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The ongoing plethora of rehabilitation in the infrastructure domain requires more planning and integration during design and construction. To achieve this, there is a need for developing and using semantic (ontology-based) mechanisms for the exchange of development knowledge among all project stakeholders. This paper presents a distributed ontology architecture for knowledge management in highway construction. With every other utility tied to the highway geometry, the architecture is intended to be the base for a cross-discipline knowledge exchange in the infrastructure domain. The architecture presents highway knowledge on three levels: domain knowledge (an umbrella for infrastructure shared knowledge), application knowledge (representation of highway-specific knowledge), and user knowledge (an enterprise-specific representation of highway knowledge). The proposed architecture models highway concepts using six major root concepts: project, process, product, actor, resources, and technical topics (attributes and constraints). The architecture was developed using rigorous knowledge acquisition and ontology development techniques. It was developed as an extension for the e-COGNOS ontology. The architecture was validated through input from domain experts.  相似文献   

Risk management is about identifying risks, assessing their impacts, and developing mitigation strategies to ensure project success. The difference between the expected and actual project outcomes is usually attributed to risk events and how they are managed throughout the project. Although there are several reference frameworks that explain how risks can be managed in construction projects, a major bottleneck is the lack of a common vocabulary for risk-related concepts. Poor definition of risk and patterns of risk propagation in a project decrease the reliability of risk models that are constructed to simulate project outcomes under different risk occurrence scenarios. This study aims to extend previous studies in risk management by presenting an ontology for relating risk-related concepts to cost overrun. The major idea is that cost overrun depends on causal relations between various risk sources (namely, risk paths) and sources of vulnerability that interfere with these paths. Ontology is used to develop a database system that represents risk event histories of international construction projects and to construct a model for estimation of cost overrun. It will form the basis of a multiagent system that can be used to simulate the negotiation process among project participants about sharing of costs considering the risk allocation clauses in the contract, sources of vulnerability, and causal relations between risk events and their impacts. The ontology is constructed by interaction with Turkish contractors working in international markets and extensive literature review on risk-related concepts. The validation test results provide evidence that the ontology is fairly effective to help Turkish contractors to assess cost overrun by considering sources of vulnerability and risk in international construction projects.  相似文献   

With the advancement of the semantic web, the construction industry is at a stage where intelligent knowledge management systems can be used. Such systems support more effective collaboration, where virtual teams of skilled users, not software, exchange ideas, decisions, and best practice. To achieve that, there is a need to create consistent semantic representation of construction knowledge. Existing representations, in the form of classification systems and product data models, lack effective modeling of concept semantics—a fundamental requirement for human-based exchange of knowledge. Toward this objective, this paper presents a domain taxonomy that was developed as part of the e-COGNOS project. The taxonomy was developed as a first step in the establishment of domain ontology for construction. The taxonomy was developed to be process-centered and to allow for utilization of already existing classification systems (BS6100, Master Format, and UniClass, for example). The taxonomy uses seven major domains to classify construction concepts: Process, Product, Project, Actor, Resource, Technical Topics, and Systems. The taxonomy was developed and validated through extensive interaction with domain experts. The taxonomy was used to develop a prototype ontology for the construction domain including semantic relationships and axioms. The ontology was used to support several applications in semantic knowledge management as part of the e-COGNOS portal, including semantic indexing and retrieval of information and ontology-based collaborative project development.  相似文献   

With the increasing demands for domain-wide integrated construction and infrastructure development, there is a need for developing a domain ontology to build a knowledge model that describes the multistakeholder project development process. This paper presents a domain ontology for supporting knowledge-enabled process management and coordination across various stakeholders, disciplines, and projects. The ontological model is composed of concepts, relations, and axioms. Concepts represent the “things” in the domain of interest; relations establish the interconcept links; and axioms specify the definitions of concepts and relations and constraints on their behavior and interpretation. The ontology models the most fundamental concepts in the domain in a structured, extendable, and flexible format to facilitate future evolution and extension of the ontology for representing application-specific and/or enterprise-specific knowledge. The ontology was evaluated through technical evaluation and user evaluation. User evaluation was conducted through one-to-one expert evaluation interviews.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the development of an innovative procurement method in order to improve owners’ contracting strategies. The aim of this paper is to develop a procurement system that improves the overall project implementation process, in order to meet the project objectives of time, cost, and quality. The Specialist Task Organization (STO) approach is suggested based on a constructive research approach, where extensive theoretical development of the STO concept is developed. The analogical validation was carried out through the review of four case study examples in order to find the analogies between the positive outcomes of four case studies and the elements of the STO route. The proposed task-oriented approach utilizes integrated product (task) development, integrated management, and fragmented execution via task organizations. The merits of the STO approach include, the shifting of competition from only single design and cost based to multiple designs, life-cycle costs, alternative materials, and maintainability implications. The STO approach assumes a modular approach to design, and allows experts knowledge in design and construction through their involvement from preconstruction through project starts up. The suggested STO route is a potential tool in realizing complete sustainability in construction in terms of environmental and social sustainability, as well as economic sustainability.  相似文献   

In the process of decision making for design and execution of highway construction projects, long‐range cost forecasting is one of the most significant and complicated problems. This paper describes the development of a model that enables the user to make long‐range cost projections, taking into consideration general characteristics of the highway construction industry, as well as pertinent local conditions. The model presented uses conventional statistical methods to represent the main categories of typical jobs in the highway construction industry. From these categories, a composite model is created by assigning different weights to the input elements costs and then choosing a series of indicators to predict price trends for each separate element of the composite model. Use of this model reveals that bid volume in a certain area is a factor that has significant influence upon cost forecasts. This paper is accompanied by a case study based on actual data from highway construction projects performed for the Florida Department of Transportation in the years 1968–1981.  相似文献   

In recent years, many departments of transportation in the United States have started to apply the A + B bidding method in highway projects in order to reduce construction time and minimize its associated traffic congestion and adverse impact on local economies. The application of this method places an increased pressure on contractors to minimize both the time and cost of highway construction. This paper presents a practical model for optimizing resource utilization in highway projects that utilize the A + B bidding method. The model is designed to minimize the total combined bid by identifying the optimum crew formation and the optimum level of crew work continuity for each activity in the project. The model is developed using a dynamic programming formulation and is incorporated in a Windows application that provides a user-friendly interface to facilitate the optimization analysis. An application example of a highway project is analyzed to illustrate the use of the model and to demonstrate its capabilities.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Web-based system for supporting the selection of the most suitable routes for buried urban utilities. The aim of the proposed system is to support (not make) decisions through a collaborative semiautomated environment, in which stakeholders can share information and/or study the impacts of different routing alternatives with respect to decision constraints. First, the knowledge relating to route selection for urban utilities is represented through an ontology. The ontology defines the types and attributes of infrastructure products and the surrounding areas. It also defines the impacts of routing options on surrounding areas through a set of decision criteria adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of any route in terms of its potential impacts. A set of constraints are also defined to help represent/study the decision criteria. Second, a GIS-based system has been created to help visualize route data, interact with users, and support the needed discussions among stakeholders. The portal also achieves data interoperability through wrapping existing geospatial data with ontology structures. Finally, a set of reasoners have been created to help quantify/augment some of the constraints. The system is capable of (1)?extracting the attributes of each routing option, (2)?testing the interaction/conflicts between route attributes and the constraints of the surrounding area, (3)?studying the impacts of a route as stipulated in the ontology, (4)?referring users to existing best practices to help enhance routes or address conflicts and, when needed, (5)?develop objective measures for comparing different routes. On the microlevel (street level), route options are evaluated through a “constraint-satisfaction” approach. On the macrolevel (city level), route options are evaluated through a fuzzy inference scoring system. The proposed system focuses on facility life cycle, sustainability, and community impacts. Construction costing, scheduling, labor, and equipment along with other management issues can either be added to the system or, better, analyzed through integrating the system with four-dimensional (4D) modeling tools.  相似文献   

An existing multidisciplinary course on sustainable engineering in developing societies was expanded to include sustainability issues and challenges faced in the developed world. The new course consisted of independent modules on general background, sustainability concepts and tools, sustainable water and waste systems, sustainable energy systems, sustainable agricultural and food systems, and sustainable building systems. The course included a semester-long project experience conducted in interdisciplinary teams. Projects were sourced from local businesses and institutions or from organizations involved in international development. Course evaluation included an end-of-semester self-assessment by students and an analysis of project reports. Thirteen out of 18 students surveyed (72%) agreed that their ability to consider techno-economic, environmental, and social aspects of sustainability was improved as a result of the course. An improved student understanding of aspects of sustainability and its measures was also evident in student project reports.  相似文献   

This article deals with European and American legal techniques used to provide affordable housing and promote social mix in communities. Using a comparative approach, the work studies the concepts of sustainability and social and territorial cohesion (widely used in the legal European environment and present in the American legal framework too). The article analyzes the role of affordable housing as an element to promote social inclusion. Taking as a reference the case study of Spain and considering France, England and the American inclusionary zoning, the article concludes that public intervention should promote social mix, which could be a useful antidote for urban segregation, according to current available data. In any case, further research about those issues is necessary to have more information about the exact meaning of social mix, its adequate territorial scope and its appropriate level in each urban area.  相似文献   

Engineering and construction projects are dependent on two fundamental elements: (1) the ability to plan and manage the technical components of the project such as the tasks and resources; and (2) the ability of the project participants to effectively develop into a high performance team. Historically, the industry has focused extensively on optimizing the project management processes associated with the former element. In this focus, organizations have emphasized the ability to develop the optimum plan, allocate resources efficiently, and utilize control functions to ensure that the project stays on schedule and within budget. Although this has been effective, this engineering focus has reached the point of diminishing results. Specifically, the engineering approach to project management has neglected to recognize the importance of the participants to the success of the overall project. Rather, the engineering approach has favored the development of an optimum plan as the path to effective project management. In this paper, the engineering-based approach to project success is reconfigured to reemphasize the need to develop high performing teams by recognizing the importance of the project network. This recognition is formalized in the social network model of construction that integrates classic project management concepts with social science variables to enhance the focus on knowledge sharing as the foundation for achieving high performance teams and project results.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish a research mechanism to investigate the impact of corporate commitment to sustainability on capital project planning and capital project performance. The research hypothesized that increasing commitment to sustainability leads to increasing sustainable project planning, and to better cost and schedule performances in large projects. Two sustainability indices, CSCI and SCPPI, were used to determine the level of corporate sustainability commitment and its impact on sustainability practices in capital project planning, and the impacts of corporate sustainability commitment and sustainable practices in project planning on cost and schedule performances, design changes, and safety compliances. Limited data collected from 17 Fortune 100 owner organizations suggested that a relationship between the two indices existed and that there are strong grounds supporting further development of such sustainability indices. Such indices can help multinational corporations better allocate resources and strike a balance between sustainable practices and financial bottom line.  相似文献   

Currently, there is not an understanding of the project factors having a statistically significant relationship with highway construction duration. Other industry sectors have successfully used statistical regression analysis to identify and model the project parameters related to construction duration. While the need is seen for such work in highway construction, there are very few studies which attempt to identify duration-influential parameters and their relationship with the highway construction duration. The purpose of this work is to describe the highway construction data needed for such a study, identify a data source, collect early-design project data, and prepare the data for statistical regression analysis. The Virginia Department of Transportation is identified as the optimal data source. The data collected include historical contract and project level parameters. To prepare for statistical regression analysis, the contract duration collected is converted to construction duration by a seasonal adjustment process which removes historically typical nonworking days.  相似文献   

Previous sustainability engineering education studies have suggested the importance of problem-based learning, project-based learning, team-based learning, and interdisciplinary learning. Place-based learning, interacting with outdoors, and building sustainable communities are also important aspects of sustainability education, yet relatively little has been published on how to use these pedagogical approaches in engineering education. The goal of this paper was to illustrate the implementation of all these pedagogical approaches in a graduate-level sustainability engineering education class. Fink’s taxonomy of significant learning and the University of Toledo’s Outdoor Classroom Garden provided the framework for this implementation. Throughout the semester, sustainability engineering students worked toward an engineering solution for how to water the University of Toledo’s outdoor classroom garden. They also estimated the life-cycle cost and environmental impacts of their proposed solutions. The garden project and the design of the course provided many different learning opportunities that might be absent in a traditional civil engineering class.  相似文献   

Lean Construction: From Theory to Implementation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article compares the techniques developed for lean construction with those developed for lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing and lean construction techniques share many common elements despite the obvious differences in their assembly environments and processes. Manufacturing plants and construction sites are different in many ways that might explain why lean production theories and practices do not fully fit the construction industry. Though many lean construction tools and elements are still in an embryonic state, lean construction techniques are gaining popularity because they can affect the bottom line of projects. Additionally, this paper presents a study of a construction project in which specific lean construction elements were tested. Each technique was evaluated in terms of its impact on the performance of the project. Based on the findings of the study, a new “lean assessment tool” is proposed to quantify the results of lean implementations. The assessment tool evaluates six lean construction elements: last planner, increased visualization, huddle meetings, first-run studies, five S’s, and fail safe for quality. This paper provides a simple and comprehensive approach that is transferable to any construction project.  相似文献   

The need arises to equip engineering students with a wider horizon of concepts in terms of environmental, economic, and social attributes, for decision making of sensitive to sustainability issues. Pedagogic frameworks have to address a multidisciplinary analysis of sustainability. This paper addresses the rationale behind the recent integration of sustainability concepts into an undergraduate civil engineering curriculum in Hong Kong. Incentives and barriers for implementation of the curriculum are addressed. A team-based design project with a problem-based learning approach is highlighted. The initial results of stakeholder evaluations suggested that multidisciplinary skills developed during the learning process might contribute significantly to pertinent knowledge on sustainability.  相似文献   

Constructability analysis can provide valuable input to optimizing urban bridge construction in terms of reducing impacts on traffic, safety, and overall project budget and duration. This paper presents a constructability analysis of the superstructure rotation method for bridge construction. The method includes building the bridge parallel to the obstacle being overpassed (a river or a highway) and then rotating the superstructure into place. The method has been used successfully in over one-hundred bridges (mostly in China). The paper documents two case studies of bridges that used this method and provides an analysis of the constructability of the method. This includes identification of the factors influencing the constructability of the methods and lists of design and construction objectives/strategies that support the constructability of bridges using this method.  相似文献   

Change orders are a source of many disputes in today's construction industry. The issue at hand is whether or not the execution of change orders work has a negative impact on overall labor efficiency on a construction project. Previous literature demonstrates evidence that change orders affect labor efficiency. Attempts have been made to quantify these impacts by many researchers, with limited success. Using the electrical construction industry, a research study has been conducted to quantify the impacts of change orders on labor efficiency. In this paper, results of hypothesis testing and regression analysis are presented. A linear regression model that estimates the loss of efficiency, based on a number of independent variables, is also presented. The independent variables used in this model are (1) qualitative and quantitative criteria used to determine whether projects are impacted by changes or not; (2) the estimate of change order hours for the project as a percentage of the original estimate of work hours; (3) the estimate of change order hours for the project; and (4) the total number of years that the project manager had worked in the construction industry. Additional projects were used to validate the model, with an average error rate of 5%. The results of this research study are useful for owners, construction managers, general contractors, and electrical specialty contractors, because they provide a means to estimate the impact of a change order under certain project conditions. This research also identifies factors, which, when understood and effectively managed, may be used to mitigate the impact of a change order on project costs and efficiency.  相似文献   

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