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《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(1):710-725
This randomized controlled trial on 4 commercial grazing dairy farms investigated whether treatment with pegbovigrastim (PEG) affected fertility and culling as measured during the full lactation. We also explored the effect of potential interactions of PEG treatment with parity, prepartum body condition score, prepartum nonesterified fatty acid concentration (pre-NEFA), and early-lactation clinical disease on these outcomes. Holstein cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 trial arms: a first PEG dose approximately 7 d before the expected calving date and a second dose within 24 h after calving (PEG: primiparous = 342; multiparous = 697) compared with untreated controls (control: primiparous = 391; multiparous = 723). Cox's proportional hazards regression models were used to analyze rate of first insemination, rate of pregnancy [within 150 and 305 d in milk (DIM)], and hazard of culling. Additional analyses were performed on data that were stratified by parity group and pre-NEFA class (low ≤0.3; high >0.3 mM). In high pre-NEFA cows, PEG treatment increased the rate of first insemination [hazard ratio (HR) = 1.15]. Early-lactation clinical mastitis (CM) and uterine disease (UD: retained placenta, metritis, or both) were associated with a reduced rate of pregnancy within 150 DIM (HR = 0.49 and 0.78, respectively). Pegbovigrastim treatment in high pre-NEFA cows with CM and UD increased the rate of pregnancy within 150 DIM (HR = 1.75 and 1.46, respectively). In high pre-NEFA cows, PEG treatment resulted in a lower hazard of culling (HR = 0.79). No treatment effect was detected in low pre-NEFA cows. This study shows that the effect of PEG treatment on fertility and culling interacts with pre-NEFA. In high pre-NEFA cows, PEG treatment increased the rate of first insemination, counteracted the negative association of early-lactation CM and UD with the rate of pregnancy, and decreased the hazard of culling.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2018,101(9):8194-8207
Treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor has been reported to increase circulating neutrophil count and enhance neutrophil function in the periparturient cow. It was hypothesized that a commercially available recombinant bovine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor product (pegbovigrastim) affects gene expression profiles of neutrophils and supports neutrophil function in periparturient cows. Hence this study was undertaken to analyze expression of genes involved in neutrophil functions, including migration, interaction with pathogens, and cell survival. It also assessed the hypothesis that gene expression profiles in neutrophils are modulated by negative energy balance in the peripartum period. Holstein-Friesian, Jersey, and mixed-breed cows on pasture were blocked by expected calving date and body condition score and randomly assigned in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Cows were fed to exceed energy requirements prepartum (122%) or restricted to approximately 85% of prepartum energy requirements. At approximately 7 d before expected calving date, half the cows in each feed group were randomly assigned to be injected with pegbovigrastim or saline. Treatments were repeated within 24 h after calving. Blood samples were collected pretreatment approximately 7 d before calving (d −7). Blood, uterine flush, and milk samples were collected at 4 (d 4) and 7 d in milk (d 7) to measure the expression of a panel of 20 genes representing cell adhesion, pattern recognition, inflammation and cytokine response, antimicrobial capacity, and apoptosis functions in neutrophils using NanoString technology (NanoString Technologies Inc., Seattle, WA) to quantify RNA copy numbers. No effects were observed of prepartum feeding group or a feeding group × treatment interaction for any of the investigated genes. An effect was observed of time on expression of several genes in blood neutrophils. After calving, expression of 2 of 4 cell adhesion-related genes, 3 of 4 pattern recognition receptors, 2 of 4 inflammatory genes, 2 antimicrobial genes, and 2 of 4 cell survival genes was significantly greater at d 4 or 7 or both compared with before calving (d −7). Expression of ICAM1, TLR2, and PTGS2 was significantly higher in blood neutrophils from animals treated with pegbovigrastim compared with untreated controls, suggesting greater migration, pattern recognition, and inflammatory response ability. Pegbovigrastim also affected RNA expression in uterine cells with ICAM1, NOD1, CLEC6A, PTGS2, MPO, DEFB5, and CATHL6 being expressed at higher levels and SELL, ITGB8, IL8RB, and IL10 at lower levels. Milk somatic cells showed a similar pattern but with fewer significant changes. In contrast to the reported decline in neutrophil function in the transition period, neutrophil gene expression was increased for many of the genes studied, an apparent attempt to compensate for reduced neutrophil function. Treatment with pegbovigrastim further increased expression of several genes involved in these processes in blood neutrophils and changed uterine cells to a phenotype with increased antimicrobial capacity, typical for neutrophils that have migrated into their target tissue.  相似文献   

Mastitis is one of the most common diseases in dairy production, and homeopathic remedies have been used increasingly in recent years to treat it. Clinical trials evaluating homeopathy have often been criticized for their inadequate scientific approach. The objective of this triple-blind, randomized controlled trial was to assess the efficacy of homeopathic treatment in bovine clinical mastitis. The study was conducted on a conventionally managed dairy farm between June 2013 and May 2014. Dairy cows with acute mastitis were randomly allocated to homeopathy (n = 70) or placebo (n = 92), for a total of 162 animals. The homeopathic treatment was selected based on clinical symptoms but most commonly consisted of a combination of nosodes with Streptococcinum, Staphylococcinum, Pyrogenium, and Escherichia coli at a potency of 200c. Treatment was administered to cows in the homeopathy group at least once per day for an average of 5 d. The cows in the placebo group were treated similarly, using a placebo preparation instead (lactose globules without active ingredients). If necessary, we also used allopathic drugs (e.g., antibiotics, udder creams, and anti-inflammatory drugs) in both groups. We recorded data relating to the clinical signs of mastitis, treatment, time to recovery, milk yield, somatic cell count at first milk recording after mastitis, and culling. We observed cows for up to 200 d after clinical recovery. Base-level data did not differ between the homeopathy and placebo groups. Mastitis lasted for an average of 6 d in both groups. We observed no significant differences in time to recovery, somatic cell count, risk of clinical cure within 14 d after disease occurrence, mastitis recurrence risk, or culling risk. The results indicated no additional effect of homeopathic treatment compared with placebo. The advantages or disadvantages of homeopathy should be carefully assessed for individual farms.  相似文献   

Under Dutch circumstances, most clinical mastitis (CM) cases of cows on dairy farms are treated with a standard intramammary antimicrobial treatment. Several antimicrobial treatments are available for CM, differing in antimicrobial compound, route of application, duration, and cost. Because cow factors (e.g., parity, stage of lactation, and somatic cell count history) and the causal pathogen influence the probability of cure, cow-specific treatment of CM is often recommended. The objective of this study was to determine if cow-specific treatment of CM is economically beneficial. Using a stochastic Monte Carlo simulation model, 20,000 CM cases were simulated. These CM cases were caused by Streptococcus uberis and Streptococcus dysgalactiae (40%), Staphylococcus aureus (30%), or Escherichia coli (30%). For each simulated CM case, the consequences of using different antimicrobial treatment regimens (standard 3-d intramammary, extended 5-d intramammary, combination 3-d intramammary + systemic, combination 3-d intramammary + systemic + 1-d nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, and combination extended 5-d intramammary + systemic) were simulated simultaneously. Finally, total costs of the 5 antimicrobial treatment regimens were compared. Some inputs for the model were based on literature information and assumptions made by the authors were used if no information was available. Bacteriological cure for each individual cow depended on the antimicrobial treatment regimen, the causal pathogen, and the cow factors parity, stage of lactation, somatic cell count history, CM history, and whether the cow was systemically ill. Total costs for each case depended on treatment costs for the initial CM case (including costs for antibiotics, milk withdrawal, and labor), treatment costs for follow-up CM cases, costs for milk production losses, and costs for culling. Average total costs for CM using the 5 treatments were (US) $224, $247, $253, $260, and $275, respectively. Average probabilities of bacteriological cure for the 5 treatments were 0.53, 0.65, 0.65, 0.68, and 0.75, respectively. For all different simulated CM cases, the standard 3-d intramammary antimicrobial treatment had the lowest total costs. The benefits of lower costs for milk production losses and culling for cases treated with the intensive treatments did not outweigh the higher treatment costs. The stochastic model was developed using information from the literature and assumptions made by the authors. Using these information sources resulted in a difference in effectiveness of different antimicrobial treatments for CM. Based on our assumptions, cow-specific treatment of CM was not economically beneficial.  相似文献   

The dietary preference of lactating dairy cows grazing perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) was studied. Twelve groups of 2 lactating, Holstein-Friesian dairy cows grazed 1.2-ha plots containing conterminal monocultures of clover and grass. Half of the groups grazed a plot containing 75% clover and 25% grass (by ground area), with the remaining groups grazing a plot containing 25% clover and 75% grass. The intake rates of clover were higher than those of grass, and intake rates were higher in the evening than in the morning. During daylight hours, clover formed 63.2% of the diet of the groups offered 25% clover, which was higher than the 25% offered but lower than preference for 100% clover. This indicated that cows showed a partial preference for clover, with an overall value (i.e., the mean of the 75% and 25% clover groups) of 73.8%. There was a diurnal pattern to preference, with a stronger preference for clover in the morning and with the preference for grass increasing during the day. The basis for partial preference remains unclear and warrants further research.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the cost of generic clinical mastitis (CM) in high-yielding dairy cows given optimal decisions concerning handling of CM cases. A specially structured optimization and simulation model that included a detailed representation of repeated episodes of CM was used to study the effects of various factors on the cost of CM. The basic scenario was based on data from 5 large herds in New York State. In the basic scenario, 92% of the CM cases were recommended to be treated. The average cost of CM per cow and year in these herds was $71. The average cost of a CM case was $179. It was composed of $115 because of milk yield losses, $14 because of increased mortality, and $50 because of treatment-associated costs. The estimated cost of CM was highly dependent on cow traits: it was highest ($403) in cows with high expected future net returns (e.g., young, high-milk-yielding cows), and was lowest ($3) in cows that were recommended to be culled for reasons other than mastitis. The cost per case of CM was 18% higher with a 20% increase in milk price and 17% lower with a 20% decrease in milk price. The cost per case of CM was affected little by a 20% change in replacement cost or pregnancy rate. Changes in CM incidence, however, resulted from changes in these factors, thus affecting whole-farm profitability. The detailed results obtained from this insemination and replacement optimization model can assist farmers in making CM treatment decisions.  相似文献   

The main objective was to assess the associations of subclinical hypocalcemia (SCH), diagnosed at parturition (SCH-0) and 7 d in milk (SCH-7), with fertility in a herd of grazing dairy cows. Additional objectives were to characterize Ca concentration on 0 and 7 d in milk (DIM), assessing the risk factors for SCH-0 and SCH-7 and also the relationship with health status (metritis, endometritis, subclinical ketosis, and culling). A prospective observational study was carried out in a dairy farm in Argentina. Holstein cows (n = 126) were body condition scored (BCS, 1–5) on ?21 ± 3, 0, 7 ± 3, and 28 ± 7 DIM and blood was collected on 0 and 7 ± 3 DIM to determine Ca and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations. Calcium concentrations <2.0 and <2.14 mmol/L were used to define SCH-0 and SCH-7, respectively. The associations of SCH with (1) the odds for pregnancy to first service (P1AI) and pregnancy by 100 DIM (P100) were evaluated by logistic models, (2) the services per pregnancy was evaluated by a Poisson regression model, and (3) the hazards of insemination and pregnancy were evaluated with proportional hazards regression models whereas median days from calving to first insemination and to pregnancy were estimated by Kaplan-Meier method. Additionally, Ca concentration was assessed by linear regression models, and the associations of SCH-0 and SCH-7 with the odds for metritis, endometritis, subclinical ketosis, and culling were evaluated by logistic models. Calcium concentrations were similar at 0 and 7 DIM (2.40 vs. 2.41 mmol/L, respectively); they were higher in cows calving in fall than in summer (2.58 vs. 2.24 mmol/L), and they also were higher in primiparous than in multiparous cows (2.53 vs. 2.28 mmol/L, respectively). The proportion of cows having SCH-0 and SCH-7 was 27.3 and 39.3%, respectively. Fall-calving cows had lower odds for SCH-0 [odds ratio (OR) = 0.31, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.12–0.86] than summer-calving cows, multiparous cows had higher odds for SCH-0 (OR = 3.96, 95% CI = 1.09–14.39) than primiparous cows, and cows with prepartum BCS ≥3.00 had higher odds for SCH-0 (OR = 4.03, 95% CI = 1.17–13.89) than in cows with BCS <3.00. Conversely, parity and prepartum BCS were not important predictors for SCH-7. Surprisingly, SCH-0 was not a risk factor for SCH-7. Cows with SCH-0 had lower odds for P1AI (OR = 0.26, 95% CI = 0.07–0.99) than normocalcemic cows, given that P1AI was 14 versus 38%, respectively. The hazard of first service was not associated with SCH-0 (hazard ratio = 1.03, 95% CI = 0.63–1.70) but cows with SCH-0 had lower hazard of pregnancy (hazard ratio = 0.39, 95% CI = 0.16–0.98) and took 32 d longer to get pregnant (105 vs. 73) than normocalcemic cows. Conversely, SCH-7 was not associated with fertility. Finally, SCH-0 and SCH-7 were associated with the odds for subclinical ketosis and metritis, respectively. In conclusion, SCH-0 but not SCH-7 is associated with reduced fertility in a herd of grazing dairy cows, but both were associated with health status.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare milk loss and treatment costs for cows with clinical mastitis that were given antibiotics in addition to supportive treatment or supportive treatment alone. Between January 1994 and January 1996, 116,876 daily milk records on 676 lactations were taken at the University of Illinois Dairy Research Farm. Clinical mastitis was diagnosed during 124 lactations with 25,047 daily milk records, and 1417 of the daily milk records were on days when clinical mastitis was present. Cows with clinical mastitis were randomly assigned to one of 2 treatment groups: N (supportive treatment only) or A (antibiotics in addition to supportive treatment). Extent of antibiotic and supportive treatment varied according to twice daily severity scores. Projected and actual daily milk yields were estimated utilizing a random regression test-day model, and the differences were summed over 305 d of lactation to estimate lactational milk yield loss. The actual amount of discarded milk was added to milk yield loss to determine total milk loss per lactation. A cost analysis that included milk loss and treatment costs was then performed. Cows with clinical mastitis that were given only supportive treatment lost 230 +/- 172 kg (mean +/- standard error of mean [SEM]) more milk and incurred 94 +/- 51 dollars (SEM) more cost per lactation than cows given antibiotics and supportive treatment. Cows given only supportive treatment showed a response pattern of 305-d milk yield loss and economic loss per lactation that varied 2 to 3 times as much as cows treated with antibiotics. Based on reduced milk loss, better reliability (less variable response), and lower economic loss, the addition of antibiotics to supportive treatment was more efficacious and cost effective than supportive treatment alone.  相似文献   

In quarter milk samples from 2,492 randomly sampled cows that were selected without regard to their current or previous udder health status, the relationships between the following outcome variables were studied: treatment of clinical mastitis; the joint event of either treatment or culling for mastitis; culling for all reasons; culling specifically for mastitis; and the covariates of positive milk culture for Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp., and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp., or other pathogens, or of negative culture for mastitis pathogens. Microbiological diagnoses were assigned at the cow level, and altogether 3,075 diagnoses were related to the outcome variables. The relation between the absence of pathogens and rich (>1,500 cfu/mL of milk) or sparse (≤1,500 cfu/mL of milk) growth of Staph. aureus were also assessed separately for each outcome variable. The hazard of treatment of clinical mastitis was greater for cows diagnosed with Staph. aureus compared with cows with no pathogens in all analyses. Cows with sparse growth of Staph. aureus upon microbiological analysis were more likely to be treated for clinical mastitis, and cows with rich growth of the bacteria experienced a higher overall risk of culling when the models adjusted for cow composite milk somatic cell count. No difference between rich and sparse growth of Staph. aureus was found when mastitis was defined as the joint event of either culling for mastitis or treatment of clinical mastitis, and when the relationship with culling specifically for mastitis was assessed. The combined outcome of treatment and culling for mastitis was related to a positive diagnosis of Strep. spp. after cow composite milk somatic cell count was omitted from the model. Presence of Streptococcus spp. was also related to culling specifically for mastitis, whereas culling for all reasons and treatment of clinical mastitis was not related to a positive culture of Strep. spp. Presence of coagulase-negative Staph. spp. or other pathogens was not associated with either of the outcome variables.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of a first and repeated cases of bacteria-specific clinical mastitis (CM) on the risk of mortality and culling in Holstein dairy cows. The pathogens studied were Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Trueperella pyogenes, others, and no growth on aerobic culture. A total of 50,166 lactations were analyzed from 5 large, high-milk-producing dairy herds in New York State from 2003/2004 to 2011. Generalized linear mixed models with a Poisson error distribution were used to study the effects of parity, month of lactation, CM, calving diseases, pregnancy status, current season, and economic values on the risk of mortality and culling. Among first-lactation cows, the presence of a first CM case generally exposed cows to a greater risk of mortality in the current month (compared with the absence of a first case). This was especially acute with a first case of Klebsiella spp., where cows were 4.5 times more at risk [95% confidence interval (CI): 2.7–7.6] of mortality, and with a first case of E. coli were 3.3 times more at risk (95% CI: 2.5–4.5). In first-parity cows, the risk of culling generally increased with a case of bacteria-specific CM. This was observed among cows with a first case of T. pyogenes [relative risk = 10.4 (95% CI: 8.4–12.8)], a first case of Klebsiella spp. [relative risk = 6.7 (95% CI: 5.5–8.1)], a first case of Staph. aureus [relative risk = 4.8 (95% CI: 2.7–8.4)], a first case of E. coli [relative risk = 3.1 (95% CI: 2.7–3.6)], and a third case of Klebsiella spp. [relative risk = 5.0 (95% CI: 3.1–8.0)]. In general, the presence of a first or second/third case resulted in cows in parity ≥2 with a greater risk of mortality. This was greatest for cows with a first case of Klebsiella spp. [relative risk = 3.7 (95% CI: 3.3–4.3)], followed by a second/third case of Klebsiella spp. [relative risk = 3.2 (95% CI: 2.5–4.0)], a first case of E. coli [relative risk = 3.0 (95% CI: 2.7–3.3)], and a first case of other CM [relative risk = 1.8 (95% CI: 1.6–2.0)]. Among cows of parity ≥2, the risk of culling was greater for cows as they progressed through lactations [i.e., cows in parity 4+ were 2.1 (95% CI: 2.0–2.2) times more likely to be culled compared with cows in lactation 2 (the baseline)]. The risk of culling dependent on the cow's characteristics can be easily calculated from the parameter estimates in the provided tables.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of calving body condition score (BCS) on cow health during the transition period in a pasture-based dairying system. Feed inputs were managed during the second half of the previous lactation so that BCS differed at drying off (BCS 5.0, 4.0, and 3.0 for high, medium, and low treatments, respectively: a 10-point scale); feed allowance was managed after cows were dried off, such that the BCS differences established during lactation remained at the subsequent calving (BCS 5.5, 4.5, and 3.5; n = 20, 18, and 19, for high, medium, and low treatments, respectively). After calving, cows were allocated pasture and pasture silage to ensure grazing residuals >1,600 kg of DM/ha. Milk production was measured weekly; blood was sampled regularly pre- and postpartum to measure indicators of health, and udder and uterine health were evaluated during the 6 wk after calving. Milk weight, fat, protein, and lactose yields, and fat content increased with calving BCS during the first 6 wk of lactation. The effect of calving BCS on the metabolic profile was nonlinear. Before calving, cows in the low group had lower mean plasma β-hydroxybutyrate and serum Mg concentrations and greater mean serum urea than cows in the medium and high BCS groups, which did not differ from each other. During the 6 wk after calving, cows in the low group had lower serum albumin and fructosamine concentrations than cows in the other 2 treatment groups, whereas cows in the low- and medium-BCS groups had proportionately more polymorphonucleated cells in their uterine secretions at 3 and 5 wk postpartum than high-BCS cows. In comparison, plasma β-hydroxybutyrate and nonesterified fatty acid concentrations increased linearly in early lactation with calving BCS, consistent with a greater negative energy balance in these cows. Many of the parameters measured did not vary with BCS. The results highlight that calving BCS and, therefore, BCS through early lactation are not effective indicators of functional welfare, with the analyses presented indicating that both low and high BCS at calving will increase the risk of disease: cows in the low group were more prone to reproductive compromise and fatter cows had an increased risk of metabolic diseases. These results are important in defining the welfare consequences of cow BCS.  相似文献   

Mastitis is a highly prevalent disease, which negatively affects cow performance, profitability, welfare, and longevity. The objectives of this study were (1) to quantify the impact of the first instance of mastitis, at different stages of lactation, on production and economic performance, and (2) to further quantify the impact of the first instance of mastitis when only cows that remain in the herd for at least 100 d in milk (DIM) and those that remain for 305 DIM are included in the analysis. A retrospective longitudinal study was conducted using data from existing animal health record files and Dairy Herd Improvement records. After editing based on selected inclusion criteria and completeness of health records, data consisted of records from first-lactation Holstein cows, from 120 herds, that calved for the first time between 2003 and 2014, inclusive. Mastitic cows were assigned to 1 of 4 groups based on when in the lactation the first event of mastitis occurred: transition (1–21 DIM), early lactation (22–100 DIM), mid lactation (101–200 DIM), or late lactation (201+ DIM). Mid-lactation and late-lactation mastitic cows were also stratified by cumulative milk yield before the mastitis event. Healthy cows (i.e., no recorded mastitis event) were randomly assigned for each lactation stage, with mid-lactation healthy and late-lactation healthy cows similarly stratified. Production performance (cumulative milk, fat, and protein yield) and economic performance [milk value, margin over feed cost (MOFC), and gross profit] were analyzed using a mixed model with herd as a random effect. Significant losses in cumulative milk yield (?382 to ?989 kg) and correspondingly lower fat and protein yields were found in mastitic cows, with transition and late-lactation mastitic cows having the highest losses. Drops in production translated to significant reductions in cumulative milk value (?Can$287 to ?Can$591; ?US$228 to ?US$470), MOFC (?Can$243 to ?Can$540; ?US$193 to ?US$429), and gross profit (?Can$649 to ?Can$908; ?US$516 to ?US$722) for mastitic cows at all stages. Differences between mastitic and healthy cows in the early lactation and transition stages remained for all variables in the 100-DIM analysis, but, aside from gross profit, were nonsignificant in the 305-DIM analysis. Gross profit accounted for all costs associated with mastitis and thus continued to be lower for mastitic cows at all stages, even in the 305-DIM analysis in which culled cows were omitted (?Can$485 to ?Can$979; ?US$386 to ?US$779). The research reflects the performance implications of mastitis, providing more information upon which the producer can make informed culling decisions and maximize both herd profitability and cow longevity.  相似文献   

Bovine clinical mastitis (CM) can be detrimental to a dairy farm's profitability, not only in terms of lost production and treatment costs, but also because of the loss of the cows themselves. Our objective was to estimate the effects of multiple occurrences of generic bovine CM on mortality and culling. We studied 16,145 lactations from 5 large, high-producing dairy herds, with 3,036 first, 758 second, and 288 third CM cases observed in the first 10 mo after calving. Generalized mixed models, with a random herd effect, were used to quantify the effect of CM on mortality and culling. Other control variables included in the models were parity, stage of lactation, and other diseases. Clinical mastitis in the current month significantly increased mortality in all parities. Among primipara, odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were 5.6 (1.7, 18.0), 23.3 (7.1, 76.2), and 27.8 (3.7, 209.9) for the first, second, and third CM episode, respectively. Among multipara, respective estimates were 9.9 (7.4, 13.2), 12.0 (8.0, 18.0), and 11.5 (6.1, 21.4). Clinical mastitis significantly increased the risk of a cow being culled for a period of at least 2 mo after any CM case. Our findings provide dairy producers with information on mortality and culling associated with CM cases without considering the causative agent, and can also be used for economic analysis of CM management options.  相似文献   

Twenty Holstein cows were blocked in 2 groups according to milk yield to evaluate the effect of frequency of allocation to new grazing plots on pasture intake, grazing behavior, rumen characteristics, and milk yield. The 2 treatments, daily allocation to 0.125-ha plots (1D) or allocation every 4 d to 0.5-ha plots (4D) of Lolium perenne L., were tested in a randomized block design (2 rotations with 3 or 4 measuring periods of 4 d each) with mixed model analysis accounting for repeated measures. There were no differences in the chemical composition of offered pasture and in pasture dry matter intake (DMI) between 1D and 4D. However, an interaction between treatment and rotation indicated a difference in pasture DMI between treatments during the first rotation (4D, 16.5 vs. 1D, 18.3 kg/d) but not during the second rotation (4D, 15.0 vs. 1D, 14.7 kg/d), possibly a result of a greater pasture mass in the first rotation. Grazing time (average 562 min/d) and ruminating time (average 468 min/d), observed using IGER graze recorders, were similar between treatments, but grazing time increased numerically (549 to 568 min/d), and ruminating time decreased linearly (471 to 450 min/d) within periods in the 4D treatment. Mean rumen pH (6.16 vs. 6.05) and rumen NH3-N concentration (113.7 vs. 90.1 mg/L) were higher in 4D than in 1D, and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations did not differ. Molar proportions of VFA, except butyrate, differed between treatments, causing the nonglucogenic to glucogenic VFA ratio to be greater in 4D than in 1D. Within days in the 4D treatment, the molar proportion of acetate increased and those of all other VFA decreased linearly. Rumen NH3-N concentration within the 4D treatment declined quadratically from 170.3 mg/L on d 1 to 80.7 mg/L on d 4. In contrast to rumen NH3-N concentration, milk urea content did not differ between treatments, but decreased quadratically from d 1 to 4 in the 4D treatment (from 26.7 to 20.7 mg/dL). Mean fat- and protein-corrected milk was greater in 1D than in 4D (23.5 vs. 22.8 kg/d), mainly due to a difference in milk yield (24.5 vs. 23.7 kg/d). Fat and protein content were slightly lower in the 1D than in the 4D treatment (3.66 vs. 3.76% and 3.28 vs. 3.34%, respectively). This study confirmed that increasing pasture allocation frequency from once every 4 d to every day improved milk production in grazing dairy cows, especially when offered pasture was high.  相似文献   

Many cow-specific risk factors for clinical mastitis (CM) are known. Other studies have analyzed these risk factors separately or only analyzed a limited number of risk factors simultaneously. The goal of this study was to determine the influence of cow factors on the incidence rate of CM (IRCM) with all cow factors in one multivariate model. Also, using a similar approach, the probability of whether a CM case is caused by gram-positive or gram-negative pathogens was calculated. Data were used from 274 Dutch dairy herds that recorded CM over an 18-mo period. The final dataset contained information on 28,137 lactations of 22,860 cows of different parities. In total 5,363 CM cases were recorded, but only 2,525 CM cases could be classified as gram-positive or gram-negative. The cow factors parity, lactation stage, season of the year, information on SCC from monthly test-day records, and CM history were included in the logistic regression analysis. Separate analyses were performed for heifers and multiparous cows in both the first month of lactation and from the second month of lactation onward. For investigating whether CM was caused by gram-positive or gram-negative pathogens, quarter position was included in the logistic regression analysis as well. The IRCM differed considerably among cows, ranging between 0.0002 and 0.0074 per cow-day at risk for specific cows depending on cow factors. In particular, previous CM cases, SCC in the previous month, and mean SCC in the previous lactation increased the IRCM in the current month of lactation. Results indicate that it is difficult to distinguish between gram-positive and gram-negative CM cases based on cow factors alone.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(6):5438-5457
The objective of this negatively controlled, randomized clinical trial was to examine clinical outcomes of 2-d or 8-d treatment using an approved intramammary (IMM) product containing ceftiofur hydrochloride compared with no antimicrobial treatment of nonsevere, gram-negative cases of clinical mastitis (CM). Additionally, we contrasted clinical outcomes of cases caused by Escherichia coli (n = 56) or Klebsiella pneumoniae (n = 54). Cases (n = 168) of nonsevere (abnormal milk or abnormal milk and udder) CM were randomly assigned to receive 2 d (n = 56) or 8 d (n = 56) of IMM ceftiofur or assigned to a negative control group (n = 56). At enrollment, quarter milk samples were collected and used for on-farm culture, somatic cell count (SCC), and confirmatory microbiological analysis. Quarter milk samples were collected weekly from 7 to 28 d after enrollment for microbiological and SCC analysis. Clinical outcomes were followed for 90 d or until the end of lactation (follow-up period, FUP). Overall, no significant differences in quarter-level recurrence of CM (32% for negative control, 34% for the 2-d treatment, and 32% for the 8-d treatment), culling (18% for negative control, 12% for 2-d treatment, and 11% for 8-d treatment), voluntary dry-off of affected quarters (20% for negative control, 30% for 2-d treatment, and 27% for 8-d treatment), days until return to normal milk (4.2 days for negative control, 4.8 days for 2-d treatment, 4.5 days for 8-d treatment), weekly quarter-SCC during the FUP (6.1, 6.3, and 6.0 log10SCC for the negative control, 2-d, and 8-d treatments, respectively), or daily milk yield during the FUP (37.1, 36.3, and 37.6 kg/cow per day for the negative control, 2-d, and 8-d treatments, respectively) were observed among experimental groups. Days of discarded milk were greater for cows assigned to 8-d IMM ceftiofur (11.1 d) than for cows assigned to 2-d (6.9 d) or cows assigned to negative control (5.6 d). Bacteriological cure (BC) at 14 and 21 d after enrollment was greater in cows assigned to 8-d (89%) and 2-d (84%) treatment than in cows assigned to negative control (67%), but this outcome was confounded by pathogen. For CM caused by Kleb. pneumoniae, BC was greater for quarters assigned to receive treatment (combined 2-d and 8-d groups; 74% BC) than for quarters assigned to negative control (18%). In contrast, no differences in BC were observed for CM caused by E. coli (97–98%). Culling and voluntary dry-off of affected quarters were significantly greater for cows with quarters affected by Kleb. pneumoniae (22% culled, 39% voluntary dry-off of quarters) than for cows with quarters affected with E. coli (7% culled, 11% voluntary dry-off of quarters). Overall, use of IMM ceftiofur did not result in improvement of most clinical outcomes, but differences between E. coli and Kleb. pneumoniae were evident. In contrast to E. coli, Kleb. pneumoniae caused chronic intramammary infection and induced worse clinical outcomes. Intramammary antibiotic treatment of most mild and moderate cases of CM caused by E. coli is not necessary, but more research is needed to identify which quarters affected by Kleb. pneumoniae may benefit from antimicrobial therapy.  相似文献   

Streptococcus uberis is a worldwide pathogen that causes intramammary infections in dairy cattle. Nevertheless, commercial vaccines are currently not available and measures to control S. uberis mastitis are limited to the implementation of good management practices. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of an S. uberis subunit vaccine against bovine mastitis (Laboratorios Hipra S.A., Amer, Spain) administered precalving against an experimental intramammary challenge with a heterologous S. uberis strain in dairy cows postcalving. With this objective, 25 gestating Holstein-Friesian heifers were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: group 1 (n = 13), vaccinated by intramuscular route with the vaccine, and group 2 (n = 12), vaccinated by intramuscular route with phosphate-buffered saline as a control group. Both groups were immunized 60 and 21 d before the expected parturition date (75 and 36 d before challenge). Fourteen days after calving all cows were challenged by intramammary infusion of 100 colony-forming units of a heterologous S. uberis strain in 2 quarters per cow. Then, challenged quarters were monitored for clinical signs of mastitis, bacterial count, and somatic cell count for the following 21 d. Rectal temperature and daily milk yield per cow were also assessed. Results showed that all challenged quarters developed clinical mastitis. Nevertheless, vaccination significantly reduced the clinical signs of mastitis, bacterial count, rectal temperature, and daily milk yield losses after the intramammary infection and significantly increased the number of quarters with no bacterial isolation and somatic cell count <200,000 cells/mL at the end of the study (d 19, 20, and 21 after challenge). To confirm the efficacy of this vaccine, further studies under field conditions are needed.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(7):6251-6260
Poor udder health status can have a detrimental effect on milk yield and reproductive performance, leading to reductions in the dairy farm profit. The objective of this retrospective longitudinal study was to assess the associations of somatic cell count (SCC) with daily milk yield and reproductive performance. A database with 1,930,376 lactations from 867 Argentinean grazing dairy herds records collected for 14 years was used. The association of the evolution of SCC (healthy vs. new case vs. cured vs. chronic; with 150,000 SCC/mL as threshold) and of the severity of SCC [mild (150,000­–400,000 SCC/mL) vs. moderate (400,000–1,000,000 SCC/mL) vs. severe (>1,000,000 SCC/mL)] with the odds for conception were estimated. Finally, the associations of the linear score of SCC (LS-SCC) with daily milk yield were estimated depending on parity and milk production quartile. The odds ratios (CI 95%) for conception at first service were 0.921 (0.902–0.941), 0.866 (0.848–0.884), and 0.842 (0.826–0.859) for the new case, cured, and chronic cows compared with healthy cows, respectively. Also, the odds ratios (CI 95%) for conception were 0.902 (0.881–0.925), 0.837 (0.808–0.866) and 0.709 (0.683–0.736) for mild, moderate and severe cases compared with healthy cows, respectively. An increase of one point of LS-SCC was associated with decreases of 0.349, 0.539, and 0.676 kg in daily milk yield for first-, second-, and third-lactation cows, respectively. In conclusion, SCC is negatively associated with the risk for conception and with daily milk yield in grazing dairy cows. This negative relationship with conception is higher when SCC increase occurs after the service date and it is influenced by severity of mastitis, and in the case of milk yield, the negative association is influenced by parity, milk production quartile, and severity of mastitis.  相似文献   

Relationships between heifer rearing conditions and the risk of veterinary-reported clinical mastitis (VRCM) during productive life were studied by generalized linear mixed modeling at the lactation level. Data consisted of 5,693 lactations in 2,126 Swedish Reds, Swedish Holsteins, or dairy cows of other or mixed breeds, representing all female animals born in 110 herds in southwest Sweden in 1998. During a lactation, a cow was defined as affected by VRCM if one or more cases were reported by a veterinarian, starting from 7 d precalving. The applied model of VRCM included effects of breed, parity, diarrhea between 3 and 7 mo of age, increase in body weight from weaning to first breeding, increase in daily concentrate ration before first calving, herd-level median age at first calving, cow housing, and random effects of cow and herd. The VRCM incidence was 14% in a given lactation, or 0.11 cases/cow annually; 31% of the cows had VRCM at least once during their productive life. Ninety percent of the variation in mastitis risk was due to factors at the lactation level such as parity, milk yield, cow diseases, and other disturbances, instead of cow or herd factors. Severe diarrhea between 3 and 7 mo of age was associated with 2.8-fold higher odds of VRCM compared with mild diarrhea during the same period, whereas the VRCM odds of calves with mild diarrhea were half that without diarrhea. The odds of VRCM had a predicted maximum at an estimated prepubertal growth rate of 859 g/d and increased with 10% for every 1-kg increase in concentrate ration during the last 2 mo before first calving. Costs of VRCM were estimated based on assumptions regarding veterinary service, extra labor, culling and herd replacement, discarded milk, and production loss depending on parity and lactation stage when VRCM was diagnosed. The total mean costs of VRCM were estimated to be $735 per lactation with a diagnosis of CM, $103 per lactation across all cows, or $95 per cow annually during lifetime.  相似文献   

Our objective was to estimate the milk losses associated with multiple occurrences of generic bovine clinical mastitis (CM) within and across lactations. We studied 10,380 lactations from 5 large, high-producing dairy herds that used automatic recording of daily milk yields. Mixed models, with a random herd effect and an autoregressive covariance structure to account for repeated measurements, were used to quantify the effect of CM and other control variables (parity, week of lactation, other diseases) on milk yield. Many cows that developed CM were higher producers than their non-mastitic herdmates before CM occurred. Milk yield began to drop after diagnosis; the greatest loss occurred in the first weeks (up to 126 kg) and then gradually tapered to a constant value approximately 2 mo after CM. Mastitic cows often never recovered their potential yield. First-lactation cows lost 164 kg of milk for the first episode and 198 kg for the second in the 2 mo after CM diagnosis, compared with their potential yield. Among older cows, this estimate was 253 kg for the first, 238 kg for the second, and 216 kg for the third CM case. A cow that had 1 or more CM episodes in her previous lactation produced 1.2 kg/d less milk over the whole current lactation (95% confidence interval: 0.6, 1.7) than a cow without CM in her previous lactation. These findings provide dairy producers with information on the average milk loss associated with CM cases without considering the causative agent, and can be used for economic analysis.  相似文献   

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