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许忠勤 《工程数学学报》2002,19(2):116-122,138
通过分析数学发展的动力与趋势,阐述拓宽数学研究与应用范围,推动数学与其它学科交叉的必要性与重要性,提出实施“拓宽数学研究及应用范围,推动数学与其它学科交叉”的一些政策性思考。  相似文献   

文章认为高校在本科教学工作水平评估过程中既是客体又是主体。提出要充分发挥高校在本科教学工作水平评估过程中的主体性作用,以利于评估功能的发挥和评估效果的获得。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand the views and perceptions of engineering undergraduate students on engineering education. The method of content analysis was used to analyze the language used by engineering undergraduate students, and to extract the underlying common factors or perceived characteristics of “Excellence in Engineering Education.” These common factors were then used to identify and compare the similarities and differences in views between engineering students and perspectives from three types of stakeholders in the field. Forty‐seven undergraduate engineering students (17 females and 30 males) participated voluntarily in this study to answer four individual questions and ten group questions. The results showed that students strongly emphasized the importance of their own roles in the educational system and the value of instructional technology and real work examples in enhancing the quality of engineering education. The implications of the research results on excellence in engineering education are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of procedural knowledge in students, i.e., the ability to effectively solve domain problems, is the goal of many instructional initiatives in engineering education. The present study examined learning in a rich learning environment in which students read text, listened to narrations, interacted with simulations, and solved problems using instructional software for thermodynamics. Twenty‐three engineering and science majors who had not taken a thermodynamics course provided verbal protocol data as they used this software. The data were analyzed for cognitive processes. There were three major findings: (1) students expressed significantly more cognitive activity on computer screens requiring interaction compared to text‐based screens; (2) there were striking individual differences in the extent to which students employed the materials; and (3) verbalizations revealed that students applied predominantly lower‐level cognitive processes when engaging these materials, and they failed to connect the conceptual and procedural knowledge in ways that would lead to deeper understanding. The results provide a baseline for additional studies of more advanced students in order to gain insight into how students develop skill in engineering.  相似文献   

建筑工程快速估价的一种模型及应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
应用模糊数学的理论和计算方法,建立了一种建筑工程造价的快速估算模型:首先拟定建筑工程的特征元素,建立典型工程的特征值矩阵,然后通过公式转换,建立典型工程隶属度矩阵并确定各典型工程与拟建工程的贴近度,最后由贴近度最大的典型工程来计算拟建工程造价。实例应用表明,该模型具有优越性。  相似文献   

本文旨在构建符合中国国民经济发展需要的高等学校工业工程本科专业类课程体系模型,为工业工程本科专业课程体系的建设提供理论指导。使用文献研究的方法,研究了高等学校工业工程本科专业课程体系构建的影响因素。在此基础上,提出了符合工业工程专业课程体系构建框架模型,并以吉林大学工业工程本科专业课程体系的建设为例详细解读了该模型的使用方法,需要考虑的因素。研究指出:课程体系建设是一项系统工程,在建设过程中不应盲目拷贝欧美发达国家的课程体系,而应从中国国民经济发展的需要出发构建适合中国工业化进程与社会形态发展的工业工程本科专业课程体系。  相似文献   

文章分析了机械设计制造及其自动化专业本科生在毕业设计过程中存在的一些问题和不足之处,对影响机类学生毕业设计质量的若干问题做初步探讨,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

包装工程本科教育中产学研相结合的问题,存在不同的层次,侧重点也不相同。包装工程本科教育与包装产业结合的主要方式有认识实习、生产实习、设计大赛、校企科研合作、课外导师制、开设与生产实践相关的选修课、生产实践人员进课堂、设置专项奖助学金等;学校教育之间的合作也是产学研结合的重要组成部分,学生的思想素养以及教师的职业道德,对产学研结合的实践效果和可持续发展具有直接影响;包装工程本科教育还需与科学研究相结合,以培养学生的科学思维能力,包装工程专业教师也应不断提高科研水平,以满足持续发展的本科教育需求。  相似文献   

结合作者在企业长期工作积累的经验,对强化工程意识与工程图样绘制能力的工程图学教学进行了探讨,通过化整为零、见缝插针的教学方式,将与工程图样绘制相关的工程实践知识作为补充内容,安插在相应的章节,以开拓知识面的形式进行介绍,然后在装配图绘制等实践教学环节中,鼓励学生将学到的工程实践知识运用到零件构型设计与工程图样绘制之中,培养学生工程图样绘制的工程背景意识,为将来绘制出符合工程实际要求的工程图奠定基础.  相似文献   

木粉干燥过程的数学模型及分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈万里 《爆破器材》2003,32(3):10-13
文章通过对木粉干燥过程的水分变化情况进行研究,总结了该过程的数学模型,为生产过程中木粉水分的分析提供了理论参考,同时提供了一种快速方便准确的能适应生产的分析方法。  相似文献   

工业工程专业生产实习中学生主动性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘满洲 《工业工程》2005,8(3):113-116
对工业工程专业学生在生产实习中缺乏主动性的问题进行了分析,提出了将实习任务合理化,建立实习团队等措施,以激发学生的实习积极性和主动性,达到改善实习效果的目的。  相似文献   

Background Groups within and outside of educational institutions are interested in factors that influence satisfaction among students enrolled in the engineering major as well as elements within the college environment that shape students' intentions to work in engineering in the future and whether these elements differ by gender. Purpose (Hypothesis ) This study identified gender differences on indicators of the undergraduate experience including faculty‐related and student‐related variables as well as measures of satisfaction with the institutional environment that are related to satisfaction with the engineering major and intent to pursue a career in engineering ten years from now. Design /Method The mixed methods approach used for this investigation involved nine institutions with engineering undergraduate degree programs. An online questionnaire was administered to undergraduate students enrolled in engineering. Qualitative data was collected through focus group interviews with students at each of the nine participating institutions. Results Findings reveal that satisfaction with the engineering major does not translate directly to pursuing a career in engineering, particularly among women. In terms of elements of the undergraduate experience, some types of interactions with faculty and peers have both short‐ and long‐term impacts on interest in engineering as a major and as a career. Conclusions Creating learning environments that emphasize care and respect for students as well as overseeing student interaction during group work can make a difference in students' satisfaction in the engineering major and in interest in engineering as a career, particularly for women.  相似文献   

In our daily lives, we often need to identify individuals whose longitudinal behavior is different from the behavior of those well-functioning individuals, so that some unpleasant consequences can be avoided. In many such applications, observations of a given individual are obtained sequentially, and it is desirable to have a screening system to give a signal of irregular behavior as soon as possible after that individual’s longitudinal behavior starts to deviate from the regular behavior, so that some adjustments or interventions can be made in a timely manner. This article proposes a dynamic screening system for that purpose in cases when the longitudinal behavior is univariate, using statistical process control and longitudinal data analysis techniques. Several different cases, including those with regularly spaced observation times, irregularly spaced observation times, and correlated observations, are discussed. Our proposed method is demonstrated using a real-data example about the SHARe Framingham Heart Study of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. This article has supplementary materials online.  相似文献   

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