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我国生物质发电产业现状及建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物质发电是目前发展最成熟、规模最大的生物质能利用技术,通过利用生物质燃烧或转化技术实现可燃气体的燃烧发电。文章叙述了我国发展生物质发电产业的意义,概括和总结了国内外在生物质直燃发电、混燃发电和气化发电方面的现状和经验,指出我国生物质发电产业所面临的挑战,最后提出了有关生物质发电产业的商业化建议。  相似文献   

[本刊讯]为了贯彻落实《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》,规范可再生能源发电项目管理,促进我国可再生能源发电产业的更快发展,国家发展改革委员制定了《可再生能源发电有关管理规定》,于2006年1月5日以发改能源[2006]13号文发布并执行。《可再生能源发电有关管理规定》内有总则、项目管理、电网企业责任、发电企业责任和附则5章22条,规定了可再生能源发电的范畴包括:水力发电、风力发电、生物质发电(包括农林废弃物直接燃烧和气化发电、垃圾焚烧和垃圾填埋气发电、沼气发电)、太阳能发电、地热能发电以及海洋能发电等,还对可再生能源发电规划…  相似文献   

可再生能源配额制(RPS)是国际上为促进可再生能源开发而实行的一种强制性能源政策。介绍了RPS的发展历程和一般特征以及我国生物质发电行业现状,并分析了我国可再生能源配额制实施后对生物质发电产生的影响,旨在为生物质发电行业实现规模化和产业化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

泰国传统能源匮乏,可再生能源资源丰富。为保障经济社会可持续发展,泰国出台鼓励政策和优惠措施加快可再生能源开发利用。近年来,随着可再生能源技术进步和成本下降,泰国成为东南亚地区可再生能源投资的热土,可再生能源产业取得长足发展。但同时也存在很多问题和隐忧,比如发展不均衡、基础设施建设滞后、资金和技术不足等,寻求国际合作是泰国破解可再生能源发展难题的重要手段。中国是可再生能源利用大国,先进的技术和充裕的资金契合泰国可再生能源市场需求。在"一带一路"倡议推动下,中泰可再生能源合作驶入"快车道",在水电、风电、光伏发电、生物质/垃圾发电等领域形成优势互补、互利共赢的发展格局。然而,可再生能源产业属于高投入高风险行业,再加上泰国政局不稳和地缘政治因素,以及中国企业自身的一些问题,中泰可再生能源合作仍面临多重挑战。未来,中泰可再生能源合作要坚持国际化发展、本地化运营,对接泰国能源发展战略,以太阳能和风能为重点,积极开发水能和生物质能项目,构建共商、共建、共赢的可再生能源合作体系和促进机制。  相似文献   

本文系统论述了分布式可再生能源发电的特征和主要技术类型,并以分散式风电和分布式光伏为例,对我国分布式可再生能源发电的发展现状、面临的主要问题和挑战进行了系统分析,在此基础上提出了保障我国分布式可再生能源持续健康发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

我国是世界能源消费大国,我国的能源供应正面临着严峻挑战:一是对外石油资源的依存度快速加大;二是世界上的化石能源的可持续供应能力遭遇挑战。面对能源决策复杂的国际环境,开发利用可再生能源,尤其是光伏发电产业显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

陈诚 《太阳能》2006,(5):11-12
我国是世界能源消费大国,我国的能源供应正面临着严峻挑战:一是对外石油资源的依存度快速加大;二是世界上的化石能源的可持续供应能力遭遇挑战。面对能源决策复杂的国际环境,开发利用可再生能源,尤其是光伏发电产业显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

太阳能光热发电是当前可再生能源领域的热点之一,是需求和应用潜力巨大的可再生能源技术。国际光热发电已进入多区域发展和持续增长时期,我国光热发电也在2016年开始进入规模示范实施阶段。本文总结了国内外光热发电发展形势,重点分析了支撑我国光热发电示范推广的技术基础、产业条件、政策环境,从技术、经济性、政策机制等方面剖析光热发电发展面临的挑战,并提出解决方案的建议和光热发电的发展路径。  相似文献   

生物质能源是一种清洁环保的新能源。"十一五规划纲要"中明确提出要把生物质能源发展作为国家能源战略的重要组成部分。开发利用燃料油植物,生产可再生的生物质能源,具有重要的战略意义。本文介绍了国内外能源发展研究现状与趋势,分析了产业发展中存在的问题,探讨了我国生物质能源产业发展对策。  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条 为了促进可再生能源发电产业的发展,依据《中华人民共和国可再能能源法》和《中华人民共和国电力法》,特制定本规定。第二条 本规定所称的可再生能源发电包括:水力发电、风力发电、生物质发电(包括农林废弃物直接燃烧和气化发电、垃圾焚烧和垃圾填埋气发电、沼气发电)、太阳能发电、地热能发电以及海洋能发电等。第三条 依照法律和国务院规定取得行政许可的可再生能源并网发电项目和电网尚未覆盖地区的可再生能源独立发电项目适用本规定。第四条 可再生能源发电项目实行中央和地方分级管理。  相似文献   

China is facing a number of energy related challenges including a shortage of electricity supply, depletion of fossil fuels and environmental pollution. These challenges make it important to develop renewable energy resources. As per other renewable energy industries, the biomass power industry is facing a series of opportunities and challenges. Utilizing Michael Porter's Five Forces Model theory for analyzing the competitive environment and the competitive situation of an industry, this paper establishes a Five Forces Model for assessing the competitiveness of China's biomass power industry. Inputs for this model include semi-structured interviews with biomass power generation enterprises and a critical analysis of the national policy framework along with relevant literature and official statistics. Five major stakeholders of China's biomass power industry, namely competitors, suppliers, buyers, potential competitors, and substitutes are assessed to determine their influence on the biomass power generation industry. This assessment highlighted the current status, existing issues and future prospects of the biomass power industry. Similarly, it provides assistance to develop procurement strategies for the sustainable development of the industry.  相似文献   

电网与可再生能源协调发展研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
可再生能源的开发利用为电力工业的节能减排提供了重要途径,也为电网发展带来了新的机遇和挑战,重点研究分析了可再生能源(特别是风电)开发利用与电网发展和改造、节能发电调度及需求侧管理等方面问题。  相似文献   

The renewable energy power generation (REPG) in China has experienced tremendous growth in the last decade. To understand this rapid growth, it is necessary to explore how Chinese government triggers the remarkable development of the industry. This paper offers a systematic analysis of the incentive policy system for REPG in China, covering wind power, solar photovoltaic, small hydropower (single-unit power generation capacity less than 50 MW), biomass power and geothermal power. The incentive system contains laws, regulations, policies and industrial plans issued during the 11th and 12th “Five-year Plan” periods (2006–2015). Four major incentive strategies of the Chinese government are identified: research and development incentives, fiscal and tax incentives, grid-connection and tariff incentives, and market development incentives. The results show these incentive methods have played a significant role in promoting the development of REPG in China, but still there are some problems associated with them. International comparisons of the incentive policies with those of Denmark, Germany and US, as well as the strategies to further improve the Chinese incentive approaches are discussed. This comprehensive analysis of China's incentive policy system for REPG helps to understand China's experience in promoting renewable energy, contributing to better decision-making in policy.  相似文献   

Climate change and limited primary energy resources require indigenous renewable electricity generation options to change the current coal-dominated power source matrix in China. The wind power is such a solution for the above challenges, and it still has large space for improvement in China. In this paper several critical factors related to Chinese wind power were studied in details, including the wind resources, the wind turbine industry and the policies from the Chinese government. Based on the study, the perspective of wind power in China was discussed. With outstanding advantages, the offshore wind power has a bright future in China, so its main characteristics are discussed. Based on the discussions, suggestions were given to improve the development of Chinese wind power, and the government's further measures are also recommended.  相似文献   

China is rich in biomass resources, with favorable conditions for the development and utilization of biomass energy. Currently, the main secondary forms of biomass energy utilized in China include biogas, biomass power, bioethanol, biodiesel. By the end of 2010, the annual output of biogas in China had reached 14.3×109 m3; the installed capacity of biomass power had reached 5.5×106 kw; the annual output of bioethanol had reached 1.84×106 t; the annual output of biodiesel was 400×103 t. Although China is very rich in biomass resources, the percentage of biomass energy in the total energy utilized in China is very low. In 2010, the biomass secondary energy accounted for 7.28% of the total renewable energy consumption; and only 0.66% of the primary energy consumption in China. Compared with other types of renewable energy, the biomass energy development remains very slow and even marginalized. The development of secondary sources of energy in China is relatively slow, the reasons for which are many, such as food security, high production costs, obsolete equipment, technological immaturity, insufficient raw materials, and a serious shortage of investments. In fact, the root causes for the slow development of the biomass secondary energy industry are the government's focus on economic development and the private enterprises focus on economic benefits. The lower economic benefits of the biomass secondary energy industry do not intrinsically motivate them to promote its development. Entering the market is crucial to the development of the biomass secondary energy and requires strong implementation and policy guarantees by the government. Biomass secondary energy has a positive role in reducing greenhouse gas emission, reducing waste pollution, and increasing employment opportunities. It is recommended that the government and enterprises should actively promote the development of the biomass secondary energy.  相似文献   

李潇  巫世晶 《中外能源》2012,17(9):20-24
截至2011年底,我国发电设备容量已达105576×104kW,非化石能源装机比重合计为27.50%,较2005年提高3.3个百分点;平均供电煤耗330g/(kW.h),较2005年下降11%;线路损失率6.31%,较2005年下降0.87%。发电行业的整体经济性和环保性指标有了较大提升,电力结构通过调整已有了向好的转变势头。但是,火电机组装机容量仍占到70%以上,而其中60×104kW以上超临界参数机组仅占33%,无法满足可持续发展的要求。发电行业正面临着来自市场、资源、环保的压力以及运营的不可持续性、无法为投资者带来回报的挑战,发展与困难都将是长期的。在面临长期发展困难的同时,由于全球能源产业革命、政策支持力度的加大以及较为旺盛的电力需求,也使发电行业面临着难得的历史性机遇。我国发电行业必须加快经济发展方式转变,加大科技投入,促进结构调整,提高可再生能源、清洁能源发电比重,推广火力发电新技术,大力改善火电机组结构,向综合化集约化方向发展,全面风险防范并提升综合实力。只有如此,才能适应未来发电行业的发展要求和走向。  相似文献   

With the introduction of market-oriented measures in China's power sector in the mid-1980s, electricity sale prices to the grid companies—on-grid electricity tariffs—became the focus of the energy industry, thus affecting all related stakeholders, including fuel suppliers, power generators and end-use consumers. A number of changes have gradually been undertaken in terms of electricity tariff settings and their implementation to address specific requirements of the expansion of the power industry at each stage of its development. On-grid electricity tariffs had been used as a key lever to attract investment in power generation at an early stage of reform and then to encourage competition in the power industry. In response to the rising concerns about environmental protection and the promotion of clean energy utilisation, tariffs have progressively been developed for renewable electricity generation, which has contributed to massive expansion of the renewable power industry in China. This paper reviews key milestones of the development of on-grid electricity tariffs in China, examines the tariff-setting mechanisms of coal-fired power plants and renewable power generation, analyses the factors associated with the adjustments of the tariff levels and discusses the options for further reform and more effective electricity pricing.  相似文献   

Increased energy demands due to rapid industrialization, environmental concerns with fossil fuel–based generation, diminishing fossil energy resources, transmission network congestion, and technical performance deterioration are the motivations behind the integration of small renewable distributed generation (DG) units and turning the existing power systems into a restructured one. Optimizing the technical benefits offered by DG placement is a well-known challenge for distribution network operators (DNOs) for both fossil and renewable energy resource–based DGs, but renewable DG systems have several power quality (PQ) challenges associated additionally. Power quality is a very significant characteristic of renewable DG systems because today's loads are more sensitive to PQ disturbances and penetration of renewable energy as well as nonlinear loads is proliferating in distribution power networks. So the need for innovative power quality improvement (PQI) techniques becomes inevitable due to ongoing reformation in traditional distribution networks by the integration of renewable energy. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of power quality challenges with grid integration of renewable DG systems and current research status of associated mitigation techniques. Firstly, this paper puts emphasis on theoretically illustrating all the crucial power quality challenges associated with grid integration of renewable energy, and secondly, a thorough survey, of all PQI techniques introduced till date, is elaborated along with highlighting the opportunities for future research. Furthermore, all the crucial power quality issues, the impact of high penetration of renewable energy and mitigation techniques on power quality, are demonstrated also by simulating a grid integrated PV-based DG system in MATLAB/Simulink. This article is believed to be very beneficial for academics as well as industry professionals to understand existing PQ challenges, PQI techniques, and future research directions for renewable energy technologies.  相似文献   

我国可再生能源发展对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
史立山 《中外能源》2010,15(3):29-32
可再生能源的开发利用是应对气候变化和满足能源需求持续增长的最现实的举措。2009年我国风电和太阳能光伏发电保持了快速发展势头,其中风电装机容量估计达到约2200×104kW,但非化石能源消费量在能源消费总量中所占的比重仍然很低。2009年,我国能源消费总量约为31×108t标煤,其中水电、核电、风电等商品化非化石能源消费量约为2.3×108t标煤,约占能源消费总量的7.4%。要完成到2020年我国非化石能源在能源消费总量中所占比例达到15%的目标,任务非常艰巨。加快开发利用可再生能源是能源发展的重要任务之一,到2020年,可再生能源开发利用总量将在2008年的基础上增加2倍以上。我国目前和今后10多年时间内,可再生能源发展的重点是水电、风电、太阳能和生物质能。加快发展我国可再生能源的举措有:①继续做好水电建设工作,促进水电持续健康发展;②有序推进风电的规模化发展,显著提高风电在电力结构中的比重;③加快推广太阳能利用技术,扩大太阳能开发利用规模;④因地制宜开发利用生物质能,提高生物质能利用的现代技术水平。  相似文献   

Nowadays, China is faced with many issues, such as increasing farmers’ income, protecting environment and adjusting energy structure, which may be solved by developing the biomass power generation industry. However, the lack of technical capability, inadequate raw materials and challenges for grid feed-in are all obstacles that prevent large-scale production and industrialization in the biomass power generation industry. Therefore, government should provide necessary policies to support and advance the biomass power generation industry. This paper systematically analyzes the current laws, regulations and policies implemented recently in China and provides a comprehensive review of the fiscal subsidies, reduction and exemption of taxes, tariff concessions, the policies of investment and financing and the support of R&D. Suggestions for relevant policies are proposed to address the existing problems.  相似文献   

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