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An exact solution for the M/G/c/K model is only possible for special cases, such as exponential service, a single server, or no waiting room at all. Instead of basing the approximation on an infinite capacity queue as is often the case, an approximation based on a closed-form expression derivable from the finite capacity exponential queue is presented. Properties of the closed-form expression along with its use in approximating the blocking probability of M/G/c/K systems are discussed. Extensive experiments are provided to test and verify the efficacy of our approximate results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a queue with multiple K job classes, Poisson arrivals, exponentially distributed required service times in which a single processor serves according to the DPS discipline. More precisely, if there are ni class i jobs in the system, i=1,…,K, each class j job receives a fraction j/∑i=1Kini of the processor capacity. For this queue, we obtain a system of equations for joint transforms of the sojourn time and the number of jobs. Using this system of equations we find the moments of the sojourn time as a solution of linear simultaneous equations, which solves an open problem.  相似文献   

Since broadband integrated networks have to cope with a wide range of bit rates, the notion of burstiness which expresses the irregularity of a flow, has been recognized as a vital question for such networks. In burstiness characterization encountered in the literature, special attention is given to the squared coefficient of variation of interarrival time (Cv2) in a cell arrival process. In order to observe the impact of a bursty flow on a queue, we introduce in this paper a new class of arrival process, the n-stage Markov Modulated Bernoulli Process, MMBPn, for short, and its peculiar case, the n-stage Hyper-Bernoulli process, denoted by HBPn. We numerically solve the MMBPn/D/1/K and we compute in particular the rejection probability and the mean waiting time. For that purpose, a relation between the stationary queue length distribution and arrival time distribution is established. This relation adapts the GASTA equality to the arrival process under consideration. We then discuss the relevance of Cv2 for burstiness characterization through an example: the HBP2/D/1/K queue. We show that Cv2 becomes significant only when local overload occurs, i.e., when the arrival rate is momentarily greater than the server rate. The results are then applied to two basic ATM problems: traffic characterization and buffer dimensioning using bursty inputs.  相似文献   

Analysis on queueing systems with synchronous vacations of partial servers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We study an M/M/c queue with server vacations. In this queueing system, d (≤c) of c servers take synchronous vacations when these d servers become idle at a service completion instant. This type of queueing model captures the major characteristics of a stochastic service system which processes both random arriving jobs and constantly available jobs. In this paper, the multi-server vacation queueing system has been analyzed as a quasi-birth and death process. Using matrix geometric method, we obtain the stationary distributions of queue length and waiting time and demonstrate the conditional stochastic decomposition property of the queue length and waiting time in this system.  相似文献   

For each nonempty binary word w=c1c2cq, where ci{0,1}, the nonnegative integer ∑i=1q (q+1−i)ci is called the moment of w and is denoted by M(w). Let [w] denote the conjugacy class of w. Define M([w])={M(u): u[w]}, N(w)={M(u)−M(w): u[w]} and δ(w)=max{M(u)−M(v): u,v[w]}. Using these objects, we obtain equivalent conditions for a binary word to be an -word (respectively, a power of an -word). For instance, we prove that the following statements are equivalent for any binary word w with |w|2: (a) w is an -word, (b) δ(w)=|w|−1, (c) w is a cyclic balanced primitive word, (d) M([w]) is a set of |w| consecutive positive integers, (e) N(w) is a set of |w| consecutive integers and 0N(w), (f) w is primitive and [w]St.  相似文献   

A heap structure designed for secondary storage is suggested that tries to make the best use of the available buffer space in primary memory. The heap is a complete multi-way tree, with multi-page blocks of records as nodes, satisfying a generalized heap property. A special feature of the tree is that the nodes may be partially filled, as in B-trees. The structure is complemented with priority-queue operations insert and delete-max. When handling a sequence of S operations, the number of page transfers performed is shown to be O(∑i = 1S(1/P) log(M/P)(Ni/P)), where P denotes the number of records fitting into a page, M the capacity of the buffer space in records, and Ni, the number of records in the heap prior to the ith operation (assuming P 1 and S> M c · P, where c is a small positive constant). The number of comparisons required when handling the sequence is O(∑i = 1S log2 Ni). Using the suggested data structure we obtain an optimal external heapsort that performs O((N/P) log(M/P)(N/P)) page transfers and O(N log2 N) comparisons in the worst case when sorting N records.  相似文献   

The resequencing problem is encountered in many practical information systems such as distributed database and communication networks. In these systems customers, such as messages in a computer network, have to be delivered to users in their original order. Therefore, those customers which become out of order due to the randomness of the system are forced to wait in a resequencing buffer so that their delivered order can be guaranteed. The previous work on the resequencing problem mainly concentrated on the delay aspect. From both theoretical and practical viewpoints, however, the queue length characteristics of the resequencing buffer are also significant. We consider the queue length distribution of the resequencing buffer fed by a homogeneous M/M/2 queue. The exact analysis is carried out for the probability mass functions of the queue length in equilibrium and the maximal occupancy which corresponds to the queue length just before the departure instants of customers from the resequencing buffer.  相似文献   

Parallel clustering algorithms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Clustering techniques play an important role in exploratory pattern analysis, unsupervised learning and image segmentation applications. Many clustering algorithms, both partitional clustering and hierarchical clustering, require intensive computation, even for a modest number of patterns. This paper presents two parallel clustering algorithms. For a clustering problem with N = 2n patterns and M = 2m features, the time complexity of the traditional partitional clustering algorithm on a single processor computer is O(MNK), where K is the number of clusters. The proposed algorithm on anSIMD computer with MN processors has a time complexity O(K(n + m)). The time complexity of the proposed single-link hierarchical clustering algorithm is reduced from O(MN2) of the uniprocessor algorithm to O(nN) with MN processors.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of overflow processes from a PH1 + PH2/M/S/K queue having two independent phase type renewal input streams. Both the superposed overflow process and individual overflow processes for the PH1- and PH2-streams are analyzed using first passage time distributions for the number of customers in the system. Each overflow process is characterized as a Markov renewal process. The nth moment of the number of customers in an infinite server group to which these overflows have been offered is derived using a theory for the MR/M/∞ queue with a Markov renewal input. The numerical examples for means and variance-to-mean ratios (peakednesses) of the individual overflow streams are given for an H2 + H2/M/S/S queue with interrupted Poisson inputs, which is a vital model for telephone network planning. In addition, overflow traffic characteristics are discussed by using these examples.  相似文献   

In this paper a recursive method is developed to obtain the steady state probability distribution of the number in system at arbitrary and departure time epochs of a single server state-dependent arrival rate queue λ(n)/G/1/K in which the arrival process is Markovian with arrival rates λ(n) which depend on the number of customers n in the system and general service time distribution. It is assumed that there exists an integer K such that λ(n) > 0 for all 0 n < K and λ(n) = 0 for all n K. Numerical results have been presented for many queueing models by suitably defining the function λ(n). These include machine interference model, queues with balking, queues with finite waiting space and machine interference model with finite waiting space. These models have wide application in computer/communication networks.  相似文献   

Let M be a compact connected (topological) manifold of finite- or infinite-dimension n. Let 0 r 1 be arbitrary but fixed. We construct in this paper a space-filling curve f from [0,1] onto M, under which M is the image of a compact set A of Hausdorff dimension r. Moreover, the restriction of f to A is one-to-one over the image of a dense subset provided that 0 r log|2n/log(2n + 2). The proof is based on the special case where M is the Hilbert cube [0,1]ω.  相似文献   

This paper makes an improvement of computing two nearest-neighbor problems of images on a reconfigurable array of processors (RAP) by increasing the bus width between processors. Based on a base-n system, a constant time algorithm is first presented for computing the maximum/minimum of N log N-bit unsigned integers on a RAP using N processors each with N1/c-bit bus width, where c is a constant and c ≥ 1. Then, two basic operations such as image component labeling and border following are also derived from it. Finally, these algorithms are used to design two constant time algorithms for the nearest neighbor black pixel and the nearest neighbor component problems on an N1/2 × N1/2 image using N1/2 × N1/2 processors each with N1/c-bit bus width, where c is a constant and c ≥ 1. Another contribution of this paper is that the execution time of the proposed algorithms is tunable by the bus width.  相似文献   

Li  Dingyü  Shiu Kit   《Automatica》2000,36(12):1897-1904
In this paper, the design of the two-degree-of-freedom optimal Wiener–Hopf controller with asymptotic tracking and disturbance rejection constraints is studied. Based on the solvability conditions and the solution parameterization of Diophantine equations over the stable rational fractional ring M(s), the disturbance rejection problem in the general case is solved. A simple cost function is defined to reflect the transient performance of control signal caused by deterministic signals. Finally, the design of the two-degree-of-freedom optimal Wiener–Hopf controller is presented.  相似文献   

It is pointed out in this brief paper that the l1 optimization problem minQ ε lqp1 | HU * Q * V |1, H ε lmn1, U ε lmq1, V ε lpn1 can be solved in one step rather than two. The solution of the dual problem is obviated by the direct solution of the primal problem via linear programming. The method here is applicable to finite-dimensional problems or approximating finite-dimensional problems, in the general case.  相似文献   

We study an M/G/1 queueing system with a server that can be switched on and off. The server can take a vacation time T after the system becomes empty. In this paper, we investigate a randomized policy to control a server with which, when the system is empty, the server can be switched off with probability p and take a vacation or left on with probability (1 − p) and continue to serve the arriving customers. For this system, we consider the operating cost and the holding cost where the operating cost consists of the system running and switching costs (start up and shut down costs). We describe the structure and characteristics of this policy and solve a constrained problem to minimize the average operating cost per unit time under the constraint for the holding cost per unit time.  相似文献   

Parijat  Omar  Eitan   《Performance Evaluation》2003,53(3-4):147-167
The purpose of this paper is to study the loss probabilities of messages in an M/M/1/K queueing system where in addition to losses due to buffer overflow there are also random losses in the incoming and outgoing links. We focus on the influence of adding redundant packets to the messages (as in error correction coding, e.g. Reed–Solomon code, etc.). In the first part we use multi-dimensional probability generating functions for solving the recursions which generalize those introduced by Cidon et al. [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 39 (1) (1993) 98] for computing the loss probabilities and derive analytical formulae for a special case. In the second part of the paper we use combinatorial arguments and Ballot theorem results to alternatively obtain the loss probabilities. The analytical results allow us to investigate when does adding redundancy decrease the loss probabilities.  相似文献   

A queueing system M1, M2/G1, G2/1/N with different scheduling and push-out scheme is analyzed in this paper. This work is motivated by the study of the performance of an output link of ATM switches with traffic of two classes with different priorities. However, the queueing model developed in this paper is more general than that of the output link of ATM switches with two-class priority traffic. General service time distributions are allowed for classes 1 and 2 and a general service discipline function, 1(i, j), is introduced where 1(i, j) is the probability that a class 1 packet will be served, given that there are i class 1 and j class 2 packets waiting for service. An exact solution is obtained for the loss probabilities for classes 1 and 2, the queue length distribution and the mean waiting time for class 1. The queue length distribution and the mean waiting time for class 2 are calculated approximately. It is shown that the approximation is an upper bound and the error due to the approximation is very small when the loss probability of class 2 is small (e.g., less than 0.01).  相似文献   

Variable bit rate traffic is characteristically bursty and the arrivals are highly correlated. New network technology carries such traffic in cell-based networks where the service is a discrete time, deterministic process with the service rate determined by bandwidth negotiated by the user. Managing such networks is hard, and predicting cell loss at a station with limited buffer capacity K is essential to enable the user to negotiate his quality of service requirements. We present an analysis to determine the queue length distribution and the loss probability in such circumstances. For our analysis, we use an m-phase Markov Modulated Bernoulli Process with binomial distributed batch arrivals and deterministic service and limited capacity K, i.e. a MMBP[X](m)/D/1 − K queuing system. We show that the system can be analyzed using the so-called unfinished work approach. The validity of our evaluation technique is illustrated by comparing our analytical results against those obtained from an event-driven siimulation of the same system.  相似文献   

We consider a queueing system that arises in the modeling of isolated signalized intersections in a urban transportation network. In this system, the server alternates in two states, attended or removed, in respect to the queue, while in each state, the server will spend a constant time period with different value. It is assumed that the server is able to disperse up to r(r≥1) customers during a constant service cycle. The evolution of this queueing system can be characterized by a Markov chain embedded at equally spaced time epochs along the time axis. Transition matrix of this Markov chain is of the M/G/1 type introduced by Neuts so that matrix analytical method can be applied to obtain the necessary and sufficient criterion for ergodicity of this Markov chain as well as to compute its stationary distribution. Furthermore, the queue length and waiting time distributions with other performance measures are also given in this paper.  相似文献   

We show that the elementary theory of Boolean algebras is log-complete for the Berman complexity class c<ω STA(*, 2cn, n), the class of sets accepted by alternating Turing machines running in time 2cn for some constant c and making at most n alternations on inputs of length n; thus the theory is computationally equivalent to the theory of real addition with order. We extend the completeness results to various subclasses of Boolean algebras, including the finite, free, atomic, atomless, and complete Boolean algebras. Finally we show that the theory of any finite collection of finite Boolean algebras is complete for PSPACE, while the theory of any other collection is log-hard for c<ω STA(*, 2cn, n).  相似文献   

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