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This case study paper presents an innovative fast-track approach applied to a heavily trafficked urban freeway reconstruction project in Southern California. Badly deteriorated truck lanes in both directions along a 4.5-km stretch of I-15 were rebuilt from the gravel base up. The operations, estimated to take 10?months using traditional nighttime closures, were completed in two 9-day continuous closures with round-the-clock (about 210?h for each direction) operations. This “Rapid Rehab” project adopted state-of-practice technologies to accelerate construction, mitigate traffic disruptions, and propagate project information. As a result, traffic demand through the construction work zone was reduced by 20% and the maximum peak-hour delay was reduced by 50%. The estimated benefits of accelerated reconstruction on this project included a 28% reduction in agency cost and 29% time value savings to road users, compared to the traditional approach of using repeated nighttime closures. Web surveys showed dramatic changes in public perception of the Rapid Rehab approach from initial reluctance and objection to positive support.  相似文献   

Over the last 5?years the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has completed three experimental long-life urban freeway rehabilitation projects by utilizing a fast-track (accelerated) construction approach of around-the-clock operations under extended closure. This paper presents the fast-track rehabilitation approaches and the as-built production rates of major rehabilitation operations monitored at the three experimental projects. The monitoring results show that the contractor’s production rates varied considerably depending upon the construction logistics, material delivery and hauling methods, lane-closure tactics, and/or pavement designs being implemented. A higher production rate and a noticeable “learning-curve effect” were observed when full-width rehabilitation was compared with partial-width rehabilitation, when continuous lane reconstruction was compared with random slab replacements, and when full roadbed closures were compared with partial lane closures. Findings in this study suggest that Caltrans should evaluate project-specific conditions and constraints, which might restrict use of a preferred rehabilitation scheme, by taking production rate variances into account when establishing schedule baselines of construction staging plans and incentive/disincentive contracts for urban freeway rehabilitation projects.  相似文献   

Many urban concrete pavements in California need to be reconstructed, as they have exceeded their design lives and require frequent maintenance and repair. Information is needed to determine which methodologies for pavement design, materials selection, traffic management, and reconstruction strategies are most suitable to achieve the objectives of California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) long-life pavement rehabilitation strategies (LLPRS) program. To develop construction productivity information for several construction windows, a case study was performed on a Caltrans concrete rehabilitation demonstration project near Los Angeles on Interstate-10, where 20 lane-km was successfully rebuilt using fast setting hydraulic cement concrete (FSHCC) with one weekend closure for 2.8 lane-km and repeated 7- and 10-h nighttime closures for the remaining distance. The concrete delivery and discharge controlled the overall progress. In terms of the number of slabs replaced per hour, the 55-h weekend closure was 54% faster than the average nighttime closure. An excellent traffic management strategy helped to reduce the volume of traffic during the weekend closure and minimize the traffic delay through the construction zone.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to study and optimize the concrete paving operations taking place in the reconstruction project of Interstate-74 using computer simulation. To achieve this objective, field data were collected during construction, and were then used to determine adequate probabilistic density functions for the activities’ duration and to test a developed simulation model. Upon testing, the developed model was used to study the impacts of resources on the flow of operations and on the cost effectiveness of the construction process. In general, application of simulation methods to concrete paving operations was successful and its accuracy was acceptable as compared to field measurements. Based on the results of a sensitivity analysis of the critical resources, multiple factors were considered in the decision-making process to ensure that all aspects of the operation are evaluated. This includes total operation time, productivity, costs of the operation, average truck delay, and idle times for the paver and the spreader. For the conditions pertinent to this construction site, ten trucks, one paver and one spreader, and three finishing and plastic-covering crews are recommended. Using this set of resources would result in a prompt and effective execution of the operation. Practical implementation and limitations of the developed model in similar construction operations is discussed.  相似文献   

The use of design-build project delivery in the public sector has increased rapidly since the early 1990s due to its advantages over traditional delivery methods, particularly in terms of shortening the overall project duration. Fast-track approaches are being applied to design-build projects to achieve the optimum schedule durations. While both fast-track projects and design-build project have been researched separately in the past, there is little published research on how they are truly integrated. Likewise, the research has shown the merits of partnering in design-build and fast-track projects separately, but not in an integrated model. The purpose of this study is to develop a fast-track partnering process model (FTPPM) that combines the fast-track approach with the partnering concept. The model is based on the analysis of the factors that influence successful fast-track processes. Seven key success vehicles were discovered using the factor analysis method. The FTPPM is composed of the preparation stage, the fast-track workshop stage, and the detailed design and construction stage. The activities for each stage for fast-track implementation are developed in consideration with seven key success vehicles for fast-track projects.  相似文献   

In the process of decision making for design and execution of highway construction projects, long‐range cost forecasting is one of the most significant and complicated problems. This paper describes the development of a model that enables the user to make long‐range cost projections, taking into consideration general characteristics of the highway construction industry, as well as pertinent local conditions. The model presented uses conventional statistical methods to represent the main categories of typical jobs in the highway construction industry. From these categories, a composite model is created by assigning different weights to the input elements costs and then choosing a series of indicators to predict price trends for each separate element of the composite model. Use of this model reveals that bid volume in a certain area is a factor that has significant influence upon cost forecasts. This paper is accompanied by a case study based on actual data from highway construction projects performed for the Florida Department of Transportation in the years 1968–1981.  相似文献   

Most state highways in the United States were built during the 1960s and 1970s with an infrastructure investment of more than $1 trillion. They now exceed their 20?year design lives and are seriously deteriorated. The consequences are high maintenance and road user costs because of degraded road surfaces and construction work zone delays. Efficient planning of highway rehabilitation closures is critical. This paper presents a simulation model, Construction Analysis for Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies (CA4PRS), which estimates the maximum amount of highway rehabilitation/reconstruction during various closure timeframes. The model balances project constraints such as scheduling interfaces, pavement materials and design, contractor logistics and resources, and traffic operations. It has been successfully used on several urban freeway rehabilitation projects with high traffic volume, including projects on I-10 and I-710. The CA4PRS helps agencies and contractors plan highway rehabilitation strategies by taking into account long-life pavement performance, construction productivity, traffic delay, and total cost.  相似文献   

Concurrent design and construction has been lauded for streamlining projects in terms of time. However, such an approach may actually make projects more uncertain and complex than the traditional sequential design and construction process. The main sources of risk that have been identified with concurrent design and construction are iterative cycles that result from unanticipated errors and changes and their subsequent impacts on project performance. As an effort to address these detrimental impacts, a framework for quality and change management that identifies those negative iterative cycles is proposed. The proposed framework is incorporated into the system dynamics model of dynamic planning and control methodology (DPM), which has been developed to evaluate negative impacts of errors and changes on construction performance. Relevant to practitioners and researchers, the potential of DPM as a robust design and construction planning methodology that could effectively deal with errors and changes inherent in the design and construction process is demonstrated through a case study involving the Treble Cove road bridge in Massachusetts.  相似文献   

This paper explores and classifies current approaches to evaluating quality in design/build (DB) proposals. It does so by a thorough content analysis of 78 requests for proposal (RFPs) for public DB projects with an aggregate contract value of over $3.0 billion advertised between 1997 and 2002. In most DB projects, the owner requires the DB contractor to establish a firm-fixed price on a project that has not yet been designed. Usually, the owner also fixes the project delivery period. In the traditional design/bid/build (DBB) system, quality is fixed through the plans and specifications. Thus, in DBB, with schedule and quality fixed, the cost of construction is the factor in which the owner seeks competition. Conversely, in DB, with cost and schedule fixed, the scope and hence the level of quality is the main element of competition. This paper identifies the six owner approaches to articulating DB quality requirements in their RFPs. The six approaches are quality by qualifications, evaluated program, specified program, performance criteria, specification, and warranty. These are important for DB contractors to understand so that they can craft their proposal in a manner that is both responsive to the owners’ requirements and consistent with the owner’s system to make the best value contract award decision.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of Construction Activities under Design Uncertainty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the quest to shorten project delivery time, construction professionals have the option of overlapping design and construction activities. Although time savings can be achieved by overlapping, conducting design and construction operations in a nonnatural sequence can carry significant risks. To mitigate these risks and make more appropriate overlapping decisions, concurrent engineering concepts can be used to classify upstream design activities in terms of design evolution and downstream construction activities in terms of sensitivity to upstream design changes. The focus of this work is to determine the factors that contribute to the sensitivity of construction activities. A series of semistructured interviews with experienced construction professionals show that the level of transformation, lead time, modularity, and the interaction of built components are some of the factors that determine the amount of sensitivity in construction activities to upstream design changes. These determinants provide for a quick assessment of an activity’s sensitivity, which can help practitioners limit risk when planning the overlapping of design and construction activities.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new buffering approach, reliability and stability buffering, as a means to reduce uncertainty caused by errors and changes, in particular, when concurrent design and construction is applied to an infrastructure project. The proposed buffering provides a proactive mechanism to protect the planned performance of a project with a flexibly located and systemically sized buffer. For its implementation, the reliability and stability buffering is incorporated into a dynamic design and construction project model, which simulates the impacts of errors and changes on design and construction performance and evaluates the effectiveness of the proposed buffers. Applying this buffering approach into the infrastructure project in Massachusetts, this paper concludes that (1) the amount of hidden errors and latent changes was reduced; (2) the flexibly located and distributed buffers helped identify the predecessors’ errors and changes in concurrent design and construction; (3) the impacts of hidden errors and changes were minimized, preventing their ripple effect on the succeeding activities; and (4) the quality of the coordination process was increased. Thus it shows great potential to protect design and construction performance against uncertainty in concurrent design and construction delivery of civil infrastructure projects. Such benefit obtained from the proposed buffering should be relevant to researchers and practitioners because it provides the base for future investigation for the strategic utilization of schedule buffers in an uncertain environment as well as the guideline for their effective use in practice.  相似文献   

The utilization of nighttime work in highway construction and rehabilitation projects has been increasing in recent years throughout the United States. In this type of projects, construction planners are required to develop and submit a lighting plan that provides: (1) adequate illuminance levels for all planned nighttime construction tasks; (2) reasonable uniformity of light distribution in the work area, and (3) acceptable glare levels to both road users and construction workers. In order to support construction planners in this vital and challenging task, this paper presents a lighting design model, named CONLIGHT, which is capable of considering the specific requirements of nighttime highway construction operations. The model is developed to enable construction planners to evaluate the performance of various lighting plans and select a practical design that complies with all lighting requirements for the nighttime work being planned. An application example is analyzed to illustrate the use of the model and demonstrate its accuracy and capabilities in generating practical lighting plans for nighttime construction and rehabilitation projects.  相似文献   

Formwork for cast-in-place concrete in high-clearance construction is commonly based on multitier shoring towers. The market has responded to the demand for shoring towers by offering numerous proprietary models, from which the constructor can choose. Thus, there is a need for comparative data and selection criteria that are comprehensive, objective, uniformly processed, and systematically organized. This paper presents methodology, formatted data, and findings that purport to assist constructors in rationally selecting the appropriate shoring towers for their projects. For the benefit of industry practitioners, the paper offers an overview of tower configuration and classification, a formatted list of selection criteria generated on the basis of input from formwork manufacturers, and interviews with representatives of formwork service companies, examples of comparative data on selected tower models, and quantitative comparisons based on the introduction of normalized parameters and on formwork solutions for typical cases. This information is particularly vital given the high cost of tower-based formwork relative to the overall construction cost of the supported concrete element, while published erection and dismantling work input data are largely still unavailable for most models and heights of shoring towers.  相似文献   

Time-Cost-Quality Trade-Off Analysis for Highway Construction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many departments of transportation have recently started to utilize innovative contracting methods that provide new incentives for improving construction quality. These emerging contracts place an increasing pressure on decision makers in the construction industry to search for an optimal resource utilization plan that minimizes construction cost and time while maximizing its quality. This paper presents a multiobjective optimization model that supports decision makers in performing this challenging task. The model is designed to transform the traditional two-dimensional time-cost tradeoff analysis to an advanced three-dimensional time-cost-quality trade-off analysis. The model is developed as a multiobjective genetic algorithm to provide the capability of quantifying and considering quality in construction optimization. An application example is analyzed to illustrate the use of the model and demonstrate its capabilities in generating and visualizing optimal tradeoffs among construction time, cost, and quality.  相似文献   

Documented successes of innovative delivery methods and recent changes in procurement laws are enabling water and wastewater utility owners to use alternative delivery methods for the construction of new facilities and the expansion of existing facilities. This shift toward alternative project delivery systems, such as design/build, has resulted in demand for additional guidance for owners and practitioners. This paper provides the results of an industrywide survey and three in-depth case studies. The survey results indicate large-scale growth in the use of design/build project delivery for water and wastewater facilities throughout the United States. The findings from the case studies indicate that common practices exist with regard to selecting a delivery system, contracting, allocating risk, evaluating proposals, determining the level of design in the request for proposals, using consultants, establishing trust, identifying key players, and permitting. These results serve as best practices for owners and practitioners using design/build delivery for the first time.  相似文献   

介绍了梅钢热轧厂粗轧技改内容及施工总体安排、分析了土建施工的难点,通过积极应对,有效解决了热轧主轧线在线改造旧基础砼破除、新基础施工等诸多难题,减少了对生产影响,缩短停产改造时间。  相似文献   

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