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The HIV-1 gp120 signal sequence of 30 amino acids is longer than most glycoprotein signal sequences and contains an average of 5 positively charged amino acids. The HIV-1 gp120 gene with its natural signal sequence expressed in any prokaryotic or eukaryotic expression systems showed extremely low levels of synthesis and secretion. However, deletion of the HIV-1 gp120 signal sequence results in production of large quantities of a nonglycosylated form of gp120 in Spodoptera frugiperda cells. Substitution of the gp120 natural signal sequences with the signal sequences from honeybee mellitin or murine interleukin 3 promotes a high level of expression of a glycosylated form of gp120 and efficient secretion. These heterologous signal sequences contain one (mellitin) or no (IL-3) positively charged amino acids and led us to investigate the role of the positively charged amino acids in the signal sequence of HIV-1 gp120. Four charge-altered forms of the gp120 signal sequence of HIV-1 were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis in which the positively charged amino acids were sequentially substituted with neutral amino acids. The results of these experiments showed that the expression and secretion of gp120 was progressively increased by eliminating the positively charged amino acids in a stepwise fashion. However, the substitution of all positively charged amino acids resulted in the accumulation of nonglycosylated gp120 within the cells with decreased amounts of the glycosylated form of gp120. These results demonstrate that the positively charged amino acids in the signal sequence of HIV-1 gp120 are key factors in determining its poor expression and secretion. Analyses of intracellular transport and folding of gp120 further indicate that the presence of a highly charged, uncleaved signal sequence is an important factor limiting transport of gp120 from the rough ER to the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that the gp120 envelope protein of HIV-1 is able to crosslink membrane IgM on normal human B cells and to induce their activation in a V(H)3 immunoglobulin gene-family-specific manner. Because this V(H) gene family is the largest in the human repertoire, this superantigen (SAg) property is thought to have deleterious consequences for the host, including a progressive decline of B cells with progression of the HIV-1-induced disease. Here, we have identified the sequence motifs on gp120 involved in SAg binding to normal Igs. We show that this SAg-binding activity is present in gp120s from highly divergent isolates of HIV-1 belonging to clades derived from various geographical origins, and that carbohydrate residues are not essential for its expression. The SAg-binding site is formed by protein sequences from two regions of the gp120 molecule. The core motif is a discontinuous epitope spanning the V4 variable domain and the amino-terminal region flanking the C4 constant domain. The most critical residues appear to be Leu395-Asp397 and Ile425-Gln427. Residues from the C2 constant domain (positions 252-272) also seem to play an accessory role in SAg binding of gp120 to normal human Igs. These findings are important in the design of a successful gp120-based vaccine against HIV-1.  相似文献   

In vitro experiments revealed that the scrapie prion protein, PrP(Sc), as well as the PrP fragment PrP106-126, and the HIV-1 coat protein gp120 induce apoptosis of rat cortical neurons. The toxic effect displayed by PrP and gp120 could be blocked by NMDA receptor antagonists. Treatment of neuronal cells with PrP106-126 resulted in a drop of intracellular glutathione level and changes in the level of Bcl-2. Evidence is presented that gp120 causes an activation of phospholipase A2, resulting in the increased release of arachidonic acid, which may in turn sensitize the NMDA receptor.  相似文献   

In this paper the costs and benefits associated with DNA diagnosis of subjects who are at risk of having a child with a monogenic disease and who seek genetic counselling because of their reproductive plans are predicted under various assumptions using a mathematical model. Four monogenic diseases have been considered: cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy, and fragile X syndrome. Counselling (triggered by previous information) on the basis of DNA diagnosis is compared to the situation that only risk evaluation based on pedigree analysis is possible. The results show for each disease that with DNA diagnosis, couples can be more confident in choosing (further) offspring leading to the birth of more healthy children while the number of affected children is reduced. The costs minus savings within the health care sector depend on the prior risks and on the future burden of the monogenic illness under consideration. DNA diagnosis of relative "low" prior risks of a child with CF (for example, 1:180, 1:240 and 1:480) leads to costs instead of savings. For higher prior risks of CF and for the three other diseases, DNA diagnosis produces considerable savings. This result remains valid when assumptions regarding behaviour, reproduction, and receiving DNA diagnosis under different circumstances are varied.  相似文献   

Large quantities of recombinant acid alpha-glucosidase are needed for in vivo experimentation of enzyme replacement therapy in Pompe disease. We describe a new purification method for the purification of this recombinant enzyme from tissue culture medium consisting of concanavalin A affinity chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, affinity chromatography on Superdex, and anion exchange chromatography. The new method is amenable to scale up, and has increased speed, and improved reproducibility with similar high yield and purification efficiency when compared to previous methods.  相似文献   

This work extends our previous finding that lymphocyte treatment with gp120IIIB specifically induces CD4 association with several surface molecules to other molecules and to three other gp120s from different HIV-1 strains. The ability to induce this association was displayed by the four gp120s employed, i.e. gp120IIIB, gp120SF2, gp120MN and gp120(451), and the association patterns were different, as shown by both co-capping and immunoprecipitation. Co-capping showed that all four gp120s significantly potentiated CD4 association with CD3, CD45RA, CD45RB, CD38, CD26, CD59 and class I MHC molecules. By contrast, CD4 association with CD95 was induced only by gp120(451) and gp120MN; that with CD11a only by gp120SF2 and gp120MN; and that with CD27 and CD45RO only by gp120MN and gp120(451) respectively. All gp120s induced significant CD4 association with CD49d, but gp120SF2 displayed a significantly weaker effect than gp120IIIB. Induction of association was not mediated by inside-out signaling via the CD4-associated tyrosine kinase p58lck, since it was not inhibited by the tyrosine kinase inhibitors herbymicin and genistein, nor by CD45 bridging between CD4 and the associating molecule, since similar patterns of association were detected IN cells expressing different CD45 isoform patterns. Moreover, it was not mediated by chemokine receptors interacting with the gp120 V3 loop, since RANTES did not alter the gp120-induced CD4 association pattern. By contrast, the observation that gp120s from four HIV-1 strains induce different CD4 association patterns suggests that gp120 directly interacts with the associating molecules, possibly via their hypervariable regions.  相似文献   

Eight (14 per cent) out of 57 consecutive cerebral malaria patients (all < 5 years old) were malnourished, including one with marasmus and another recovering from kwashiorkor. This was significantly lower than among other paediatric patients in the same children's emergency ward (112/319, i.e. 35 per cent, P < 0.01). Poor outcomes (death or recovery with neurological deficits) were commoner in the malnourished group (4/8) than the well nourished group (7/49) (P = 0.037, Fisher's exact test). Malnourished children should receive malaria chemoprophylaxis during nutritional rehabilitation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The characterization of recombinant MN gp120/alum vaccine requires the study of the gp120-alum interaction for the successful formulation of an alum-based HIV-1 vaccine. METHODS: Several observations suggest that the gp120-alum interaction is weak, wherein buffer counterions such as phosphate, sulfate, bicarbonate may cause the desorption of gp120 from alum. Comparison of gp120 with other proteins using particle mobility measurements shows that the weak binding of gp120 to alum is not an anomaly. Serum and plasma also cause desorption of gp120 from alum with a half-life of only a few minutes, wherein this half-life may be faster than the in-vivo recruitment of antigen presenting cells to the site of immunization. RESULTS: Immunization of guinea pigs, rabbits and baboons with gp120 formulated in alum or saline demonstrated that alum provides adjuvant activity for gp120, particularly after early immunizations, but the adjuvant effect is attenuated after several boosts. CONCLUSIONS: These observations indicate that both the antigen and the adjuvant require optimization together.  相似文献   

We used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labelling (TUNEL) techniques to study the neuropathological effects of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of recombinant HIV-1 gp 120 in rats. In brain cortical tissue sections from rats treated with a single daily dose of gp120 (100 ng day-1 for 7 or 14 consecutive days) TEM analysis showed chromatin compaction and marginalization along the inner surface of the nuclear envelope followed by masses of condensed chromatin, ultrastructural signs demonstrating the occurrence of apoptotic cell death. These effects were paralleled by in situ DNA fragmentation, as revealed by application of TUNEL technique to cryostat brain tissue sections from rats treated likewise with the viral coat protein. In no instance was apoptosis seen in the brain cortex of control rats. The present data demonstrate that gp120 given i.c.v. produces apoptosis in the neocortex of rats.  相似文献   

A novel multiple turn conformation has been observed for a segment GPGRAFY in the crystal structure of a complex of HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop peptide with the Fab fragment of a neutralizing antibody [Ghiara et al. (1994) Science 264, 82-85]. A structural motif has been defined for the peptide segment, employing idealized backbone conformations characterized by ranges of virtual C alpha torsion angles and bond angles. A search of 122 high-resolution protein crystal structures has permitted identification of 24 examples of similar structural motifs. Two major conformational families have been identified, which differ primarily in the conformation at residue 3. The observed conformation at residue 3 in family 1 is left-handed helical (alpha L) and that in family 2 is right-handed helical (alpha R). Of the 10 examples in family 1, 9 examples have Gly residues at position 3. Of the 12 examples in family 2, 7 examples have Asn/Asp at position 3. Computer modeling of the V3 loop tip sequence using the two backbone conformational families as starting points leads to minimum-energy conformations in which antigenically important side-chains occupy similar spatial arrangements. This stereochemical analysis of the V3 loop tip sequence suggests a rational basis for the design of synthetic analog peptides for use as viral antagonists or synthetic antigens.  相似文献   

A peptide containing residues 36-59 of the human CD4 receptor includes most of the residues thought to be involved in binding the HIV surface glycoprotein, gp120. This peptide was synthesized and inhibited the binding of gp120 to soluble CD4. NMR relaxation experiments indicated that the peptide was in fast exchange between the free and gp120-bound states. Transferred NOESY NMR showed a number of long-range NOEs, from the gp120-bound state, between residues 38, 40, 45, 48, and 49 of the peptide. NMR evidence also suggested that the Phe43 in the peptide, which corresponds to a critical residue in CD4 for the binding of gp120, makes intimate contact with gp120. The Tr-NOESY cross-peak intensities provided proton-proton distance constraints on the conformation of the gp120-bound peptide. The distance constraints were used in simulated annealing, and a set of 20 very similar structures was obtained for the central region of the gp120-bound peptide. Residues 42-49 of the peptide formed a loop with the side chain of Phe43 pointing away from the rest of the peptide. This Phe43 ring points away from the protein surface in two structures of the amino-terminal domain of CD4 found by X-ray crystallography. Differences in the conformation of CD4 in the two crystal forms suggest that the 36-59 region might be flexible. The NMR data on the 36-59 CD4 peptide predicts a gp120-bound conformation different from either of the CD4 crystal forms in the absence of gp120.  相似文献   

Chimeric T cell receptors (cTCR) with an antibody specificity have been proposed in several models as a combination of antibody and cellular immunotherapy without MHC restriction. Such a tool could be of a limited use in HIV infection because of the great variability of the virus. The human single-chain antibody (ScFv-b12) derives from the b12 antibody directed to the CD4 binding site of gp120, a potent neutralizer of different HIV-1 strains, including a large panel of primary isolates. A single-chain fragment variable (ScFv) bearing the VH Pro-->Glu mutation that improves b12 affinity 54-fold, called ScFv-b12E, was also constructed. The ScFv were linked to the signal-transducing y chain of the Fc(gamma)RIII, with or without spacer region, and expressed in the murine MD45 T cell line. The different cTCR formats behave similarly in terms of ScFv surface expression, but differ according to their activation threshold. T cell transfectants can be stimulated with immobilized gp120 derived from all HIV strains tested. BHK cells infected with Semliki forest virus (SFV) carrying an HIV-1 envelope gene (SFV-env) derived from either HIV-1 laboratory strains (LAI, MN12, HXB2) or field isolates (BX08, CHAR or 133) were used as targets for the transfectants. All gp120-expressing cells induced cTCR-specific activation. The latter result is contrasting with the lack of specific recognition of SFV-CHAR- or 133-infected cells by the native b12 antibody, as measured by cytofluorometric analysis. Finally, HeLa cells (which constitutively express the coreceptor CXCR4) are able to bind HIV-1 gp160 when transfected with the chimeric receptor ScFv-b12-gamma, but, importantly, do not become infected by the virus. Our results therefore suggest that cTCR with b12 specificity can confer to T cells broad anti-HIV reactivity without making them susceptible to HIV infection.  相似文献   

Cell-free human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can be taken up and released by a monolayer of primary human gingival cells and remain infectious for CD4+ cells. Virus-sized latex particles covalently coated with purified native HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 are also transported through the primary epithelial cells. This process is significantly stimulated by increasing the intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) concentration. Inhibition experiments with mannan and alpha-methyl-mannopyranoside indicated that mannosyl groups are involved in the interaction between gp120 and gingival cells. An increase of cellular oligomannosyl receptors by incubation with the mannosidase inhibitor deoxymannojirimycin augmented transcellular transport of the gp120-coated particles. The results suggest that infectious HIV can penetrate gingival epithelia by a cAMP-dependent transport mechanism involving interaction of the lectin-like domain of gp120 and mannosyl residues on glycoproteins on the mucosal surface. Penetration of HIV could be inhibited by soluble glycoconjugates present in oral mucins.  相似文献   

CCR5 is a chemokine receptor expressed by T cells and macrophages, which also functions as the principal coreceptor for macrophage (M)-tropic strains of HIV-1. To understand the molecular basis of the binding of chemokines and HIV-1 to CCR5, we developed a number of mAbs that inhibit the various interactions of CCR5, and mapped the binding sites of these mAbs using a panel of CCR5/CCR2b chimeras. One mAb termed 2D7 completely blocked the binding and chemotaxis of the three natural chemokine ligands of CCR5, RANTES (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted), macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1alpha, and MIP-1beta, to CCR5 transfectants. This mAb was a genuine antagonist of CCR5, since it failed to stimulate an increase in intracellular calcium concentration in the CCR5 transfectants, but blocked calcium responses elicited by RANTES, MIP-1alpha, or MIP-1beta. This mAb inhibited most of the RANTES and MIP-1alpha chemotactic responses of activated T cells, but not of monocytes, suggesting differential usage of chemokine receptors by these two cell types. The 2D7 binding site mapped to the second extracellular loop of CCR5, whereas a group of mAbs that failed to block chemokine binding all mapped to the NH2-terminal region of CCR5. Efficient inhibition of an M-tropic HIV-1-derived envelope glycoprotein gp120 binding to CCR5 could be achieved with mAbs recognizing either the second extracellular loop or the NH2-terminal region, although the former showed superior inhibition. Additionally, 2D7 efficiently blocked the infectivity of several M-tropic and dual-tropic HIV-1 strains in vitro. These results suggest a complicated pattern of HIV-1 gp120 binding to different regions of CCR5, but a relatively simple pattern for chemokine binding. We conclude that the second extracellular loop of CCR5 is an ideal target site for the development of inhibitors of either chemokine or HIV-1 binding to CCR5.  相似文献   

Although it is known that some human immune sera possess potent neutralizing activities for primary viruses, the identity of the target epitopes mediating this neutralization is unknown, and currently available immunogens have not been able to induce such activities. Using recombinant fusion glycoproteins expressing native V1/V2 domains of gp120 we have found that sera from a subset of HIV-1-infected humans contain antibodies that recognize broadly conserved V1/V2 epitopes. Such antibodies were isolated from one human serum by affinity chromatography on a column containing a V1/V2 fusion protein, and shown to efficiently neutralize several macrophage-tropic HIV-1 isolates. Rodents immunized with the purified V1/V2 fusion protein produced antibodies reactive with unrelated V1/V2 fusion proteins and with heterologous gp120s. V1/V2-specific immunoglobulins isolated from sera of these animals by affinity chromatography also possessed potent neutralization activity for several primary HIV-1 isolates. These results indicate that the V1/V2 domain of HIV-1 gp120 contains conserved epitopes that mediate potent neutralization of primary viruses, and suggest that subunit vaccines that efficiently induce such antibodies may provide protective humoral immunity against clinically relevant HIV-1 isolates.  相似文献   

The interaction of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein gp120 with CD4 CDR3-related peptide derivatives showing anti-HIV-1 activity has been studied. Conformational changes in gp120, which could affect its interaction with CD4 and its shedding from virions, were detected by fluorescence spectrum analysis of tryptophan residues after addition of peptide representative of the CD4 CDR3-related region, but not the CD4 CDR2-related region. Interestingly, the addition of scrambled peptide, S1 (with altered amino acid sequence compared with the native CDR3-related peptide but unaltered overall composition), which we recently showed to have stronger anti-HIV-1 activity than the original CDR3-related peptide, had no effects on the conformational change in gp120 or on its interaction with CD4 and its shedding from HIV-1 virions. However, all of the CDR3-related peptides, including S1, showed blocking effects on the binding of antibodies against gp120 V3 loop and C-terminus regions. Thus, we concluded that there were at least two separable activities of the CDR3-related peptides in anti-HIV-1 activity, i.e. induction of conformational changes in gp120, which could affect its binding to CD4 and to gp41 (as observed in native CDR3-related peptides), and inactivation of V3 loop and C-terminus regions in gp120 (as observed in all of the CDR3-related peptides, including S1).  相似文献   

The use of chimeras of rat and human CD4 to probe the HIV-1 gp120 and antibody binding properties of CD4 is reviewed. Short segments of human CD4 sequence were substituted for the equivalent regions of rat CD4 which does not bind gp120, and analysis of the properties of these chimeras established: (i) that residues 33-58 of the NH2-terminal domain of human CD4 encompass the high-affinity gp120 binding site; and (ii) that chimeras containing residues 33-62 mediate HIV-1 infection. The chimera-binding specificities of gp120 and a large panel of anti-CD4 antibodies were also determined. This allowed a critical test of the popular notion that receptor mimics appear at high frequency among antibodies elicited by immunization with receptor ligands and that anti-idiotypic antibodies can be used to identify novel receptors. The data suggest that such mimics appear infrequently, if at all, a result which is consistent with the failure of the anti-idiotype approach to identify new genes encoding receptors with prescribed functions.  相似文献   

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