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The micro-cantilever beamwith a twin long period optic fiber grating sensitive to the strain and the vibration is designed to use as the sensor head. The micro--displacement of wavelength caused by strain or vibration is amplified in the system. Special cladding material is used to eliminate the interference brougth about the temperature. The designing structure is enabled to detect the micro--information.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel fuzzy pulse skip modulation (FPSM) controller for switching direct current to direct current (DC-DC) converters based on fuzzy ratiocination modeling approach. Owing to the optimal consideration during the design and the nonlinear characteristics of the controller, improved dynamic responses of the FPSM controller can be achieved over conventional controllers. Compared with conventional proportion integral derivative (PID) control, FPSM control has 60% lower overshoot and 10% lower setting time under the same input voltage and output load change. The presented approach is general and can be applied to other types of DC-DC converters.  相似文献   

A novel scheme of all-optical AND gate based on a Fabry-Perot semiconductor optical amplifier (FP-SOA) is proposed and its feasibility is verified by simulation. Using this scheme, all-optical AND gate can be realized with the extinction ratio of 10 dB. The influence of pulse interval and pulse width on the extinction ratio is also investigated.  相似文献   

A Novel Algorithm Supporting QoS for Traffic Engineering in MPLS Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction AstheQoSrequirementofserviceclasseshaschangeddramaticallyduringthepastyears,thesingle classbesteffortarchitecturecurrentlyusedintheinternetcan tmeettheincreasingneedofdifferenttrafficswithdiffer entQoSrequirements .Asaresult ,themanagementandcontrolofTrafficEngineering (TE)becomesmoreimportantinhigh speednetworksforserviceproviders.AccordingtoInternetEngineeringTaskForce ,TEisanaspectofnetworkengineeringconcernedwiththeissueofnetworkperformanceoptimization[1] .Thenewlye …  相似文献   

A high-speed and high-resolution optical A/D quantizer is proposed. Its architecture is discussed. Bit circuits are built by using the phase modulators in parallel. Based on the different character of the half-wave voltage for every phase modulator and the polarized bias design of incident light, the RF input signal is coded and transmitted in the form of optical digital signal. According to the principle of the architecture, the high-resolution quantizers with 8-bit and 12-bit, et al. are built, which operate at 100 GS/s.Their quantization noise is invariable almost with bit circuits increasing. The simulation result of 4-bit A/D quantizer is also given.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Thefundamentalchallenge,whichmakesreliablewirelesstransmissiondifficult,isthetime varyingmulti pathfading .Theoretically ,themosteffectivetechniqueformitigatingmulti pathfadinginawire lesschannelistransmitterpowercontrol.ButinCDMAsystems,powercontrolislimitedbythetransmitterdynamicrangeandthenear fareffect.Diversityisanefficientandpracticaltechniquetocombattime varyingmulti pathfading .Andanten nadiversityiswidelyappliedtoreducetheeffectofmulti pathfading .Theclassicalappro…  相似文献   

1 Introduction OpticalCode DivisionMultiple Access (OCDMA )communicationsystemshavebeengivenaconsiderableinterestcurrently[1~ 8] .InanOCDMAsystem ,alluserscansimultaneouslysharethesamechannel,asyn chronouslyaccessthenetwork ,andflexiblyutilizethebroadbandwidth .ThesecharactersmakeitpossibleforanopticalnetworkemployingOCDMAtechniquesasonelayerofamultiplexinghierarchy .Forexample ,ahybridOCDMA/WDMAnetworkwillbepossiblewhenitiscombinedwithWDM[4 ] .Asaresult ,OCDMAtechniquehasbee…  相似文献   

ANovelVoiceCoderAt4800BPS(HSEV)WangXiaofengANDZhaoEryuan(DepartmentofTelecomrnunicationEngineering,BeijingUniversityofPosts&T...  相似文献   

Recently, Chang et al. proposed a Sudoku-based secret image sharing scheme. They utilized the Sudoku grid to generate meaningful shadow images, and their scheme satisfied all essential requirements. Based on Chang et al.'s scheme, we propose a novel (n, n) secret image sharing scheme based on Sudoku. In the proposed scheme, a secret image can be shared among n different cover images by generating n shadow images, and the secret image can be reconstructed without distortion using only these n shadow images. Also, the proposed scheme can solve the overflow and underflow problems. The experimental results show that the visual quality of the shadow images is satisfactory. Furthermore, the proposed scheme allows for a large embedding capacity.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSincethemiddleof 1 990’s,withtherapidde velopmentofInternettechnology ,theopticalfibertransmissionnetwork ,whichisthemaininforma tiontransportsystem ,nearlyhasdevelopedatthesamespeedastheInternet[1~ 2 ] .Especiallythein troductionofWavelengthDivisionMultiplexing(WDM )technology providesuswithlargerscalebandwidths ( 4 0Gb/severywavelength) [3~ 4] .Tosatisfyvariousservicerequirements,however,cur renttelecommunicationnetworkshaveto provideserviceintheformofmulti layeroverlay…  相似文献   


Regularly the scam threat entails intended scams performed for gaining profits and the goal is to focus on this domain of services aiding payments with the electronic money. Precisely the usage of tools for prognostic safety estimation at the time of execution monitors the operational performance with respect to payments within money payment service and attempts to equalize them with the anticipated performance offered by the operational framework. The assessment variations from the specified performance required for abnormalities representing probable mishandling of the services in terms of money laundering behaviours. The assessment of the applications in terms of the designed scheme offering calibrations based on estimation and detection behaviour of the prognostic safety estimator created employed real-time processing and assessed logs. The intention of the analysis is to locate the mishandling prototypes imitating given money laundering mechanism in an artificial operational performance based on the features seized from the real-time payment actions with cloud infrastructure.


1 Introduction TD CDMAhasbeenselectedby 3GPPastheairin terfacestandardfortheTimeDivisionDuplexing(TDD)modeofthe 3GsystemInternationalMobileTelecommunications 2 0 0 0 (IMT 2 0 0 0 ) [1] .AlsotheChinese 3GairinterfaceTD SCDMAreliesontimeslot tedCDMAandTDDandiscloselyrelatedtoTD CD MA .TD SCDMAhasbeendecidedasthestandardforTDDmodeofthe 3rdGenerationmobileradiosystembyITU ,itisaimportantbreakthroughinacenturycom municationhistoryofChina . InFDDmode ,Itneedawideenoughint…  相似文献   

The effects of stage numbers on power dissipation of pipeline analog-to-digital converter (ADC) are studied and a novel design method aiming for power optimization is presented. In this method, a minimum comparator number algorithm (MCNA) is first introduced, and then the optimum distribution of resolutions through pipeline ADC stages is deduced by MCNA. Based on the optimum stage-resolution distribution, an optimization method is established, which examines the precise function between ADC power and stage resolutions with a parameter of power ratio (Rp). For 10-bit pipeline ADC with scaling down technology, the simulation results by using MATLAB CAD tools show that an eight-stage topology with 1-bit RSD correction achieves the power optimization indicated by the power reduction ratio.  相似文献   

The electromigration (EM) performance of Through Silicon Via (TSV) in silicon interposer application are studied using Finite Element (FE) modeling. It is found that thermo-mechanical stress is the dominant contribution factor to EM performance in TSV instead of the current density. The predicted failure site is dependent on the process technology, and exhibits asymmetric behavior if different process is used between the top and bottom metallization of a TSV. Modeling is also done for two different coverage patterns of top metallization, namely (i) the metal line covers the via completely, and (ii) the metal line only extends to the centre of the via, covering half of the via. The simulation results of the latter model show the existence of a second EM failure site and worse EM performance is expected. This additional possible EM failure site is further confirmed through dynamic simulation of void growth.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In present days, the utilization of mobile edge computing (MEC) and Internet of Things (IoT) in mobile networks offers a bottleneck in the evolving technological...  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - The incorporation of optical wireless communication technology in inter-satellite links, also referred as inter-satellite optical wireless communication (IsOWC)...  相似文献   

《Organic Electronics》2002,3(3-4):143-148
Anisotropic optical constants spectrum of spin-coated thin films of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)–poly(4-styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT–PSS) from 200 to 1700 nm were determined using variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry and polarized intensity transmission data together with absorption spectroscopy. PEDOT–PSS was found to be very anisotropic, uniaxial with the optic axis parallel to the surface normal. The result is in good agreement with results obtained of chemically polymerized PEDOT layers doped with toluenesulfonate. By adding sorbitol to the PEDOT–PSS dispersion before spin-coating, layers with a higher conductivity were obtained. A detailed study was made of the optical response of these layers in comparison to the PEDOT–PSS prepared from dispersions without sorbitol. The optical anisotropy is important to consider when using PEDOT–PSS in optoelectronic devices, such as polymer light-emitting diodes and photovoltaic devices.  相似文献   

Fig. 8 shows the variations of the input power factor and T.H.D with the load torque at 40 Hz. The input power factor is more than 99% with 50% load torque or higher. The THD of the input current is also less than 10% with 50% load torque or higher. In the load region, the input power factor decreases because of an increase in the ratio of the filter current against the input current, and the T.H.D. of the input current increases, since the magnitude of the harmonics current is almost constant, regardless of the load condition. Those experimental results have confirmed that the proposed control method is useful in the wide load region.  相似文献   

The successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method has been used to grow epitaxial CdS–polymer nanostructures as thin films with different surface morphology and particle size. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the dielectric properties and a.c. electrical conductivity (σ a.c.), by a.c. impedance spectroscopy between 1 kHz and 1 MHz, at room temperature, of CdS–polymer nanocomposites produced by use of 2, 6, and 10 cycles of SILAR. The surface morphology and optical absorption of the samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and UV–visible spectroscopy, respectively. Determination of the energy gaps of CdS–polymer nanocomposites prepared by use of different numbers of cycles of SILAR reveals that the band gap decreases with increasing number of cycles (J. Cryst. Growth 305, 175–180, 2007). This behavior is because of the growth of nanoparticles in the matrix materials, and can be explained by changes in the amount of confinement as a consequence of particle size variation. SEM images also confirm that different numbers of cycles lead to different morphology. Frequency-dependent dielectric properties and a.c. electrical conductivity of the samples prepared by use of different numbers of cycles of SILAR were investigated, and comparative studies on some electrophysical properties of the samples are reported. Experimental results show that values of the dielectric constant (ε′), dielectric loss (ε″), dielectric loss tangent (tanδ), the real (M′) and imaginary (M″) parts of electric modulus, and σ a.c. are highly dependent on the frequency and the number of cycles. It can be concluded that changing the frequency and the number of cycles substantially alters both the dielectric properties and a.c. electrical conductivity of the samples.  相似文献   

《Organic Electronics》2008,9(5):641-648
Fundamental photophysical properties of the phosphorescent organometallic complex Ir(btp)2(acac) doped in the polymeric matrices PVK, PFO, and PVB, respectively, are investigated. PVK and PFO are frequently used as host materials in organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). By application of the laser spectroscopic techniques of phosphorescence line narrowing and persistent spectral hole burning – improved by a synchronous scan technique – we studied the zero-field splitting (ZFS) of the T1 state into the substates I, II, and III. Thus, we were able to probe the effects of the local environment of the emitter molecules in the different amorphous matrices. The magnitude of ZFS is determined by the extent of spin–orbit coupling (SOC) of the T1 state to metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) states. Only by mixings of MLCT singlets, a short-lived and intense emission of the triplet state to the singlet ground state becomes possible. Thus, sufficiently large ZFS is crucial for favorable luminescence properties of emitter complexes for OLED applications. The analysis of the spectral hole structure resulting from burning provides information about the ZFS values and their statistical (inhomogeneous) distribution in the amorphous matrices. For Ir(btp)2(acac), we found a significant value of ≈18 cm−1 for the splitting between the substates II and III for all three matrices. Interestingly, for PVK the width of the ZFS distribution is found to be ≈14 cm−1 – almost twice as large as for PFO and PVB. Consequently, for a considerable fraction of Ir(btp)2(acac) molecules in PVK, the ZFS is relatively small and thus, the effective SOC is weak. Therefore, it is indicated that a part of the emitter molecules shows a limited OLED performance.  相似文献   

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