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随着教学视频案例的广泛推广,其定义不够明确的问题已逐渐显露出来,并在一定程度上影响了它的进一步发展.为此,给教学视频案例下一个较为明确的定义:教学视频案例是以教学观摩、教学研究为目的,以视频为主要形式,全程记录某一真实教学活动,并利用网页技术制作的集成了教学案例各类材料(主要包括文本、图片及视频材料)的超媒体教学案例.  相似文献   

案例教学是贯彻理论联系实际原则的重要教学方式,公共政策学的应用性、实践性特征决定了其教学方法上必须重视案例教学法.针对公共政策学课程案例教学实施中存在的问题,笔者提出了创新高校公共政策学课程案例教学的有效路径.  相似文献   

PhotoShop是一门实践性和应用行很强的课程,本文探讨采PhotoShop课程案例教学实践,指出采用案例教学法,易于调动学生的学习积极性,提高实践能力,培养学生的创新能力和美感,能取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

本文从网络营销的发展状况出发,分析了《网络营销》教学中存在的困局,并结合笔者的网络营销课程的教学经验,就如何培养学生的网络营销实际操作技能,提出了教学改革的建议。  相似文献   

自从哈佛大学商学院在1921年首创案例教学法并取得明显效果以来,案例教学已成为全球工商管理教学的流行模式。但我国市场营销学教学长期以来一直存在重理论轻实务、重传授轻参与的问题,这对于市场营销学这门实践性、应用性很强的学科来说,无异于纸上谈兵,很难让学生及时消化、融会贯通、学以致用,同时也很难激起学生的学习兴趣。因此,中国市场营销学必须迈入案例教学时代。本文对营销案例教学中的注意问题及实施途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

根据材料性能学的课程特点,通过与历史事件相结合、与日常生活相关、与其他课程融会贯通和与科研成果密切结合4个方面,探讨了案例教学法在教学中的应用。  相似文献   

李明  黄锐  吴超  王秉  李治 《中国冶金教育》2023,(5):105-109+115
为推动安全科学与工程类专业课程思政教学改革,落实立德树人要求,提高安全人才培养质量,以安全法学课程为例,从教学大纲、教学组织方式、教学实践、教学活动、典型案例等多方面提炼思政元素和开展教学改革,将安全法学知识传授与课程思政教育融合,实现了课程思政目标。  相似文献   

本文从研习案例的遴选、教师角色的定位以及测评方式的选择等方面探讨了在<行政法案例研习>课程具体教学中的实施策略问题.  相似文献   

案例教学法以真实的工程事实和经验为教学工具,建立理论和实务之间的桥梁,目的是使学生通过案例的探讨,形成正确的思维方式,初步具备专业职业技能。本文结合近几年在“地基处理”课程中进行以案例教学法为中心、构建立体化教学模式的尝试,提出了在工科教学中实施案例教学法,可以加深学生对工程背景的理解,增强工程实践训练,从而使教学真正达到培养工程师的目的。  相似文献   

情境驱动案例教学是基于情境认知理论的以学生为中心进行交互式教学的方法。提出了管理信息系统课程引入情境驱动案例教学方法的思路,阐述了情境案例选择、设计方法、团队合作模式、结构化完善机制。  相似文献   

The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) and practitioners recognize professional practice issues as important in undergraduate civil engineering education. This paper describes a creative approach for incorporating professional practice issues into the civil engineering curriculum through a course entitled “Civil Engineering Practice.” This course has the following advantages: (1) It encourages active learning via activities as opposed to a traditional seminar; (2) forms long-term teaching partnerships with engineering professionals; (3) offers a venue where important yet distinct topics can be presented systematically; (4) provides the local engineering community with the opportunity to share its accomplishments and to further continuing education credits; (5) reinforces the professional practice elements of the capstone design project; and (6) supplies structured time where students can interact with potential employers and vice-versa. The course feedback from students, faculty, engineering professionals, and ABET evaluators has been overwhelmingly positive.  相似文献   

案例教学与传统课堂教学的关系—以财务案例教学为基础   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以财务案例教学实践为基础,对案例教学与传统课堂教学的关系进行了比较,分析了它们在教学过程中的作用。案例教学与传统课堂教学在教学目的、教学内容、教学方式、教学过程、教师和学生在教学活动中的地位、对教师和学生的要求以及学生成绩评价方法等方面具有不同的特点。它们在本科教学中是一种相互补充的关系。  相似文献   

针对材料科学与工程专业院级平台课“材料科学基础”提出了教学改革方案,并进行了教学实践,注重培养学生的人文素质和创新思维,更新教学理念,改革教学方法、手段,把学科前沿知识与课程内容相结合,激发学生的学习兴趣,收到了较好效果。  相似文献   

济钢检修工程公司为适应大检修模式要求,完善了有效工时量绩效考核机制,制定一岗多能用人办法,加强技术培训,实现跨区资源共享,这些措施的有效实施,提高了检修职工的工作效率,保证了日常跨区作业的开展。  相似文献   

In this study, an inexact fuzzy-probabilistic programming (IFPP) method is advanced for developing optimal municipal solid waste (MSW) management strategy with uncertain information. The IFPP can support the assessment of risk of violating constraints associated with fuzzy and random features. The developed method is applied to a case study of long-term MSW management planning in the city of Changchun, China. Violations for transfer-station capacity constraints are allowed under a range of probability and possibility levels, which are related to trade-offs between the system cost and the constraint-violation risk. The results indicate that useful solutions for planning the MSW management practices have been generated. They are valuable for supporting the identification of efficient waste-flow allocation patterns, the long-term capacity planning of the city’s waste management system, and the formulation of local policies regarding waste management under uncertainty.  相似文献   

Municipal infrastructure management decision making is inherently an integrated process that requires the assimilation of a multitude of data, processes, and software systems. Current work practices have resulted in significant process and data fragmentation, which have subsequently created much inefficiency that impedes the implementation of effective management strategies. There is a broad consensus in the industry that adopting integrated multidisciplinary approaches is a key requirement for implementing efficient, sustainable, and proactive asset management programs. This paper discusses the main challenges for implementing integrated municipal infrastructure management environments, and proposes specific solutions to address these challenges. The proposed solutions address the systematization and coordination of work processes, the development of centralized shared data repositories based on nonproprietary integrated data models, and the organization and integration of distributed software tools into a modular and extensible enterprise-wide software environment. The implementation of a prototype sewer management environment based on the proposed solutions is also presented.  相似文献   

Based on the concept of functional intervals, fuzzy inexact mixed-integer semiinfinite programming (FIMISIP) method is developed for municipal solid waste management planning. The method allows the uncertainties in parameters expressed as fuzzy, interval, and functional interval numbers to be directly communicated into the programming problem. The FIMISIP problem is solved by dividing it into two interactive semiinfinite programming (SIP) subproblems. Solutions reflecting the inherent uncertainties can then be generated by combining the SIP solutions into a set of decision intervals. The method is applied to a municipal solid waste management planning system for demonstrating its effectiveness in dealing with uncertain and dynamic complexities. Compared to the previous inexact programming methods, FIMISIP has the advantages as follows: (1) the dynamic complexity can be addressed by introducing the functional-interval parameters associated with time into the programming problem; (2) the FIMISIP solutions provide a set of flexible waste-management schemes to the decision makers; and (3) the FIMISIP solutions are more reliable than those from the previous ILP ones since they can be “really” optimal regardless of how the parameters vary with time within the time period. While this study is a first attempt to solve solid waste management issues under complex uncertainties, the method can be extended to other environmental management planning problems.  相似文献   

闪速熔炼精矿喷嘴的发展历程及其生产实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了闪速熔炼精矿喷嘴的发展历程,并结合贵溪冶炼厂精矿喷嘴的技改过程,就精矿喷嘴的运行实践作了简单的说明。  相似文献   

本科学生的专业基础课教学与生产实践活动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从本科生的生产实践教学和专业基础课教学两个方面论述了两者对冶金工程专业学生掌握专业知识和从事冶金行业工作能力的作用,强调二者的紧密结合更加有利于培养面向新世纪、面向冶金行业,具有创新精神和创新能力的优秀毕业生。  相似文献   

课程设计是实现本科教育目标的一个重要实践性教学环节。通过分析土木工程专业课程设计教学环节中存在的主要问题,从课程设计任务的下达时间、内容的组织安排、教师的指导方法、总结报告的撰写和答辩考核工作等方面进行全面的改革与实践,有效提高课程设计质量。  相似文献   

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