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Hybridization of tRNAs of Drosophila melanogaster to polytene chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Highly purified tRNAs from Drosophila melanogaster were iodinated with 125I and hybridized to squashes of polytene chromosomes of Drosophila silivary glands followed by autoradiography to localize binding sites. Most tRNAs hybridize strongly to more than one site and weakly to one or more additional sites. The major sites for various tRNAs are the following: tRNA2Arg, 42A, 84F1,2; tRNA2Asp, 29DE; tRNA3Gly, 22BC, 35BC, 57BC, tRNA2Lys, 42A, 42E; tRNA5Lys, 84AB, 87B; tRNA2Met, 48B5-7, 72F1-2, 83F-84A; tRNA3Met, 46A1-2, 61D1-2, 70F1-2; tRNA4Ser, 12DE, 23E; tRNA7Ser, 12DE, 23E; tRNA3aVal, 64D; tRNA3bVal, 84d3-4, 92b1-9; tRNA4Val, 56D3-7, 70BC.  相似文献   

The shibire locus of Drosophila melanogaster encodes dynamin, a GTPase required for the fission of endocytic vesicles from plasma membrane. Biochemical studies indicate that mammalian dynamin is part of a complex containing multiple dynamin subunits and other polypeptides. To gain insight into sequences of dynamin critical for its function, we have characterized in detail a collection of conditional and lethal shi alleles. We describe a probable null allele of shi and show that its properties are distinct from those of two classes of lethal alleles (termed I and II) that show intergroup, interallelic complementation. Sequenced class I alleles, which display dominant properties, carry missense mutations in conserved residues in the GTPase domain of dynamin. In contrast, the sequenced class II alleles, which appear completely recessive, carry missense mutations in conserved residues of a previously uncharacterized "middle domain" that lies adjacent to the GTPase region. These data suggest that critical interactions mediated by this middle domain are severely affected by the class II lethal mutations; thus, the mutant sequences should be very useful for confirming the in vivo relevance of interactions observed in vitro. Viable heteroallelic combinations of shi lethals show rapid and reversible temperature-sensitive paralytic phenotypes hitherto only described for the ts alleles of shi. When taken together with the molecular analysis of shi mutations, these observations suggest that the GTPase domain of dynamin carries an intrinsically temperature-sensitive activity: hypomorphic mutations that reduce this activity at low temperatures result in conditional temperature-sensitive phenotype. These observations explain why screens for conditional paralytic mutants in Drosophila inevitably recover ts alleles of shi at high frequencies.  相似文献   

A genetic locus suppressing DNA underreplication in intercalary heterochromatin (IH) and pericentric heterochromatin (PH) of the polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster salivary glands, has been described. Found in the In(1)scV2 strain, the mutation, designated as Su(UR)ES, was located on chromosome 3L at position 34. 8 and cytologically mapped to region 68A3-B4. A cytological phenotype was observed in the salivary gland chromosomes of larvae homozygous and hemizygous for Su(UR)ES: (i) in the IH regions, that normally are incompletely polytenized and so they often break to form "weak points," underreplication is suppressed, breaks and ectopic contacts disappear; (ii) the degree of polytenization in PH grows higher. That is why the regions in chromosome arm basements, normally beta-heterochromatic, acquire a distinct banding pattern, i. e., become euchromatic by morphological criteria; (iii) an additional bulk of polytenized material arises between the arms of chromosome 3 to form a fragment with a typical banding pattern. Chromosome 2 PH reveals additional alpha-heterochromatin. Su(UR)ES does not affect the viability, fertility, or morphological characters of the imago, and has semidominant expression in the heterozygote and distinct maternal effect. The results obtained provide evidence that the processes leading to DNA underreplication in IH and PH are affected by the same genetic mechanism.  相似文献   

Scaffold-associated regions (SARs) were studied in Drosophila melanogaster by expressing a synthetic, high-affinity SAR-binding protein called MATH (multi-AT-hook), which consists of reiterated AT-hook peptide motifs; each motif is known to recognize a wide variety of short AT-rich sequences. MATH proteins were expressed specifically in the larval eye imaginal discs by means of the tetracycline-regulated transactivation system and tested for their effect on position effect variegation (PEV). MATH20, a highly potent SAR ligand consisting of 20 AT-hooks, was found to suppress whitemottled 4 variegation. This suppression required MATH20 expression at an early larval developmental stage. Our data suggest an involvement of the high AT-rich SARs in higher order chromatin structure and gene expression.  相似文献   

The enzyme catalase protects aerobic organisms from oxygen-free radical damage by converting hydrogen peroxide to molecular oxygen and water before it can decompose to form the highly reactive hydroxyl radical. Hydroxyl radicals are the most deleterious of the activated oxygen intermediates found in aerobic organisms. If formed, they can react with biological molecules in their proximity; the ensuing damage has been implicated in the increasing risk of disease and death associated with aging. To study further the regulation and role of catalase we have undertaken a molecular characterization of the Drosophila catalase gene and two potentially acatalasemic alleles. We have demonstrated that a previously existing allele, Catn4, likely contains a null mutation, a mutation which blocks normal translation of the encoded mRNA. The Catn1 mutation appears to cause a significant change in the protein sequence; however, it is unclear why this change leads to a nonfunctioning protein. Viability of these acatalasemic flies can be restored by transformation with the wild-type catalase gene; hence, we conclude that the lethality of these genotypes is due solely to the lack of catalase. The availability of flies with transformed catalase genes has allowed us to address the effect of catalase levels on aging in Drosophila. Though lack of catalase activity caused decreased viability and life span, increasing catalase activity above wild-type levels had no effect on normal life span.  相似文献   

Transposase-mediated mobilization of the element Minos has been studied in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. Excision and transposition of a nonautonomous Minos transposon in the presence of a Minos transposase gene was detected with a dominant eye color marker carried by the transposon. Frequencies of excision in somatic tissues and in the germ line were higher in flies heterozygous for the transposon than in homozygotes or hemizygotes. Transposition of a X chromosome-linked insertion of Minos into new autosomal sites occurred in 1-12% of males expressing transposase, suggesting that this system is usable for gene tagging and enhancer trapping in Drosophila. Sequence analysis of PCR-amplified donor sites after excision showed precise restoration of the original target sequence in approximately 75% of events in heterozygotes and the presence of footprints or partially deleted elements in the remaining events. Most footprints consisted of the four terminal bases of the transposon, flanked by the TA target duplication. Sequencing of a chromosomal donor site that was directly cloned after excision showed a characteristic two-base mismatch heteroduplex in the center of the 6-bp footprint. Circular extrachromosomal forms of the transposon, presumably representing excised Minos elements, could be detected only in the presence of transposase. A model for chromatid repair after Minos excision is discussed in which staggered cuts are first produced at the ends of the inverted repeats, the broken chromatid ends are joined, and the resulting heteroduplex is subsequently repaired. The model also suggests a simple mechanism for the production of the target site duplication and for regeneration of the transposon ends during reintegration.  相似文献   

The effects of a male-specific meiotic mutant, paternal los (pal), in D. melanogaster have been examined genetically. The results indicate the following: (1) When homozygous in males, pal can cause loss, but not nondisjunction, of any chromosome pair. The pal-induced chromosome loss produces exceptional progeny that apparently failed to receive one, or more, paternal chromosomes and, in addition, mosaic progeny during whose early mitotic divisions one or more paternal chromosomes were lost. (2) Only paternally derived chromosomes are lost. (3) Mitotic chromosome loss can occur in homozygous pal+progeny of pal males. (4) Chromosomes differ in their susceptibility to pal-induced loss. The site responsible for the insensitivity vs. sensitivity of the X chromosome to pal mapped to the basal region of the X chromosome at, or near, the centromere. From these results, it is suggested that pal+acts in male gonia to specify a product that is a component of, or interacts with, the centromeric region of chromosomes and is necessary for the normal segregation of paternal chromosomes. In the presence of pal, defective chromosomes are produced and these chromosomes tend to get lost during the early cleavage divisions of the zygote. (5) The loss of heterologous chromosome pairs is not independent; there are more cases of simultaneous loss of two chromosomes than expected from independence. Moreover, an examination of cases of simultaneous somatic loss of two heterologs reveals an asymmetry in the early mitotic divisions of the zygote such that when two heterologs are lost at a somatic cleavage division, almost invariably one daughter nucleus fails to get either, and the other daughter nucleus receives its normal chromosome complement. It is suggested that this asymmetry is not a property of pal but is rather a normal process that is being revealed by the mutant. (6) The somatic loss of chromosomes in the progeny of pal males allows the construction of fate maps of the blastoderm. Similar fate maps are obtained using data from gynandromorphs and from marked Y chromosome (nonsexually dimorphic) mosaics.  相似文献   

Mutations at the disconnected (disco) locus of Drosophila melanogaster disrupt neural cell patterning in the visual system, leading to the loss of many optic lobe neurons. Drosophila's presumptive circadian pacemaker neurons--the dorsal and ventral lateral neurons--are usually among the missing cells, and most disco flies are behaviorally arrhythmic. In this study, I show that ventral lateral neurons (LNvs) are occasionally present and provoke robust circadian rhythmicity in disco mutants. Of 357 individual disco flies four animals with robust circadian rhythmicity were found. All four retained LNvs together with terminals in the superior protocerebrum. Residual or bi-circadian rhythmicity was found in about 20% of all flies; the remaining flies were completely arrhythmic. One of the flies with residual rhythmicity and two of the arrhythmic flies also had some LNvs stained. However, these flies lacked the LNv fibers in the superior protocerebrum. The results suggest that the presence of single LNvs is sufficient to provoke robust circadian rhythmicity in locomotor activity if the LNv terminals reach the superior protocerebrum. The presence of residual or bi-circadian rhythmicity in 20% of the flies without LNvs indicates that also other cells contribute to the rhythmic control of locomotor activity.  相似文献   

In this study, we have examined the effect of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporated into DNA of Drosophila nerve cells after incubation of larvae in the analog-containing medium on the duration of lifespan and behavior (photoactivity) of adult flies. 5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporated into DNA decreases the lifespan of adult animals. In contrast to the control, the curves describing the probability of death become bimodal at higher doses of the analog (above 35 (g/ml). As the dose of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine decreases, photoactivity of the flies diminishes, and the distribution into fractions with different activity becomes broader. The data obtained provide evidence that the modification of DNA with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine drastically changes the expression of tissue-specific genes in nerve ganglia of Drosophila and at the same time diminishes the duration of insects lifespan. These observations suggest that genome of the nerve cells appears to be a probable initial substrate of Drosophila aging.  相似文献   

Interspecific comparisons of microsatellite loci have repeatedly shown that the loci are longer and more variable in the species from which they are derived (the focal species) than are homologous loci in other (nonfocal) species. There is debate as to whether this is due to directional evolution or to an ascertainment bias during the cloning and locus selection processes. This study tests these hypotheses by performing a reciprocal study. Eighteen perfect dinucleotide microsatellite loci identified from a Drosophila simulans library screen and 18 previously identified in an identical Drosophila melanogaster library screen were used to survey natural populations of each species. No difference between focal and nonfocal species was observed for mean PCR fragment length. However, heterozygosity and number of alleles were significantly higher in the focal species than in the nonfocal species. The most common allele in the Zimbabwe population of both species was sequenced for 31 of the 36 loci. The length of the longest stretch of perfect repeat units is, on average, longer in the focal species than in the non-focal species. There is a positive correlation between the length of the longest stretch of perfect repeats and heterozygosity. The difference in heterozygosity can thus be explained by a reduction in the length of the longest stretch of perfect repeats in the nonfocal species. Furthermore, flanking-sequence length difference was noted between the two species at 58% of the loci sequenced. These data do not support the predictions of the directional-evolution hypothesis; however, consistent with the ascertainment bias hypothesis, the lower variability in nonfocal species is an artifact of the microsatellite cloning and isolation process. Our results also suggest that the magnitude of ascertainment bias for repeat unit length is a function of the microsatellite size distribution in the genomes of different species.  相似文献   

Nebulization of lignocaine is a common technique for preparing the airway prior to awake intubation. The aim of the study was to assay the serum levels of lignocaine. Ten ASA I volunteers had 6 mg/kg of 10% lignocaine solution nebulized via facemask. Blood assays for peak levels were performed. Mean peak serum lignocaine level was 0.29 mg/l with a highest measurement of 0.45 mg/l. This peak occurred 30 minutes following commencing nebulization. No subject developed symptoms or signs of lignocaine toxicity. Peak plasma lignocaine levels were an order of magnitude below the accepted toxic threshold of 5 mg/l. This indicates that supplemental doses of lignocaine via the bronchoscope can be given with safety.  相似文献   

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