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在自然循环工况下蒸汽发生器一次侧入口流量为0.4~0.7 kg/s的参数范围内,开展了蒸汽发生器U型传热管倒流特性实验。针对9种不同长度的U型传热管,分别设置9个倒流监测点,获得了倒流在不同长度U型管中的分布特性。基于传热管压降实测数据和守恒原理,获得了蒸汽发生器一次侧的倒流总流量以及倒流U型管的数目。结果表明,在本实验参数范围内,约有61%的U型管发生倒流,使传热管正向流通面积减小为原来的39%。倒流同时导致正流流量增加60%,与不发生倒流的情况相比,U型管平均流速增大4.2倍。 相似文献
在采用34根U形管的Bethsy装置的回流冷凝实验中,在U形管中观察到了蒸汽顺向流动和氮气反向流动的不同流动形态。本研究中,使用RELAP5/MOD3.2模型,计算了二流道和三流道中U形管的行为。通过修改计算摩擦系数的加权因子,成功地计算了氮气的反向流动。在计算中,通过改变二流道流动面积的比值,假设在最大的氮气再循环流速情况下流动最稳定,预测了蒸汽顺向流动的能动U形管的数目,该数字与在4种不同的U形管中所观察到的能动U形管的数日(19-24根U形管)吻合良好。在进行三流道计算时,没有使用假设,在序列计算(本研究的4种情况)中,具有不同的流道面积比值的三流道的能动U形管的比值的平均值很好地预测了能动U形管的比值。结果证实了在最大的氮气再循环流速处流动可能是最稳定的假设的真实性,并且这种假设似乎最有可能出现在不同数目的能动U形管中。 相似文献
AP1000核电厂蒸汽发生器传热管破裂事故的分析研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
使用RELAP程序对AP1000核电厂蒸汽发生器传热管破裂(SGTR)事故进行了分析研究,证明了AP1000核电站在SGTR事故下,不需要操纵员的干预就能依靠非能动安全系统在破损蒸汽发生器满溢之前终止破口流量。重点研究了不同的事故分析假设条件,如厂外电是否可用以及破损蒸汽发生器的释放阀是否打开后卡在开启位置对事故后果的影响。结果表明,即使在对破损蒸汽发生器满溢最不利的假设条件下,AP1000核电站也能避免破损蒸汽发生器满溢,且存在一定的裕量。 相似文献
AP1000蒸汽发生器U型管合金材料国产化研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
简要介绍了UNSN06690(TT)合金[简称690(TT)合金]国内外装备制造业现状,分析690(TT)合金材料的使用环境设计参数、物理性能指标、微观组织技术指标.参照相关技术规范,给出了690(TT)合金的主要化学成分、有害元素控制、试验用690(TT)合金钢锭化学成分、样品冷加工工艺参数.我国要实现690(TT)... 相似文献
核电厂蒸汽发生器传热管与管堵头的一次侧应力腐蚀及其防护 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
一次侧应力腐蚀(PWSCC)是一种晶间腐蚀,是因敏感的管子微观结构、高的残余拉应力和工作应力以及腐蚀性环境(高温水)引起的。防止PWSCC的措施包括:选择适当的管子材料、减小残余拉应力和改善腐蚀性环境、激光焊接衬管以及镀镍修补。 相似文献
Control of water mass inventory in Nuclear Steam Generators is important to insure sufficient cooling of the nuclear reactor. Since downcomer water level is measurable, and a reasonable indication of water mass inventory near steady-state, conventional feedwater control system designs attempt to maintain downcomer water level within a relatively narrow operational band. However, downcomer water level can temporarily react in a reverse manner to water mass inventory changes, commonly known as shrink and swell effects. These complications are accentuated during start-up or low power conditions. As a result, automatic or manual control of water level is difficult and can lead to high reactor trip rates.This paper introduces a new feedwater control strategy for Nuclear Steam Generators. The new method directly controls water mass inventory instead of downcomer water level, eliminating complications from shrink and swell all together. However, water mass inventory is not measurable, requiring an online estimator to provide a mass inventory signal based on measurable plant parameters. Since the thermal-hydraulic response of a Steam Generator is highly nonlinear, a linear state-observer is not feasible. In addition, difficulties in obtaining flow regime and density information within the Steam Generator make an estimator based on analytical methods impractical at this time.This work employs a water mass estimator based on feedforward neural networks. By properly choosing and training the neural network, mass signals can be obtained which are suitable for stable, closed-loop water mass inventory control. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that water mass control can significantly improve the operation and safety of Nuclear Steam Generators. 相似文献
为了适应三代核电机组进一步提质增效的发展需求,在确保安全性的基础上,采用更加先进的技术、同时兼顾设计及制造技术的成熟性,研究设计了一款经济性更好、技术性能更先进的高效紧凑新型蒸汽发生器(ZH-J60型SG)。ZH-J60型SG设置了轴流式预热器和泥渣收集器,并改进设计了小型双级叶片汽水分离器。计算和分析表明,ZH-J60型SG提高了SG自然循环倍率,提升了整机功率重量比、出口蒸汽品质和运行可靠性,完全满足并在部分关键参数上超过第三代压水堆核电厂SG的水平。 相似文献
百万千瓦级压水堆核电厂蒸汽发生器汽水分离装置热态验证试验 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对百万千瓦级压水堆核电厂蒸汽发生器汽水分离装置水-空气冷态试验确定的最佳结构进行了实际核电厂运行参数条件下的水-蒸汽热态验证试验,与国外先进结构汽水分离装置试验体在热态试验条件下的性能进行了对比.结果表明,在正常运行条件下,研制的汽水分离装置试验体出口蒸汽湿度(上携带)为0.0021%,远小于百万千瓦级压水堆核电厂蒸汽发生器设计规定的0.1%的湿度指标,其在恶劣工作条件下的汽水分离性能仍满足设计要求,并优于国外先进结构汽水分离装置试验体. 相似文献
A method for estimating the mutual effect of moisture and purge effectiveness for PGV-1000 in nuclear power plants with VVER reactors is described. The method takes account simultaneously of the mechanism for removing impurities with moisture and in dissolved form in the steam. Experimental data are used to show that the proposed method can be used to predict the basic separation characteristics of steam generators and for choosing ways to improve the in-vessel structures. A comparison of the separation characteristics, obtained in the course of the tests, with the calculations confirms that the gravitational separation due to an increase in the height of the steam space is effective. The methods for improving the separation systems at the Volgodonsk nuclear power plant maintain a constant rate of removal of moisture in a wide range of water levels in the steam generator compared with the standard systems.__________Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 98, No. 6, pp. 435–443, June 2005. 相似文献
蒸汽发生器一次侧水室装拆堵板是压水堆核电站大修的一项重要工作, 具有较高的辐射风险。本文介绍了CPR1000型核电机组蒸汽发生器一次侧水室装拆堵板的相关工作和在工作中如何通过辐射风险分析、优化人力安排、强化模拟培训、落实经验反馈等措施, 从而降低集体剂量的实践过程, 目的是总结经验, 为今后其他同类机组大修开展相同工作提供改进建议。 相似文献