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This research project aimed to determine the technologically feasible and applicable wastewater treatment systems which will be constructed to solve environmental problems caused by small communities in Turkey. Pilot-scale treatment of a small community's wastewater was performed over a period of more than 2 years in order to show applicability of these systems. The present study involves removal of organic matter and suspended solids in serially operated horizontal (HFCW) and vertical (VFCW) sub-surface flow constructed wetlands. The pilot-scale wetland was constructed downstream of anaerobic reactors at the campus of TUBITAK-MRC. Anaerobically pretreated wastewater was introduced into this hybrid two-stage sub-surface flow wetland system (TSCW). Wastewater was first introduced into the horizontal sub-surface flow system and then the vertical flow system before being discharged. Recirculation of the effluent was tested in the system. When the recirculation ratio was 100%, average removal efficiencies for TSCW were 91 +/- 4% for COD, 83 +/- 10% for BOD and 96 +/- 3% for suspended solids with average effluent concentrations of 9 +/- 5 mg/L COD, 6 +/- 3 mg/L BOD and 1 mg/L for suspended solids. Comparing non-recirculation and recirculation periods, the lowest effluent concentrations were obtained with a 100% recirculation ratio. The effluent concentrations met the Turkish regulations for discharge limits of COD, BOD and TSS in each case. The study showed that a hybrid constructed wetland system with recirculation is a very effective method of obtaining very low effluent organic matter and suspended solids concentrations downstream of anaerobic pretreatment of domestic wastewaters in small communities.  相似文献   

就水位及水力负荷对湿地系统中DO质量浓度的影响进行实验。结果表明:随着水位的不断提高,芦苇湿地系统中的DO质量浓度呈现出不断升高的趋势,且在300~550 mm水位区间增加趋势比较明显,随着水位的再度升高,在550~650 mm水位区间DO质量浓度增加趋势趋于平稳;随着水力负荷的不断增加,芦苇湿地系统中的DO质量浓度呈现先增加后减小的趋势,本实验中最适合的水力负荷在0.8968~1.2230 m3/( m2· d)之间。  相似文献   

The removal of Co, Ni, Cu and Zn from synthetic industrial wastewater was studied in subsurface flow constructed wetland microcosms filled with gravel or a gravel/straw mixture. Half of the microcosms were planted with Phragmites australis and half were left unplanted. All microcosms received low-strength wastewater (1 mg L(-1) of Co, Ni, and Zn, 0.5 mg L(-1) Cu, 2,000mg L(-1) SO4) during seven 14-day incubation batches. The pore water was regularly monitored at two depths for heavy metals, sulphate, organic carbon and redox potential. Sorption properties of gravel and straw were assessed in a separate experiment. A second series of seven incubation batches with high-strength wastewater (10 mg L(-1) of each metal, 2,000 mg L(-1) SO4) was then applied to saturate the substrate. Glucose was added to the gravel microcosms together with the high-strength wastewater. Sorption processes were responsible for metal removal during start-up, with the highest removal efficiencies in the gravel microcosms. The lower initial efficiencies in the gravel/straw microcosms were presumably caused by the decomposition of straw. However, after establishment of anaerobic conditions (Eh approximately -200 mV), precipitation as metal sulphides provided an additional removal pathway in the gravel/straw microcosms. The addition of glucose to gravel microcosms enhanced sulphate reduction and metal removal, although Phragmites australis negatively affected these processes in the top-layer of all microcosms.  相似文献   

Subsurface flow wetlands contain gravel or sand substrates through which the wastewater flows vertically or horizontally. The aims of this study were, firstly, to quantify biofilm development associated with different size gravel in sections of a subsurface flow wetland with and without plants, and secondly, to conduct laboratory experiments to examine the role of biofilms in nutrient removal. Techniques to quantify biofilm included: bacterial cell counts, EPS and total protein extraction. Based on comparative gravel sample volume, only EPS was greater on the smaller 5 mm gravel particles. There was no significant difference between biofilm growth in sections with and without plants. Two vertical flow laboratory-scale reactors, one containing fresh wetland gravel, the other containing autoclaved gravel, were constructed to determine nutrient transformations. The autoclaved gravel in the "sterile" reactor rapidly became colonised with biofilm. Both reactors were dosed with two types of influent. Initially the influent contained 7.25 mg/L NO3-N and 0.3 mg/L NH4-N; the biofilm reactor removed most of the ammonium and nitrite but nitrate concentrations were only reduced by 20%. In the "sterile" reactor there was negligible removal of ammonium and nitrite indicating little nitrification, however nitrate was reduced by 72%, possibly due to assimilatory nitrate reduction associated with new biofilm development. When the influent contained 3 mg/L NO3-N and 16 mg/L NH4-N almost 100% removal and transformation of NH4-N occurred in both reactors providing an effluent high in NO3-N. Organic P was reduced but inorganic soluble P increased possibly due to mineralisation.  相似文献   

在自行建造的模拟人工湿地装置上,通过改变水位来控制小型潜流人工湿地DO浓度,从而提高处理效率。试验中两种水位变化的运行都降低了人工湿地的氮和有机物,特别是对氮有较好的去除效果。第1阶段水位小幅度变化,出水DO浓度主要在2~4mg/L之间,COD、BOD5、TN、TKN去除率分别在85%~93%,91%~95%,65%~75%和75%~85%之间;第2阶段水位大幅度变化,出水DO浓度主要在1~4mg/L之间,COD、BOD5、TN、TKN去除率分别在80%~88%,85%~90%,70%~80%和80%~90%之间。  相似文献   

The fate of effluent organic matter (EfOM) during groundwater recharge was investigated by studying the removal behavior of four bulk organic carbon fractions isolated from a secondary effluent: Hydrophilic organic matter (HPI), hydrophobic acids (HPO-A), colloidal organic matter (OM), and soluble microbial products (SMPs). Short-term removal of the bulk organic fractions during soil infiltration was simulated in biologically active soil columns. Results revealed that the four organic fractions showed a significantly different behavior with respect to biological removal. HPI and colloidal OM were prone to biological removal during initial soil infiltration (0-30 cm) and supported soil microbial biomass growth in the infiltrative surface. Additionally, colloidal OM was partly removed by physical adsorption or filtration. HPO-A and SMPs reacted recalcitrant towards biological degradation as indicated by low soil biomass activity responses. Adsorbability assessment of the biologically refractory portions of the fractions onto powered activated carbon (PAC) indicated that physical removal is not likely to play a significantly role in further diminishing recalcitrant HPO-A, HPI and SMPs during longer travel times in the subsurface.  相似文献   

Cross flow microfiltration with in-line flocculation reduces the fouling of membranes thus leading to high quality product water. A detailed experimental study conducted with an artificial suspension (particle size distribution similar to that of surface water) revealed that the filtration rate can be increased by several times by adopting in-line flocculation. In-line flocculation-microfiltration is therefore an attractive technique to reduce internal clogging while improving the permeate flux significantly. A detailed ultrafiltration (UF) study was conducted with biologically treated sewage effluent with pretreatment by flocculation and powdered activated carbon adsorption. The TOC removal by the NTR 7410 UF membrane alone was 43.6%. The TOC removal increased significantly by the use of pretreatment: 69.3% by flocculation and 91% by flocculation followed by adsorption. The organic colloidal portion (between 3,500 dalton and 0.45 microm) in the biologically treated effluent was removed up to more than 65% by the pretreatment of flocculation. The molecular weight of the biologically treated effluent ranged from 250 to about 3,573 dalton with the highest fraction in the range of 250-845 dalton. By the incorporation of pretreatment, the majority of both large and small molecular weight organic matter was removed. This hybrid system led to practically no filtration flux decline in membrane filtration.  相似文献   

Phragmites australis are commonly used in constructed wetlands either for domestic sewage or industrial effluents treatment. The aerobic mineralization mechanisms of Acid Orange 7, AO7, in a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland (VFCW) planted with P. australis suggest that AO7 degradation pathway may involve enzymes like peroxidases (POD), known to degrade some recalcitrant pollutants. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the role of POD extracted from the VFCW P. australis leaves in the decolourization of AO7, which belongs to the very restricted group of bio-degradable azo dyes and is widely used in the textile industry. Leaves' crude extract (CE) was purified by protein fractioning with ammonium sulphate (20-80%). AO7 (0.14 mM) decolourization rate of each CE fraction was determined using hydrogen peroxide (0.2 mM) as a co-substrate. A maximum specific activity of 6.8 x 10(-3) micromol QNNM min(-1) mg protein(-1) was obtained for the 40-60% fraction. The results obtained suggest that P. australis may be a good candidate for the treatment of AO7 contaminated effluents in a VFCW, as very high removal efficiencies were achieved at pilot scale and in vitro studies leading to the decolourization of the dye, suggesting a positive and active role of P. australis in the removal mechanisms within the VFCW. Moreover, some questions were put forward regarding the participation of other important plant enzymes in the degradation process.  相似文献   

对天津经济技术开发区污水处理厂采用先进的DAT-IAT工艺进行冬季和夏季的实际运行效果比较,并就DAT池和IAT池在运行中的作用进行分析。研究发现:污水处理厂对BOD的平均去除率在96%以上,对COD的平均去除率在75%左右,均能保证出水达标,对于BOD和COD的去除效果冬季和夏季无明显差别,对SS的去除效果冬季略优于夏季,DAT-IAT工艺系统的抗冲击负荷能力较强,污水处理厂DAT池过高的BOD去除率对后续的脱氮除磷效果会产生不利影响。影响处理效果的原因主要为污水处理厂进水量不充足,水质水量变化大,且ρ(BOD)/ρ(COD)值偏低,不利于生化处理。此外,DAT池的非限制性曝气工艺不仅使BOD在DAT池中过度消耗,影响后续处理,而且浪费能源,建议减少DAT池曝气时间或调整DAT池运行参数。  相似文献   

针对石油废水中无机离子与有机物共存的特点,构建了一体化核晶凝聚诱导造粒装置,探究了该体系对石油废水中总硬度和溶解性有机物的去除效果和去除原理.研究结果表明:当氢氧化钠投加量为250 mg/L时,总硬度、钙离子和COD的去除率分别为88.35%、90%和52.92%.结合SEM和XRD表征结果发现钙离子主要以碳酸钙形式附...  相似文献   

Plants in constructed wetlands have several functions related to the treatment processes. It is generally agreed that nutrient uptake is a minor factor in constructed wetlands treating wastewater compared to the loadings applied. For low loaded systems plant uptake can contribute a significant amount to nutrient removal. The contribution of plant uptake is simulated for different qualities of water to be treated using the multi-component reactive transport module CW2D. CW2D is able to describe the biochemical elimination and transformation processes for organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus in subsurface flow constructed wetlands. The model for plant uptake implemented describes nutrient uptake coupled to water uptake. Literature values are used to calculate potential water and nutrient uptake rates. For a constructed wetland treating municipal wastewater a potential nutrient uptake of about 1.9% of the influent nitrogen and phosphorus load can be expected. For lower loaded systems the potential uptake is significantly higher, e.g. 46% of the nitrogen load for treatment of greywater. The potential uptake rates could only be simulated for high loaded systems i.e. constructed wetlands treating wastewater. For low loaded systems the nutrient concentrations in the liquid phase were too low to simulate the potential uptake rates using the implemented model for plant uptake.  相似文献   

Control of disinfection by-products during water treatment is primarily achieved by reducing the levels of organic precursor species prior to chlorination. Many waters contain natural organic matter at levels up to 15 mg L(-1); therefore it is necessary to have a range of control methods to support conventional coagulation. Advanced oxidation processes are such processes and in this paper the Fenton and photo-Fenton processes along with photocatalysis are assessed for their NOM removal potential. The performance of each process is shown to be dependent on pH and chemical dose as well as the initial NOM concentration. Under optimum conditions the processes achieved greater than 90% removal of DOC and UV254 absorbance. This removal led to the THMFP of the source water being reduced from 140 to below 10 microg L(-1), well below UK and US standards. An economic assessment of the processes revealed that currently such processes are not economic. With advances in technology and tightening of water quality standards these processes should become economically feasible options.  相似文献   

Control and optimisation of plant processes has become a priority for WWTP managers. The calibration and verification of a mathematical model provides an important tool for the investigation of advanced control strategies that may assist in the design or optimization of WWTPs. This paper describes the calibration of the ASM2d model for two full scale biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal plants in order to characterize the biological process and to upgrade the plants' performance. Results from simulation showed a good correspondence with experimental data demonstrating that the model and the calibrated parameters were able to predict the behaviour of both WWTPs. Once the calibration and simulation process was finished, a study for each WWTP was done with the aim of improving its performance. Modifications focused on reactor configuration and operation strategies were proposed.  相似文献   

The effect of biofilm on the attenuation of pathogen-sized particles from wastewater was compared for biofilms cultivated in a surface flow constructed wetland (SFW) and maturation pond (MP) The fate of fluorescently labelled microspheres (FLM) as surrogates for viruses (0.1 microm), bacteria (1 microm) and parasitic protozoa (4.5 microm dia) was investigated in microcosms in the presence or absence of biofilms. Rates of FLM removal from suspension were higher in the presence of biofilms for all particle sizes (kd 0.02-0.11 h(-1)) in MP and SFW microcosms with removal efficiency related to particle size and biofilm thickness and structure. Greater removal of 0.1 microm (79-81%), 1 microm FLM (92-96%) and 4.5 microm FLM (up to 98%) from suspension were found for microcosms containing thicker (autotrophic) biofilms grown in the MP or open water zone of the SFW. Lower removal of 43% (0.1 microm), 59% (1 microm) and 84% (4.5 microm) occurred in microcosms containing thinner heterotrophic biofilms from SFW vegetated zones. Providing surfaces for attachment of photosynthetic biofilms offers potential to enhance pathogen removal in open water systems. In vegetated systems, linkage to more oxic openwater zones may allow thicker and 'stickier' epiphytic biofilms to develop, improving pathogen interception and removal.  相似文献   

考察原水—预臭氧—混凝沉淀—砂滤—后臭氧—生物活性炭—氯消毒工艺对阳澄湖原水中溶解性有机物(Dissolved organic matter,DOM)的去除规律,结果表明阳澄湖原水溶解性有机碳(Dissolved organic carbon,DOC)与紫外吸光度UV254总体呈现夏季高、冬季低的特征,随着原水DOC与UV254的降低,各工艺单元对DOC与UV254的去除率也逐渐降低,去除率分别在29.2%?44.3%与55.4%?66.5%.对UV254的去除优于DOC,常规处理工艺优于深度处理工艺,对大分子的去除优于小分子.平行因子分析法(Parallel factor analysis,PARAFAC)分析三维荧光光谱确定阳澄湖水样DOM由4组分构成,类蛋白类色氨酸C1、类酪氨酸C2、氨基酸或蛋白质C4,以及类腐殖质紫外区类富里酸C3.该工艺流程对C2、C3、C4去除率总体呈现上升趋势,达到30.1%、70.7%和43.4%.  相似文献   

The impact of including membranes for solid liquid separation on the kinetics of nitrogen and phosphorus removal was investigated. To achieve this, a membrane bioreactor (MBR) biological nutrient removal (BNR) activated sludge system was operated. From batch tests on mixed liquor drawn from the MBR BNR system, denitrification and phosphorus removal rates were delineated. Additionally the influence of the high total suspended solids concentrations present in the MBR BNR system and of the limitation of substrate concentrations on the kinetics was investigated. Moreover the ability of activated sludge in this kind of system to denitrify under anoxic conditions with simultaneous phosphate uptake was verified and quantified.The denitrification rates obtained for different mixed liquor (ML) concentrations indicate no effect of ML concentration on the specific denitrification rate. The denitrification took place at a single specific rate (K(2)) with respect to the ordinary heterotrophic organisms (OHOs, i.e. non-PAOs) active mass. Similarly, results have been obtained for the P removal process kinetics: no differences in specific rates were observed for different ML or substrate concentrations. From the P removal batch tests results it seems that the biological phosphorus removal population (PAO) consists of 2 different sets of organisms denitrifying PAO and aerobic PAO.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in the possibilities offered by combinations of waste stabilisation ponds (WSP) and constructed wetlands (CW). The purpose of our study was to compare treatment performances and nutrient cycling in a surface-flow wetland (SFW) and in a WSP treating secondary effluent. In the period between 2000 and 2003, a pilot SFW and a pilot WSP were constructed at the outlet of the wastewater treatment plant and their performance monitored while both were active under the same conditions. The SFW was planted with Phragmites australis and Eichhornia crassipes, while in the WSP development of algae was spontaneous. Performance efficiency was monitored by means of evaluation of physical and chemical parameters in water, by measurement of plant productivity and by analysis of N and P contents in biomass. The SFW with macrophytes proved more efficient in decreasing the suspended solids (64.6%), settleable solids (91.8%), organic N (59.3%), total N (38%), COD (67.2%) and BOD5 (72.1%) than the WSP. The WSP with algae was more efficient in treatment of ammonia nitrogen (48.9%) and ortho-phosphate (43.9%). The results of this study provide data that are of help in optimising combinations of SFW and WSP.  相似文献   

Many small-size wastewater treatment plants in Korea's rural communities are designed to remove organic and suspended matter only, and they generally show a large fluctuation in the influent loading compared to municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTPs). They also have no professional engineers stationed for efficient operation against mechanical breakdown. For those reasons, the wastewater treatment plants have low efficiency in treatment of nitrogen and phosphorus as well as organic matter. In order to solve those problems, this study developed an automatic control system and RMS (remote monitoring system), which can keep efficiency stable despite any change in the small plants' loading rates and are capable of removing nutrient materials such as nitrogen or phosphorus. According to the results of the Experimental SBR system of the automatic control program, complete nitrification was made under oxic conditions and denitrification occurred as NO3-N concentration decreased by 0.5 mg/l in anoxic conditions and excellent nitrogen removal efficiency was seen generally. The Experimental SBR system created "phosphate release and uptake" effectively and displayed phosphate-removing efficiency up to more than 80% as the concentration of effluent was kept low by 0.4 mg/l. RMS developed in this study transmits a plant's data and operation states to clients in remote locations in real-time interval through the Internet. Therefore, although you are in a remote location, it allows you to see if a plant is properly operated or there is any breakdown.  相似文献   

人工湿地处理污水机理及效率比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍国内外人工湿地处理技术的研究现状及人工湿地对有机物、氮、磷等的去除机理及效率,分析了人工湿地处理技术存在的不足.提出人工湿地污水处理系统作为一种高效、节能、低投资、运行费用低、操作简单的污水处理技术在我国尤其是中小城镇及广大农村具有应用前景.  相似文献   

Water retention times less than 3 h from inlet to outlet were necessary to meet new effluent requirements without extending the footprint of the existing plant. Nitrogen removal was required at the existing, high loaded, direct precipitation plant and space was not readily available. The staff at the VEAS WWTP took on the task to design a new process at their own risk. Selected solutions and ups and downs in the water treatment during the past 10 years of operations and further developments are presented in this paper. Always asking for well-proven solutions might make life easy. The intent of this paper is to encourage some of our colleagues to be more daring in their approach to new challenges. However, expect sleepless nights in order to solve the unexpected problems along the way.  相似文献   

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