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Design of non-woven geotextiles for coal refuse filtration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents research findings on grain size distribution changes of coal refuse affecting the design of non-woven geotextiles used as filters in rock drains at coal waste impoundments. The research involved performing hydraulic conductivity tests on refuse - geotextile filters followed by grain size distribution tests. Data was evaluated for geotextile filter retention, permittivity, and clogging potential requirements as published by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration’s Second Edition, “Engineering and Design Manual Coal Refuse Disposal Facilities”.Key findings indicate that refuse particles undergo slaking and aggregation which change the initial grain size distribution. Grading envelopes were developed and indicate that particle size zones influence the geotextile design parameters for retention, filtration, and clogging. The clogging criteria do not appear to be easily satisfied by the typical ranges of coarse coal refuse, at pre- and post-compaction grain size, for compatibility with non-woven geotextiles having an AOS = 0.212 mm.Conclusions impacting the specification and field installation of geotextiles include: i) post grain size distribution tests are suggested to be performed on specimens and at all compaction levels to observe changes in key indices of D85 and D15 for meeting retention and clogging criteria requirements; ii) the evaluation of the initial refuse stability indicate that at the low compaction energy conditions, which have mobile fines and high Cu values, are initially unstable with regards to their internal soil gradation; and iii) construction of geotextile wrapped drains is preferred to be made in pre-compacted refuse lifts. This condition is beneficial because the filter becomes more stable for retention and permeability; however clogging is still a concern.  相似文献   

康卫清  刘悟辉 《山西建筑》2007,33(9):169-170
根据金竹山煤矿煤矸石的资源特性,采用一定的工艺,试制了伊利石高岭石质煤矸石复合粉体橡胶填料。应用试验结果表明,粉体在EPDM橡胶中达到半补强炭黑的充填效果,指出该新型的橡胶充填剂具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

A deterministic inventory computer model is developed and used in selecting the optimum sizes and number of on site refuse storage systems. The majority of these systems studied are either hauled containers or open waste dumps. The optimum sizes were selected by the computer program by comparing the cost of longer refuse storage times (larger storage containers or areas and lesser frequency of refuse pickup and collection vehicles) versus shorter refuse storage times (smaller storage containers or areas and greater frequency of refuse pick-up and collection vehicles).

Optimization of refuse storage systems, resulted in efficient scheduling of refuse collection vehicles and an annual refuse collection cost savings of about US $500000.  相似文献   

蒸汽冷凝水回收   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵猛 《暖通空调》2003,33(5):63-64
分析了降温回收、等温回收、升温回收3种方式的原理及设计要点,指出了各种方式的适用场合。着重介绍了改进的等温回收方式。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾大量排放已成为一个新的污染源。经分析,城市生活垃圾组成中的相当部分极适合制砖,且具有一定的热值,用其制砖是无害化综合处理垃圾的一条有效途径。介绍了垃圾的构成,制砖工艺。  相似文献   

通过对城市垃圾和垃圾场工程的综合介绍,从城市垃圾的基本分类和各类垃圾的特点、国内外垃圾处理的发展趋势、垃圾场选址和垃圾处理工艺等方面,对城市垃圾处理和垃圾场工程进行了阐述,为工程师和环境工作者提供一定参考。  相似文献   

随着城市化的迅速发展,道路、建筑群等不透水面积日益扩大。一方面雨水不能再补充地下水,加上地下水严重超采,使城市周围的水环境和生态环境恶化;另一方面大雨时,径流迅速汇集造成地面积水和城市局部洪灾。如果在城市建设中,注意发展雨水收集和利用工程,既增加了水资源,也是节约自来水的好措施,同时,通过雨水收集利用的广泛开展也有效缓解了上述问题。文章对雨水回收利用优点、经济效益、应用领域、具体的工艺流程并结合相关案例进行了系统的介绍。  相似文献   

建筑垃圾资源化处理对策研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
庞永师  杨丽 《建筑科学》2006,22(1):77-79
建筑垃圾已成为废物管理及环境污染的一大难题.本文针对建筑垃圾的特点,简要介绍了国外建筑垃圾的回收与利用,以及资源化处理的管理情况.提出了我国建筑垃圾的资源化处理对策.  相似文献   

取不同的黄土土样土柱,运用土柱淋滤实验方法处理煤矿酸性废水的酸度以及硫酸根,对比各种土的处理效果。结果表明,各类黄土都可以提升煤矿酸性废水的pH值,而且效果很显著;黄土能够处理一部分SO42-,但不同黄土处理能力大小不一,在黄土容量一定的条件下,处理能力从大到小依次是:马兰黄土、离石黄土、古土壤。  相似文献   

陈垃圾土的工程力学特性试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
垃圾在填埋场中填埋一定的年限后(大于5 a),其中大部分发生了物理、化学及生物变化及反应,易降解部分已经完成,此时的垃圾即为陈垃圾。陈垃圾土的成分复杂,结构松散,压缩性较大,与一般的地基土的工程力学性质存在着差异,在垃圾填埋场上新建建筑物,需对陈垃圾土的工程力学特性进行试验研究。通过在金口垃圾填埋场上进行了现场的原位静载试验,以及一系列室内试验后,得出了陈垃圾土的工程力学性能,为工程的设计提供依据,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

胡震峰 《山西建筑》2003,29(18):251-252
通过对现阶段各国普遍采用的各种垃圾处理方式的比较分析,提出实现垃圾“无害化”、“减量化”和“资源化”的最行之有效的手段是垃圾循环处理方式,并指出我国现阶段和今后垃圾处理的发展方向。  相似文献   

伊滔 《云南建筑》2013,(6):78-80
截洪沟是分离库区上游清水是重要的一环。截洪流量计算模式与重现期的选择对垃圾填埋库区的安全性、经济性有较大的影响。本文简要介绍了垃圾库区截洪沟的重现期选择与三种截洪流量的简易计算模式,并对垃圾库区截洪沟的重现期选择及三种计算模式的适用条件做了一定的分析。  相似文献   

“环境立国”“垃圾是放错了地方的财富”这种新理念在残酷的现实中日益为人们所理解和接受,同时,也与我国提倡的可持续发展战略思想相吻合。作为建筑,建机行业的有志之士,能为此做些什么呢?我们组织如下文章做了专题论述,言尤未尽之处,且听下期分解,同时欢迎来稿参与。  相似文献   

Direct water recycling has become an important part of water conservation in the dry areas of the world and is now being seriously considered for the UK. This paper reviews current demands in large buildings and balances these against non-potable re-use. Work is also described on the development of a sustainable low running cost treatment unit. Results are presented from a 751/day prototype biological process operated with a synthetic sewage, which achieved a near potable standard at a cost of 25 p/m3. The design, performance and costings of a 40 'population equivalent'demonstration unit are also given.  相似文献   

The dispersion of the emissions of a municipal solid waste incinerator in eastern Helsinki has been studied by analysing birch leaf (Betula pubescent) and grass (mainly couch‐grass, Elymys repens) samples collected from the neighbourhood of the incinerator. The elemental concentrations of 17 elements were analyzed by the PIXE method. The incinerator was closed down in March 1983 because of the then measured high emissions. In the birch leaf samples collected in September 1982 (before the shut‐down) elemental concentrations of 11 elements varied strongly as a function of distance from the incinerator. In the respective samples collected in September 1983 (after the shut‐down) no clear distance versus concentration dependence was obtained for any elements.  相似文献   

我公司为满足环保市场的需求,开发出一种 ZW120垃圾中转站成套设备。 随着城市规模的不断扩大以及人们环保意识增强,对城市生活垃圾的及时清运,保持环境卫生提出了更高要求。以杭州市为例,日产生活垃圾约 2千多吨,均需运往距市区 20多公里的天子岭垃圾填埋场处理。目前,多数转运方式是采用 5吨或 8吨集装箱式自卸卡车,用装载机装车,每天开行 400多车次,存在垃圾松散、车辆满载率低、油耗和车辆损耗大,以及中转站为敝开式,车厢不密封,对城市环境造成较严重污染等问题。近期也少量采用了引进国外技术生产的后装式垃圾压缩车,但…  相似文献   

刘健  尹娜 《江苏建材》2005,(2):35-36
高掺量工业废渣多孔砌块是以工业废渣粉煤灰为主要成分与部分石膏、水泥等原料配合,掺入由活化剂、早强剂、增强剂、减水剂和引气剂等多种复合而成的H-F助剂研制而成。本文介绍了该砌块原材料技术要求、工艺流程,产品性能及产品可行性分析。  相似文献   

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