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The Tibetan Plateau covers an area of about one fourth of Europe, has an average elevation over 4000 m above sea level, and is the water sources for about 40% of world's population. In order to foresee future changes in water quality, it is important to understand what pressures are governing the spatial variation in water chemistry. In this paper the chemistry including major ions and trace elements in the headwaters of four major Asian rivers (i.e. the Salween, Mekong, Yangtze River and Yarlung Tsangpo) in the Tibetan Plateau was studied. The results showed that the content of dissolved salts in these Tibetan rivers was relatively high compared to waters from other parts of the world. The chemical composition of the four rivers were rather similar, with Ca2+ and HCO3 being the dominating ions. The exception was the Yangtze River on the Plateau, which was enriched in Na+, Cl, SO42− and Li due to silicate weathering followed by strong evaporation caused by a negative water balance, dissolution of evaporites in the catchment and some drainage from saline lakes. The concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Co, Cr, Ni, Cd, Pb, and Hg) and As, NH4+ were generally low in all the rivers. Anthropogenic impacts on the quality of the rivers were identified at a few locations in the Mekong River and Yarlung Tsangpo basins. Generally, the main spatial variation in chemical compositions of these under studied rivers was found to be governed mainly by difference in geological variation and regional climatic-environment. Climate change is, therefore, one of main determining factors on the water chemical characteristics of these headwaters of Asian major rivers in the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Lake Respomuso is a dammed lake of glacial origin at 2200 m altitude in the Central Pyrenees. This study investigated the source of a number of trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in its catchment and their possible link to the local geology. Altogether 24 sediment and 29 water samples were collected from all major streams feeding the lake. The sediments were analysed for trace elements, major mineral components, minerals and organic matter whilst water samples were analysed for dissolved metal concentrations.The trace element levels in the catchment sediment and water were relatively high compared to other similar altitude sites, with concentrations in the headwaters being generally higher than in the lower basin because of the source being concentrated in these areas. The principal component analysis revealed that the source of sediment-bound trace elements in the Lake Respomuso catchment is geogenic, and originated possibly in the sulphide minerals from slate formations.Except at one site, none of the water samples exceeded the WHO drinking water guideline for arsenic. Arsenic in water was significantly correlated with its concentration in the sediments, possibly due to the oxidation of arsenic bearing minerals. The dissolved concentrations of all other trace elements were generally lower than the WHO drinking water guide values and they were not related to their sediment concentrations.The As, Cd, Ni contents in sediment from several catchment streams exceeded their sediment quality thresholds. This geogenic source may pose risk to the stability of fragile local biodiversity and to the wider environment in the valley bellow particularly if the metals are mobilised, possibly due to environmental change.  相似文献   

In 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began the first cycle of its National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. The Program encompassed 51 river basins that collectively accounted for more than 70% of the total water use (excluding power generation), and 50% of the drinking water supply in the U.S. The basins represented a variety of hydrologic settings, rock types (geology), land-use categories, and population densities. One aspect of the first cycle included bed sediment sampling; sites were chosen to represent baseline and important land-use categories (e.g., agriculture, urban) in each basin. In total, over 1200 bed sediment samples were collected. All samples were size-limited (< 63 µm) to facilitate spatial and/or temporal comparisons, and subsequently analyzed for a variety of chemical constituents including major (e.g., Fe, Al,) and trace elements (e.g., Cu, Zn, Cd), nutrients (e.g., P), and carbon. The analyses yielded total (≥ 95% of the concentrations present), rather than total-recoverable chemical data.Land-use percentages, upstream underlying geology, and population density were determined for each site and evaluated to asses their relative influence on sediment chemistry. Baseline concentrations for the entire U.S. also were generated from a subset of all the samples, and are based on material collected from low population (≤ 27 p km− 2) density, low percent urban (≤ 5%), agricultural or undeveloped areas. The NAWQA baseline values are similar to those found in other national and global datasets. Further, it appears that upstream/underlying rock type has only a limited effect (mostly major elements) on sediment chemistry. The only land-use category that appears to substantially affect sediment chemistry is percent urban, and this result is mirrored by population density; in fact, the latter appears more consistent than the former.  相似文献   

Static magnetic field (MF) effects on the properties of freshly precipitated calcium carbonate have been investigated in the presence of impurity ion Mg(2+), Fe(2+), or SO4(2-). One or both solutions, CaCl2 and Na2CO3, were exposure to MF (0.5T) for 20min at 20 degrees C. Then calcium carbonate was precipitated and zeta potential, pH and light absorbance (lambda=543.3 nm) were measured. The same parameters were also determined for the reference systems in which the solutions were not MF-treated. It was found that in all the systems tested MF effects as determined by the above mentioned parameters had appeared. They depended on the kind of the impurity ion present, as well as on which solution, CaCl2, Na2CO3 or both, MF interacted. For example, if Mg(2+) ion was present in CaCl2 solution, the largest shift in the zeta potential toward higher positive values was observed if Na2CO3 was MF-treated (e.g. from 2 to 12mV) and the same was true as for the maximum in the light absorbance and the pH increase. Interestingly, if (CaCl2 + Mg(2+)) was MF-treated pH of the slurry had decreased. Moreover, a correlation between above mentioned MF effects and the entropy of hydration of the ions has also been found. This points to the changes in the hydrating water structure caused by magnetic field.  相似文献   

The precipitation chemistry in France has been examined for large-scale spatial variability using the MERA/WMO-GAW network of 13 rural sites equipped with wet-only collectors. Three classes of mean chemical compositions of MERA sites, corresponding to three different geographical regions in France have been identified by applying hierarchical clustering analysis. Factor analysis has also been performed on the deposition and concentration data sets for the three MERA sites. All the factors could be interpreted as falling into one of four categories: Acid, Sea, Neutralization, or an Agriculture/Soil association. Both sulfate and nitrate were found to be significant components of the acid factor for two stations (Morvan and Donon). These individual site analyses indicate that the sea has a strong influence on the precipitation chemistry at these continental stations. A comparison between factor analysis of concentrations and factor analyses of depositions suggests on the one hand that the acid forms, H2SO4 and HNO3, seem preferentially present in cloud and on the other hand that the neutralization of precipitation acidity by soil-derived particles and by ammonia emissions seems to depend on the geographical and climatic characteristics of a site (altitude, proximity to human activity and precipitation amount).  相似文献   

唐山市雷电灾害易损性分析及易损度区划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王爱军  柴瑞  苗国荣 《建筑电气》2010,29(10):28-32
根据唐山市9个市县1957~2008年的雷暴日资料及2006~2008年的雷电灾害资料,结合唐山市的经济和人口密度特征,提出年平均雷暴日数、雷电灾害频数、生命易损模数及经济易损模数作为唐山市雷电灾害易损性评估指标,并在此基础上,给出唐山市雷电灾害易损性指标的等级标准,利用主成分分析的方法对各市县的雷电灾害易损性等级标准进行综合评估,初步形成了唐山市雷电灾害易损度区划,为区域防雷减灾规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Mercury (total and organic), cadmium, lead, copper, iron, manganese, selenium and zinc concentrations were measured in different organs of 6 different cetacean species stranded in an area of extraordinary ecological interest (Cetaceans' Sanctuary of the Mediterranean Sea) along the coast of the Ligurian Sea (North-West Mediterranean). Stable-isotopes ratios of carbon ((13)C/(12)C) and nitrogen ((15)N/(14)N) were also measured in the muscle. A significant relationship exists between (15)N/(14)N, mercury concentration and the trophic level. The distribution of essential and non-essential trace elements was studied on several organs, and a significant relationship between selenium and mercury, with a molar ratio close to 1, was found in the cetaceans' kidney, liver and spleen, regardless of their species. High selenium concentrations are generally associated with a low organic to total mercury ratio. While narrow ranges of concentrations were observed for essential elements in most organs, mercury and selenium concentrations are characterised by a wide range of variation. Bio-accumulation and bio-amplification processes in cetaceans can be better understood by comparing trace element concentrations with the stable-isotopes data.  相似文献   

Information on a new observatory study of the water quality of two major river basins in northwestern England (the Ribble and Wyre) is presented. It covers upland, intermediate and lowland environments of contrasting pollution history with sufficient detail to examine transitional gradients. The upland rivers drain acidic soils subjected to long-term acidic deposition. Nonetheless, the acidic runoff from the soils is largely neutralised by high alkalinity groundwaters, although the rivers retain, perhaps as colloids, elements such as Al and Fe that are mobilised under acid conditions. The lowland rivers are contaminated and have variable water quality due to variable urban/industrial point and diffuse inputs reflecting local and regional differences in historic and contemporary sources. For most determinands, pollutant concentrations are not a major cause for concern although phosphate levels remain high. Set against earlier studies for other regions, there may be a general decline in pollutant levels and this is most clearly observed for boron where effluent inputs have declined significantly due to reductions in household products that are flushed down the drain. High concentrations of sodium and chloride occurred briefly after a severe cold spell due to flushing of road salts.A major inventory for water quality within rural, urban, industrial and agricultural typologies is provided within data summary attachments for over 50 water quality determinands. Within the next year, the full dataset will be made available from the CEH website. This, with ongoing monitoring, represents a platform for water quality studies across a wide range of catchment typologies pertinent to environmental management of clean and impacted systems within the UK. The study provides a base of research “from source to sea” including extensions to the estuary and open sea for a semi-confined basin, the Irish Sea, where there are many issues of pollution inputs and contamination.  相似文献   

Daily samples of fine aerosol particles (i.e., PM1, aerosol particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 1.0 μm) were collected in Tito Scalo — Southern Italy — from April 2006 to March 2007. Measurements were performed by means of a low-volume gravimetric sampler, and each PM1 sample was analyzed by means of Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) or Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS and FAAS) techniques in order to determine its content in fourteen trace elements (Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Ti and Zn). During the period examined, PM1 daily concentrations ranged between 0.3 µg m− 3 and 55 µg m− 3 with a mean value of 8 µg m-3, a standard deviation of 7 µg m− 3 and a median value of 6 µg m− 3. As far as PM1 chemical composition is concerned, the mean values of the trace element concentrations decreased in the following order: Ca > Fe > Al > Na > K > Cr > Mg > Pb > Ni ≈ Ti ≈ Zn > Cd ≈ Cu > Mn. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) allowed the identification of three probable PM1 sources: industrial emissions, traffic and re-suspension of soil dust. Moreover, the results of a procedure applied to study the potential long-range transport contribution to PM1 chemical composition, showed that trace element concentrations do not seem to be affected by air mass origin and path. This was probably due to the strong impact of the local emission sources and the lack of the concentration measurements of some important elements and compounds that could better reveal the long-range transport influence on PM1 measurements at ground level.  相似文献   

Three areas of the Ob River floodplain (forest-steppe, southern taiga and central taiga) were investigated. The total amount of Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, B, Sr, Cd and Pb was identified. The same elements were identified in ammonium acetate buffer extract, 1N HCl extraction and Tamm’s and Grimm’s soil extracts. The basic amount of trace elements in the soils is in the potentially unstable form, in Tamm’s and 1N HCl extracts (up to 74% of the total amount). The geochemical spectra of the investigated elements’ concentration in the soils and meadow vegetation are given. The Ob floodplain is not polluted as it has not been affected by industry, and that is why natural mechanisms of these soils can be easily detected. The content reduction regularity of most of the trace elements and their unstable forms in the soils from the south to the north of the Ob floodplain is observed. The same regularity concerns plants in which Co, Mo, B, Sr and Cd contraction and Mn, Zn and Cu increase are detected.  相似文献   

The present investigation was carried out to assess the trace mineral profile of milk from lactating cows reared around different industrial units and to examine the effect of blood and milk concentration of lead and cadmium on copper, cobalt, zinc and iron levels in milk. Respective blood and milk samples were collected from a total of 201 apparently healthy lactating cows above 3 years of age including 52 cows reared in areas supposed to be free from pollution. The highest milk lead (0.85 ± 0.11 µg/ml) and cadmium (0.23 ± 0.02 µg/ml) levels were recorded in lactating cows reared around lead–zinc smelter and steel manufacturing plant, respectively. Significantly (P < 0.05) higher concentration of milk copper, cobalt, zinc and iron compared to control animals was recorded in cows around closed lead cum operational zinc smelter. Analysis of correlation between lead and other trace elements in milk from lactating cows with the blood lead level > 0.20 µg/ml (n = 79) revealed a significant negative correlations between milk iron and milk lead (r = − 0.273, P = 0.015). However, such trend was not recorded with blood lead level < 0.20 µg/ml (n = 122). The milk cobalt concentration was significantly correlated (r = 0.365, P < 0.001) with cadmium level in milk and the highest milk cadmium (> 0.10 to 0.39 µg/ml) group had significantly (P < 0.05) increased milk cobalt. It is concluded that increased blood and milk lead or cadmium level as a result of natural exposure of lactating cows to these environmental toxicants significantly influences trace minerals composition of milk and such alterations affect the milk quality and nutritional values.  相似文献   

The corrosion degradation behavior of concrete materials plays a crucial role in the change of its mechanical properties under multi-ion interaction in the mari...  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the factors which control metal and As phytoavailability in the different microenvironments (Sand Dunes, Salt Flat, Dry River and Shrubs) present at a Mediterranean salt marsh polluted by mining wastes. We performed a field study following a plot sampling survey. The analyses of soil parameters (pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon contents, etc.), total metal and As concentrations and their phytoavailability assessed with EDTA were related to each microenvironment and the corresponding plant species uptake. The averages of pH and EC were slightly alkaline (pH ≈ 7.5) and saline (≈ 2.2 to 17.1 dS m−1) respectively. The soil samples from the Salt Flat subzone showed the highest metal concentrations (e.g. 51 mg kg−1 Cd, 11,600 mg kg−1 Pb) while for As, the highest concentrations occurred in the Dry River (380 mg kg−1 As). The total metal and EDTA-extractable concentrations occurred as it follows: Salt Flat > Dry River > Degraded Dunes > Shrubs. In relation to plant metal and As accumulation, the highest root concentrations were obtained in the species from the Salt Flat subzone: ~ 17 mg kg−1 As, ~ 620 mg kg−1 Pb, for both, Juncus maritimus and Arthrocnemum macrostachyum. However the highest metal and As shoot concentrations occurred in species from the Sand Dunes: ~ 23 mg kg−1 As ~ 270 mg kg−1 Pb for Dittrichia viscosa; ~ 23 mg kg−1 As, ~ 390 mg kg−1 Zn for Crucianella maritima. The occurrence of edaphic gradients including salinity and texture determined the vegetation distribution. However, it cannot be concluded that there was a disturbance due to metal(loid)s soil concentrations in terms of vegetation composition except in the Degraded Dunes and Dry River. The higher EDTA-extractable concentrations were coincidental with the most saline soils but this did not result in higher metal(loid)s plant accumulation.  相似文献   

Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) were measured in 10 Washington State rivers and 4 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) under periods of low and high flows to investigate the relative importance of point and non-point sources to rivers. PFCs were detected in all samples with summed values ranging from 1.11 to 74.9 ng/L in surface waters and 62.3-418 ng/L in WWTP effluent. Concentrations in 6 of the 10 rivers exhibited a positive relationship with flow, indicating runoff as a contributing source, with PFC loads greatest at all 10 waterbodies during high flows. Perfluoroheptanoic acid:perfluorooctanoic acid homologue ratios suggest atmospheric contributions to the waterbodies are important throughout the year. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated distinct homologue profiles for high flow, low flow, and effluent samples. The PCA demonstrates that during the spring when flows and loads are at their greatest; WWTP discharges are not the primary sources of PFCs to the river systems. Taken together, the evidence provided signifies non-point inputs are a major pathway for PFCs to surface waters in Washington State.  相似文献   

Socio-spatial differentiation and residential segregation have been studied extensively in numerous cities and have contributed significantly to the understanding of urban spatial and social structures. Analyses of diverse data sets at varied spatial scales have supported the development of theoretical frameworks. However, the majority of Chinese case studies published in recent decades were dominantly based on either non-spatial data or population census data at sub-district (or jiedao in Chinese) level. These analyses have been limited through using low-resolution aggregate data resulting in incomplete or biased findings. This paper aims to examine the fine-scale socio-spatial structure of the inner city of Nanjing using the fifth population census data of 2000 at the lowest spatial scale – community (or juweihui in Chinese) level. Our findings reveal that the policies of the socialist era and the initial outcomes of the introduction of a free market, particularly with regard to the creation of new elite spaces within the inner city, have shaped a complex pattern of socio-spatial differentiation and residential segregation.  相似文献   

In previously published research, uranium abundance and major and trace element content were determined in phosphate ore samples from the Kurun and Uro areas of the Nuba Mountains in Sudan. The current work aims to characterise and differentiate between the phosphate ores from these two areas by subjecting the obtained geochemical data to quantitative and qualitative statistical analyses. Multivariate statistical analyses and correlation studies show several geochemical differences in the occurrence of uranium in Kurun and Uro phosphate ores. Uranium in Uro phosphate ore shows a higher degree of mobility coefficient of variability (CV%?=?91) than that in Kurun phosphate ore (CV%?=?48). Kurun and Uro phosphate ores are found to be good sources of titanium and strontium. The average concentrations of Ti and Sr in Uro phosphate ore are 4880 and 2780?mg?kg–1, respectively. The corresponding values in Kurun phosphate ore are 7300 and 2630?mg?kg–1, respectively. A cluster analysis of trace elements demonstrates that both Ti and Sr, which are the most abundant trace elements, appear in individual groups or in sub-groups. Uranium behaves in the same manner in both phosphate ores in that it associates in groups containing all the transition metals except for the most abundant trace element, titanium.  相似文献   

Here we propose a novel microarray data analysis method applicable to evaluation of the chemical effects on wild animals. First, we analyzed correlations between log-transformed hepatic 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin toxic equivalent (TEQ) levels and probe signals detected in wild cormorant liver to screen contaminant-responsive genes. Second, principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted using the screened probes. Third, these probes were divided into two groups based on our PCA result. Finally, we calculated Euclidian distance of signals, which is equivalent to variance of gene expressions, in each probe set, and analyzed the relationship between log-transformed hepatic TEQ levels and Euclidian distances. A probe set whereby the calculated Euclidian distance was positively correlated with TEQ levels, could indicate genes that were directly affected by dioxins or other persistent organic pollutants (POPs), hence they can be used as biomarkers. By contrast, there were a number of probes whereby the Euclidian distance was negatively correlated with TEQ levels. In the latter probe group, the smaller Euclidian distances in highly contaminated individuals could point to changes in physiological activities of wild cormorants. Therefore, our microarray data analysis method will provide new insights into POPs-responsive genes in field-collected samples for toxicogenomics studies.  相似文献   

A series of 42 snow samples covering over a one-year period from the fall of 2004 to the summer of 2005 were collected from a 2.1-m snow pit at a high-altitude site on the northeastern slope of Mt. Everest. These samples were analyzed for Al, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr, Cd, Sb, Pb, and Bi in order to characterize the relative contributions from anthropogenic and natural sources to the fallout of these elements in central Himalayas. Our data were also considered in the context of monsoon versus non-monsoon seasons. The mean concentrations of the majority of the elements were determined to be at the pg g(-1) level with a strong variation in concentration with snow depth. While the mean concentrations of most of the elements were significantly higher during the non-monsoon season than during the monsoon season, considerable variability in the trace element inputs to the snow was observed during both periods. Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Sb, and Bi displayed high crustal enrichment factors (EF(c)) in most samples, while Cr, Ni, Rb, and Pb show high EF(c) values in some of the samples. Our data indicate that anthropogenic inputs are potentially important for these elements in the remote high-altitude atmosphere in the central Himalayas. The relationship between the EF(c) of each element and the Al concentration indicates that a dominant input of anthropogenic trace elements occurs during both the monsoon and non-monsoon seasons, when crustal contribution is relatively minor. Finally, a comparison of the trace element fallout fluxes calculated in our samples with those recently obtained at Mont Blanc, Greenland, and Antarctica provides direct evidence for a geographical gradient of the atmospheric pollution with trace elements on a global scale.  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区多中心空间结构的经济分析和聚类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张成 《规划师》2006,22(9):52-55
多中心的空间结构是当代区域发展的主要特征,也是区域研究的重要方面.长江三角洲地区,作为我国最大的经济核心区和城镇密集区,在全球化作用加深、产业集聚与扩散、交通体系建设与优化提升、城市化与工业化交互推进等多种因素综合影响下,形成了以上海市区与浦东新区为一级中心,以南京市区与杭州市区为二级中心,以无锡市区、宁波市区、苏州市区、绍兴市区、宝山区和闵行区为三级中心,以常州市区、扬州市区、常熟市、淳安县、舟山市区、镇江市区、江阴市、昆山市、嘉兴市区、靖江市和湖州市区为四级中心的空间结构.  相似文献   

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