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Extended Mie theory is used to investigate the scattering and extinction of evanescent waves by small spherical particles and aggregates of such particles. Metallic, dielectric and metal-coated dielectric particles are taken into consideration. In contrast to plane-wave excitation, p- and s-polarized spectra differ in the case of evanescent waves due to the inherent asymmetry of both polarizations. Furthermore, contributions from higher multipoles are strongly enhanced, compared with plane-wave excitation, and the enhancement factors are polarization dependent. The corresponding changes in the scattering and extinction spectra are most pronounced in cases where higher multipoles exhibit resonances in the spectral range considered. This applies, for example, to morphological resonances of dielectric particles with size parameters > 1. The effect of the surface, where the evanescent wave is generated by total internal reflection, on the scattering and extinction spectra is investigated via numerical field calculations employing the multiple multipole method. In an application to apertureless near-field optical microscopy, the variation of the scattered power is calculated when a silicon particle is scanned across a silver particle in the evanescent field.  相似文献   

Under suitable conditions, the region of the aqueous phase immediately adjacent to a glass-water interface can be selectively illuminated using the evanescent wave created when total internal reflection occurs at the interface. Objects in the aqueous phase away from the glass become effectively invisible, since the intensity of the evanescent wave decays exponentially with distance from the interface. Previous methods of generating evanescent waves for light microscopy have employed accessory light sources and optical components that directed the illumination on the specimen from one side. The asymmetric illumination creates a surprising orientation dependence of visibility for some specimens. Objects such as microtubules are totally invisible unless they are orientated nearly perpendicular to the direction of illumination. An explanation of this phenomenon is provided in terms of the geometry of diffraction of light by long thin objects. A simple method of achieving evanescent-wave illumination is described and shown to be useful in practice for biological specimens. In contrast to previously described methods, the present arrangement has the advantage of producing circularly symmetric illumination, and of utilizing only standard optical microscope components. The system has been used for imaging specimens both by light scattering and by fluorescence. It has proved useful for following the fragmentation of flagella into isolated microtubules, observing microtubules gliding over dynein adsorbed to a surface, and also for determining the arrangement of vinculin and alpha-actinin in cell-substratum attachment sites and termini of growing myofibrils in cardiac cells.  相似文献   

We describe an apertureless scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) based on the local second-harmonic generation enhancement resulting from an electromagnetic interaction between a probe tip and a surface. The imaging mechanisms of such apertureless second-harmonic SNOM are numerically studied. The technique allows one to achieve strongly confined sources of second-harmonic light at the probe tip apex and/or surface area under the tip. First experimental realization of this technique has been carried out using a silver-coated fibre tip as a probe. The experiments reveal a strong influence of the tip–surface interaction as well as polarization of the excitation light on images obtained with apertureless second-harmonic SNOM. The technique can be useful for studying the localized electromagnetic excitations on surfaces as well as for visualization of lateral variations of linear and nonlinear optical properties of surfaces.  相似文献   

A non‐optical bimorph‐based tapping‐mode force sensing method for tip–sample distance control in scanning near‐field optical microscopy is developed. Tapping‐mode force sensing is accomplished by use of a suitable piezoelectric bimorph cantilever, attaching an optical fibre tip to the extremity of the cantilever free end and fixing the guiding portion of the fibre to a stationary part near the tip to decouple it from the cantilever. This method is mainly characterized by the use of a bimorph, which carries out simultaneous excitation and detection of mechanical vibration at its resonance frequency owing to piezoelectric and anti‐piezoelectric effects, resulting in simplicity, compactness, ease of implementation and lack of parasitic optical background. In conjugation with a commercially available SPM controller, tapping‐mode images of various samples, such as gratings, human breast adenocarcinoma cells, red blood cells and a close‐packed layer of 220‐nm polystyrene spheres, have been obtained. Furthermore, topographic and near‐field optical images of a layer of polystyrene spheres have also been taken simultaneously. The results suggest that the tapping‐mode set‐up described here is reliable and sensitive, and shows promise for biological applications.  相似文献   

We report on the fabrication, characterization and application of a probe consisting of a single gold nanoparticle for apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy. Particles with diameters of 100 nm have been successfully and reproducibly mounted at the end of sharp glass fibre tips. We present the first optical images taken with such a probe. We have also recorded plasmon resonances of gold particles and discuss schemes for exploiting the wavelength dependence of their scattering cross-section for a novel form of apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy.  相似文献   

Fluorescence scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) is used to investigate binary polyfluorene-based composites of varying composition. The samples investigated contain blends of the polymer poly(9,9'-dioctylfluorene-cobenzothiadiazole), F8BT, with similar polyfluorenes of wider band gap. Images acquired from a film containing 50% by weight F8BT exhibit a high degree of correlation between the topography and fluorescence, with an F8BT-rich phase which protrudes from the surface of the film forming isolated regions with sizes from hundreds of nanometres to several micrometres. A film containing 10% by weight F8BT also has micrometre-size F8BT-rich regions, but also present are small and locally varying proportions of F8BT in the other polyfluorene component phase, indicating a hierarchy of phases within this sample. The fluorescence and topographic images of a third sample studied, containing 90% by weight F8BT, display no correlation, demonstrating that it is not always appropriate to use topographic information to determine the phase structure within polymer blends. The fluorescence SNOM images acquired from these samples are able to assist our understanding of the photovoltaic efficiency of devices fabricated from these films, which are governed by the extent of the interfacial area between these two constituent polymers.  相似文献   

The enhancement in electric field strength in the vicinity of a metal tip, through the excitation of plasma modes in the tip, is investigated using the finite difference time domain method; such tip enhancement has significant potential for application in scanning near-field Raman microscopy. To represent an experimentally realistic geometry the near-field probe is described by a conical metal tip with a spherical apex, with radii 20 nm and 200 nm considered, in close proximity to a glass substrate. Illumination through the substrate is considered, both at normal incidence and close to the critical angle, with the polarization in the plane of incidence. By modelling the frequency dependent dielectric response of the metal tip we are able to highlight the dependence on the scattering geometry of the nature of the electromagnetic excitations in the tip. In particular, the strongest electric field enhancement with the greatest confinement occurs for the excitation of modes localized at the tip apex, excited only for off-normal incidence. Bulk modes excited in the tip also produce enhancement, although over a larger area and with significantly less enhancement than that of the localized modes; however, the excitation of bulk modes is independent of the angle of incidence.  相似文献   

We report the characterization of an integrated Ag+/Na+ ion exchange waveguide realized in a silicate glass substrate using apertureless scanning near‐field optical microscopy. Our experimental set‐up is based on the combination of a commercial atomic force microscope with an optical confocal detection system. Thanks to this system, the topography and evanescent optical field at the waveguide top surface are mapped simultaneously. Also, the process of apertureless scanning near‐field optical microscopy image formation is analysed. In particular, fringe patterns appearing in the image reveal the intrinsic interferometric nature of the collected signal, due to interference between the field scattered by the tip end and background fields related to guide losses. We give a quantitative interpretation of these fringes. Evanescent intensity mapping on the sample surface allowed us to extract physical waveguide parameters. In particular, it shows an unambiguous multimode beat along the waveguide propagation axis. Furthermore, we show that analysis of this intensity profile reveals back‐reflection effects from the waveguide exit facet. The resulting standing waves pattern allows us to evaluate the eigenmode propagation constants.  相似文献   

SNOM is a non-contact stylus microscopy analogous to STM. Optical near-field interaction is used to sense approach and optical properties on the nanometre scale (?1 nm normal, 20–50 nm lateral). SNOM was demonstrated in transmission and reflection, in a topographic mode, and with amplitude as well as phase objects. The excitation of plasmons in the SNOM ‘tip’, a very recent development, greatly enhances sensitivity and permits intriguing new optical experiments. Overcoming the limit of diffraction, SNOM turns a long-held dream of optical microscopists into reality.  相似文献   

The newly developed inverted tapping-mode tuning-fork near-field scanning optical microscopy (TMTF-NSOM) is used to study the local near-field optical properties of strained AlGaInP/Ga0.4In0.6P low power visible multiquantum-well laser diodes. In contrast to shear-force mode NSOM, TMTF-NSOM provides the function to acquire the evanescent wave intensity ratio | I (2ω)|/| I (ω)| image, from which the evanescent wave decay coefficient q can be evaluated for a known tapping amplitude. Moreover, we probe the near-field stimulated emission spectrum, which gives the free-space laser light wavelength λo and the index of refraction n r of the laser diode resonant cavity. Once q , λo, and n r are all measured, we can determine the angle of incidence θo of the dominant totally internally reflected waves incident on the front mirror facet of the resonator. Determination of such an angle is very important in modelling the stability of the laser diode resonator.  相似文献   

We used a combination of internal photoemission and of near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) to study the lateral variations in solid interface properties such as energy barriers and electron–hole recombination. In particular we investigated the fully formed Pt–GaP, Au–GaAs, Au–SiN x –GaAs and PtSi–Si Schottky barriers. Our approach enabled us to measure large lateral variations in the photocurrent with spatial resolution on the nanometric scale. Due to the ability of SNOM to supply parallel topographic information, we observed photocurrent variations from zone to zone that only correlated in a few cases with local variations in surface morphology. We assigned the uncorrelated fluctuations to local variations in the interface stoichiometry, the presence of interface states induced by the metallic overlayer and to defect states at the junction. Furthermore, by tuning the photon energy and applied bias we were able to measure the surface distribution of the diffusion length.  相似文献   

The resolution in near-field images is currently determined by the visual inspection of recorded images. One of the major questions in near-field optical microscopy is 'what resolution can be reached, the tip-to-sample distance being known?' This knowledge is critical when choosing the scanning step and the distance between the tip and the sample, in a preliminary scan. This preliminary scan is often the only way to detect the interesting parts of the sample, with limited risk of tip crash and topographical artefacts. The method proposed here needs two scans of the same area, of the same sample, in constant height mode, recorded at two tip-to-sample distances. The pseudo-transfer function is the ratio of the Fourier transform of these two data maps. This function enables the evaluation of the limit of resolution. Theoretical considerations are introduced to assess the method.  相似文献   

We report on fluorescence enhancement in near field optical spectroscopy by apertureless microscopy. Our apertureless microscope is designed around a confocal fluorescence microscope associated with an AFM head. First, we show that the confocal microscope alone allows single molecule imaging and single molecule fluorescence analysis. When associated with the AFM head, we demonstrate, for the first time to our knowledge, that single molecule fluorescence is enhanced under the silicon tip. We tentatively attribute this effect to field enhancement under the tip.  相似文献   

The effects of irradiation with gamma rays and protons on HTB140 human melanoma cell morphology and viability were analyzed. Exponentially growing cells were irradiated close to the Bragg peak maximum of the 62‐MeV proton beam, as well as with 60Co gamma rays, with doses ranging from 8 to 24 Gy. The overall cell morphology was unchanged 6 and 48 h after gamma irradiation, also showing a relatively weak cell‐inactivation level. After exposure to proton beam, considerable changes in cell morphology followed by stronger cell inactivation were achieved. Proliferation capacity of irradiated cells significantly decreased in both experimental set‐ups. Higher ionization level of protons with respect to gamma rays, representing the main physical difference between these two types of radiation, was also revealed on the cell membrane level through larger pro‐apoptotic capacity of protons.  相似文献   

A compact sensor head based on scanning force microscopy (SFM) using cantilever probes has been developed. The idea is to replace the microscope objective of a conventional optical microscope by this compact module and turn the optical microscope into a scanning force and near-field optical microscope with subwavelength resolution. We describe our concept and present initial results showing images of the object’s optical properties and surface topography recorded simultaneously.  相似文献   

Haefliger D  Stemmer A 《Ultramicroscopy》2004,100(3-4):457-464
An optical near-field at the tip of an atomic force microscope probe is utilised to pattern aluminium thin films on glass substrates by photo-thermally induced corrosion in water. Aluminium forms a thin passivating oxide layer when immersed into neutral water at room temperature. Owing to the high energy density of the near-field, the metal below the probe tip can be heated to 100°C due to absorption of the light, which then provokes breakdown of the passivation and metal corrosion. The localised near-field is generated by tip-induced enhancement of an evanescent field originating from a laser beam, that is totally internally reflected at the glass–aluminium–water interface. The process is governed by surface plasmons excited in the aluminium film by the evanescent waves and the field enhancement of the probe tip. Holes of 40 nm diameter and lines below 100 nm width have been written into a 20-nm-thick aluminium film. Applications of the scanning probe lithography process may include the one-step fabrication of point contacts or contact masks for near-field optical lithography and reactive ion etching.  相似文献   

We report a novel method for the fabrication of probes with localized sub-wavelength fluorescing media at their extremities. We present our first results and discuss future plans to extend this technique to the systematic fabrication of fluorescent probes for apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy.  相似文献   

Surface plasmon-, phonon- and exciton-polaritons exist on specific materials in specific spectral regions. We assess the properties of such travelling surface-bound electromagnetic waves relevant for scanning near-field optical microscopy applications, i.e. the tightness of surface binding, the attenuation, the phase velocity and the coupling with free-space electromagnetic waves. These quantities can be directly determined by photographic imaging of surface plasmon- and surface phonon-polaritons, in both the visible and mid-infared regions. Focusing of mid-infrared surface plasmons is demonstrated. Surface waveguides to transport and focus photons to the tip of a scanning near-field probe are outlined.  相似文献   

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