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本文提出了一种开放式超媒体系统的版本控制模型,它支持版本集、允许可选构件的开发和管理、维护文档的发展历史并且支持协同工作;提出了上下文结点和版本相关表的概念,用以有效地解决结构信息版本和内容信息版本之间的不一致性问题.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and implementation of a multimedia information management environment that is based on an open model for hypermedia. The model, known as Microcosm, is currently implemented in Microsoft Windows and supports many different media types. The open nature of the model and the separation of the links from the data, allows links to be applied across any application running under Windows or the OS/2 version 2 desktop, thus creating a truly integrated environment. One example, which is, discussed in the paper, is the integration of a hypermedia database with a geographical information system. The paper also discusses the application of novel interfaces to dynamic media within a hypermedia system, including the use of moving icons (micons).  相似文献   

requirements specifications are developed for large-scale systems, the final specification is usually an abstraction of the original requirements data into a text-based form that is often foreign to end-users. A method was developed for representing requirements through use of electronic multimedia. The resulting specification is capable of representing requirements and requirements data in a manner that is more representative of the real-world problem space than traditional specifications. This paper presents a method for incorporating multimedia exhibits, notably the results of rapid prototyping activities and animated simulation, into a requirements specification for large-scale C2I systems. To examine the effectiveness of the method, a multimedia requirements specification was developed based on an existing text specification for a real-world system. An experiment was also performed that showed the product of the methodology to be effective in increasing the understandability of the specification over that obtained from the text specification alone.  相似文献   

现有的Web服务体系架构缺少服务质量与优选方面的有效支持,如何动态地选择、绑定并调用最适合用户需求的Web服务受到研究领域的关注.本文基于对"可信服务测试中介"模型的研究,提出了一种基于改进的贝叶斯投票算法的服务评估技术--把每一个测试评估结果作为对测试对象的一次投票,通过对协同服务测试数据的收集和分析,最终计算出同类服务的加权通过率,并在同类服务中进行排行,体现了Web2.0的技术特点.  相似文献   

尹泉  张海盛 《计算机工程》2006,32(10):22-24,36
为提高工作流系统的适应性和可维护性,提出了一种可重构的工作流执行模型。该模型面向活动行为的相异性和动态性,把活动状态作为描述过程状态的特征,给出了过程状态的形式化定义,建立了过程状态间的层次化关系与优先级关系。在该基础上,严格地给出了基于基本特征集和基于相容特征集的过程状态精化方法,设计了自动生成过程状态转移关系的算法。最后,结合实际应用讨论了一种基于规则的执行模型可重构性实现方法。应用该方法能够提高工作流管理系统适应企业业务过程需求快速变化的能力。  相似文献   

With the advent of new cable and satellite services, and the next generation of digital TV systems, people are faced with an unprecedented level of program choice. This often means that viewers receive much more information than they can actually manage, which may lead them to believe that they are missing programs that could likely interest them. In this context, TV program recommendation systems allow us to cope with this problem by automatically matching user’s likes to TV programs and recommending the ones with higher user preference.This paper describes the design, development, and startup of queveo.tv: a Web 2.0 TV program recommendation system. The proposed hybrid approach (which combines content-filtering techniques with those based on collaborative filtering) also provides all typical advantages of any social network, such as supporting communication among users as well as allowing users to add and tag contents, rate and comment the items, etc. To eliminate the most serious limitations of collaborative filtering, we have resorted to a well-known matrix factorization technique in the implementation of the item-based collaborative filtering algorithm, which has shown a good behavior in the TV domain. Every step in the development of this application was taken keeping always in mind the main goal: to simplify as much as possible the user task of selecting what program to watch on TV.  相似文献   

This study explores selected theoretical and design issues associated with the use of hypermedia learning environments to promote the recall, synthesis, integration and retention of information. The study contrasts two different hypermedia systems that contain resources on a complex historical domain. The experimental condition incorporates design features related to complexity, context-dependency and interconnectedness in order to highlight different aspects of its instructional content. The experimental condition was hypothesized to foster greater achievement on tests for synthesis, integration and retention of knowledge and to be more favorably rated by users. The control condition incorporates simple linear design features including several features that are antithetical to those of the experimental condition. The control condition presents the same instructional content in a more rigid and decontextualized manner and was hypothesized to foster greater mastery of factual recall but less synthesis, integration and retention of knowledge. Results however demonstrated that participants in the control condition were able to recall more facts, make more connections between themes in the test for synthesis and retain more facts than participants in the experimental condition. However, differences in overall performance for both hypermedia systems were not statistically significant: neither system had a different effect on learning.  相似文献   

There are numerous issues surrounding the provision of assessment-related feedback in Higher Education, which in recent years have been highlighted in the National Student Survey. In this paper questionnaire data from staff and students at the University of Reading are used to confirm the main issues encountered with feedback, namely problems of time efficiency for staff, lack of engagement by students with feedback and issues with the timeliness and quality of feedback received. Therefore we explored the potential of technology, specifically video, to address these issues by enabling staff to produce brief feedback videos for students. The videos were housed within a new online resource, ‘ASSET’, and were used to investigate whether use of this technology could enhance the feedback experience for both staff and students. A pilot of the ASSET resource for generic feedback provision found that it was considered advantageous by staff and students. Moreover, the use of video was also shown to resolve many of the common problems of feedback in relation to quality and engagement of students.  相似文献   

SHUM-UCOS:基于统一多任务模型可重构系统的实时操作系统   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在分析软硬件任务本质区别的基础上,提出并实现了一种基于统一多任务模型的实时操作系统,称为SHUM-UCOS,它能够跟踪和管理可重配置资源的使用,通过硬件任务预配置技术,提高了资源利用率和任务并行性,定义了两种标准硬件线程接口,对总线型和星型通信拓扑结构提供支持,Rhealstone Benchmark测试和实际应用都表明,SHUM-UCOS能够在提升系统性能的同时,有效缩减从软件实现到硬件实现的迁移时间。  相似文献   

Digital scholarship offers the opportunity to move beyond the limitations of traditional scholarly publication. Rather than limiting scholarly communication to text‐based static documents, the Web makes it possible for scholars to expose and share the full evidence of their research including data, images, video, and other genre of materials. These aggregations of evidence, or compound documents, can then be integrated into a linked data cloud, the basis of Scholarship 2.0—an open environment in which scholars collaborate and build new knowledge on the existing scholarship. We present Open Archives Initiative–Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI–ORE), a set of standards to identify and describe aggregations of WebResources, thereby making the Scholarship 2.0 vision possible. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过分析现有网络教学管理模式在多个异构平台间数据共享方面的不足,基于CELTS规范提出了一个学习者模型,并讨论了在该模型支持下学习者行为数据如何通过Web services技术在异构子系统之间实现交互与集成。最后以一个学习行为评估子系统为例,使用SOAP和XML技术给出了该模型在Web services平台下的一种实现。  相似文献   

开放系统中互操作技术的发展和前景   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
经历九十年代的持续实践,采用“开放系统”的思想来集成大型计算机系统,已成为技术界不争的事实。然而,完善的开放系统的实际形成有赖于“互操作性”的实现。本文将以互操作性为对象,探讨近十年来人们对其认识的深化,为有关挑战性难题所作的突破,以及未来发展的前景。  相似文献   

At a time that the term ‘Library 2.0’ has attracted attention in the professional and academic press of library and information science, there appears to be a lack of consensus as to what this nomenclature actually means. At one extreme Library 2.0 is purported to be primarily concerned with the implementation of web-based tools, and thus supports the view that its drivers are intimately related to technology. However, it has also been suggested that Library 2.0 is not solely about technology. Rather, the concept also incorporates changing the physical activities and services delivered by libraries, that is, Library 2.0 is services driven. Another perspective is that libraries have always had a history of adopting technology and user-centred improvements to services, and thus Library 2.0 may not even be anything new. This article reports on a research project which assessed the perceptions of Library 2.0, and the extent of its adoption, in the UK academic library sector. The main finding of the study is that Library 2.0 is predominantly viewed as the selective application of Web 2.0 tools and techniques with user services at the heart of any implementation. Although Library 2.0 does not present a new paradigm, its effects are felt in services delivery. Of particular interest are changes in the relationships between those who provide information services and the different generations of the end-users that they serve.  相似文献   

自适应重配置软件系统的运行时监控方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐姗  李丽萍  谭文安 《计算机科学》2013,40(11):191-196
运行时监控技术作为实现自适应软件的一个重要研究内容,现已成为当前很多软件工程方法中用来提高软件产品可信性的一个重要设计原则。针对现有的很多软件监控方法常常将系统的监控逻辑与业务功能逻辑混杂在一起的问题,提出了一个需求模型驱动的、自适应重配置软件的运行时监控方法。以软件系统的目标模型及属性规约为基础,介绍了如何构建系统的监控模型、生成和编织监控代码,以及进行运行时诊断分析和自适应重配置调整。该方法通过采用独立于应用程序的外部单元来实现对运行时系统的监控、诊断和自适应重配置处理。这更利于系统的维护和管理,也更符合软件复用的思想。  相似文献   

为了提高Web应用系统开发效率,提出了模型驱动下的Web应用系统自动生成方法。这种生成方法是以Me—taEdit+作为元建模工具,首先创建Web应用系统元模型、定制DSL,进而建立Web应用系统领域模型,然后通过MetaEdit+提供的生成器定义语言MERL,软件开发人员可以很方便地设计出Web应用系统所需的JSP生成器、Servlet生成器、Jayabeans生成器和数据库生成器,从Web应用系统图形模型直接生成整个Web应用系统。最后通过一个WebShopping实例详细介绍了模型驱动下的Web应用系统生成方法及生成过程。经测试,所生成的Web应用系统可以在Windows操作系统中的Web应用服务器上正确运行。  相似文献   

传统的性能评价方法已经无法满足规模不断扩大的并行系统性能分析的要求。近几年来,新的性能评价方法--性能模型得到了广泛的研究。本文通过对现有模型的研究,提出一个开放式性能模型(PMPS),并研究了实现该模型的关键技术。  相似文献   

该文介绍了带有宽总线网络的可重构计算模型(RAPWBN)的基本结构及其二进制值的前缀和操作,提出了一种快速并行排序算法,对长度为N的序列进行排序,在具有N2个处理器和N条行总线的RAPWBN模型上,若总线带宽ω>logN字节,可以在O(1)时间完成排序。该算法的成本达到了最优。  相似文献   

介绍了一种适用于关键性大型业务系统的信息采集和处理模型。该模型较好地实现了基于WWW平台,采用低速连接来实现大规模的信息采集、处理、数据分发的功能,同时物理隔离和防火墙技术确保了系统的可靠性、安全性。根据该模型成功地设计和实现了一个大型的关键性业务系统。  相似文献   

可重构片上系统是一种兼具功能灵活性与高运算速度的新型计算平台,是面向未来嵌入式应用市场复杂需求的技术解决方案,但复杂、困难的设计过程必将阻碍它的广泛应用与进一步发展.针对当前可重构片上系统设计过程中编程不透明、可重构资源难以有效利用等问题,结合可编程器件能够根据应用特性动态配置芯片体系结构的特点,提出并实现了一套基于过程级透明编程模型的软硬件协同设计方法.在编程模型框架内,系统设计人员通过调用已根据应用特性进行优化的软硬件协同函数库,即可利用高级语言完成系统功能描述;动态软硬件划分算法在程序运行时对其进行划分,选择、调度需要转换到软件或硬件实现的库函数,并通过动态链接器实时切换函数的运行方式,从而形成一个由功能描述到系统实现的自动化流程.实验及测试结果验证了该方法的可行性和高效性.  相似文献   

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