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可重构技术与未来网络体系架构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着网络规模的不断扩大及新业务的不断部署,IP网络僵化的体系架构所带来的弊端日益明显.可重构网络技术以其灵活性、可扩展性、对新业务的适应性、绿色节能等优势日渐得到广泛关注.首先详细分析了可重构技术的发展现状,然后讨论了可重构网络技术体系及其对业务发展的适应性,并对可重构网络的绿色节能特性进行了分析.  相似文献   

针对航天地面传输网络在一体化运行、自动化配置、智能化运维以及服务化保障等方面的需求,提出了面向服务的未来航天地面传输网络体系架构,增强航天地面传输网络在资源动态调配、统一运维和安全管控等方面的能力,以满足不断增长的各类航天业务需求。最后通过构建网络演示平台,验证了域间隔离和资源动态调配等能力。  相似文献   

随着智能手机及其应用的快速发展,以用户为中心的移动性管理成为未来移动互联网络面临的挑战。文章从过程、功能和不同实现方式的角度分析移动性管理技术的机理;在此基础上,研究未来移动互联网络对分布式新型移动性管理架构的需求及移动性管理架构的特点,介绍一种基于SDN的移动性管理架构,并探讨未来移动性管理的一些研究方向。  相似文献   

以内容为中心的未来通信网络研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡骞  武穆清  郭嵩 《电信科学》2012,28(9):74-80
随着当前互联网诸多弊端的暴露,近年来学术界对未来网络展开了广泛深入的研究.其中,建立以内容为中心的网络(content-oriented network,CON)是未来网络研究中较有代表性的研究思路.CON打破了传统的“主机-主机”通信模式,将内容置于首要地位,引起学术界广泛关注.本文将结合目前国际上CON研究的现状,综述CON中的关键技术,介绍CON的研究背景和CON中涉及的命名、路由等关键技术,预测未来CON的研究热点和发展方向.  相似文献   

“十二五”期间,国家电网公司信息系统应用不断深化,一级部署的大型管理信息系统数目不断增加,覆盖范围广,用户数量庞大,软硬件资源池、云计算等新技术对电力数据网提出了新的挑战.CDN是一个由分布在不同区域的节点服务器群组成的虚拟网络.CDN将信息资源推向网络边缘,使得客户快速访问到所需的内容.对电力信息业务的加速需求、电力CDN承载要求、关键技术进行了深入剖析.结合电力信息系统架构及电力数据网络,提出二级网络架构三层存储架构的电力CDN体系,深入分析CDN安全防护要求,最后设计开发了电力CDN管控平台和电力CDN实验床.  相似文献   

面向“东数西算”等国家重大战略需求,针对工业互联网、空天地一体化、云端智能、算力网络等领域场景,主要探索面向未来IP网络演进的网络5.0体系框架、架构设计原则与架构设计。从功能架构体系、组网架构多视图等多角度探讨了体系架构的设计,以期探索出一条网络系统设计的创新范式,促进网络从信息转发为核心的信息基础设施,向融合感知、转发、计算、处理为一体的智能化信息基础设施转变。  相似文献   

介绍省级政务云的建设背景、目标和思路,提出政务云资源池体系架构,并结合信息技术的发展趋势,阐述省级政务云资源池的关键技术应用和实现方案.  相似文献   

随着网络规模的急剧扩大和新业务的不断涌现,现有互联网在业务适应、传输能力、安全可管可控等方面的弊端日益凸显.为此,业界关于新型互联网体系结构的研究正蓬勃兴起.在此背景下,利用可重构技术在灵活性、可扩展性、适应性等方面的优势探索网络发展新的思路和途径.研究表明,该项目成果为解决网络发展面临的根本问题提供了有效解决途径,并且在国内外相关领域产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

随着航空航天技术的发展,利用卫星互联网广覆盖、高带宽和低时延的特性,将地面网络向空间维度扩展成为构建未来网络的新方向。同时,多样性的应用请求及复杂的空间环境特点对星地融合网络(Satellite Terrestrial Integrated Network,STIN)的安全问题提出了新的挑战。为了满足STIN体系架构安全的需求,提出了一种基于软件定义的STIN内生安全系统架构。利用软件定义技术及网络虚拟化技术,根据安全即服务的设计理念,将安全接入认证及安全路由传输等安全运行机制一体化考虑,以提高整个网络架构的灵活性及可靠性。  相似文献   

The network testbed based on software defined networking (referred as SDN testbed) has attracted extensive attention in the academic and industrial circles in recent years,and there have been many valuable cases of system/platform construction.Therefore,an overview of the SDN testbed was intended to conduct in the global scope.Firstly,the advantages of the SDN testbed and the basic design principles of the large-scale SDN testbed was explored comparing with the traditional network testbed.Secondly,in-depth analysis of existing SDN testbed projects was provided from the aspects of the project objectives and progress,the key technologies,network deployment,and featured applications.Finally,the challenges faced in this field were described in terms of network slicing,light and wireless convergence,security,and reliability.Future research directions are also suggested.  相似文献   

SDN体系结构与未来网络体系结构创新环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在讨论互联网体系结构的基础上,介绍未来网络体系结构的主要国际学术研究进展.介绍了软件定义网(SDN)的发展现状,讨论SDN的体系结构,提出一种SDN体系结构的抽象模型.最后结合国家“863”计划基金资助项目“未来网络体系结构和创新环境”,介绍一种未来网络体系结构创新环境(FINE)体系结构.  相似文献   

In view of the problems of low routing efficiency, complex control process, and difficult network management in big data environment in the traditional integrated space‐terrestrial network, in the paper, we propose a satellite network architecture called software‐defined information centric satellite networking (SDICSN) based on software‐defined networking (SDN) and information‐centric networking (ICN), and we design a virtual node matrix routing algorithm (VNMR) under the SDICSN architecture. The SDICSN architecture realizes the flexibility of network management and business deployment through the features of the separation of forwarding and controlling by the SDN architecture and improves the response speed of requests in the network by the centric of “content” as the ICN idea. According to the periodicity and predictability of the satellite network, the VNMR algorithm obtains the routing matrix through the relative orientation of the source and destination nodes, thus reducing the spatial complexity of the input matrix of the Dijkstra algorithm and then reducing the time complexity of the routing algorithm. For forwarding information base (FIB), the mechanism of combination of event driven and polling can be quickly updated in real time. Finally, the advantages of the SDICSN architecture in routing efficiency, request delay, and request aggregation are verified by simulation.  相似文献   

近年来,由于软件定义网络(SDN)的控制平面与数据平面分离、集中式控制的特点,被广泛应用于数据中心网络(DCN).分四个部分对DCN更新的相关研究进行了综述.首先,介绍了DCN和SDN的基本概念及研究现状;随后,详细说明了传统DCN在更新方面遇到的缺陷;其次,重点讨论了基于SDN的数据中心网络(SD-DCN)更新场景的研究现状与存在的不足,同时指出了一些方案存在的缺点;最后,对基于SDN的数据中心网络未来研究方向进行了展望,以期为SD-DCN的研究与应用提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

智慧协同网络服务内容在传输路径上的缓存分配策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对智慧协同网络提出一种服务内容在传输路径上的缓存分配策略。该策略根据服务内容的流行度部署其在传输路径上的缓存位置,以求充分、高效地发挥网络缓存作用,进而提升网络的总体性能。所提分配策略分别在5层树型拓扑和由279个节点组成的真实网络拓扑中进行了性能测试。结果显示,该策略在所测的性能参数中表现出色,就平均服务获取距离而言,较命名数据网络(NDN, named data nerworking)所使用的LCE(leave copy everywhere)策略,其性能提高20%以上。  相似文献   

黄韬  刘江  汪硕  张晨  刘韵洁 《通信学报》2021,(1):130-150
对面向2030的未来网络领域的发展趋势进行了综述。首先,介绍了网络体系架构和试验设施领域的研究进展;其次,从网络控制与编排、网络深度可编程、网络确定性服务、网络计算存储一体化、网络与人工智能、网络与区块链、智能安全网络、网络空天地海一体化8个方面阐述了当前热点网络技术的背景、进展和主要成果;最后,分析了面向2030的未来网络发展趋势,预计到2030年未来网络将支撑万亿级、人机物、全时空、安全、智能的连接与服务。希望能为未来网络相关领域的研究提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

During recently years, several OpenFlow-enabled testbeds have been deployed in world-wide research community. Typically, these OpenFlow-enabled testbeds need to stitch to other testbeds to link to virtual servers and immit experimentation traffic. From the view point of researchers, these OpenFlow-enabled testbeds only provide OpenFlow networking resource, and they have to resort to other experiment infrastructure to provide computing and storage resource. Due to the OpenFlow networking and other resource belongs to different infrastructure provider and is managed by their own control software, it is difficult to coordinate these partners to provide a full programmable experiment environment. Meanwhile, the control software of these testbeds are tight coupling with their substrate resources, which means that these substrate resources, together with virtualization technologies, are permanently dedicated to the control software and difficult to be used by other services. In this paper, a new future Internet testbed architecture based on the open Infrastructure-as-a-service cloud and software defined network (SDN) paradigm is proposed. It extends the current virtual network service by adding programmable virtual switch and controller resources that can be controlled by the researcher. Its loose coupling model allows the testbed operator decouple the experiment service from the infrastructure provider, which is a more flexible way to build the testbed. The initial prototype implementation in this paper shows that this new testbed architecture built on IaaS cloud and SDN is feasible and flexible to provide programmable virtual network service.  相似文献   

Aiming at the problems of low-rate DDoS attack detection accuracy in cloud SDN network and the lack of unified framework for data plane and control plane low-rate DDoS attack detection and defense,a unified framework for low-rate DDoS attack detection was proposed.First of all,the validity of the data plane DDoS attacks in low rate was analyzed,on the basis of combining with low-rate of DDoS attacks in the aspect of communications,frequency characteristics,extract the mean value,maximum value,deviation degree and average deviation,survival time of ten dimensions characteristics of five aspects,to achieve the low-rate of DDoS attack detection based on bayesian networks,issued by the controller after the relevant strategies to block the attack flow.Finally,in OpenStack cloud environment,the detection rate of low-rate DDoS attack reaches 99.3% and the CPU occupation rate is 9.04%.It can effectively detect and defend low-rate DDoS attacks.  相似文献   

张园 《电信科学》2018,34(7):7-14
随选网络主要基于SDN、NFV和云技术,实现网络的软化、自动化、智能化以及为用户提供按需配置网络的能力,重点论述了随选网络的架构和关键技术,通过引入协同编排器来编排SDN、NFV网络和云资源,通过引入 SD-WAN 的 overlay 技术快速建立网络通路,并提出了面向中小企业的随选网络的四大应用场景。随选网络可以为客户提供“可视”“随选”“自服务”的全新网络体验。  相似文献   

随着电力企业数据中心网络规模的不断增大和网络管理难度的不断提高,如何更有效地管理电力企业数据中心网络成为一项急迫的研究问题.面对这一问题,首先介绍了软件定义网络(software definednetworking,SDN)这一创新的网络架构技术,并着重对现有SDN在数据中心的部署方案进行了综述分析,最后以电力企业数据中心的云服务为实际案例,提出了SDN在电力企业数据中心尤其是桌面云池体系中的部署方案,并对其具体实施方式进行了探索及可行性分析.  相似文献   

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