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K. I. Ereifej M. A. Al-Mahasneh T. M. Rababah 《International Journal of Food Properties》2013,16(1):39-49
Balady bread was prepared from barley flour (Rum and ACSAD 176 flour) with local wheat flour (Unified and Zero flour). Chemical, physical, and sensory analysis of the bread was performed. The results showed that there were variations in physical and chemical properties, between different barley varieties, barley flour, and the bread. This study showed that barley flour can be mixed with wheat flour to provide Balady bread that is acceptable to the consumer by 15 and 30%. Additional portions of barley flour resulted in harder bread, darker color, non uniform-shaped loaf, and unacceptable quality for the consumer. The results also showed a better quality of unified wheat flour compared to Zero wheat flour, which was mixed with barley flours; Rum and ACSAD 176 produced a better overall bread quality that was acceptable to the consumers. 相似文献
在面包生产中,当面粉自身的淀粉酶含量很低时,淀粉的凝胶化就会很低,导致成品面包心发硬、发黑,面包体积小,松软度差等不良品质出现。为了使淀粉充分糊化,产生足够的糊精和麦芽糖,需添加一定的真菌淀粉酶,添加量通过黏度仪测定,并通过实验室制作成品面包,综合评价。结果表明,通过添加一定量的真菌淀粉酶,增加了酶活性,使得面包体积加大,包心增白且松软,提高了整体评分。 相似文献
赖氨酸复合盐在小麦粉及馒头和面条中的适用性研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
在小麦粉中分别强化901.45、1802.9和2704.35mg/kg的L-赖氨酸-L-谷氨酸盐(一种赖氨酸复合盐产品,简称为“LG”),与对照组比较,作了基础分析并制作了馒头和面条。研究表明:LG的强化对粉质特性没有明显影响,而对面团的拉伸特性有一定的改善作用;各试验组馒头在体积、高度、质量及感官评分方面没有显著性差异,适度添加LG不会对馒头感官品质产生不良影响;各试验组面条在感官评分方面没有显著性差异,所制作的面条色泽、气味都很正常,无异味和变色现象,适度添加LG不会对面条感官品质产生不良影响。因此,L-赖氨酸-L-谷氨酸盐作为营养强化剂在小麦粉及馒头和面条中是适用的。 相似文献
Utilization of Transglutaminase to Increase the Level of Barley and Soy Flour Incorporation in Wheat Flour Breads 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
ABSTRACT: This study investigated the possibility of incorporating barley or soy flour into wheat flour using transglutaminase (TG)-catalyzed cross-linking, without deterioration in bread quality. A Farinograph and texture analyzer were used to examine mixing properties and extensibility of doughs, respectively. Addition of increasing levels of barley/soy flour (with and without TG) increased Farinograph water absorption in the soft and hard wheat cultivars studied. Dough resistance increased and extensibility decreased with TG treatment. TG showed great promise in processing of bread supplemented with barley flour, even at a very low level (0.25%, wt/ wt), but did not notably improve the quality of soy flour-supplemented breads. 相似文献
M. Sosa A. Flores G. Hough N. Apro V. Ferreyra M.M. Orbea 《Journal of food science》2008,73(8):S392-S397
ABSTRACT: The objectives of the present study were to measure the ideal salt concentration in French‐type bread among Argentine consumers in a home‐usage‐test (HUT) considering income status and salt content of daily bread consumption as covariables, and to compare the ideal salt concentrations measured in a HUT and a central‐location test (CLT). For the HUT, 420 consumers each received a sample of bread with a single salt concentration, and for the CLT, 100 consumers each received 7 samples with different salt concentrations. For each sample, consumers responded if they found the bread “not‐salty‐enough,”“okay,” or “too‐salty.” Neither income level nor salt content of daily bread influenced probability of rejection. The optimum sodium concentrations (milligrams per 100 g of bread dry basis) ± 95% confidence limits for the HUT and CLT were 980 ± 74 and 1157 ± 87, respectively. These values are substantially higher than 628, the mean sodium content of the bread sampled from the bakery shops where consumers bought their daily bread. 相似文献
随着生活水平的日益提高,人们对面包粉的需求不断上升。为适应这一趋势,介绍了国内外小麦面色粉的质量要求;探讨了面包粉的生产工艺,包括面包粉小麦的选择、清理和制粉工艺以及面包粉提取后的处理。 相似文献
烤饼是中亚国家(哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦)的重要主食.中亚的面粉和烤饼消费水平相当高见表1.在有些农村,人均烤饼消费量高达500 g/d.此外,该地区消费中亚小麦和烤饼的国家还包括阿塞拜疆、阿富汗和蒙古. 相似文献
糯小麦配粉对小麦粉及面包品质影响的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用不同的配比将糯小麦粉加入到小麦粉中,通过测定一系列小麦粉指标和面包指标,研究了糯小麦配粉对小麦粉及面包品质的影响.结果表明:随着糯小麦粉比例的增加,支链淀粉含量、支直比、湿面筋含量、沉降值、弱化度增加;直链淀粉含量、总淀粉含量、降落数值、形成时间与稳定时间下降;小麦粉的峰值黏度、最终黏度与回升值都逐渐降低,而糊化温度变化不显著;将5%~10%的糯性小麦粉添加到面包粉中生产面包,面包的体积与综合得分略有下降,但面包的吸水率与保水性能增加,抗老化性能有所增强,有利于面包货贺期的延长. 相似文献
使用粉质仪、拉伸仪、发酵仪、流变仪、气相色谱仪等先进仪器,采用正交试验设计和方差分析等科学方法,测定了面粉、酵母、面包添加剂在面包加工过程中的相关性,探讨了它们对面包风味、保鲜期、比容等品质指标的影响。对面粉厂、酵母厂、面包厂等企业具有重要指导意义。 相似文献
为获得性能优良的大麦面包复合改良剂,以满足生产营养与品质兼优大麦面包(含大麦粉55%)的需要。选用6种改良剂,以面包综合评分为依据,采用部分因子和中心组合设计等试验获得优化的复合改良剂,并利用C-Cell图像分析仪和物性仪分析和确证复合改良剂对大麦面包品质的改善效果。结果表明,优化的复合改良剂组成及添加量为:β-葡聚糖酶0.064 9%、谷朊粉7.526 9%、α-淀粉酶0.008 9%、TG0.090 0%、蔗糖酯0.300 0%、Vc 0.012 5%;使用优化复合改良剂的大麦面包与优化前相比,其面包片周长与内部气孔数量均增加,孔洞面积减小,比容提高了45%;同时,新鲜大麦面包及其在贮藏期内质构特性明显改善,硬度减小、弹性增加、咀嚼性提升。优化的复合改良剂适用于高含量大麦粉面包的生产。 相似文献
馒头专用粉配粉方法的研究 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
以4种粉的品质及蒸馒头实验为依据,确定了馒头专用粉的配粉方法,即按评价值46,湿面筋含量29.18%~29.50%,粗蛋白质含量9.41%~10.30%,可配得品质优良的馒头专用粉。 相似文献
面包专用粉试验方法的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
烘焙试验是检验面包专用粉操作性能和食用品质最直接、最有效的方法。因此,立足烘焙试验,从面包的制作工艺和品种入手,发现在面包的制作过程中将盐、糖和酵母分别溶解依次加入面粉,对面包的质量及试验结果至关重要。在试验品种方面,主食面包最易区分面包的结构层次;无盖土司最能反映面包的体积和外在质量;圆形面包则可检验面包粉拉力比数的适宜程度,表明面团的耐搅拌、耐醒发及持气能力的大小。 相似文献