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We report the use of a molecular micelle for the simultaneous separation and concentration of neutral and hydrophobic analytes using micellar affinity gradient focusing (MAGF). The technique, MAGF, combines the favorable features of micellar electrokinetic chromatography and temperature gradient focusing. The focusing of neutral coumarin analytes was accomplished by the use the molecular micelle, poly(sodium undecenyl sulfate) (poly-SUS). Concentration enhancements of 10-25-fold/min were achieved for focusing of the coumarin dyes. The effect of varying the temperature gradient on the resolution of two of the coumarin dyes was also investigated, demonstrating that improved resolution could be achieved by reducing the steepness of the temperature gradient. In addition, with scanning-mode MAGF (in which the peaks are sequentially scanned past a fixed detection point by varying the buffer counterflow velocity), the use of poly-SUS was shown to produce repeatable and quantitative analyte peaks, making quantitative separations possible with the MAGF technique. Finally, it was shown that peak areas could be increased in scanning MAGF by reducing the scan rate so that the sensitivity of the method can be adjusted as needed.  相似文献   

Dipeptide micelle polymers are a new class of polymeric surfactants of which the polysodium undecanoyl-L-leucylvalinate (poly-L-SULV) was found to be a broadly applicable chiral selector for micellar electrokinetic chromatography. This negatively charged dipeptide micelle polymer is a high molecular weight compound with large countercurrent mobility, zero critical micelle concentration, low aggregation number, and high solubility in water or water-organic solvents. In an extensive chiral screening program, enantioseparation of 75 racemic compounds was tested with poly-L-SULV as chiral pseudostationary phase in neutral pH and basic pH background electrolytes. A total of 58 out of 75 racemic compounds could be resolved after choosing an appropriate concentration of poly-L-SULV. Although anionic chiral analytes are difficult to resolve using poly-L-SULV, the percent success rate for chiral resolution of cationic (77%) and neutral (85%) racemates was very high. Aspects regarding electrostatic, steric, hydrophobic, and hydrogen-bonding interactions of this dipeptide micelle polymer with various classes of chiral analytes are discussed.  相似文献   

A new approach for sensitive detection on a microfabricated chip is presented. Indirect laser-induced-fluorescence (IDLIF) was used to detect explosive compounds after separation by micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC). The detection setup was used in an epifluorescence configuration with excitation provided by a near-IR diode laser operating at 750 nm. To achieve indirect detection, a low concentration of a dye (5 microM Cy7) was added to the running buffer as a visualizing agent. Using this methodology, a sample containing 14 explosives (EPA 8330 mixture) was examined. Concentrations of 1 ppm of trinitrobenzene (TNB), trinitrotoluene (TNT), dinitrobenzene (DNB), tetryl, and 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) could be detected with S/N ratios between 3 and 10. Analyses showing 10 peaks, with plate numbers on the order of 60000, were completed within 60 s using a 65 mm long separation channel. The three isomers of nitrotoluene (2-, 3-, and 4-nitrotoluene) were not resolved. Additionally, the two nitramines (HMX and RDX) could only be detected at much higher concentrations, likely due to the low fluorescence quenching efficiencies of these compounds. The analysis method was also used to separate and detect nitroaromatic compounds in extracts from spiked soil samples. The presence of 1 ppm (1 microg of analyte/1 g of soil) of TNB, DNB, TNT, tetryl, 2,4-DNT, 2,6-DNT, 2-NH2-4,6-DNT, and 4-NH2-2,6-DNT could readily be detected. In the interest of increasing the sensitivity of the analysis, various on-chip injection schemes were evaluated. It was found that a 250 microm double-T injector gave a 35% increase in peak signal compared to a straight-cross injector, which is less than expected based on injected volume.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the use of ionic liquids as modifiers in the separation of achiral and chiral analytes in micellar electrokinetic chromatography. In this investigation, polymeric surfactants and ionic liquids were added to a low-conducting buffer solution. The polymeric surfactants used in this study were poly(sodium N-undecylelinic sulfate) and poly(sodium oleyl-l-leucylvalinate). The ionic liquids used in this study were chosen because of their high conductivity, hydrophobicity, and good solvating properties. Thus, it was expected that these ionic liquids would have the ability to assist in the separation of hydrophobic mixtures while maintaining adequate background current. Three analyte mixtures were separated using various buffer combinations of polymeric surfactant and ionic liquids. The ionic liquids were shown to improve the resolution and peak efficiency of the analytes while maintaining adequate background current.  相似文献   

Biomarkers provide clinicians with an important tool for disease assessment. Many different biomarkers have been discovered, but few of them suffice as stand-alone indicators for disease presence or prognosis. Because no single biomarker can be relied upon for accurate disease detection there has been a substantial push for new multianalyte screening methods. Furthermore, there is a need to push assays toward a point-of-care technology to reduce the time between clinical analysis and medical intervention and minimize artifacts created during sample storage. There currently are, however, few inexpensive multianalyte methods for disease detection that can function in a point-of-care setting. A new approach which bridges the gap between traditional immunoassays and high-density microarrays by utilizing microfluidics, immunoassays, and micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) is discussed here. This chemistry, the cleavable tag immunoassay (CTI), is a low- to medium-density heterogeneous immunoassay designed to detect 1-20 analytes simultaneously. Although similar to traditional sandwich immunoassays, this approach is unique because the signal is not imaged on the surface; instead, a fluorescent tag is chemically cleaved from the antibody and analyzed by microchip MEKC. In this report, the CTI chemistry is used for the detection of four cardiac biomarkers elevated in acute myocardial infarction. Limit of detection (LOD) and dynamic range are reported for all biomarkers with LODs on the order of low nanograms per milliliter to low picograms per milliliter. Most importantly, the dynamic range for each of the biomarkers spans the boundary between normal and elevated levels. Finally, elevated marker levels were measured in spiked human serum samples.  相似文献   

We present a method to identify single-stranded PCR products of varying lengths by hybridization of n-alkylated peptide nucleic acids (PNA amphiphiles) to the products, followed by separation with micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC). These end-attached PNA amphiphiles (PNAA) partition to nonionic micelles in the running buffer (Triton X-100), linking the tagged DNA to the micellar drag-tag. This linkage shifts the electrophoretic mobility of a tagged component away from both untagged DNA and tagged DNA of different lengths. The mobility of the tagged DNA is established by its extent of partitioning to the micelle phase as well as its size relative to the attached micelle. A model is presented that can be used to determine the length of an unknown oligomer given an experimentally obtained mobility. We find that the collective action of micelles that transiently attach to the tagged DNA impart about the same hydrodynamic drag as covalently bound "drag-tags" of a similar size. With the use of the PNAA-MEKC method, PCR products of 88, 134, 216, and 447 bases are clearly resolved in less than 5 min. To our knowledge, this work represents the first use of surfactant micelles as drag-tags to separate DNA in capillary electrophoresis. Furthermore, the PNAA tag only attaches to DNA containing a target sequence, helping ensure that only the desired PCR products are analyzed.  相似文献   

Zhang Z  Du X  Li X 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(4):1291-1299
A novel integrated concentration/separation approach involving online combination of sweeping with electrokinetic injection and analyte focusing by micelle collapse (AFMC) with heart-cutting two-dimensional (2D) capillary electrophoresis (CE) in a single capillary was developed for analysis of Herba Leonuri and mouse blood samples. First, a new sweeping with an electrokinetic injection preconcentration method was developed to inject a large volume sample solution and significantly enhance detection sensitivity. Then, the preconcentration scheme was integrated to the 2D-CE to provide significant analyte concentration and extremely high resolving power. The sample was preconcentrated by sweeping with electrokinetic injection and separated in first dimension micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC). Then, only a desirable fraction of the first dimension separation was transferred into the second dimension of the capillary by pressure and further analyzed by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) acting as the second dimension. As the key to successful integration of MEKC and CZE, an AFMC step was integrated between the two dimensions to release analytes from the micelle interior to a liquid zone and to overcome the sample zone diffusion caused by mobilization pressure. The injected sample plug lengths for flavonoids under 15 kV for 60 min were experimentally estimated as 546 cm. The dual concentration methods resulted in the increased detection factors of 6000-fold relative to the traditional pressure injection method. The relative standard deviation (RSD) values of peak height, peak area, and migration time were 2.7-4.5%, 1.9-4.3%, and 4.7-6.8% (n = 10), respectively. The limits of detection (S/N = 3) were in the range of 7.3-36.4 ng/L, and the theoretical plate numbers (N) were in the range of 1.7-4.3 × 10(4) plates/m. This method has been successfully applied to determine flavonoids in Herba Leonuri and postdosing mouse blood samples. The pharmacokinetic study also demonstrated that the proposed concentration/separation method was convenient and sensitive and would become an attractively alternative method for online sample concentration and separation in complex samples.  相似文献   

Two amino acid-derived (leucinol and N-methylpyrrolidinol) chiral ionic liquids are synthesized and characterized in both monomeric and polymeric forms. Leucinol-based chiral cationic surfactant is a room-temperature ionic liquid, and pyrrolidinol-based chiral cationic surfactant melts at 30-35 degrees C to form an ionic liquid (IL). The monomeric and polymeric ILs are thoroughly characterized to determine critical micelle concentration, aggregation number, polarity, optical rotation, and partial specific volume. Herein, we present the first enantioseparation using chiral IL as a pseudostationary phase in capillary electrophoresis. Chiral separation of two acidic analytes, (+/-)-alpha-bromophenylacetic acid and (+/-)-2-(2-chlorophenoxy)propanoic acid (+/-)-(2-PPA) can be achieved with both monomers and polymers of undecenoxycarbonyl-L-pryrrolidinol bromide (L-UCPB) and undecenoxycarbonyl-L-leucinol bromide (L-UCLB) at 25 mM surfactant concentration using phosphate buffer at pH 7.50. The chiral recognition seems to be facilitated by the extent of interaction of the acidic analytes with the cationic headgroup of chiral selectors. Polysodium N-undecenoxycarbonyl-L-leucine sulfate (poly-L-SUCLS) and polysodium N-undecenoxycarbonyl-L-leucinate (poly-L-SUCL) were compared at high and low pH for the enantioseparation of (+/-)-(2-PPA). At pH 7.5, poly-L-SUCLS, poly-L-SUCL, and (+/-)-(2-PPA) are negatively charged resulting in no enantioseparation. However, chiral separation was observed for (+/-)-(2-PPA) using poly-L-SUCLS at low pH (pH 2.00) at which the analyte is neutral. The comparison of chiral separation of anionic and cationic surfactants demonstrates that the electrostatic interaction between the acidic analyte and cationic micelle plays a profound role in enantioseparation.  相似文献   

In this work, three amino acid-derived (l-leucinol, l-isoleucinol, l-valinol) sulfated chiral surfactants are synthesized and polymerized. These chiral sulfated surfactants are thoroughly characterized to determine critical micelle concentration, aggregation number, polarity, optical rotation, and partial specific volume. For the first time the morphological behavior of polymeric sulfated surfactants is revealed using cryogenic high-resolution electron microscopy. The polysodium N-undecenoyl-l-leucine sulfate shows distinct tubular structure, while polysodium N-undecenoyl-l-valine sulfate also shows tubular morphology but without any distinct order of the tubes. On the other hand, polysodium N-undecenoyl-l-isoleucine sulfate (poly-l-SUCILS) displays random distribution of coiled/curved filaments with heavy association of tightly and loosely bound water. All three polymeric sulfated surfactants are compared for enantioseparation of a broad range of structurally diverse racemic compounds at very acidic, neutral, and basic pH conditions in micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC). A small combinatorial library of 10 structurally related phenylethylamines (PEAs) is investigated for chiral separation under acidic and moderately acidic to neutral pH conditions using an experimental design. In contrast to neutral pH conditions, at acidic pH, significantly enhanced chiral resolution is obtained for class I and class II PEAs due to the compact structure of polymeric sulfated surfactants. It is observed that the presence of a hydroxy group on the benzene ring of PEAs resulted in deterioration of enantioseparation. A sensitive MEKC-mass spectrometry (MS) method is developed for one of the PEAs (e.g., (+/-)-pseudoephedrine) in human urine. Very low limit of detection (LOD) is obtained at pH 2.0 (LOD 325 ng/mL), which is approximately 16 times better compared to pH 8.0 (LOD 5.2 microg/mL). Another broad range of chiral analytes (beta-blockers, phenoxypropionic acid, benzoin derivatives, PTH-amino acids, benzodiazepinones) studied also provided improved chiral separation at low pH compared to high-pH conditions. Among the three polymeric sulfated surfactants, poly-l-SUCILS with two chiral centers on the polymer head group provided overall higher enantioresolution for the investigated acidic, basic, and neutral compounds. This work clearly demonstrates for the first time the superiority of chiral separation and sensitive MS detection at low pH over conventional high-pH chiral separation and detection employing anionic chiral polymeric surfactants in MEKC and MEKC-MS.  相似文献   

A phenomenological approach is presented to describe the migration of cationic solutes in micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC). The migration behavior of an organic base is complicated by the presence of an acid-base equilibrium, the ion-pairing formation between the conjugated acid of the base and the monomer surfactants, and the interactions of both the base and its conjugated acid with the micellar pseudophase. An equation was derived that allows the calculation of the migration factor of a cationic solute in MECC with anionic micelles. Two limiting cases were considered: first the cationic solute completely associates with the anionic surfactant (ion-pair formation constant, KIP, approaches infinity), and therefore there is no free charged species in the solution; second, the KIP = 0 and the free conjugated acid, BH+ migrates in the aqueous bulk solvent at its own electrophoretic velocity. An estimate for the ion-pair formation constant between cationic solutes and free surfactant can be obtained by using the model.  相似文献   

A method employing micellar electrokinetic chromatography in combination with near-field thermal lens detection (NF-TLD) was developed for the rapid simultaneous determination of etoposide phosphate and etoposide in human blood plasma, taking teniposide as internal standard. The method developed allows the baseline separation of the solutes of interest from each other and from potential interfering matrix constituents within 4 min. The NF-TLD device employed permits detection of solutes absorbing electromagnetic radiation at lambda = 257 nm in fused-silica capillaries with 75-microm i.d. via the near-field thermal lens effect with LODs of 100 microg L(-1) for etoposide phosphate and 170 microg L(-1) for etoposide. Comparison of the performance of this detector to the performance of a commercial absorption spectrometric detector working at lambda = 257 nm showed a substantial improvement in detection limits (up to 60-fold improvement) for the near-field thermal lens detector.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that most common drugs of abuse can be absorbed simultaneously onto a mixed-mode bonded-phase matrix and eluted sequentially in two to three steps for subsequent analysis by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC). Having on-column multiwavelength UV absorption detection, this is shown to be an attractive approach for confirmation testing of barbiturates, hypnotics, amphetamines, opioids, benzodiazepines, and metabolites of cocaine in a single aliquot of human urine. For these compounds, no hydroysis of the urine specimen or sample derivatization is required. Under the examined conditions using 5 mL of urine, excellent recoveries (80-90% level) and detection limits (about 100 ng/mL) are obtained. For patient urines which tested positively for different classes of drugs using immunological screening methods, a two-step extraction scheme is shown to provide extracts suitable for rapid MECC confirmation of the drugs of abuse.  相似文献   

Individual nuclei isolated from the human leukemia CCRF-CEM and CEM-C2 cells treated with doxorubicin (DOX) were in-column lysed with a sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) containing buffer, their contents were then separated by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography using the same lysing buffer, and the DOX content was detected by laser-induced fluorescence. Use of a microscope for the selection of one nucleus from the nuclear preparation decreases the possibility of introduction of other subcellular components that are commonly found as impurities in subcellular fractions. The presence of SDS in the running buffer made negligible the DNA's quenching effect on DOX fluorescence, which often compromises quantification of DOX by direct imaging, making it possible to carry out the first direct measurement of the doxorubicin content of isolated nuclei. On average, nuclei from CCRF-CEM and CEM/C2 cell lines contained 85 +/-64 (n = 6) and 91 +/- 51 (n =7) amol of DOX, respectively. These values correspond to 74 and 65% of the average total cellular content as determined by single-cell analysis of the corresponding cell types. It is envisioned that this approach could become an important bioanalytical tool to investigate the effect of treatments with fluorescent drugs targeting the nucleus.  相似文献   

Linear Solvation Energy Relationships (LSERs) are used to explain the congeneric behavior observed when using Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography (MEKC) to estimate the octanol-water partition coefficient scale of solute hydrophobicity. Such studies provide useful insights about the nature of solute interactions that are responsible for the sources of congeneric relationships between MEKC retention and log Po/w. It was determined that solute dipolarity/polarizability and hydrogen-bonding character play the most important roles in the congeneric behavior observed for many surfactant systems. The individual dipolarity/polarizability and hydrogen-bonding contributions to the free energy of transfer were also investigated.  相似文献   

Using micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC) with a borate/phosphate buffer containing 75 mM SDS (pH 9.1), common drugs of abuse and/or their metabolites, including opioids, benzoylecgonine, amphetamines, and methaqualone, can easily be analyzed. After solid-phase extraction of 5 mL of urine, drug concentrations down to about 100 ng/mL can be unambiguously monitored with on-column multiwavelength detection. Peak assignment is achieved through comparison of retention times and absorption spectra of eluting peaks with those of computer-stored model runs. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated with data obtained from different patient urines which tested positively for one or several drugs using nonisotopic immunoassays. Results suggest that MECC of illicit drugs is a highly specific and sensitive instrumental approach suitable for confirmation testing following a positive response of a toxicological screening procedure.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel on-line sample preconcentration and separation technique named transient trapping (tr-trapping), which improves the efficiencies of separation and concentration by using a partially injected short micellar plug in microchip electrophoresis. Although a longer separation length often provides a better resolution of complexed or closely migrating analytes, our proposed theoretical model indicated that a trap-and-release mechanism enables a short micellar zone, which was partially injected into the separation channel, to work as an effective concentration and separation field. Application of the tr-trapping technique to microchip micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MCMEKC) was performed on a newly fabricated 5-way-cross microchip by using sodium dodecyl sulfate and rhodamine dyes as test micelle and analytes, respectively. When the injection times of micelle (t(inj),M) and sample solution (t(inj),S) were 1.0 and 2.0 s, respectively, both the preconcentration and separation of the dyes were completely finished within only 3.0 s. At t(inj),S of 8.0 s, a 393-fold improvement of the detectability was achieved in comparison with conventional MCMEKC. The resolution obtained with tr-trapping-MCMEKC was also better than that with conventional MCMEKC in spite of the 160-fold shorter length of the injected micellar zone at t(inj),M of 1.0 s. These results clearly demonstrated that the tr-trapping technique in MCMEKC provides a rapid, high-resolution and detectability analysis even in the short separation channel on the microchips.  相似文献   

The influence of surfactant headgroups on migration behavior in micellar electrokinetic chromatography is examined. Using linear solvation energy relationships (LSER) and functional group selectivity studies, the effect of six anionic headgroups on chemical selectivity is characterized. The sodium dodecyl surfactants of the sulfate [SO4-], sulfonate [SO3-], carboxylate [CO2-], carbonyl valine [OC(O)NHCH(CH(CH3)2)CO2-], and sulfoacetate [OC(O)CH2SO3-] anions are investigated. Solute size and the hydrogen-bond-donating ability of the micellar phase play the most significant roles in solute retention in all of the surfactants studied. While solute-micelle hydrogen bonding plays a dominant role in the observed selectivity, the dipolarity and polarizability of the micellar phase also have a small influence. The results also suggest that the hydrogen-bond-accepting ability for surfactants is inversely proportional to the proton acidity (pKa) of its headgroup. The observed hydrogen-bond-donating ability and dipolarity of surfactant systems are believed to be a result of the water that resides near the micelle surface.  相似文献   

Smith KW  Davis JM 《Analytical chemistry》2002,74(23):5969-5981
An equation is derived for the velocity of a thin zone of specific analyte concentration in micellar electrokinetic chromatography. The velocity varies with analyte concentration, because micellar solubilization changes electrical conductivity, micellar electrophoretic mobility, and the partitioning of anabyte between mobile and micellar phases. Two studies based on a weakly and a strongly retained neutral analyte are made to test a limiting form of the equation in which the first two changes are ignored. In the first study, peak asymmetries are characterized and plate numbers are measured in two types of experiments: one of fixed surfactant concentration and variable analyte concentration and one of fixed analyte concentration and variable surfactant concentration. In the second study, the isotherm describing both experiment types is measured and interpreted by the Langmuir model to evaluate the velocity equation. The equation of continuity is solved numerically for the peak profiles governed by the velocity equation. In all but one case, a good agreement is found between theoretical and experimental peak asymmetries and plate numbers in both experiment types. An equation is derived for the relative change of analyte velocity caused by the Langmuir isotherm. The change depends on the relative migration time, micellar saturation, and retardation factor. The predicted velocity changes correlate well with peak asymmetries and efficiency losses.  相似文献   

The optimization of the composition of mixed surfactants used as micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) pseudostationary phases is proposed as an effective method for the separation of complex mixtures of analytes. The solvation parameter model is used to select two surfactants (lithium dodecyl sulfate, LDS, and lithium perfluorooctanesulfonate, LPFOS) with contrasting solvation properties. Combination of these two surfactants allows variations of the solvation properties of MEKC pseudostationary phase along a wide range. Thus, the convenient variation of the proportion of both surfactants allows an effective control of the selectivity in such systems. An algorithm that predicts the overall resolution of a given mixture of compounds is described and applied to optimize the composition of the mixed surfactant for the separation of the mixture. The algorithm is based on the calculation of peak purities on simulated chromatograms as a function of the composition of the mixed LDS/LPFOS micellar buffer from data at several micellar buffer compositions. Successful separations were achieved for mixtures containing up to 20 compounds, in less than 12 min.  相似文献   

A unified extraction and quantification procedure based on stable isotope-dilution liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) has been developed for the simultaneous determination of total homocysteine and folate (5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid and folic acid) levels in human serum and plasma. This is the first report documenting the simultaneous extraction and quantification of these structurally dissimilar analytes. Analytes are quantitatively isolated from samples (500 microL) prior to LC/MS/MS analysis using a two-step stabilization process combined with C18 solid-phase extraction. The method exhibits excellent linearity over 4 orders of magnitude for each analyte. Measurement repeatability (RSD, N = 2) ranged from 0.3% to 3% for all analytes over 1 day of analysis. Total method variability (RSD, N = 6) ranged from 0.7% to 10% for all analytes over three independent days of analysis. The accuracy and practical applicability of the method were demonstrated by applying the method to the quantitative determination of each analyte in a new NIST serum Standard Reference Material (NIST SRM 1955 Homocysteine and Folate in Frozen Human Serum) and in a small subset of normal donor plasma samples.  相似文献   

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