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The effects of sotalol after oral administration were measured on the tachycardia induced by strenuous exercise in normal subjects. Plasma sotalol levels were also determined. The oral administration of sotalol (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg) to 6 subjects produced a progressive reduction in the tachycardia induced by severe exercise. This was similar to the effects of 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 mg given to different subjects. Each increase in sotalol dose produced a successively greater reduction in exercise tachycardia. This did not appear to be maximum even with 800 mg. Oral sotalol was rapidly absorbed and produced peak blood levels in 2 - 3 hours. The plasma levels of sotalol measured 2 hours after the oral administration of 25 to 800 mg showed never more than a six-fold variation between different subject. The half-life of sotalol in plasma was 12.7 +/- SE 1.6 hours. There was a significant correlation between the logarithm of the plasma sotalol concentration and the percentage reduction of exercise heart rate. It is concluded that the oral administration of sotalol either once or twice daily (depending on dose level) will provide satisfactory 24-hour blockade of beta-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

Treatment of adult rats with intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) injected streptozotocin (STZ) may provide a relevant animal model of chronic neuronal dysfunction that is characterized by a decrease in both the neuronal metabolism of glucose and the formation of energy. The present study was designed to evaluate whether or not rats treated with triplicate i.c.v. STZ injection would show long-term effects in learning and memory behavior as measured by means of a holeboard test, closed field activity, and passive avoidance behavior over a period of 6 weeks. For this purpose, animals with good performance were discriminated from those with poor performance by the holeboard test before i.c.v. administration of STZ. After a 1-week training period with the holeboard all animals improved their abilities in learning and memory, and the improvement was maintained over the investigation period of 6 weeks in the control group. After i.c.v. STZ working memory (WM), reference memory (RM), as well passive avoidance (PA) behavior decreased, deteriorating progressively during the investigation period. The latter were accompanied by a permanent deficit in cerebral energy metabolism. The ongoing deterioration in behavior and the sustained deficit in cerebral energy metabolism occurring after a triplicate i.c.v. STZ administration lead us to assume that this animal model may be appropriate for the investigation of mechanisms characteristic for sporadic Alzheimer disease. In this context, the effect of Estradiol-17beta (E2) on behavior and energy metabolism was studied. We found that E2 slowed down the i.c.v. STZ-induced deterioration in memory functions, partially compensated the learning deficit, and improved the disturbances in cerebral energy metabolism to the extent that it was almost completely normal again. These findings underscore the beneficial effect of E2 in dementia disorders.  相似文献   

Venlafaxine (VEN), a drug used in the treatment of depression, undergoes significant first-pass metabolism after oral dosing to O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODV), a metabolite with comparable therapeutic activity to that of parent drug. The pharmacokinetic disposition of VEN was characterized using a "first-pass" model that incorporates a presystemic compartment (liver) to account for the first-pass metabolism of VEN to ODV. A series of differential equations were simultaneously fitted to plasma concentrations of parent and metabolite. A good fit of the model to observed data was demonstrated, generating estimates for the following parameters: ka (1.31 +/- 0.009 hr-1), VVEN (252 +/- 87.6 liters), CLint (65.8 +/- 39.7 liters/hr), RL (liver:plasma partition coefficient, 29.6 +/- 18. 3), VODV (181 +/- 84.1 liters), and CLODV (23.5 +/- 12.5 liters/hr). Parameter estimates correlated closely with those obtained through noncompartmental methods. These results indicate that the time-course disposition of a compound undergoing first-pass hepatic metabolism after oral dosing can be successfully modeled.  相似文献   

We report 81 of 107 cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), admitted between July 1994 and February 1996, following an outbreak of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 dysentery in Kwazulu/Natal. All patients, excluding 1, were black with a mean age of 38 months (range 1-121); 50 (61.7%) were males. The mean duration of dysentery was 11.3 days (range 1-41) and HUS 15 days (range 1-91). Most patients had acute oliguric renal failure (90.1%), 42 (51.6%) required peritoneal dialysis. Complications included encephalopathy 30 (37.0%), convulsions 12 (14.8%) and hemiplegia 2 (2.3%), gastrointestinal perforation 8 (9.9%), protein losing enteropathy 26 (32.1%), toxic megacolon 4 (4.9%), rectal prolapse 5 (6.2%), hepatitis 11 (13.6%), myocarditis 5 (6.2%), congestive cardiac failure 3 (3.7%), cardiomyopathy 3 (3.7%), infective endocarditis 1 (1.2%), septicemia 15 (18.5%), disseminated intravascular coagulation 17 (21%). Leukemoid reactions were found in 74 (91.3%) patients, hyponatremia in 56 (69.1%), and hypoalbuminemia in 67 (82.7%). Stool culture for Shigella dysenteriae type I was positive in only 7 (8.6%) patients; Shiga toxin assays were not performed. Outcome was as follows: recovery 32 (39.5%), impaired renal function 8 (9.9%), chronic renal failure 26 (32.1%), end-stage renal disease 1 (1.2%), and death 14 (17.3%) patients.  相似文献   

Kinetics of trans- and cis-resveratrol (3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene), a natural compound from grape products, have been evaluated in rats after oral administration of red wine. Resveratrol concentrations were measured in plasma, heart, liver and kidneys. Tissue concentrations showed a significant cardiac bioavailability and strong affinity for liver and kidneys.  相似文献   

We studied the plasma pharmacokinetics of the lactone form and the carboxylate form of 7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin (SN-38), the active metabolite of irinotecan (CPT-11), after intravenous bolus administrations of each form of SN-38 and of CPT-11 to rats. After the SN-38 lactone injection, SN-38 lactone was predominant at first, and then the lactone to the carboxylate concentration ratio (LC ratio) was maintained from 30 to 90 min after the injection. The carboxylate was predominant throughout the period after the carboxylate dosing. Model-dependent analyses showed that the SN-38 lactone had greater plasma clearance and a greater distribution volume than the carboxylate. The CPT-11 administration resulted in a predominant plasma SN-38 lactone concentration. The contribution of the SN-38 lactone AUC to the total SN-38 AUC (57%) was independent of the dose of CPT-11. These results suggest that it is possible to estimate the SN-38 lactone concentration and AUC from the total SN-38 concentration without separate determination of the lactone and carboxylate. Our results showed that both SN-38 lactone and CPT-11 administration gave the predominant SN-38 lactone in plasma; however, only CPT-11 could sustain the lactone concentration at a high level, which is necessary for antitumor activity.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of YH1885 were evaluated after intravenous (iv) and oral administrations of the drug to rats and dogs. The reason for the low extent of bioavailability (F) of YH1885 after oral administration of the drug to rats and the absorption of the drug from various rat gastrointestinal (GI) segments were also investigated. After iv administration of YH1885, 5-20 mg kg(-1), to rats, the pharmacokinetic parameters of YH1885 seem to be independent of the drug at the dose ranges studied. After oral administration of YH1885, 50-200 mg kg(-1), to rats, the area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to 12 or 24 h (AUC(0-12 h) or AUC(0-24 h)) was proportional to the oral dose of the drug, 50-100 mg kg(-1), however, the AUC(0-24 h) value at 200 mg kg(-1) increased with less proportion to the dose increase (324, 689, and 815 microg x min mL(-1) for 50, 100, and 200 mg kg(-1), respectively) due to the poor water solubility of the drug. This was proved by the considerable increase in the percentages of the oral dose remaining in the entire GI tract as unchanged YH1885 at 24 h (11.8, 15.3, and 42.8% for 50, 100, and 200 mg kg(-1), respectively). The F value after oral administration of YH1885 to rats was relatively low; the value was approximately 40% at the oral dose of 50 and 100 mg kg(-1). The reason for the low F in rats was investigated. The liver showed the highest metabolic activity for YH1885 based on an in vitro rat tissue homogenate study; hence, the liver first-pass effect was estimated. The value of AUC after intraportal administration of the drug, 5 mg kg(-1), was approximately 70% (116 versus 163 microg x min mL(-1)) of that after iv administration of the drug, 5 mg kg(-1), to rats; the liver first-pass effect of YH1885 in rats was estimated to be approximately 30%. The total body clearance of YH1885 after iv administration of the drug, 5-20 mg kg(-1), to rats were considerably lower than the cardiac output of rats, indicating that the lung and/or heart first-pass effect of YH1885 could be negligible in rats. After oral administration of YH1885, 50 and 100 mg kg(-1), to rats, the F value was approximately 40%, and approximately 15% of the oral dose was recovered from the entire GI tract as unchanged YH1885 at 24 h, and 30% of the oral dose disappeared with the liver first-pass effect. Therefore, the remainder, approximately 15% of the oral dose, could have disappeared with the small intestine first-pass effect and/or degradation of the drug in the GI tract. YH1885 was absorbed from ileum, duodenum, and jejunum of rat, however, YH1885 was under the detection limit in plasma when the drug was instilled into the rat stomach and large intestine. After iv administration of YH1885, 5-20 mg kg(-1), to dogs, the pharmacokinetic parameters of YH1885 also seemed to be independent of the drug at the dose ranges studied. However, after oral administration of YH1885, 0.5 and 2 g per whole body weight, to dogs, the AUC(0-10 h) values were not significantly different (96.8 versus 98.2 microg x min mL(-1)) and this could be due to the poor water-solubility of the drug. YH1885 was not detected in the urine after both iv and oral administration of the drug to both rats and dogs.  相似文献   

In our previous study, we reported the faster metabolism of intravenously administered furosemide, hence the smaller diuretic effect of furosemide in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) of 16 weeks of age than in the age-matched normotensive Wistar rats. In present study, in order to evaluate whether there is some alteration of the phase II metabolism including glucuronide and sulfate conjugations in 16-week-old SHRs and the age-matched Wistar rats, the pharmacokinetic parameters of acetaminophen (A), A-sulfate, and A-glucuronide were investigated after intravenous (iv) and oral 100 mg/kg administration of A to 16-week-old SHRs and the age-matched Wistar rats. After iv administration of A, the mean fraction of iv dose excreted in 24-h urine as A-sulfate (75.6 versus 67.8%) and the partial clearance of A to A-sulfate (8.10 versus 6.89 mL/ min/kg) were significantly greater in SHRs than in Wistar rats. Conversely, the mean fraction of iv dose excreted in 24-h urine as A-glucuronide (9.39 versus 15.0%) and the partial clearance of A to A-glucuronide (1.01 versus 1.49 mL/min/kg) were significantly smaller in these SHRs. Similar results were also obtained after oral dosing of A. The in vitro sulfotransferase activity toward A was significantly smaller (0.397 versus 0.331 microg/min/mg of protein) in 16-week-old SHRs than in the age-matched Wistar rats, whereas, the glucuronyltransferase activity toward A was not significantly different between these SHRs and Wistar rats. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the both sulfotransferase and glucuronyltransferase activity toward A between 6-week-old SHRs and age-matched Wistar rats. Therefore, the alterations in sulfation and perhaps glucuronidation of A between 16 -week-old SHRs and normotensive Wistar rats suggested that some physiological factors derived from the chronic hypertensive status in SHRs might affect the disposition of drugs.  相似文献   

1. Studies have been carried out to investigate the absorption of sumatriptan after intranasal administration to rats. The pharmacokinetics, metabolism and excretion of 14C-sumatriptan were compared following intranasal and intravenous dosing to male and female albino rats using an aqueous buffered formulation at pH 5.5. 2. Following intravenous administration sumatriptan was eliminated from plasma with a half-life of about 1.1 h. After intranasal administration there was rapid absorption of part of the dose and two peak plasma concentrations were observed, initially at 0.5 and then at 1.5-2 h. The elimination half-life after the second peak was estimated as being about 4 h. 3. Radioactivity was largely excreted in urine (up to 89% of dose in 168 h) after both intravenous and intranasal administration, with a faster rate of excretion after intravenous dosage (73% males, 64% females within 6 h) than after intranasal dosage (37% males, 40% females within 6 h). 4. 14C-sumatriptan was the major component in urine and in extracts of faeces after both intravenous and intranasal administration. The major metabolite excreted in urine and faeces was GR49336, the indole acetic acid analogue. 5. The results of this in vivo rat study suggest that absorption of the dose via the nasal mucosa is incomplete after intranasal administration and that there is a secondary absorption phase probably reflecting oral absorption of part of the dose. The bioavailability is estimated as about 30%, for the period 0-6 h.  相似文献   

The effects of gastrectomy on the pharmacokinetics of UFT, a combined oral preparation of 1-(2-tetrahydrofuryl)-5-fluorouracil (tegafur) and uracil at a molar ratio of 1:4, were examined in 26 patients with macroscopic Stage I gastric cancer. In all, 200 mg UFT (in terms of tegafur) was given to 17 patients who underwent partial gastrectomy (9 cases of Billroth I reconstruction, 8 cases of Billroth II reconstruction) and to 9 patients who underwent total gastrectomy with modified Roux-en-Y reconstruction. Before the operation, the area under the curve (AUC) for tegafur, uracil, and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) was 79.28 +/- 26.88, 4.41 +/- 1.78, and 0.51 +/- 0.20 micrograms h ml-1, respectively. Partial (Billroth I and II) and total gastrectomy did not alter the AUC of tegafur, and partial gastrectomy using the Billroth I and II methods decreased the AUCs of uracil and 5-FU during the first 2 weeks postoperation. However, plasma levels of uracil and 5-FU reverted to preoperative values at 3 months postsurgery. Our findings show that when UFT is prescribed for patients treated in the early postoperative period following partial gastrectomy for cancer, dose increases and the timing of administration should be given close attention.  相似文献   

Although high-frequency low-intensity transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) has been extensively used to relieve low back pain, experimental studies of its effectiveness have yielded contradictory findings mainly due to methodological problems in pain evaluation and placebo control. In the present study, separate visual analog scales (VAS) were used to measure the sensory-discriminative and motivational-affective components of low back pain. Forty-two subjects were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: TENS, placebo-TENS, and no treatment (control). In order to measure the short-term effect of TENS, VAS pain ratings were taken before and after each treatment session. Also, to measure long-term effects, patients rated their pain at home every 2 h throughout a 3-day period before and 1 week, 3 months and 6 months after the treatment sessions. In comparing the pain evaluations made immediately before and after each treatment session, TENS and placebo-TENS significantly reduced both the intensity and unpleasantness of chronic low back pain. TENS was significantly more efficient than placebo-TENS in reducing pain intensity but not pain unpleasantness. TENS also produced a significant additive effect over repetitive treatment sessions for pain intensity and relative pain unpleasantness. This additive effect was not found for placebo-TENS. When evaluated at home, pain intensity was significantly reduced more by TENS than placebo-TENS 1 week after the end of treatment, but not 3 months and 6 months later. At home evaluation of pain unpleasantness in the TENS group was never different from the placebo-TENS group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To overcome the low oral bioavailability of the highly potent and selective antiretroviral agent (R)-9-(2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)adenine (PMPA), a new lipophilic ester derivative, i.e., the bis(isopropyloxycarbonyloxymethyl)-ester [bis(POC)-PMPA], was prepared. The usefulness of bis(POC)-PMPA as an oral prodrug for PMPA was investigated in the intestinal mucosa Caco-2 cell monolayer model. The total transport of bis(POC)-PMPA was 2.7%, whereas it was less than 0.1% for PMPA. Bis(POC)-PMPA was considerably metabolized inside the epithelial cells, since the majority of the compound was recovered after transport in the form of the monoester metabolite [mono(POC)-PMPA]. In contrast, bis(POC)-PMPA was relatively resistant to degradation at the luminal side of the Caco-2 cells. Pharmacokinetic studies with mice showed that the oral bioavailability of bis(POC)-PMPA (calculated from the curves of the concentration of free PMPA in plasma) was 20%. Neither bis(POC)-PMPA nor mono(POC)-PMPA could be recovered in plasma, suggesting the efficient release of the active drug PMPA after oral administration of bis(POC)-PMPA. Severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice infected with Moloney murine sarcoma virus (MSV) and treated orally with bis(POC)-PMPA for 5 or 10 days (dosages, 50, 100, or 200 mg of PMPA equivalent per kg of body weight per day) showed a significant delay in MSV-induced tumor appearance and tumor-associated death. The antiviral efficacy of oral bis(POC)-PMPA was related to the dosage and treatment period and was not significantly different from that of subcutaneous PMPA given at an equivalent dose. The favorable pharmacokinetic profile, marked antiviral efficacy, and low toxicity make bis(POC)-PMPA an attractive oral prodrug of PMPA that should be further pursued in clinical studies with patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus or hepatitis B virus.  相似文献   

Verapamil is a chiral calcium channel blocking drug which is useful clinically as the racemate in treating hypertension and arrhythmia. The published pharmacokinetic data for verapamil enantiomers in the rat model are limited. Utilizing a stereospecific high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay, the enantiomeric disposition of verapamil is reported after intravenous (1.0 mg kg-1) and oral (10 mg kg-1) administration of racemic verapamil to the rat model. After intravenous administration the systemic clearance of R-verapamil was significantly greater than that of S-verapamil; 34.9 +/- 7 against 23.7 +/- 3.7 mL min-1 kg-1 (mean +/- SD), respectively. After oral administration, the clearance of R-verapamil was significantly greater than that of S-verapamil, 889 +/- 294 against 351 +/- 109 mL min-1 kg-1, respectively. The apparent oral bioavailability of S-verapamil was greater than that of R-verapamil, 0.074 +/- 0.031 against 0.041 +/- 0.011, respectively. These data suggest that the disposition of verapamil in the rat is stereoselective; verapamil undergoes extensive stereoselective first-pass clearance after oral administration and the direction of stereoselectivity in plasma is opposite to that observed in the human.  相似文献   

The absorption, metabolism, and excretion of lanatoside C were studied in hospitalized subjects following oral administration of the tritiated drug. Previous reports of an unusual double peak in plasma levels of radioactivity were confirmed. Fifty plasma samples taken from 31 patients showed that an average of 74% of the radioactive material was digoxin and its metabolites. There was little or no lanatoside C in 36 of the 50 samples of plasma. Similar results were obtained for urine radioactivity. The results confirm that lanatoside C is converted to "digoxin" in the gut prior to absorption as previously proposed by us. "Digoxin" refers to digoxin and its breakdown products, namely, digoxigenin and its mono- and didigitoxosides. According to these proposals, the conversion to "digoxin" takes place partly as a result of acid hydrolysis in the gut and partly by the action of bacteria in the intestine. The effects of concurrent administration of antacid therapy, anticholinergic therapy, and food on the fate of oral lanatoside C were separately studied. There were no significant differences between groups with respect to the amount of radioactive material absorbed or excreted, but there were marked qualitative differences in the plasma profiles. There was a statistically significant increase in the time to the first peak in plasma radioactivity in patients concurrently receiving either food or anticholinergic therapy and there was a significant decrease in the relative height of the first peak in patients treated concurrently with antacid.  相似文献   

To determine whether ethanol per se affects testosterone metabolism, alcohol was administered to normal male volunteers for periods up to four weeks, resulting in an initial dampening of the episodic bursts of testosterone secretion followed by decreases in both the mean plasma concentration and the production rate of testosterone. The volunteers received adequate nutrition and none lost weight during the study, which tended to exclude a nutritional disturbance as the cause of the decreased testosterone levels. The changes in plasma luteinizing hormone suggested both a central (hypothalamus-pituitary) and gonadal effect of alcohol. In addition, alcohol consumption increased the metabolic clearance rate of testosterone in most subjects studied, probably owing to the combined effects of a decreased plasma binding capacity for the androgen and increased hepatic testosterone A-ring reductase activity. These results indicate that alcohol markedly affects testosterone metabolism independently of cirrhosis or nutritional factors.  相似文献   

Synthesis of (R)-(-)- and (S)-(+)-synadenol (1a and 2a, 95-96% ee) is described. Racemic synadenol (1a + 2a) was deaminated with adenosine deaminase to give (R)-(-)-synadenol (1a) and (S)-(+)-hypoxanthine derivative 5. Acetylation of the latter compound gave acetate 6. Reaction with N, N-dimethylchloromethyleneammonium chloride led to 6-chloropurine derivative 7. Ammonolysis furnished (S)-(+)-synadenol (2a). Absolute configuration of 1a was established by two methods: (i) synthesis from (R)-methylenecyclopropanecarboxylic acid (8) and (ii) X-ray diffraction of a single crystal of (-)-synadenol hydrochloride. Racemic methylenecyclopropanecarboxylic acid (10) was resolved by a modification of the described procedure. The R-enantiomer 8 was converted to ethyl ester 13 which was brominated to give vicinal dibromides 14. Reduction with diisobutylaluminum hydride then furnished alcohol 15 which was acetylated to the corresponding acetate 16. Alkylation-elimination procedure of adenine with 16 yielded acetates 17 and 18. Deprotection with ammonia afforded a mixture of Z- and E-isomers 1a and 19 of the R-configuration. Comparison with products 1a and 2a by chiral HPLC established the R-configuration of (-)-synadenol (1a). These results were confirmed by X-ray diffraction of a single crystal of (-)-synadenol hydrochloride. The latter forms a pseudosymmetric dimer with adenine-adenine base pairing in the lattice with the nucleobase in an anti-like conformation. Enantiomers 1a and 2a exhibit varied enantioselectivity toward different viruses. Both enantiomers are equipotent against human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and varicella zoster virus (VZV). The S-enantiomer 2a is somewhat more effective than R-enantiomer 1a in herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) assays. By contrast, enantioselectivity of antiviral effect is reversed in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) assays where the R-enantiomer 1a is preferred. In these assays, the S-enantiomer 2a is less effective (EBV) or devoid of activity (HIV-1).  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic parameters of YH439 and its metabolites, M4, M5, and M7, were compared after iv administration of YH439 to rats (1-10 mg/kg), rabbits (1-10 mg/kg), and dogs (1-20 mg/kg) and oral administration of YH439 to rats (50-500 mg/kg) and dogs (0.5-2 g per whole body weight). After oral administration of YH439 to rats, the F values were 3.67, 1.33, and 0.859% for YH439 oral doses of 100, 300, and 500 mg/kg, respectively. However, the F value increased significantly, 21.2%, after oral administration of YH439-contained mixed micelles (10 mg as free YH439) to rats due to increased water solubility of YH439. Species differences in the pharmacokinetics of YH439 and its metabolites were found. First, M7 was detected in both plasma and urine after both iv and oral administration of YH439 to dogs, whereas it was detected neither in rats nor in rabbits, indicating that considerable amount of M7 was formed from YH439 only in dogs. Second, the AUC (or AUC0-->t) ratios of M4 to YH439 after iv administration of YH439 were 24.6-31.3, 42.2-49.2, and 2200-7640% for rats, rabbits, and dogs, respectively, indicating that formation of M4 after iv administration of YH439 was maximal in dogs. Third, the AUC (or AUC0-->t) ratios of M5 to YH439 after iv administration of YH439 were 103-127, 2.93-3.31, and 92.4-158% for rats, rabbits, and dogs, respectively, indicating that formation of M5 after iv administration of YH439 was minimal in rabbits.  相似文献   

The metabolism of 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3PBA) in the form of triacylglycerol conjugates was compared with that of non-esterified 3PBA. Three radiolabeled triacylglycerols (rac-1-(3-phenoxy-[ring-14C]-benzoyl)-2,3-dipalmitoylglycerol (1(3PBA)DPG), sn-2-(3-phenoxy-[ring-14C]benzoyl)-1,3-dipalmitoylglycerol (2(3PBA)DPG) and the "natural" tri-[1-14C]oleoylglycerol) were incorporated into rat VLDL. Nonesterified 3PBA was prepared in rat serum albumin solution. Each preparation was administered i.v. to rats and serial blood samples were taken during the subsequent 6 hr. Urine and faeces were collected and tissue residues determined at 6 hr and 48 hr after administration. Biphasic elimination of 3PBA was observed with half-lives of 18 min and 2 hr. The triacylglycerols showed a rapid first phase and a longer second phase half-life: trioleoylglycerol 26 hr, 1(3PBA)DPG 7.6 hr and 2(3PBA)DPG 17.3 hr. The majority (63-76%) of 3PBA (whether esterified or not) was eliminated within 24 hr in urine, which contained similar profiles of metabolites. The triacylglycerols gave rise to higher tissue residues than did non-esterified 3PBA, particularly in adipose tissue which alone was not significantly depleted of radioactivity between 6 and 48 hr. The results accord with the rapid association of the VLDL-(3PBA)DPG complexes with lipoprotein lipase of the capillary epithelium, followed by hydrolysis to 3PBA, metabolism and elimination but with a proportion being redistributed into adipose tissue, re-esterified and then eliminated relatively slowly.  相似文献   

We previously developed the "immunogene" approach toward cancer gene therapy using epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-mediated endocytosis. Here, we describe an improved immunogene system, in which the antigen-binding (Fab) fragments of the monoclonal antibody (Ab) B4G7 against the human EGFR were conjugated with poly-L-lysine to form a gene delivery vehicle (designated Fab "immunoporter"). Within 12 hours, the beta-galactosidase beta-gal) gene was transferred via the Fab immunoporter to virtually all of the nuclei of human squamous carcinoma A431 cells that overproduce the EGFR, and the beta-gal enzyme activity was detected within 24 hours and retained for more than 3 days. The beta-gal gene was not transferred into human and mouse cells that were deficient in EGFRs, but it was delivered if those mouse cells were transformed with human EGFR genes. Beta-gal gene transfer via the Fab immunoporter was inhibited by pretreatment with excess amounts of the Fab fragment. The transfer efficiency of the beta-gal gene to A431 cells via the Fab immunoporter was approximately 2%, which is as high as the lipofection method and 20- to 100-fold higher than the whole Ab immunoporter. The transfer of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene into A431 tumor cells as a form of the thymidine kinase/Fab immunogene was successful, and subsequent treatment with ganciclovir induced remarkable suicide effects which conferred 1000-fold higher drug sensitivity. Thus, the Fab immunogene was substantially improved with regard to the whole Ab immunogene and could be used as a potent gene transfer vehicle for the in vivo targeting of EGFR-hyperproducing tumor cells.  相似文献   

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