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The relationship between superconductivity and band structures of electrons and phonons is established on the basis of a generalized Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer model in which the interaction strengths (V 11,V 12,V 12) among and between electron (1) and hole (2) Cooper pairs are differentiated. Elemental superconductors must have local hyperboloidal Fermi surfaces called necks or inverted double caps.  相似文献   

The superdiamagnetism observed in CuCl and CdS, with its special features, can be explained by the electron localization in grains of polycrystalline specimens. The similarity in behavior between superdiamagnetics and high-temperature superconductors with transition temperatures near room temperature prompts one to assume that the superconductivity in the latter is connected with electron localization in grains of ceramics.  相似文献   

We reexamine the Nambu–Gorkov perturbation theory of superconductivity. We suggest that any field perturbation theory of superconductivity should be based on the Bogoliubov–Valatin (BV) quasi-particles. We show that two such different fields (and two additional analogous fields) may be constructed on the basis of this suggestion. The Nambu field is only one of them. For the field that is different than Nambu’s, the coherence field, the interaction is given by means of two interaction vertices that are based on the Pauli matrices τ1 and τ3. Consequently, the Hartree integral for the off-diagonal pairing self-energy may be finite, and in some cases large. We interpret the results in terms of conventional superconductivity and also discuss briefly the possible implications to HTSC.  相似文献   

A brief overview of some of main highlights of the Symposium on Localised and Itinerant States (SILS) is presented.  相似文献   

We study the influence of vacuum–plasma TiN, (TiAl)N, and (TiC)N coatings on the high-cycle fatigue of VT20 titanium alloy in the temperature range 350–640°C for a loading frequency of 10 kHz. It is shown that, in this temperature range, the fatigue limits of VT20 alloy with the indicated coatings 6 μm in thickness become 15–25% higher than for the material without coating. The possibility of replacement of steel blades with titanium blades with vacuum-plasma coatings is demonstrated. Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 4, pp. 101–107, July–August, 2009.  相似文献   

The nuclear spin relaxation rateT 1 –1 is calculated for a disordered two dimensional highcritical temperature superconductor taking into consideration the inelastic scattering of the electrons on the impurities. The deviation from the Korringa law of the formT 1 –1 =AT+ B has been obtained if the quantum correction to the transport is dominated by the magnetic correlations.  相似文献   

A unified picture is obtained of the Cooper pair-breaking data by Cu-site Zn and Ni in Nd2–z Ce z CuO4, La2–SrCuO4, Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8, Bi1.8Pb0.2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10, YBa2Cu3O7, and YBa2Cu4O8. The data are generally inconsistent with spin-fluctuation d-wave pairing mechanisms of superconductivity and with all two-dimensional cuprate-plane models. The data are consistent with superconductivity in the charge reservoirs.  相似文献   

The relaxation time with spin flipτ s and the parametersξ, δ, χ of superconducting phase have been calculated on the basis of the kinematical mechanism of superconductivity in strongly correlated oxide models. An inter-relation between the superconducting gap Δ0 and the specific heat jump Δ c allowing the experimental verification was obtained and the Ginsburg-Landau equation derived.  相似文献   

L. G. Yan  L. Z. Lin 《低温学》1995,35(12):843-851
China has been involved for many years in the development of superconducting magnets for high energy physics, fusion research, magnetohydrodynamic power generation, magnetic separator, magnetic resonance imaging and other applications. The research activity in superconducting magnets has been intensified and diversified at the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Academia Sinica and other laboratories. This paper reviews the recent progress of applied superconductivity in China. A possible future programme is also outlined in this paper.  相似文献   

Last century witnessed the birth of semiconductor electronics and nanotechnology. The physics behind these revolutionary developments is certain quantum mechanical behaviour of ‘impurity state electrons’ in crystalline ‘band insulators’, such as Si, Ge, GaAs and GaN, arising from intentionally added (doped) impurities. The present article proposes that certain collective quantum behaviour of these impurity state electrons, arising from Coulomb repulsions, could lead to superconductivity in a parent band insulator, in a way not suspected before. Impurity band resonating valence bond theory of superconductivity in boron doped diamond, recently proposed by us, suggests possibility of superconductivity emerging from impurity band Mott insulators. We use certain key ideas and insights from the field of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates and organics. Our suggestion also offers new possibilities in the field of semiconductor electronics and nanotechnology. The current level of sophistication in solid state technology and combinatorial materials science is very well capable of realizing our proposal and discover new superconductors.  相似文献   


Last century witnessed the birth of semiconductor electronics and nanotechnology. The physics behind these revolutionary developments is certain quantum mechanical behaviour of ‘impurity state electrons’ in crystalline ‘band insulators’, such as Si, Ge, GaAs and GaN, arising from intentionally added (doped) impurities. The present article proposes that certain collective quantum behaviour of these impurity state electrons, arising from Coulomb repulsions, could lead to superconductivity in a parent band insulator, in a way not suspected before. Impurity band resonating valence bond theory of superconductivity in boron doped diamond, recently proposed by us, suggests possibility of superconductivity emerging from impurity band Mott insulators. We use certain key ideas and insights from the field of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates and organics. Our suggestion also offers new possibilities in the field of semiconductor electronics and nanotechnology. The current level of sophistication in solid state technology and combinatorial materials science is very well capable of realizing our proposal and discover new superconductors.  相似文献   

Our recent systematic examination of the pressure effect on high-temperature superconductors revealed that the highest achievable superconducting transition temperature (T c) in the layered cuprates may lie between 150 and 180 K. We propose that the newly discovered Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O (HBCCO) compound system may be one of the most promising candidates for such a high-T c superconductor, because of the possible large range of modulation doping associated with the linear oxygen coordination of divalent Hg in HBCCO. A record-high magnetically determined transition at 135 K with a zero resistivity at 134 K has been obtained by us in HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+ . TheT c of HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+ was found to increase continuously with pressure at an increasing rate up to 17 kbar without any sign of saturation. The thermo-power shows an underdoped characteristic. These observations suggest that theT c of HBCCO can be further enhanced with proper modulation doping without inducing any structural instabilities. The results together with the synthesis steps of HBCCO are summarized and discussed.  相似文献   

A variety of different experimental results show substantial evidence that the order parameter in high-temperature superconducting copper oxides is not of pure d-wave symmetry, but that an s-wave component exists, which especially shows up in experiments that test the c-axis properties. These findings are modeled theoretically within a two-band model with interband interactions, where the superconducting order parameters in the two bands are allowed to differ in symmetry. It is found that the coupling of order parameters with different symmetries (s+d) leads to substantial enhancements of the superconducting transition temperature T c as compared to order parameters with only s-wave symmetry. An additional enhancement factor of T c is obtained from the coupling of the bands to the lattice where moderate couplings favor superconductivity while too strong couplings lead to electron (hole) localization and consequently suppress superconductivity.  相似文献   

A general theory of superconductivity is developed, starting with a BCS Hamiltonian in which the interaction strengths (V 11,V 22,V 12) among and between electron (1) and hole (2) Cooper pairs are differentiated, and identifying electrons (holes) with positive (negative) masses as those Bloch electrons moving on the empty (filled) side of the Fermi surface. The supercondensate is shown to be composed of equal numbers of electron and hole ground (zero-momentum) Cooper pairs with charges ±2e and different masses. This picture of a neutral supercondensate naturally explains the London rigidity and the meta-stability of the supercurrent ring. It is proposed that for a compound conductor the supercondensate is formed between electron and hole Fermi energy sheets with the aid of optical phonons having momenta greater than the minimum distance (momentum) between the two sheets. The proposed model can account for the relatively short coherence lengths observed for the compound superconductors including intermetallic compound, organic, and cuprous superconductors. In particular, the model can explain why these compounds are type II superconductors in contrast with type I elemental superconductors whose condensate is mediated by acoustic phonons. A cuprous superconductor has 2D conduction bands due to its layered perovskite lattice structure. Excited (nonzero momentum) Cooper pairs (bound by the exchange of optical phonons) aboveT c are shown to move like free bosons with the energy-momentum relation=1/2vFq. They undergo a Bose-Einstein condensation atT c = 0.977v F k b –1 n 1/2, wheren is the number density of the Cooper pairs. The relatively high value ofT c (100 K) arises from the fact that the densityn is high:n 1/2–1 107 cm–1. The phase transition is of the third order, and the heat capacity has a reversed lambda ()-like peak atT c .  相似文献   

The critical temperature of a pairing model for HT c S has been calculated using an energy-dependent density of states. We showed that the problem which is connected with the van Hove scenario is very sensitive to the energy scale and to the behavior of the density of states at low and high energy.  相似文献   

The superconductivity of metallic iodine is observed at temperatures below 1.2 K under pressures above 28 GPa by magnetization and electrical resistance measurements. The pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature is studied up to 74 GPa. This is the first observation of the superconductivity of the molecular-dissociated monatomic metal.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the accuracy of the linear‐elastic Theory of Critical Distances (TCD) in estimating high‐cycle fatigue strength of notched metallic materials experiencing elevated temperatures during in‐service operations. The TCD postulates that the fatigue damage extent can be estimated by directly post‐processing the entire linear‐elastic stress field acting on the material in the vicinity of the crack initiation locations. The key feature of this theory is that the high‐cycle fatigue assessment is based on a scale length parameter that is assumed to be a material property. The accuracy of this design method was checked against a number of experimental results generated, under axial loading, by testing, at 250 °C, notched specimens of carbon steel C45. To further investigate the reliability of the TCD, its accuracy was also checked via several data taken from the literature, these experimental results being generated by testing notched samples of Inconel 718 at 500 °C as well as notched specimens of directionally solidified superalloy DZ125 at 850 °C. This validation exercise allowed us to prove that the linear‐elastic TCD is successful in estimating high‐cycle fatigue strength of notched metallic materials exposed to elevated temperature, resulting in estimates falling within an error interval of ±20%. Such a high level of accuracy suggests that, in situations of practical interest, reliable high‐cycle fatigue assessment can be performed without the need for taking into account those non‐linearities characterising the mechanical behaviour of metallic materials at high temperature, the used critical distance being still a material property whose value does not depend on the sharpness of the notch being designed.  相似文献   

Superconducting boron-doped diamond samples were synthesized with isotopes of 10B, 11B, 13C and 12C. We claim the presence of a carbon isotope effect on the superconducting transition temperature, which supports the ‘diamond-carbon’-related nature of superconductivity and the importance of the electron–phonon interaction as the mechanism of superconductivity in diamond. Isotope substitution permits us to relate almost all bands in the Raman spectra of heavily boron-doped diamond to the vibrations of carbon atoms. The 500 cm−1 Raman band shifts with either carbon or boron isotope substitution and may be associated with vibrations of paired or clustered boron. The absence of a superconducting transition (down to 1.6 K) in diamonds synthesized in the Co–C–B system at 1900 K correlates with the small boron concentration deduced from lattice parameters.  相似文献   


Superconducting boron-doped diamond samples were synthesized with isotopes of 10B, 11B, 13C and 12C. We claim the presence of a carbon isotope effect on the superconducting transition temperature, which supports the ‘diamond-carbon’-related nature of superconductivity and the importance of the electron–phonon interaction as the mechanism of superconductivity in diamond. Isotope substitution permits us to relate almost all bands in the Raman spectra of heavily boron-doped diamond to the vibrations of carbon atoms. The 500 cm?1 Raman band shifts with either carbon or boron isotope substitution and may be associated with vibrations of paired or clustered boron. The absence of a superconducting transition (down to 1.6 K) in diamonds synthesized in the Co–C–B system at 1900 K correlates with the small boron concentration deduced from lattice parameters.  相似文献   

We propose a model for a spatially modulated collective state of superconducting cuprates in which the electronic properties vary locally in space. In this model, the regions of higher hole density (called stripes) are described as Luttinger liquids and the regions of lower density (antiferromagnetic ladders) as an interacting bosonic gas of hole pairs. We show that the transition to the superconducting state is topologic and driven by decay processes among these elementary excitations in the presence of vibrations.  相似文献   

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