control of vortex shedding behind a square cylinder at incidence has been conducted experimentally by using a stationary splitter plate for the Reynolds numbers of 3.0×104. The splitter plate was located at the center of the rear face of the square cylinder in tandem. The width of the cylinder and the plate were both chosen to be 30 mm and the incidence angle of the square cylinder was rotated between 0° to 45°. In this study, the combined effects of the splitter plate and angle of incidence on the pressure distributions and vortex-shedding phenomenon were investigated. Vortex shedding frequency was obtained from velocity measurements and aerodynamic force coefficients acted on the cylinder were calculated from pressure distributions. Characteristics of the vortex formation region and location of the flow attachments, reattachments and separation were observed by using the smoke–wire flow visualization technique. For the case with the plate, there is a sudden jump in the Strouhal number in the vicinity of 13° which corresponds to a minimum value of the drag coefficient. At zero angle of incidence, Strouhal number and a drag coefficient of the square cylinder decreased about 20% by means of the splitter plate. Drag reduction was minimum at about 13° and reached its maximum value at about 20°.  相似文献   

The flow downstream of a pair of circular cylinder in a side-by-side arrangement normal to the free stream is known to exhibit intermittently bistable structure for the range of G/D = 1.2–2.2 where G is the center-to-center distance between the cylinders and D is the diameter of the cylinder. Eventually, the wake downstream of one of the two cylinders can be wider or narrower than the one downstream of the other cylinder depending on the direction of gap-flow deflection. In the present study, such an asymmetric flow behavior downstream of two side-by-side cylinders, which were vertically located in shallow water, was passively controlled with a splitter plate with a length of L   (1?L/D?51?L/D?5). The center of splitter plate was just coincided with the mid-height of the gap between centers of the cylinders. The investigations were carried out in a water channel using dye visualization and particle image velocimetry, PIV for qualitative and quantitative measurements, respectively. The diameter of the cylinder, D was 40 mm while the depth of water was 20 mm so that the shallow flow condition was provided through the experiments. The Reynolds number, Re based on D was 5000 and the cylinder’s center to center spacing to the cylinder diameter ratio (G/D  ) was equal to 1.25. The results demonstrated that the deflection of the wake and thereby the bistability of the wake was considerably prevented with the presence of the splitter plate for L/D?3L/D?3 which resulted in two well symmetric, stable wakes having approximately the same order of magnitudes of vortex shedding frequencies around the cylinders.  相似文献   

The flow structures around an equilateral triangular cylinder, which is commonly used as a vortex shedder in the vortex flowmeter, were investigated experimentally and numerically. Flow characteristics such as vorticity contours, patterns of sectional streamlines, velocity vectors, velocity fields, Reynolds stress correlations, Strouhal numbers and drag coefficients were examined using the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique and the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) turbulence model. Experimental studies were performed in an open water channel for Re=2.9×103, Re=5.8×103 and Re=1.16×104 based on the equilateral triangle edge. A sharp-tip corner of the cylinder with a triangle cross-section was exposed to the upstream side while the other two sharp-tip corners were placed on the downstream side. Numerical studies were also completed at Reynolds numbers in the range of 2.9×103≤Re≤1.16×105 to obtain the changes in the Strouhal numbers and drag coefficients. When the results of PIV and LES are considered in the same interval of Reynolds numbers, the maximum and minimum values of each flow pattern were nearly the same. The time-averaged patterns had considerable symmetry with respect to the axis line passing through the sharp-tip corner of the cross-section of the triangular cylinder. The Strouhal number was independent of the Reynolds number and was found to be approximately 0.22. The drag coefficient decreased with increasing Reynolds numbers while increasing the Power Spectral Density (PSD) and the vortex shedding frequency. For the same Reynolds numbers, the experimental and numerical results were in good agreement. Therefore, the LES turbulence model is recommended for applications of flow around this type of bluff body that is generally used in the design of vortex flowmeters to generate vortex shedding.  相似文献   

The supersonic flows around tandem cavities were investigated by two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical simulations using the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation with thek-ω turbulence model. The flow around a cavity is characterized as unsteady flow because of the formation and dissipation of vortices due to the interaction between the freestream shear layer and cavity internal flow, the generation of shock and expansion waves, and the acoustic effect transmitted from wake flow to upstream. The upwind TVD scheme based on the flux vector split with van Leer’s limiter was used as the numerical method. Numerical calculations were performed by the parallel processing with time discretizations carried out by the 4th-order Runge-Kutta method. The aspect ratios of cavities are 3 for the first cavity and 1 for the second cavity. The ratio of cavity interval to depth is 1. The ratio of cavity width to depth is 1 in the case of three dimensional flow. The Mach number and the Reynolds number were 1.5 and 4.5 × 105, respectively. The characteristics of the dominant frequency between twodimensional and three-dimensional flows were compared, and the characteristics of the second cavity flow due to the first cavity flow was analyzed. Both two dimensional and three dimensional flow oscillations were in the ‘shear layer mode’, which is based on the feedback mechanism of Rossiter’s formula. However, three dimensional flow was much less turbulent than two dimensional flow, depending on whether it could inflow and outflow laterally. The dominant frequencies of the two dimensional flow and three dimensional flows coincided with Rossiter’s 2nd mode frequency. The another dominant frequency of the three dimensional flow corresponded to Rossiter’s 1st mode frequency.  相似文献   

The flow downstream of three different flow conditioners, a tube bundle and two perforated plates, was investigated by measuring the time-averaged, axial velocity component with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The conditioners were exposed to the flow disturbed by a 90° out-of-plane double-bend. The experiments were performed with air flow through a pipeline of 100 mm i.d. and at Reynolds numbers between 100 000 and 200 000. The axial development of the velocity profiles, without and with conditioner, is documented, and the performance of the three devices in conditioning the disturbed flow can be compared. Particular attention is given to the determination of time-averaged velocity values by means of PIV.  相似文献   

In numerical studies on microscale electroosmotic flows, the electric double layer (EDL) effect is usually predicted by solving the traditional Navier-Stokes equation subjected to the slip velocity induced by the electric-charged wall as a boundary condition. Recently, Suh and Kang (Physical Review E 77, 2008) presented the asymptotic solutions of the ion transport equations near a polarized electrode under the action of an AC field, and then proposed a new theoretical model of the slip velocity on the electrode considering the ion adsorption effect. In the present paper, we apply the model to a two-dimensional AC-electroosmotic flow in a microchannel to calculate the slip velocity on a pair of coplanar asymmetric electrodes embedded on the bottom wall, and then experimentally measure the slip velocity using the micro-PIV technique to validate the theoretical model. Comparison shows an excellent overall match between the theoretical and experimental results, except for on the narrow electrode at low frequencies. Next, we numerically perform parametric studies regarding the AC frequency, effective Stern-layer thickness and ion adsorption effect to further understand the characteristics of the AC electroosmotic flow. Results show that, as the frequency increases, the slip velocity also increases. In addition, the velocity decreases with increasing either Stern-layer thickness or ion adsorption effect. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Dongshin Shin Sangmo Kang received a B.S. and M.S. degrees from Seoul National University in 1985 and 1987, respectively, and then had worked for five years in Daewoo Heavy Industries as a field engineer. He also achieved a Ph.D. degree in the field of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan in 1996. Dr. Kang is currently a Professor at the Division of Mechanical Engineering at Dong-A University in Busan, Korea. Dr. Kang’s research interests are in the area of micro- and nanofluidics and turbulent flow combined with the computational fluid dynamics.  相似文献   

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