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Becauseoffinegrains,themagnetspreparedbythemechanicalaloying(MA)techniquehavehighercoercivitycomparedwiththosepreparedbytra...  相似文献   

Microbialpollutionandcontaminationbymicroor ganismshaveproducedvarioustroublesinindustryandothervitalfields ,suchasdegradationandinfec tion .Thenewpasteurizationandantibacterialtech niqueshavebeendemandedandstudied[1] .Inrecentyears ,therareearthmetaloxid…  相似文献   

The amorphous Mg0.94Lao.o6Ni alloy was synthesized by ball milling for different time at 400 r min^-1. Electrochemical performances of the alloy electrodes were investigated and the results show that the specimens would reach their maximum electrochemical discharge capacities at the first charge/discharge cycle. The cyclic tests and X-ray diffraction(XRD) results show that discharge capacities would decrease rapidly due to the crystallization of the amorphous and the oxidization of magnesium on the particle surface during the electrochemical charge/discharge cycling. In addition, the DTA and SEM results reveal that the thermal stabilities will be improved and the size of the alloy will be decreased with the ball-milling time. The amorphous Mgo.96Lao.04Ni alloy prepared by ball milling for 40 h at 400 r min^-1 shows the bestelectrochemical properties.  相似文献   

Hydrodeoxygenation(HDO) of renewable lignin-derived biomass in aqueous-phase to produce high value-added products is of great significance.However,developing new catalysts with high activity and excellent stability in an aqueous phase faces considerable challenges.Rare earth doping can effectively regulate the water exchange rate constant(WERC) value of the catalyst and play an important role in promoting the hydrolysis of ether bonds.Therefore,in this paper the bimetallic supported catalyst Ni-...  相似文献   

In this study, hierarchical Ag/La2O2CO3 micro/nanostructures (MNSs) were synthesized by in situ loading Ag nanoparticles (NPs) on the surface of the La2O2CO3 MNSs. The prepared La2O2CO3 MNSs present flower-like shape and can be tuned by the molar ratio of La (NO3)3 and CO(NH2)2. In the molar ratio of 1:2 to 1:55, the La2O2CO3 MNSs mainly consist of polyhedral rods, irregular rods and irregular spindles and their size is about 10, 8 and 7 μm, respectively. After loading Ag NPs, the spindle-like Ag/La2O2CO3 MNSs were used for phosphate removal and antibacterial activity. At the initial phosphate concentration of 20 mg/L, the removal rate is 59.6%. The Ag/La2O2CO3 MNSs have significant antibacterial activity and their MIC values for S. aureus and E. coli are 31.3 and 15.6 μg/mL, respectively. The results indicate that Ag/La2O2CO3 MNSs may have good application prospects in open water to inhibit bacterial growth.  相似文献   

Thesol-gelmethodoffersanewapproachtothesynthesisofglasses,ceramics,fibersand.compositesrelatedtotheopticalproperties['j.Sincesomelanthanideionspossessgoodlumi-nescencecharacteristicsbasedontheelectronictransiti0nsamongthe4fenergylevels,aseriesofrareearthcompoundshavebeenstudiedforprac-ticalapplicationsasphosphors.SomestudiesonluminescencebehaviorofEuCl3andEu(NO3)3.alt.[z's]adsorbedonporousglasses,dopedintosol-gelderivedhostsandusedasaprobetostudytheenvironmentofEu3 duringthedifferentstages0f…  相似文献   

MechanismofREontheElectrochemicalPropertiesofMulticomponentHydrogenStorageAloysofRENi5TypeJiangJianjun(江建军)(HuazhongUniversi...  相似文献   

La1.5Mg17Ni0.5 hydrogen storage materials were prepared by hydriding combustion synthesis (HCS) and mechanical alloying (MA) method respectively. The experimental results show that the hydrogen absorption properties of La1.5Mg17Nio.5 prepared by MA are better than that by HCS. La1.5Mg17Nio.5 prepared by MA can absorb 6.73 mass% hydrogen at 523 K within 1 min, and 4.92 mass% hydrogen at 423 K. The improvement of hydriding properties of La1.5Mg17Ni0.5alloy prepared by MA can be ascribed to the formation of nano-crystalline and defects during the mechanical alloying.  相似文献   

EfectsofLaRichRareEarthAloysonStructureandMechanicalPropertiesofZL101AAloyLiHuaji(李华基),TanHuixin(谭会辛),ZhuZhenchao(祝阵超)(Chong...  相似文献   

Themischmetal(Mm)hydrogenstoragealoyshavesofarbeensuccesfulydevelopedasahighcapacitynegativeelectrodematerialforsecondaryb...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of La3+ solution on seed germination and seedling growth of Salvia miltiorrhiza. Different concentrations of La3+ were used on seed by soaking treated to determine which concentration is the most suitable for the growth of S. miltiorrhiza. Results show that the low concentration of La3+ displays the promotion effect on S. miltiorrhiza seed germination rate and germination potential, and the promotion effect reaches the highest level when the concentration of La3+ solution is 30 mg/L, the germination index and vigor index are the highest in 20 mg/L, and it can also increase the contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein and chlorophyll. Meanwhile, the activity of antioxidant enzyme system (CAT and SOD) are improved, thus the photosynthesis and resistance of plant are enhanced. On the contrary, when the La3+ concentration is high, La3+ can inhibit plant growth. Thus La3+ displays the "homesis effect" on S. miltiorrhiza growth.  相似文献   

Poroussilicon(PS)wasfoundtoemitvisibleluminescenceatroomtemperaturebyCanhamin1990[1].Thisphenomenonimpliedapotentialapplicati...  相似文献   

The order of adsorbability of three kinds of clay minerals and their selectivity of adsorption tocommon cations and RE ions have been studied by quantum chemical calculation.They are as follows:montmorilionite>halloysite>kaolinite,RE~(3+)>Al~(3+)>Ca~(2+)>Mg~(2+)>K~+>NH_4~+>Na~+,Sc~(3+)>La~(3+)>Ce~(3+)>Pr~(3+)>Nd~(3+)>Sm~(3+)>Eu~(3+)>Gd~(3+)>Tb~(3+)>Dy~(3+)>Ho~(3+)>Y~(3+)>Er~(3+)>Tm~(3+)>Yb~(3+)>Lu~(3+).Based onthese orders,the facts that RE is preferentially adsorbed in weathered residual type of clay mineral and lightRE and heavy RE are enriched at the upper layer and at the lower layer respectively in ore body have beenexplained.  相似文献   

The reduced graphene oxide-supported copper(Cu@rGO) nanocomposite was introduced to improve the electrochemical properties of La_(0.7)Mg_(0.3)Ni_(2.8)Co_(0.5)alloy electrodes.Experimental results show that adding Cu@rGO nanocomposite with mass fractions of x wt%(x=0,3,6 and 9) to the alloy electrodes provides electrodes with maximum discharge capacities of 368.9 mAh/g(x=0),373.2 mAh/g(x=3),407.3 mAh/g(x=6) and 398.6 mAh/g(x=9),and high-rate dischargeabilities at a discharge current density of1200 mA/g of 40.5%(x=0),64.0%(x=3),82.0%(x=6) and 76.0%(x=9).The addition of Cu@rGO nanocomposite also provides alloy electrodes with hydrogen diffusion coefficients of 3.7×10~(-10) cm~2/s(x=0),4.1×10~(-10) cm~2/s(x=3),4.2×10~(-10) cm~2/s(x=6) and 4.0×10~(-10) cm~2/s(x=9).Clearly,the addition of 6 wt%Cu@rGO nanocomposite not only increases the electrochemical capacity of La_(0.7)Mg_(0.3)Ni_(2.8)Co_(0.5) alloy electrodes,but also improves their electrochemical kinetic properties.  相似文献   

Thediscoveryofthecolossalmagnetore sistanceinperovskitemanganitesderivedfromLaMnO3 hasarousedmuchinterestowingtoitspotentialapplicationandtheoreticalresearchvalues .Thesubstitionofmetalelement,suchasCa ,Sr,Ba ,forLainLaMnO3 ,oftenleadstoaninsulator metaltra…  相似文献   

Due to strong synergistic effect of the elements,a series of XEuMnOx ternary oxides(X=Ce,Ni,Co,Sb,Sn,Mo) were synthesized by one-pot co-precipitation method,and composite components were identified and optimized to maintain high activity and superior SO2 and H2O endurance in selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3(NH3-SCR).NOx conversion of CeEuMnOx ternary oxide catalysts attains more than 90% at 100-2...  相似文献   

The structure and hydriding performance of La0.6Nd0.4Ni4.8Mn0.2Cux (x = 0 ~ 0.4) alloys were investigated in order to develop suitable materials for metal hydride air conditioner. The effect of Cu addition on the crystal structure,equilibrium pressure, hydrogen capacity and hysteresis as well as hydrogen absorption/desorption kinetics were systematically studied by using the measurement of P-C isotherms, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. As the amount of Cu increases, the plateau pressure increases and hydrogen absorption/desorption kinetics is improved, but the effective hydrogen storage capacity decreases. It is shown that variations in the basal plane parameter a can be used as an indication for the plateau pressure changes. With the increase of parameter a, the plateau pressure decreases. For La0.6 Nd0.4Ni4.8Mn0.2Cux(x = 0 ~ 0.4) alloys there is a relationship between the effective hydrogen storage capacities and the ratios of their unit cell parameters c and a. The effective hydrogen storage capacity decreases with increase of a/c.  相似文献   

ThereisprofuseresourceofrareearthelementinChina,soitisveryimportanttostudytheapplicationoftherareearthcompounds[1].Theperovs...  相似文献   

An improved technique was used to prepare the ceramic samples of Bi5.75R0.25Fe1.4Ni0.6Ti3O18(BRFNT,R=Eu,Sm,Nd,Bi,and La).The five-layer Aurivillius phase of the samples was confirmed by X-ray diffraction(XRD)without detectable impurities.BRFNT samples exhibit the pseudo-tetragonal except the orthorhombic BSmFNT samples.The characteristic plate-like morphology was revealed by field emission transmission electron microscopy(FETEM)images.At ambient tempe rature,all the samples present both ferroelectric and magnetic properties and BEuFNT shows the best ferroelectric behavior with its remanent polarization as high as 14.9μC/cm2under 155 kV/cm,which is three times higher than that of Bi5.75R0.25Fe1.4Ni0.6Ti3O18.Moreover,the remanent magnetization of BEuFNT is increased up to 1.20 emu/g compared to that of Bi5.75R0.25Fe1.4Ni0.6Ti3O18which is only 0.53 emu/g.With increasing radius of the introduced A-site ions,the ferroelectric phase transition temperature(TCE)is decreased while the magnetic phase transition temperature(TCM)fluctuates.The decrease in both TCEand TCM corresponds to the upward shift of the related Raman modes and vice versa,indicating that the TCEand the TCM depend not only on the t factor,but also on the strength of the covalent bonds.  相似文献   

Pt-free counter electrode(CE) composed of La2 MoO_6(La_2 O_3-MoO_3) was successfully synthesized by simple pyrolysis of lanthanum acetate(C_6 H_9 O_6 La·xH_2 O) and hexaammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate((NH4)6 Mo_7 O_(24)·4 H_2 O). Furthermore,three proportions composites catalysts of La2 MoO_6@MWCNTs based on La2 MoO_6 and multiwall carbon nanotubes(MWCNTs) were prepared and characterized as Ptfree catalyst for CE in dye-sensitized solar cells(DSSCs). The morphology and structure of La2 MoO_6@MWCNTs composites were determined by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscope and X-ray diffraction. The electrochemical performance of La2 MoO_6@MWCNTs composite catalysts for CEs was determined by photocurrent-voltage measurements, cyclic voltammetry,electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and Tafel polarization. The power conversion efficiencies of4.68%, 4.87% and 5.06% are obtained for La2 MoO_6:MWCNTs with the mass ratios of 5:1, 3:1 and 1:1 towards the reduction of I_3~-to I~-under the same conditions,respectively,which are superior to those of MWCNTs(3,94%) and La2 MoO_6(1.71%) electrodes. The experimental results reveal that the presence of MWCNTs results in an augmented active catalytic surface area and enhanced charge transfer from CE to the electrolyte.  相似文献   

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