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王晓东 《城市规划》2004,28(4):65-69
根据新泽西州域规划工作的经验,分析了区域规划的优势及我国目前区域规划工作开展中存在的矛盾、问题及体制障碍,并就在我国开展区域规划工作的必要性、紧迫性、难点和思路做了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

<正>美国区域规划协会执行主席罗伯特·D·亚罗(Robert D.Yaro)等执笔的《危机挑战区域发展——纽约-新泽西-康涅狄格三州大都市区第三次区域规划》中文  相似文献   

美国区域规划协会执行主席罗伯特·D.亚罗(Robert D.Yaro)执笔的《危机挑战区域发展——纽约一新泽西一康涅狄格三州大都市区第三次区域规划》中文版,继商务印书馆于2010年6月出版发行后,已于12月发行第二版。  相似文献   

出版于1979年的《河湾》是奈保尔的代表作之一,以异乡人萨林姆的视角对独立后殖民地的经济、历史、文化以及身份认同进行考量。在《河湾》中,家族及民族的历史、宗教信仰变得缥缈被遗忘;异乡人在地理场域的缺失使得河湾异乡人经济上遭遇重创、文化上受到冲击以及身份认同陷入困境。为寻求情感上的栖居之所,河湾异乡人不断逃离,逃离的路径使身份认同不断解构与建构。在动态散居身份建构中,一方面形成了本质身份,另一方面形成了结合/分裂身份。  相似文献   

巴塘县教育园区义捐设计公开汇报会——教育园区规划与设计.于2012年5月22日在北京市佟麟阁路85号举办。本次活动由area中文版《域》杂志与四川省甘孜州巴塘县政府共同发起和主办.并得到了墨臣建筑设计事务所和北京光华设计发展基金会”设计名人堂专项基金“的大力支持。  相似文献   

2012年5月9日,住建部发布了《“十二五”建筑节能专项规划》(以下简称《规划》),对我国“十一五”期间建筑节能发展成就、存在问题、发展面临的形势,以及“十二五”期间的主要目标、发展指导思想、发展路径和重点任务等进行了详尽地阐述。这是继我国出台《“十二五”节能减排规划》、《工业节能“十二五”规划》、《“十二五”节能减排综合性工作方案》等之后的又一个对推进建筑节能工作具有指导作用的重要发展规划。其意义无疑十分重大,影响必将十分深远。  相似文献   

<正>美国区域规划协会执行主席罗伯特·D·亚罗(Robert D.Yaro)等执笔的《危机挑战区域发展——纽约-新泽西-康涅狄格三州大都市区第三次区域规划》中文版,商务印书馆继2010年6月出版发行后,同年12月又发行了第二版。住房与城乡建设部副部长仇保兴博士为该书撰写了序言。  相似文献   

广西北部湾经济区区域规划呈现四大亮点经过多方努力,人们期待已久的《广西北部湾经济区区域规划》(下称《规划》)终于“新鲜出炉”,记者在5月16日于南宁召开的《规划》征求意见座谈会上见到了其“美丽容颜”。自治区副主席、北部湾(广西)经济区规划建设管理委员会主任陈武,以及国家发改委规划司有关领导出席了会议,北部湾(广西)经济区规划建设管理委员会成员单位和有关部门的领导、专家畅所欲言,对规划提出了意见和建议。与会人员认为《规划》呈现“四大亮点”。  相似文献   

5月8日,湖南省人民政府代省长周伯华主持召开省政府第7次常务会议。会议专题研究了湖南省消防特勤站建设问题,审议并原则通过了《湖南省公众聚集场所消防安全管理办法》。 根据《湖南省消防工作“十五”发展计划》,“十五”期间,湖南省各市、州均应建立消防特勤站。1997年长沙  相似文献   

位于新泽西州韦恩德的瓦利国家银行节能环保意识很强,在过去几年里其总部大楼进行了多次节能改造,包括使用节能灯以及改造采暖、通风和空调系统。因此,在总部大楼需要新屋面施工时,节能自然是一个重要的考虑因素。  相似文献   

New planning schemes authorised by the Victoria Planning Provisions are currently coming into operation. These schemes utilise amendments made to the Planning and Environment Act 1987 by the Kennett government since its election to office in 1992, and exempt a very wide range of developments from the normal third party notification, objection and appeal rights provided for by the Act. While the new schemes may be consistent with the explicit aim of the State government to make the Victorian planning system the servant of economic growth, it seems likely that the implementation of the new schemes will be accompanied by an intensification of the ongoing debate about issues such as the use of ministerial powers and the role of third parties in the development approvals system.  相似文献   

The Limits of Power: The Politics of Local Planning Policy Andrew Blowers. Urban and Regional Planning Series, Vol. 21, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980. 216 pp. $23.00.

Land Policy in Planning Nathaniel Lichfield and Haim Darin-Drabkin. Urban and Regional Studies No. 8, George Allen &; Unwin, London, 1980. 321 pp. £18, $39.95.

The Ideologies of Planning Law Patrick McAuslan. Urban and Regional Planning Series, Vol. 22, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980. 279 pp. $20.00 (paperback).

Remaking Cities: Contradictions of the Recent Urban Environment Alison Ravetz. Croom Helm, London, 1980. 375 pp. $37.50.

Banking and Small Business Derek Hansen. The Council of State Planning Agencies, Washington, D.C., 1981. 113 pp. $9.95 (paperback).

Taxes and Growth: Business Incentives and Economic Development Michael Kieschnick. The Council of State Planning Agencies, Washington, D.C., 1981. 128 pp. $9.95 (paperback).

Pension Funds and Economic Renewal Lawrence Litvak. The Council of State Planning Agencies, Washington, D.C., 1981. 141 pp. $9.95 (paperback).

Rural Community Development: A Program, Policy and Research Model Stephen J. Fitzsimmons, Abby J. Freedman, et al. Abt Books, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1981. 524 pp. $28.00.

How to Conduct and Analyze Real Estate Market and Feasibility Studies G. Vincent Barrett and John P. Blair. Van Nostrand Rein-hold Co., New York, 1982. 322 pp. $24.95.

The Sense of Weil-Being in America: Recent Patterns and Trends Angus Campbell. McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1981. $16.95.

Legitimacy in the Modern State John H. Schaar. Transaction Books, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1981. 341 pp. $15.95.

The Philosopher in the City: The Moral Dilemmas of Urban Politics Hadley Arkes. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1981. 465 pp. $27.50 (cloth), $6.95 (paperback).

Wealth and Poverty George Gilder. Basic Books, New York, 1981. 306 pp. $16.95 (cloth); Bantam Books, New York, 1981. $3.95 (paperback).

Shopping Centers: USA George Sternlieb and James W. Hughes, Editors. Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey, 1981. 325 pp. $17.95.

The Uncertain Future of Rental Housing George Sternlieb and James W. Hughes. Center for Urban Policy Research, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1981. 147 pp. $12.50 (paperback).

The Myth of Homeownership: Private versus Public Choices in Housing Tenure Jim Kemeny. Routledge &; Kegan Paul, London, England, 1981. 179 pp. $20.00 (paperback).

Discrimination in Mortgage Lending Robert Schafer and Helen F. Ladd. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1981. 407 pp. $40.00.

Neigborhoods That Work: Sources for Viability in the Inner City Sandra Perlman Schoenberg and Patricia L. Rosenbaum. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1980. 195 pp. $14.75.

Translating Evaluation into Policy Robert F. Rich, editor. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California, 1979. 160 pp. $18.95 (cloth), $8.95 (paperback).

Using Research in Organizations: A Guide to Successful Application Jack Rothman. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California, 1980. 229 pp. $18.00 (cloth), $8.95 (paperback).

Metaphors for Evaluation Nick L. Smith, editor. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California, 1981. 272 pp. $20.00.

New Techniques for Evaluation Nick L. Smith, editor. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California, 1981. 320 pp. $20.00.

Federal Efforts to Develop New Evaluation Methods Nick L. Smith, editor. Jossey-Bass Inc., San Francisco, California, 1981. 99 pp. $6.95 (paperback).

Creative Evaluation Michael Quinn Patton. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California, 1981. 296 pp. $20.00 (cloth), $9.95 (paperback).

Qualitative Evaluation Methods Michael Quinn Patton. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California, 1980. 379 pp. $16.50.

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Evaluation Research Thomas D. Cook and Charles S. Reichardt, editors. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California, 1979. 160 pp. $6.50 (paperback).

Utilization-Focused Evaluation Michael Quinn Patton. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California, 1978. 304 pp. $25.00 (cloth), $12.50 (paperback).

Yokley's Law of Subdivisions (Second edition) E. C. Yokley. Michie Bobbs-Merrill, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1981. 774 pp. $60.00.

Quick Analysis for Busy Decision Makers Robert D. Behn and James W. Vaupel. Basic Books, New York, 1982. 415 pp. $18.95

Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In Roger Fisher and William Ury. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1981. 163 pp. $10.95.

Bargaining: Power, Tactics, and Outcomes Samuel B. Bacharach and Edward J. Lawler. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 1981. 234 pp. $15.95.

Citizens and Health Care: Participation and Planning for Social Change Barry Checkoway, Editor. Pergamon Press, New York, 1981. 318 pp. $32.50.

Toward a New Land Use Ethic Piedmont Environmental Council, Warrenton, Virginia, 1981. 166 pp. $15.00 (paperback).  相似文献   

ELEMENTS OF WATER SUPPLY ENGINEERING. By Earl L. Waterman. New York, John Wiley &; Sons, Inc., 1934. 302 pages. Illus, 91/4 61/4 inches. Price $3.50.

CITY PLANNING—HOUSING. By Werner Hegemann. New York, Architectural Book Publishing Co., Inc., 1936. 257 pages. Sketches, diagrams. 91/4 × 61/4 inches. Price $3.75.

SOUTHERN REGIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. By Howard W. Odum. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1936. 664 pages. Maps, tables, diagrams. 101/4 × 71/2 inches. Price $4.00.

NATIONAL PLANNING AND RURAL LIFE. Proceedings of the Seventeenth American Country Life Conference. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1935. 156 pages. 73/4 × 5 inches. Price $2.00.

American Society of Planning Officials. Planning for the future of American Cities; proceedings of the Joint Conference on City, Regional, State and National Planning, May 20, 21 and 22, 1935, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1935. 188p. Price $2.00.

Hudson, G. Donald. The rural land classification program — a summary of techniques and uses. Knoxville, Tennessee Valley Authority, 1935. 30p. (A confidential report— available to members of the American City Planning Institute.)

Lindholm, S. G. The zoning commission of the District of Columbia: experiences with zoning in Washington, D. C., 1920-1934. Washington, [The Commission, 19351. 35p. map, tables. Lithoprinted.

Maine State Planning Board. Report, March 15, 1934- March 15, 1935. Augusta, Me., State House. 396p. illus. Mimeographed. Price $2.50.

Oklahoma State Planning Board. Preliminary report on state planning; facts and findings pertaining to physical, social and economic conditions which are essential to comprehensive state planning for Oklahoma. 1936. 295p. illus., maps (one folded), plans, tables, charts. Lithoprinted.  相似文献   

Professor Colin Davidson of the University of Montreal, as corresponding author and Rashid Mohsini of the School of Architecture and Planning, State University of New York in Buffalo, discuss the key to improved performance in building procurement and describe the investigations into the selection process.  相似文献   

In 1982, the New South Wales Government introduced State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) No. 5, ‘Housing for Aged or Disabled Persons’. This Policy is a statutory planning instrument under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. It allows housing for people over fifty-five and for disabled people to be built anywhere where a dwelling-house may be built as long as the site is within or adjacent to an urban area. It allows it even where local planning controls prohibit it.  相似文献   

高等学校是专业人才培养的重要基地,由培养目标和课程体系组成的培养体系不仅决定着人才培养方向,也深刻影响着人才培养质量。以美国奥尔巴尼大学地理与规划学系城乡规划专业为例,从办学层次、培养目标、课程体系、教学管理等方面系统分析了其培养体系构建,从培养目标设定、知识体系构建、思维方法训练及职业道德培养等方面对其办学经验进行了梳理总结。  相似文献   


From the Review Editors: The Globalization of Planning

Books: Planning Theory: Shadows of Power: An Allegory of Prudence in Land-Use Planning, Jean Hillier, Routledge, New York, 2002. 345 pages. $31.95.

Story and Sustainability: Planning, Practice and Possibility for American Cities, Barbara Eckstein and James A. Throgmorton editors. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003. 267 pages. $24.95.

International Planning and Development, Emerging Johannesburg: Perspectives on the Postapartheid City, Richard Tomlinson, Robert A. Beauregard, Lindsay Bremner, and Xolela Mangcu editors. Routledge, New York, 2003. 305 pages. $90, $26.95 (paperback).

European Spatial Planning, Andreas Faludi editor. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, 2002. 240 pages. $25.

Squatters as Developers?: Slum Demolition and Redevelopment in Mumbai, India, Vinit Mukhija. Ashgate, Hampshire, UK, 2003. 190 pages. $79.95.

America s New Downtowns: Revitalization or Reinvention?, Larry R. Ford., Johns Hopkins, University Press, Baltimore, 2003. 340 pages. $45.

Redefining Urban &; Suburban America: Evidence from Census 2000, Bruce Katz and Robert E. Lang editors. Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, 2003. 305 pages. $19.95 (paperback).

Urban History: City: Urbanism and its End, Douglas W. Rae. Yale University Press, New Haven, 2003. 516 pages. $30.

Housing and Community Development: Community Action for School Reform, Howell S. Baum. State University of New York Press, Albany, 2003. 297 pp. $68.50, $22.95 (paperback).

Choosing a Better Life: Evaluating the Moving to Opportunity Social Experiment, John Goering and Judith D. Feins editors. Urban Institute Press, Washington, DC, 2003. 422 pages. $34.50.

Regional Approaches to Affordable Housing, Stuart Meck, Rebecca Retzlaff, and Jim Schwab, American Planning Association, PAS Report Nos. 513/514, Chicago, 2003. 274 pages. $60 (paperback).

Unfair Housing: How National Policy Shapes Community Action, Mara S. Sidney., University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, 2003. 186 pages. $16.95 (paperback).

Environmental Planning and Management: Bringing Society Back In: Grassroots Ecosystem Management, Accountability, and Sustainable Communities, Edward P. Weber. MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2003-333 pages. $67, $26.95(paperback).

Ecosystems and Human Well-Being, Robert T. Watson and A. H. Zakri, Co-chairs, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Board. Island Press, Washington, DC, 2003. 245 pages. $25.

Public Health: Health and Community Design: The Impact of the Built Environment on Physical Activity, Lawrence D. Frank, Peter O. Engelke, and Thomas L. Schmid. Island Press, Washington, DC, 2003. 242 pages. $30 (paperback).

City of Las Vegas: The Grit Beneath the Glitter: Tales from the Real Las Vegas, Hal K. Rothman and Mike Davis editors. University of California Press, Berkeley, 2002. 388 pages. $50, $19.95 (paperback).

Neon Metropolis: How Las Vegas Started the Twenty-First Century, Hal K. Rothman, Routledge, New York, 2002. 352 pages. $18.95 (paperback).

Property Rights: The Land We Share: Private Property and the Common Good, Eric T. Freyfogle, Island Press, Washington, DC, 2003. 336 pages. $25.

Briefly Noted: Foul Ball: My Life and Hard Times Trying to Save an Old Ballpark, Jim Bouton, Bulldog Publishing, North Egremont, MA, 2003. 366 pages. $24.95.

Environmental Justice in America: A New Paradigm, Edwardo Lao Rhodes., Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2003. 263 pages. $39.95.

Spaces of Hate: Geographies of Discrimination and Intolerance in the U.S.A., Colin Flint editor. Routledge, New York, 2003. 266 pages. $23.95.

A Primer on U.S. Housing Markets and Housing Policy, Richard K. Green and Stephen Malpezzi., The Urban Institute Press, Washington, DC, 2003. 226 pages. $26.50 (paperback).

State Growth Management and Open Space Preservation Policies, Robert Wilson and Robert Paterson editors. LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, Public Research Project Report #143, 2002. 189 pages. $22.

Urbanism: Imported or Exported? Native Aspirations and Foreign Plans, Joe Nasr and Mercedes Volait editors. John Wiley &; Sons, Chichester, UK, 2003. 354 pages. $40 (paperback).

Books &; Other Materials Received

Edgeless Cities: Exploring the Elusive Metropolis, Robert E. Lang, Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC, 2003. 155 pages. $18.95 (paperback).  相似文献   

尹明 《工业建筑》2014,(8):167-170
《国家新型城镇化规划(2014—2020年)》提出,推动有条件地区经济社会发展、土地利用和城市总体规划等"多规合一"。提出了"三规合一"的概念,分析了面临的主要问题,探索了推进"三规合一"的路径。  相似文献   

《中共中央国务院关于建立国土空间规划体系并监督实施的若干意见》明确了国土空间规划体系的基本框架,标志着我国规划工作的重心由问题导向的"多规合一"转向任务导向的"国土空间规划体系"的建立和完善。为实现建设生态文明的总目标,国土空间规划体系的主要任务可分为两大方向,一是落实对"山水林田湖草"自然生态系统的保护与修复;二是解决好"城镇村"的建设与治理问题,后者是实现生态文明的关键。在这一过程中,市县和乡镇级规划将成为整个规划体系实质上的重心。本文从实现生态文明的理论与路径入手,探讨了生态文明的空间表达本质,以及国土空间规划在实现生态文明目标的过程中所应承担的任务和相应的规划技术手段。  相似文献   

City Development: Studies in Disintegration and Renewal, by Lewis Mumford. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1945. 248 pages, $2.00

A Million Homes a Year, by Dorothy Rosenman. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1945. 333 pages. $3.50.

State and Local Finance in the National Economy, by Alvin H. Hansen and Hrvey S. Perloff. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1944. 310 pages. $3.75.

Planning Neighborhood Shopping Centers; a Study of Neighborhood Retail Trades Requirements and the Use of Purchasing Power as a Yardstick in Planning to Meet Them, by Marcel Villanueva. New York: National Committee on Housing, Inc. c1945. 34 pages. $1.00.

Planning by Lease Control, by Henry W. Wells in the Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, Vol. 51, No. 12. London, October, 1944.

A Factual Basis for Reconstruction, by F. A. C. Maunder, in the Journal of the Town Planning Institute, Vol. XXXI, No. 2. London, January-February, 1945.

Better Training for the Planner, by G. Cozen, in the Journal of the Town Planning Institute, Vol. XXXI, No. 2. London, January-February, 1945.  相似文献   

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