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Crystals grown from 2.1% and 9.3% solutions of3 He in4He were observed in a cryostat with optical access from two orthogonal directions (above and from the side). Video films of dynamic processes were recorded at temperatures between 0.5K and 1.8K. Facetted melting of crystals (in contrast with rounded melting which is the general case) was observed below 0.75K. This is in accordance with previous experiments which showed a higher3He concentration along the edges of the crystal. We also recorded morphological growth instabilities of the 9.3% b.c.c. crystals. In the temperature region below about 0.9K where the latent heat is negative no dendritic growth was observed, which we interpret as resulting from opposing effects of temperature and concentration gradients.  相似文献   

Helium-3 nuclear spin relaxation times T 1, T 2, and T 1have been measured for 3He-4He solid mixtures at the exchange plateau region (~0.5K). The 3He concentrations X 3of the samples were 7.2, 2.9, 1.8, 1.4, 0.67, 0.65, and 0.22%, and their molar volumes varied between 19.9 and 20.9cm3/mole in hcp phase. The spectral density function J() for dipolar field fluctuations was determined in the low-frequency branch from T 1measurements and in the high-frequency branch from conventional T 1measurements. It was found that J() is given by J() = cJ()|3–4 + (1–c)J()|3–3, where J()|3–4 is the spectral density function due to the 3He-4He tunneling motions, and J()|3–3 is that due to the 3He-3He tunneling motions. Using the Torrey theory, the correlation frequency of the 3He-4He tunneling motions was evaluated from T 1data, and was found to be in good agreement with Landesman 's theory.Supported in part by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science through a grant to Y.H.  相似文献   

3He atoms dissolved in super fluid4He may form aimers (3He)2 in twodimensional (2D) geometries. We study dimer formation in films of dilute3He-4He mixture. After designing a schematic3He-4He interaction potential we calculate the dimer binding energy for various substrates. It is shown that3He impurity states localized near the substrate give rise to the largest magnitudes of the binding energies.Unité de Recherche des Universités Paris XI et Paris VI associée au CNRS.  相似文献   

We report recent heat capacity and phase shift measurements on a4He and a3He-4He mixture film adsorbed in Anopore membranes We discuss the effects of a 1.1%3He concentration at a heat capacity signature found for a pure4He film.  相似文献   

We report third-sound studies of3He-4He mixture films for 0.3T1.8 K carried out in two different experimental situations. In one experiment detailed measurements of the amplitude of both the temperature and thickness variation of the film were made for pure4He and the results for |T/d| are in good agreement with the predictions of Bergman. Mixture studies in this apparatus were made difficult due to the presence of capillary condensation. In spite of this a number of interesting results are reported. Subsequent measurements were made in a new apparatus where capillary condensation effects could be demonstrably avoided. Helium films of 5.7 layers of4He were studied as a function of added amounts of3He. BelowT0.7 K the third-sound measurements are consistent with model calculations based on a bilayer film. We conclude that for 0.3T0.6 K films of the type we have studied are isotopically layered in the van der Waals field provided by the substrate.  相似文献   

Torsional oscillator measurements of 3 He- 4 He mixtures confined in aerogel show evidence of a well defined phase separation region. This region is detached from the superfluid transition line, opening up a region of miscible superfluid mixture at high 3 He concentration.  相似文献   

We have carried out a series of NMR experiments on3He systems filling the pores of silica aerogel with 95% porosity. The systems studied included3He-4He mixtures with a wide range of3He concentrations x3 as well as pure3He. All experiments were conducted in an 8 T field and for temperatures T 6 mK. This resulted in strong spin polarization at the lowest temperatures (up to approximately 80%) for the localized layer observed for a pure3He sample. For pure3He, the magnetic behavior is dominated by the localized spins, which are found to constitute 6% of the sample. The coupled system of localized plus liquid spins displays rapid transverse magnetization relaxation with an anomalous temperature dependence. For intermediate x3 magnetization measurements provide a preliminary indication of the phase diagram of mixtures filling this porous material. The magnetization is hysteretic over some ranges of x3.  相似文献   

We have performed measurements of the temperature dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation times (T 1) for a wide range of 3He concentrations for dilute mixtures of 3He in solid 4He. The temperatures for phase separation are determined for 3He concentrations 500<x 3<2000 ppm for a molar volume V M =20.7 cm3. We report the temperature dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation times for 3He in the droplets formed after phase separation at low temperatures. The temperature dependence suggests that the interface 3He atoms responsible for the relaxation are degenerate, not solid-like.  相似文献   

Precision first-sound measurements at 17.1 kHz are presented for a 5%3He-4He solution. Measurements near the transition are analyzed with a modified Pippard-Buckingham-Fairbank relation using recent3He-4He heat-capacity measurements. The analysis takes into account the effects of gravity and dispersion. An accurate determination of (P/)T is obtained from velocity measurements in the range 1.1–2.0 K.Work at the University of California was supported in part by the U.S. Office of Naval Research.Part of this work was performed during the author's postdoctoral year (1967) at the Physics Department of the University of California at Los Angeles.  相似文献   

The quasiclassical theory is used to study the proximity effect between superfluid 3 He and a mixture of 3 He- 4 He. The order parameter and the surface tension are calculated, and their dependence on temperature and on the hypothetical transition temperature of the 3 He- 4 He mixture is discussed.  相似文献   

The longitudinal spin diffusion coefficient and magnetization of a submonolayer coverage of 3 He, n 3 =0.0066 Å–2, in a thin adsorbed 4 He film has been measured as a function of temperature0.024 K T0.5 K and 4 He coverage0.21 Å –2 n 4 0.32 Å –2.  相似文献   

We report a study of the Leggett-Rice effect in dilute 3He-4He solutions at a Larmor frequency of 71 MHz. We have measured the height and phase of the spin echoes following 2-pulse NMR sequences of three solutions with 3He concentrations of 0.56%, 1.4%, and 4.0%. The theory of Leggett fits the data extremely well and yields values of the parameter M 0 and the transverse diffusion coefficient D. We are also able to evaluate M 0 and D by analyzing multiple spin echoes and find good consistency between the two methods. From values of /(1+F 0 a ) at various concentrations, we are able to determine the scattering length for 3He quasiparticles, a, quite accurately. We find a = –0.97±0.03 Å.  相似文献   

We report measurements on solid 3 He droplets embedded in a solid 4 He matrix. A feature of our experiments is that the mixture crystals, of 1% 3 He concentration, are grown under constant pressure conditions to minimise the formation of defects. Upon cooling the mixture isotopic phase separation is clearly observed in both pressure and NMR data. At a pressure of 36 bar the 3 He separates as solid droplets. NMR measurements on these droplets indicate values of T 1 and T 2 similar to those in bulk solid 3 He at the same pressure in the temperature-independent régime. Measurements of the bounded diffusion in the droplets indicate a spin diffusion coefficient similar to that in bulk solid 3 He at the same pressure. These measurements also show the size of the droplets to be a few microns.  相似文献   

By means of mode-mode coupling we compute damping constants near the tricritical point of a 3 He- 4 He mixture. Both on the coexistence curve and in the tricritical region we find : mass diffusion constant≈|?T t | +1/2 , thermal diffusion constantDK T ~|T?T t | ?1/2 , and third viscosity~|T?T t | ?3/2 , whereT is the temperature andT t is the tricritical temperature. These results imply that damping constant of second sound~|T?T t |S| ?1/2 in the ordered phase.  相似文献   

The shear viscosity of saturated3He-4He mixture has been measured at temperatures between 7 mK and 200 mK using a vibrating-wire viscometer and a calibrated pressure cell. The reliability of the vibrating-wire technique was tested by measuring the viscosity of pure4He. The results are internally consistent. A phenomenological expression is given for the viscosity of saturated3He-4He mixture between 7 mK and 80 mK.  相似文献   

Based on our recent phase separation curve of3He-4He solution at elevated pressures, we propose new3He-3He quasiparticle interaction potentials, which reproduce the existing experimental results pretty well except for3He effective mass under pressure.  相似文献   

An efficient technique for maintaining large3He nuclear spin polarizations in liquid3He-4He mixtures has been developed and used to polarize samples contained in narrow tubes. Results obtained in a U-shaped cell and a coil-shaped cell are compared. A systematic study of the effects of dipolar fields within the sample on the characteristics of the observed long-lived magnetostatic modes is in progress. NMR signals obtained in the coil-shaped cell reveal phase separation and the existence of a highly polarized3He-rich region in the sample.Laboratoire de L'Ecole Normale Supérieure et de L'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, associé au CNRS (URA 18)  相似文献   

The Galitskii-Migdal-Feynman (GMF) formalism is applied to liquid 3He and (for the first time) to liquid 4He. The effective total, diffusion and viscosity cross sections, as well as the effective scattering length and the effective range, are calculated. For liquid 3He, it is found that S-wave scattering dominates for wave number k<0.5 Å?1. At the Fermi momentum k F, the effective partial cross section σ ? (and thus the total cross section σ T) has a singularity (virtual state). This singularity may be interpreted as a signature of superfluidity or a quasi-bound state. For k>2 Å?1, the effective total cross section is nearly constant. On the other hand, it is found in liquid 4He that S-wave scattering dominates for k<0.3 Å?1, and a peak exists in σ T arising from a peak in the effective D-wave cross section. This resonance corresponds to a quasi-bound state trapped by the ?=2 centrifugal barrier. The most prominent features of our calculations are a resonance and a Ramsauer-Townsend minimum in the matter cross section at low temperatures. This effect is absent in the 3He gas. It is, therefore, a purely many-body effect in liquid 3He. With increasing energies, the matter results approach the vacuum results. This indicates that the high-energy behavior is dominated by the self-energy contribution; the many-body effects can be neglected.  相似文献   

We report measurements of the convective thermal conductance of3He-4He mixture films near the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. The thickness of our4He films is 14.7 and 19.1 Å above the inert layer and the3He concentration ranged from 0.033 to almost 2%. The thermal response is tested for the critical behavior as observed in pure films, and it is found to be preserved in the mixture films case. However, the parametersb, D/a 2 andT c exhibit a strong dependence on the concentration. The mixture film conductance at fixedT-T c is found to decrease upon addition of3He implying a decrease in the 2D correlation length. Mixture films thus exhibit 2D behavior over a narrower temperature range than pure films. Further, for temperaturesT c , the largest measurable conductance decreases sharply with the addition of3He. We attribute this behavior to a3He-4He scattering mechanism and a3He induced free-vortex density.  相似文献   

The convective instability of a superfluid3He-4He mixture in a porous medium confined between parallel horizontal planes is studied. It is shown that this system behaves as a pure classical liquid in a porous medium from the point of view of the convective instability in the whole range of the phase diagram between the λ line and the coexistence curve. It is predicted that two-fluid effects become important for the convection onset and can be observed experimentally in this system at moderately low temperatures. This system is supposed to be the most convenient one to study experimentally convection in a porous medium.  相似文献   

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