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针对物联网源端数据在传输过程中易被篡改、可信度低等痛点,结合区块链技术分布式存储、数据可溯源、不可篡改等特性,在传统的物联网数据传输方式的基础上,研究了基于区块链高速共识方法的物联网源端数据存储方式。将区块链共识节点部署在采集侧的区块链物联网关,并使用区块链对采集传感器设备进行身份认证,保证数据只能由经过区块链认证的设备上链,确保数据从源头可信。同时将区块链共识节点部署于服务器机房和物联网采集侧,保证了当采集侧区块链共识节点由于故障断开连接时,区块链网络仍能稳定运行。同时,研究并优化了区块链主节点选举方法和共识方法,以达到提高联盟链稳定性和数据传输安全性的目的,实现物联网采集数据从源头到存储全程可信、可控、可溯源。  相似文献   

针对现有电子数据证据在公检法部门、司法鉴定机构线下流转过程中易丢失、难查询、难以保证唯一性和完整性等问题,提出一种基于区块链技术的电子数据证据共享平台技术实现方案.该平台融合了区块链技术、网络可信身份认证、可信时间、加密电子数据证据存取证管理等技术,解决了电子数据证据使用过程中因易伪造、易篡改难以保证真实性,司法鉴定中...  相似文献   

为了解决数字孪生边缘网络数据共享面临的隐私和安全问题,提出一种基于区块链分片的数字孪生边缘网络数据安全共享机制。考虑动态时变的数字孪生边缘网络和边缘网络孪生模型与物理网络映射误差,建立联合多播簇头选择、本地基站(BS)共识接入选择、频谱和计算共识资源分配的自适应资源优化模型,实现最大化区块链分片交易吞吐量的目标。在数字孪生边缘网络环境下,提出双层近端策略优化(PPO)算法,求解自适应资源优化问题。仿真结果表明,所提算法可以有效改善区块链分片交易吞吐量。同时,在适应映射误差方面优于传统深度强化学习算法。  相似文献   

梳理了区块链技术自概念诞生以来到应用部署落地的发展历程,分别从计算存储资源、互联互通、数据同步和监管等方面分析了目前区块链在规模化应用落地过程中面临的实际问题,并提出基于5G+MEC的区块链规模化部署方案,设计了纵向分层多级、横向动态分片的区块链规模化部署架构,分析了5G+MEC网络对解决区块链规模化部署中计算存储资源、实现互联互通、提高消息数据同步效率、改善监管能力等问题的技术优势。  相似文献   

随着数字化时代的不断发展,人们对于信息安全的需求越来越高,区块链技术的出现为信息安全提供了一种全新的解决方案。文章介绍了基于区块链可信认证的准入管控技术应用,重点分析如何利用区块链技术实现可信认证,并将其应用于准入管控,从而提高系统的安全性和可信度。同时,还讨论了准入管控技术在实际应用中的优势和局限性,以及未来发展的趋势与前景。  相似文献   

基于区块链的可信数据交换技术能实现去中心化网络中隐私数据的保护与流通,推动数字化时代打破“数据孤岛”壁垒。分析了可信数据交换的背景和需求,阐述了基于区块链可信数据交换及其关键技术,并结合区块链底层基础设施平台展示了应用情况。  相似文献   

为了提高物联网区块链数据挖掘能力,需要进行数据优化聚类处理,提出基于深度学习的区块链数据分片峰值聚类算法.采用异构有向图分析方法进行物联网区块链数据存储结构设计,结合特征空间重组技术进行物联网区块链数据结构重组,提取物联网区块链数据的关联信息特征量,采用语义相关性融合的方法进行区块链数据特征提取和自适应调度,对提取的物联网区块链数据特征量进行模糊聚类处理,采用模糊C均值聚类方法进行物联网区块链数据的网格分片峰值聚类和属性分类识别,采用深度学习方法进行数据聚类过程中的分片峰值融合和聚类分析,实现区块链数据分片峰值聚类.仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行区块链数据分片峰值聚类的收敛性较好,误分率较低,自适应学习能力较强.  相似文献   

互联网购物发展日益迅速,商品的可信溯源愈受社会重视,然而,在传统的中心化供应链溯源管理模式中,链主的权益过大,需要供应链成员对链主绝对信任。同时,链主的管理能力和经济实力给供应链的工作效率设定了"天花板",难以发挥供应链最大的潜力。为解决上述问题,本文利用区块链防篡改、安全性高、可溯源等几大优势,设计了基于区块链的供应链溯源系统。具体而言,使用了基于Websocket的P2P网络,来实现节点间的长连接和数据传输;简化了PBFT算法适用于供应链,保证在对新区块的验证前提下缩短算法流程,并提高共识速度;设计适用于供应链交易的链式结构,方便区块链的信息存储和溯源;实现基于区块链的可信溯源,对商品实现从原料供应商到客户整个链的溯源。  相似文献   

为解决无人机与蜂窝网络在协作频谱共享中的激励与安全问题,提出了一种基于区块链的频谱共享机制。首先,为保证无人机在协作过程中的可靠性和真实性,采用基于信誉的赢家判决方法和维克里(Vickery)拍卖的付款规则,在保证无人机通信最小速率前提下提出最大化蜂窝网络传输容量的优化方案。其次,为避免集中机构带来隐私泄露等危险,提出基于区块链的拍卖框架,使用区块链存储并更新无人机的信誉值,并使用智能合约功能来验证和执行拍卖。最后,通过仿真验证区块链的防篡改性,表明所提机制具有激励兼容性并能提升蜂窝网络的传输容量,且与其他方案相比具有较低的协作中断百分比和较好的公平性。  相似文献   

区块链(Blockchain)是一种在对等网络环境下,通过透明和可信规则,构建不可伪造、不可篡改和可追溯的块链式数据结构,实现和管理事务处理的模式。文章根据多年的实践及研究经验,简单探讨区块链基础技术及其潜在应用。  相似文献   

This paper puts forth a new encoding method for using neural network models to estimate the reliability of telecommunications networks with identical link reliabilities. Neural estimation is computationally speedy, and can be used during network design optimization by an iterative algorithm such as tabu search, or simulated annealing. Two significant drawbacks of previous approaches to using neural networks to model system reliability are the long vector length of the inputs required to represent the network link architecture, and the specificity of the neural network model to a certain system size. Our encoding method overcomes both of these drawbacks with a compact, general set of inputs that adequately describe the likely network reliability. We computationally demonstrate both the precision of the neural network estimate of reliability, and the ability of the neural network model to generalize to a variety of network sizes, including application to three actual large scale communications networks.   相似文献   

为了满足业务多样性对5G网络切片带来差异化需求的同时保证切片的可靠性,实现网络资源的优化配置。该文针对5G网络切片的动态映射、轻量级可靠映射问题,提出对计算资源、链路资源和RRU频谱资源联合分配方案。首先,该方案建立面向可靠性约束的多目标资源分配模型,引入李雅普诺夫优化模型,在保证队列稳定同时优化资源分配。其次,提出了基于队列稳定性的虚拟节点映射算法和基于可靠性的虚拟链路映射算法。最后,将时间离散为一系列连续的时间窗,利用时间窗动态处理到达的网络切片请求,实现在线的网络切片映射算法。仿真结果表明,该算法提高了资源利用率,并且保证网络可靠性。  相似文献   

实现频谱共享,需要以实时准确地掌握主用户的频谱占用情况以及频谱交易信息为前提.为此,在利用群智感知以及区块链的前提下,提出了三层式的基于区块链的认知无线电系统,即物理层、传输层以及应用层.其中区块链网络位于传输层,用以记录交易信息,并利用区块链的去中心化以及去信任化特性以保证交易的安全性与可靠性.特别地,为了激励系统中...  相似文献   

Reliability optimization of computer-communication networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evaluation of the reliability of a given computer communication network is a NP-hard problem. Hence, the problem of assigning reliabilities to links of a fixed computer communication network topology to optimize the system reliability is also NP-hard. A heuristic method is developed to assign links to a given topology so that the system reliability of the network is near optimal. The method provides a way to assign reliability measures to the links of a network to increase overall reliability. It is based on the principle that the most reliable link should be assigned to the most vulnerable edge. The method computes an importance order for the edges of the network and uses the order to assign link reliabilities. If there are fewer than six links in a network, it can be shown that the method gives optimal assignment  相似文献   

Network Reliability Optimization via the Cross-Entropy Method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consider a network of unreliable links, each of which comes with a certain price, and reliability. Given a fixed budget, which links should be purchased in order to maximize the system's reliability? We introduce a new approach, based on the cross-entropy method, which can deal effectively with the constraints, and noise introduced when estimating the reliabilities via simulation, in this difficult combinatorial optimization problem. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique  相似文献   

IOTA is a typical blockchain designed for IoT applications. The Markov chain monte carlo algorithm (MCMC) used in IOTA may lead to a large number of unverified blocks, which increases transaction delay to a certain extent. We propose a Stable matching algorithm (SMA) based on matching theory to stimulate nodes to verify blocks, thereby reducing the number of unverified blocks and the consensus delay. The structure of our IoT blockchain uses the Directed acyc1ic graph (DAG) to improve the transaction processing capability. The nodes in the network are abstracted as transaction issuers and transaction verifiers. A verification service scheduling system is used to assign transactions to the verifiers and achieve the optimal matching. We designed a trust evaluation mechanism which offers verifiers references and awards to check transactions. The simulation results show that SMA can significantly reduce the number of orphan blocks and improve the transaction throughput, which helps to improve the reliability of the IoT blockchain.  相似文献   

An important problem in reliability theory is to determine the reliability of a complex system given the reliabilities of its components. In real life the system and its components are capable of being in a whole range of states, varying from a perfect functioning state to states related to various levels of performance degradation to complete failure. Thus, the binary models are an oversimplification of the actual reality. This paper presents models and their applications in terms of reliability analysis to situations where the system can have whole range of states and all its components can also have whole range of multiple states. The system generally has various levels of operational performance and hence the total system effectiveness measures should reflect all of these performance levels and their reliabilities. The methodology presented is illustrated by a simple example.  相似文献   

The sixth-generation (6G) network must provide better performance than previous generations to meet the requirements of emerging services and applications, such as multi-gigabit transmission rate, higher reliability, and sub-1 ​ms latency and ubiquitous connection for the Internet of Everything (IoE). However, with the scarcity of spectrum resources, efficient resource management and sharing are crucial to achieving all these ambitious requirements. One possible technology to achieve all this is the blockchain. Because of its inherent properties, the blockchain has recently gained an important position, which is of great significance to the 6G network and other networks. In particular, the integration of the blockchain in 6G will enable the network to monitor and manage resource utilization and sharing efficiently. Hence, in this paper, we discuss the potentials of the blockchain for resource management and sharing in 6G using multiple application scenarios, namely, Internet of things, device-to-device communications, network slicing, and inter-domain blockchain ecosystems.  相似文献   

针对传统网络切片映射方法资源利用率低且可靠性差的问题,该文提出了可靠性感知的网络切片(NS)重构及映射策略(RNSRE)。首先,建立了面向可靠性和资源的网络切片可靠映射效用函数。其次,综合考虑虚拟网络功能(VNF)的资源需求和位置约束,提出了一种VNF可靠性需求的度量方法。在此基础上,以最大化VNF可靠部署收益的同时最小化链路带宽资源开销为目标,建立了切片可靠映射整数线性规划模型。最后,针对不同的网络切片类型,提出了基于邻域搜索的网络切片映射算法和关键VNF备份的网络切片重构映射算法。仿真结果表明,所提算法在满足VNF可靠性需求的同时,提高了资源利用率,降低了映射的开销。  相似文献   

李伟 《移动信息》2024,46(3):157-159
随着网络和移动设备用户数量的增长,信息安全和隐私保护变得越来越重要。文中提出了一种基于区块链的解决方案,即隐私保护型区块链系统,以保护用户数据的安全性和隐私性。此外,设计并实施了一种利用区块链不可篡改性和分布式特性的系统,以确保数据的完整性和防止未经授权的访问。通过仿真实验,验证了该系统的有效性和效率。实验结果表明,该系统在提高用户数据安全性和隐私性方面表现优异,是一种值得推广的新型数据保护策略。  相似文献   

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