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CONTEXT: Despite the increased popularity of hot-air balloon flight, data on injuries and fatalities associated with hot-air balloon crashes are limited. OBJECTIVE: To determine factors associated with injury and death in hot-air balloon crashes. DESIGN: Retrospective review of data collected from reports and investigations by the Civil Aeronautics Board and the National Transportation Safety Board. STUDY SUBJECTS: Individuals involved in US hot-air balloon crashes from 1964 to 1995. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Total number of crashes and factors associated with fatality or serious injury. RESULTS: From 1964 to 1995, a total of 495 hot-air balloon crashes involving 1533 persons were reported and included 92 fatalities and 384 serious injuries. Pilot error or incapacitation was determined subjectively by crash investigators to contribute to 85.1% of the crashes. In univariate analysis, collision with the ground was the most significant predictor of a fatality or serious injury (P<.001), and power-line contact was the most significant predictor of fatality (P<.001). In multiple logistic regression, only the type of object struck by a balloon predicted a fatal crash or a fatality or serious injury. CONCLUSIONS: Although a number of factors likely contribute to increased severity of hot-air balloon crashes, the object struck during a crash is most predictive of fatality or serious injury. Preventive efforts are needed to decrease future injuries.  相似文献   

Special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 1 (SATB1), a DNA-binding protein expressed predominantly in thymocytes, recognizes an ATC sequence context that consists of a cluster of sequence stretches with well-mixed A's, T's, and C's without G's on one strand. Such regions confer a high propensity for stable base unpairing. Using an in vivo cross-linking strategy, specialized genomic sequences (0.1-1. 1 kbp) that bind to SATB1 in human lymphoblastic cell line Jurkat cells were individually isolated and characterized. All in vivo SATB1-binding sequences examined contained typical ATC sequence contexts, with some exhibiting homology to autonomously replicating sequences from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that function as replication origins in yeast cells. In addition, LINE 1 elements, satellite 2 sequences, and CpG island-containing DNA were identified. To examine the higher-order packaging of these in vivo SATB1-binding sequences, high-resolution in situ fluorescence hybridization was performed with both nuclear "halos" with distended loops and the nuclear matrix after the majority of DNA had been removed by nuclease digestion. In vivo SATB1-binding sequences hybridized to genomic DNA as single spots within the residual nucleus circumscribed by the halo of DNA and remained as single spots in the nuclear matrix, indicating that these sequences are localized at the base of chromatin loops. In human breast cancer SK-BR-3 cells that do not express SATB1, at least one such sequence was found not anchored onto the nuclear matrix. These findings provide the first evidence that a cell type-specific factor such as SATB1 binds to the base of chromatin loops in vivo and suggests that a specific chromatin loop domain structure is involved in T cell-specific gene regulation.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) has become a useful procedure in the evaluation of abdominal trauma, since it is able to detect abnormalities in contour or tissue density of the major abdominal and retroperitoneal organs and spaces. Cases have been reported demonstrating the usefulness of CT in evaluating splenic, renal, and hepatic hematomas, retroperitoneal hemorrhage, spinal injuries, and traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. We describe a patient with traumatic rupture of the duodenum in whom CT played a key role in the diagnosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: to increase clinical awareness of the role of repetitive blunt trauma, often occupational, in the development of occlusive arterial disease of the hand. STUDY DESIGN: illustrative cases are presented to emphasize the varied etiology and clinical features of occlusive arterial disease of the hand resulting from repetitive blunt trauma and an historical review of the literature is presented. RESULTS: Occlusive arterial disease of the hand due to repetitive blunt trauma is a common but often preventable disorder. The superficial location of many of the arteries of the hands and digits plus their close proximity to the bones of the hand makes them uniquely susceptible to injury from repetitive blunt trauma. An ever increasing number of occupations and leisure activities have been causally related to occlusive arterial disease of the hand. The diagnosis of occupational occlusive arterial disease due to blunt trauma is suggested by eliciting a history of repetitive blunt trauma to the hand in a patient with symptoms and/or signs of digital ischemia. The dominant hand is most commonly involved, but the non-dominant hand or both hands are affected in certain occupations. Possible predisposing or aggravating factors include tobacco use and working in a cold environment. The diagnosis of occlusive arterial disease confined to the hand or digits is confirmed by non-invasive studies in the vascular laboratory and demonstrated by arteriography. Conservative measures and protection of the hand from further trauma is sufficient for most patients, with surgical therapy being reserved for patients refractory to medical therapy or those with more severe ischemia. CONCLUSION: occlusive arterial disease of the hand may be more common than formerly thought and is often preventable by the proper use of hand tools or instruments and hand protection. This is another type of occlusive arterial disease in which tobacco may be a predisposing or aggravating factor.  相似文献   

The authors encountered 108 cases of vesicoureteral reflex (VUR) in 231 cases of neurogenic bladder complicating spina bifida. Bladder compliance and percent volume (% vol.) were measured pre- and postoperatively and the patients were divided into four groups retrospectively according to the treatment. Ninety-five percent of low-grade VUR (grades I and II) disappeared spontaneously with conservative therapy or after augmentation cystoplasty without antireflux surgery; 92% of high-grade VUR (grade III or more) required ureteral reimplantation with or without bladder augmentation. Reflux did not recur in any case of ureteral reimplantation with bladder augmentation, however, it did recur in 20.4% of the cases of simple ureteral reimplantation without bladder augmentation. Percent volume and bladder compliance in cases of recurrence following simple ureteral reimplantation were significantly lower than in the successful cases. This study suggests that low-grade VUR can resolve spontaneously with conservative therapy or with a suitable maneuver to improve bladder compliance. High-grade reflux in cases of preserved bladder volume (% vol.>75%) and compliance (>7 ml/cmH2O) can be treated successfully with simple ureteral reimplantation, however, in cases of low volume (% vol.<60%) and low compliance (<4 ml/cmH2O), reimplantation with bladder augmentation is recommended.  相似文献   

Coronary artery dissection occurring after a nonpenetrating chest trauma is extremely rare. We describe herein the case of a 43-year-old man who suffered traumatic myocardial infarction after an intimal tear of the right coronary artery had been inflicted by a horse stepping on his back.  相似文献   

Of 43 patients who sustained blunt trauma resulting in a major renal laceration with a devitalized fragment 27 had coexisting intraperitoneal and renal injuries for which emergency celiotomy and repair of the nonurological trauma were done. Management of the renal injuries consisted of simultaneous renal exploration with 23% urological morbidity in 13 cases or expectant management with 85% urological morbidity in 14 cases. In this latter patient population infected urinomas and perinephric abscesses seeded from coexisting enteric or pancreatic injuries were the most common complication (57%). The remaining 16 of the 43 patients sustained renal lacerations without associated intraperitoneal injuries and all were managed expectantly with 38% urological morbidity. These findings suggest that renal exploration and surgical repair significantly improve the prognosis only in patients with simultaneous intraperitoneal and renal injuries (p < 0.01).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Duration of Inflation in pneumatic balloon dilatation as treatment of achalasia has been variable ranging from 15 s to 6 min. A 60 s duration appears to be most often used. We compared the efficacy of dilation of achalasia with either 6- or 60-s inflation duration using a Rigiflex dilator of 3.0 cm diameter. METHODS: Eighty-one consecutive patients were prospectively studied in a randomized fashion, 41 in the 60-s group (A) and 40 patients in the 6-s group (B). Mean age of group A was 43 +/- 16.2 yr and of group B was 40 +/- 16.4 yr. Symptoms of dysphagia, chest pain, heartburn, regurgitation, and night cough were evaluated at basal (before dilation), 1- and 6-month intervals after dilation in both groups. Barium swallow was done to assess esophageal emptying 1 wk before dilation and 5 min postdilation in both groups. RESULTS: Significant and sustained improvement was seen for all symptoms in both groups. In addition, the degree of improvement in symptom scores between the two groups was similar. Barium esophagram in both groups at basal and immediately postdilation showed significant improvement in barium emptying but there was no significant difference between the two groups, indicative of equal efficacy in both distention times. Two patients needed repeat dilatation in group A and one in group B, with one drop out from group A, who was lost to follow-up, and was excluded from the analysis. No perforation occurred. CONCLUSION: Short duration of pneumatic balloon dilatation (6-s) is as effective as longer duration (60-s) in treatment of achalasia.  相似文献   

Acute blunt laryngeal trauma can be a life-threatening event and often poses a difficult airway management problem. Patients may be unable to supply important anemnestic facts because of aphonia or intubation as a result of their injury. Therefore the immediate recognition and appropriate initial assessment and treatment are vital for a successful outcome. The first step is assuring an appropriate airway, either by careful intubation or temporary tracheotomy. An assessment of potential vascular and oesophageal injuries must be undertaken. The use of computerized tomography (CT) with contrast material is especially useful in identifying and localizing the damage caused by blunt neck injuries. Laryngeal fractures, air in the soft tissues and the extravasation of contrast material in the neck are all helpful in assessing the injuries before surgical intervention. Immediate initial surgery is aimed at stabilizing the cartilaginous framework and repairing the mucosa. We present a case of severe laryngeal injury caused by blunt trauma to the neck; our evaluation, treatment and the outcome.  相似文献   

This report presents an infant in whom a unique case of chylous ascites developed after blunt abdominal trauma. Unfortunately, this case was complicated by Pseudomonas peritonitis, likely from a distant source. Our patient was treated medically and had a good overall outcome.  相似文献   

An aorto-right ventricular fistula secondary to nonpenetrating trauma is described. Review of the literature is reported. Ascending aortic injuries present as either traumatic pseudoaneurysms or, less commonly, as aortocardiac fistulas. Blunt cardiac injury is a frequent concomitant injury and contributes to the high mortality of this lesion. Prompt surgical intervention is required for survival.  相似文献   

We report herein the case of a 23-year-old man with Crohn's disease who was found to have a perforated small bowel following blunt abdominal trauma sustained in a traffic accident. The general findings of diffuse peritonitis were identified by physical examination, and a plain X-ray film showed free air in the abdominal cavity. An emergency laparotomy was performed which revealed three perforated ulcers in the affected intestine. An abrupt increase in intraluminal pressure due to the striking force of the steering wheel to the abdomen was assumed to have been the cause of these perforations.  相似文献   

Between 1 January 1993 and 1 January 1994, 204 consecutive patients with possible blunt abdominal injury were analysed retrospectively. All patients underwent a standardized diagnostic approach on admission to the emergency room. Abdominal ultrasound (AUS) was performed in all cases. If there was evidence of intra-abdominal injury on physical examination or AUS, without signs of persistent hypovolaemia after initial assessment, contrast-enhanced computed tomographic scanning (CECT) of the abdomen was carried out without exception. Physical examination was equivocal in 13 and 3 per cent, respectively, of patients with 'isolated' abdominal trauma (N = 23) or with fractures of lower ribs 7-12 as a sole diagnosis (N = 30). In multiple injury patients (N = 95) or those with suspected 'isolated' head injury (N = 56), these figures reached 45 and 84 per cent, respectively. AUS (N = 204) revealed intra-abdominal injury in 20 per cent of patients, and CECT (N = 43) resulted in additional information in 49 per cent. Patients with 'isolated' head injury showed 9 per cent abnormalities on abdominal evaluation versus 32 per cent in multiple injury patients. In lower rib fractures (7-12) in multiple injury patients abdominal injury was diagnosed in 67 per cent of the cases. We conclude that: (1) negative findings following reliable physical examination of patients with 'isolated' head injury show very high values (NPV 100 per cent), but reliable physical examination is very infrequent (16 per cent); (2) NPV in lower rib fractures due to low energy impact is very high (100 per cent), with a reliable physical examination in most patients (97 per cent); (3) in patients with isolated abdominal trauma 87 per cent have a reliable physical examination with a moderately high NPV (71 per cent); (4) almost half the multiple injury patients have an unequivocal physical examination (45 per cent), with a high NPV following reliable physical examination for abdominal injury (85 per cent); (5) abdominal ultrasonography should be the first step in the radiological assessment of all patients with possible blunt abdominal injury; (6) in multiply injured patients with fractures of their lower ribs (7-12) due to high energy impact the incidence of abdominal injury is very high and CECT might be indicated even in the case of normal AUS findings.  相似文献   

The nasopharynx and eustachian tube (auditory tube) were morphologically examined in the white rhinoceros. The narrow nasopharynx cavity was enlarged dorsoventrally. The most lateral part of both sides sharply rises in a dorsal direction and the volume is estimated at 173 cc. The eustachian tube is 145 mm in length from the auditory bulla to the nasopharynx. The hyaline cartilage is well-developed in the middle region of the eustachian tube wall. The results demonstrated that the white rhinoceros does not have a guttural pouch. We suggest that the occurrence of the guttural pouch may not be dependent on the phylogenetic status of perissodactyls such as horse, donkey and tapir.  相似文献   

Sepsis and trauma have similarities in their immunopathologic profiles. Both conditions can result in multi-system organ failure which is sometimes associated with cytokine generation and inflammatory cell activation. Furthermore, decreases in peripheral blood monocyte expression of HLA-DR have been noted in both human sepsis and trauma. However, the magnitude, onset, and time course of such stimuli are often difficult to ascertain in human studies. Thus, to study a more detailed in vivo immunologic profile in these conditions, rat models were employed. Our aim was to describe and analyze cytokine and peripheral blood immunophenotype patterns in bacterially induced rat sepsis and to compare this to rat ischemia-reperfusion injury. Sprague-Dawley rats underwent either bacterial injection with enterotoxin producing Staphylococcus aureus or hind limb ischemia/ reperfusion. Two bacterial doses which were either lethal or sublethal at 24-48 hours were utilized. Peripheral blood neutrophils and B-lymphocytes were studied for expression of beta-integrins (CD11b and CD11b/c) and I-A, respectively, using flow cytometry. Corresponding plasma levels of TNF alpha and interferon gamma were measured by ELISA. At 24 hr, a lethal bacterial lethal bacterial dose injection resulted in significantly higher levels of neutrophil CD11b/c expression (p < 0.005) compared with ischemia-reperfusion treatment. B-cell I-A expression was also higher in lethal sepsis. Gamma interferon levels were significantly higher in lethal sepsis compared with ischemia-reperfusion (p = 0.005). Studies over time showed that CD11b expression and interferon gamma were both more marked at 6 hr than at 24 hr in lethal sepsis. This pattern was not observed in sublethal sepsis or in ischemia-reperfusion. CD11b/c expression on the other hand remained elevated at comparable levels at 6 and 24 hr in lethal sepsis. B-cell I-A expression in ischemia-reperfusion and sublethal sepsis decreased at 24 hr compared with baseline. Lethal sepsis in rats injected with enterotoxin producing staphylococcus results in phasic alterations in neutrophil CD11b and plasma interferon levels prior to death. In analogy to the findings of monocyte decreases in DR expression observed in human trauma and sepsis, rat B-cell I-A expression showed decreases in sublethal sepsis as well as in ischemia-reperfusion injury. However, this was not observed in lethal sepsis. These findings have implications in understanding the immunologic/inflammatory changes observed in human sepsis and trauma.  相似文献   

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