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The present study analyzes the mechanisms and facilitators behind joint learning in R&D collaborations by way of a qualitative comparative case study analyzing three supplier relationships and three internal R&D partnerships of the focal organization. The results suggest a single joint learning process for internal and external relationships in which the role of the customer and the facilitation of the joint learning process vary depending on the context. Whereas the role of motivation is central for joint learning in the internal relationships, mutual trust is important to the external relationships.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impacts of R&D on firm performance. It extends previous research by constructing alternative stocks of R&D‐Capital that take into account that time plays an important role in assessing the pay‐off of industrial research. The results show that even when we employed R&D‐Capitals that placed more emphasis on the industrial research that had been undertaken 7 years ago, the effects of R&D were very (statistically) significant and relatively high, thereby suggesting that the life of R&D (on average) tends to be long. The results however, vary across organizations depending on both firm size and the technological opportunities that a company faces. It appears that the depreciation rate of R&D investments is higher in the case of technologically sophisticated firms. In contrast, strategic investments in industrial research generate a relatively constant effect on the performance of other firms, supporting the notion that the corresponding returns for such firms decay slowly.  相似文献   

According to knowledge-based growth theories, catch-up with the global technology frontier calls for a shift from physical investment to innovation. This prevailing premise in Finland is tested with an unbalanced panel of firms in Finnish information and communications technology (ICT) manufacturing, over a period of rapid growth, 1990–2003. Stochastic frontier model estimation results are overwhelmed by scale elasticity associated productivity growth. Contrary to beliefs, R&D productivity was relatively low, regardless if measured by efficiency impacts of R&D intensity, technical change or R&D elasticity of output. Results are consistent with industry outcomes and reveal internal causes to the subsequent downfall of ICT manufacturing in Finland.  相似文献   

The effect of firm size on diverse compositions of R&D expenditures is analysed in detail using firm-level data on the Korean manufacturing sector. On the grounds that each type of R&D activity differs in terms of salability in disembodied form and growth potential due to innovation, a distinction between product vs. process, and new vs. incremental R&D is made. Empirical tests show that the firm size is significantly associated with both the new and incremental R&D. Moreover, firm size is found to be significantly associated with other types of R&D compositions such as the share of R&D devoted to incremental innovation and multidimensional combinations of product, process, new and incremental R&D. These findings support the idea that large firms possess innovative advantages over smaller firms and firm size is an important determinant for firms’ heterogeneous R&D activities. We also discuss the limitations and the implications of the findings.  相似文献   

We propose a simple two-firm model with complementarities and imperfect knowledge about the optimal technology. Firms receive two signals about the technology, a public and a private one. We show that with complementarities public signals can serve as a coordination device between firms, even if the private signal is more precise. Our results point to an important function of standard-setting organizations and public R&D: providing a focal point for firms that might not coordinate otherwise.  相似文献   

Although policy makers subsidize firms’ R&D projects to increase innovational output in an industry, region, or country, it remains unclear whether such subsidization triggers additional R&D efforts or crowds out private investments. To address this question, we assess the effectiveness of subsidization for individual and collaborative research in the German biotech industry while also examining the relevance of network embeddedness for patent output. Our results indicate that subsidies do lead to increased patent output, with additional benefits from involvement in more than one project. However, the amount of money is only significant under certain circumstances. Also, it is higher degree centrality in the firm network that significantly increases R&D success.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes whether belonging to a business group enhances firms' propensity for and intensity of R&D based on the greater opportunities to finance and co-ordinate R&D strategies and internalize knowledge spillovers. Compared with the existing literature, this paper has the following novelties: (a) it examines how the organization and diversification of business groups influence the R&D investment of affiliated firms; (b) it analyzes the role of R&D spillovers among affiliated firms; and (c) it distinguishes between propensity for and intensity of R&D. We find that less diversified groups are more likely to centralize R&D, while in more diversified groups firms are more likely to be autonomous. We find that controlled companies are more likely to benefit from knowledge spillovers than firms at the head of the group. Finally, we find that R&D autonomy is significantly associated with both a higher propensity for and intensity of R&D in controlled companies.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how context- and time-dependent factors determine the impact of R&D subsidies on firm behaviour with respect to private R&D expenditures. Based on German R&D survey data, we combine propensity score matching with a difference-in-difference estimator in order to measure the causal influence of public direct R&D project funding on firm behaviour. Our results indicate that (i) repeated participation in R&D projects on average leads to a higher increase in R&D expenditures than once-off funding; (ii) the aggregate effect of R&D funding on R&D expenditures of business firms is somewhat higher for business–business collaboration projects than for science–business collaboration projects; (iii) R&D expenditures of business firms that cooperate with science show a higher share of external R&D spending. Results of one particular cluster programme indicate that at least the short-term development of R&D does not so much depend on which programme direct R&D project funding is applied to.  相似文献   

Firms that invest in R&D and also in worker training are expected to be successful innovators; yet, the extent to which these investments are mutually reinforcing has not been established. This paper addresses that question by analysing the decision to innovate and the number of innovations introduced. Our findings, which are based on a sample of Spanish manufacturing firms, confirm that R&D is more effective when firms also invest in worker training. Moreover, for some smaller firms, investing in workers’ skills (via training programs) boosts innovation even in absence of R&D. Meanwhile, on-the-job training in large firms might serve mainly to reinforce the effects of R&D. Regarding the number of innovations, our result signals that a higher absorptive capacity via higher ability of qualified workers (through schooling or training) leads to improved innovation performance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of firm R&D policies supporting R&D investment and collaboration on company innovation performance. Individual and cooperative R&D investments are considered as intermediate outcomes (input and behavioural additionality, respectively) contributing to the final outcome (probability of product innovation). We use a treatment random coefficient model to estimate the policy additionality on a panel data-set merging the third and the fourth wave of the Italian Community Innovation Survey. Results show a significant and positive policy impact on company propensity to product innovation only for the input additionality and for the interaction between the input and the cooperative additionality. This occurs when company cooperation scores overcome a given threshold, in accordance with the assumption that cooperation entails benefits but also coordination costs.  相似文献   

This paper studies the influence of metropolitan externalities on productivity for different types of long-run R&D engagement based on information from the Community Innovation Survey. We apply a dynamic general method of moments model to a panel of manufacturing and service firms with different locations in Sweden, classified as a metropolitan region, the largest metropolitan region, a metropolitan city, the largest metropolitan city and a nonmetropolitan area. This analysis generates three distinct results. First, the productivity premium associated with persistent R&D is close to 8 per cent in nonmetro locations and about 14 per cent in the largest city. Second, a firm without any R&D engagement does not benefit at all from the external milieu in metro areas. Third, no productivity premium is associated with occasional R&D effort regardless of the firm's location.  相似文献   


As systemic innovation intermediaries (SII) orchestrate interactions between innovative actors, they might alleviate the constraints of proximity effects on R&D partnership formation. We test this for existing and new R&D projects established under the Dutch Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation. Regression results show that partnerships between firms belonging to the same SII are less sensitive to cognitive proximity, suggesting that the intermediaries facilitate uncommon distant collaboration. At the same time, we find that SII may strengthen social proximity among partners. The influence of organisational proximity seems independent of SII, while geographic proximity loses relevance after the introduction of the intermediaries. SII thus seem to create bridges between distant firms that otherwise may not have collaborated together, while also enhancing the risk of excessive in-group thinking. We conclude with research and policy implications.  相似文献   

The economic growth and competitiveness of countries is strongly influenced by their national research and development (R&D) systems. Hence, national R&D managers must make appropriate decisions to develop their R&D systems. For this purpose, an integrated view on the dimensions of national R&D systems is much needed. Due to the distribution of relevant data sources for national, R&D indicators and the complexity of national R&D systems, establishing an integrated view is challenging. In this article, we propose a business intelligence architecture to monitor, analyze, and forecast national, R&D indicators. Data for these indicators are integrated from heterogeneous data sources. In a case study focusing on Iranian R&D indicators, a prototype system is designed and implemented to evaluate its effectiveness in practice. After monitoring the indicators using online analytical processing, trends for the indicators across 11 years are forecasted using time series analysis models. The prototype system provides an integrated view of the Iranian R&D system, so that national R&D managers can use the developed system for monitoring and trend analysis of Iranian R&D indicators. As a result of the analysis of these trends, implications and recommendations for the future of the Iranian R&D system are presented.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the determinants of R&D offshoring of Spanish firms using information from the Panel of Technological Innovation. We find that being an exporter, international technological cooperation, continuous R&D engagement, applying for patents, being a foreign subsidiary, and firm size are factors that positively affect the decision to offshore R&D. In addition, we find that a lack of financing is an obstacle relatively more important for independent firms than for firms that belong to business groups. For these latter, we also obtain that the factors that influence the decision to offshore R&D differ depending on whether the firm purchases the R&D services within the group or through the market: a higher degree of importance assigned to internal sources of information for innovation as compared to market sources increases (decreases) the probability of R&D offshoring only through the group (market).  相似文献   


Innovation within companies is generated by a combination of different types of knowledge from external and geographically dispersed sources. Although the geographical dimension of collaboration has previously been investigated, studies have not distinguished between different types of knowledge involved in collaboration. This article analyses how the number of collaborations between pharmaceutical multinational companies (MNCs) and external organizations is affected by geographical distance, distinguishing between four knowledge types: basic science, clinical science, core knowledge, and exploration knowledge. We use co-publications as a proxy for collaborations. Our results show that collaborations in basic science and core knowledge areas are more negatively affected by geographical distance than collaborations within clinical science and exploration knowledge areas. This suggests that the importance of geographic proximity depends on the type of knowledge that is being transferred in R&D collaborations. Our results have implications for companies´ collaboration strategies and their choices for the R&D sites´ location.  相似文献   

In today's global electronics industry, innovation is carried out by various value chain participants, including brand-name manufacturers (sometimes called lead firms), contract manufacturers and component suppliers, but there is little understanding of who benefits most from innovation in such networks. This research examines empirically the relationship of R&D spending and location in the value chain (lead vs. non-lead firms) to firm performance in the global electronics industry by using the Electronic Business 300 data set for 2000–2005. Our results show that firms spending more on R&D have higher gross profits, but do not have higher return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA). There is a strong positive relationship between lead firms and performance as measured by gross profit, ROE and ROA, but the relationship between lead firms and gross profit becomes insignificant when the interaction term of R&D and lead firm is included in the analysis. Finally, lead firm status has a positive interaction effect on the relationship between R&D and gross profit. These findings suggest that the relationship of R&D to performance is mixed, but that lead firms can capture higher value (gross profit) from R&D than contract manufacturers and component suppliers.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the performance of Indonesian R&D institutions based on R&D productivity. By applying an institutional approach, the effects of collective determinants such as quality of researcher, R&D budgets, locations and ages of R&D institutions on productivity are considered. Our findings show that these performance variables had strong and significant effects on R&D productivity. A national innovation system should be developed in developing countries with different models from those used in developed countries. The non-economic dimension is essential in developing national innovation systems in developing countries such as Indonesia.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the effects of imports and exports on private research and development (R&D) expenditures in the food processing sector. An analytical framework discussing the various effects of international trade on R&D activities is presented. This is followed by an empirical analysis that uses a dynamic empirical specification for current R&D expenditures and for a cumulative measure of R&D stock. The empirical investigation is applied to a panel dataset covering Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's countries. The empirical results show that increases in import intensity levels induce reductions in private R&D expenditures whereas increases in export intensity levels promote larger private R&D expenditures. These outcomes imply that the R&D-enhancing effects of exports are countered by the R&D-reducing effects of imports.  相似文献   

Innovation in services has been largely characterised by the predominance of non-technological innovation and low intensity in research and development (R&D) activities. However, most cross-industry analyses still overlook the organisational character of innovation in services. In this article, we use latent class analysis to examine the nature of innovation in 2148 firms from 20 service industries in Spain. On the basis of the analysis of 10 innovation types and 5 kinds of innovation activities, a taxonomy composed of 2 R&D-intensive and 2 non-R&D-intensive clusters is proposed. The findings indicate that organisational innovation counts for three of the four profiles, the new management techniques being the most common organisational innovation in all clusters. Furthermore, micro- and small-sized firms from several subsectors are more likely to be R&D-oriented than medium and large companies. The results underline the coexistence of different innovation patterns within the same industry as well as the predominance of hidden innovators in several industries.  相似文献   

Government's innovation investments for science intensive sectors, such as the capital goods industry for developing countries play an important role in technology dissemination; however, few studies have addressed this issue. This study is conducted in the framework of a developing economy (Brazil), and aims to estimate the spillover effects throughout the industry resulting from public investment in innovation, as well as the spillovers of R&D and management investment performed by the capital goods industry through the rest of the industrial sector, and also the time lapse between the occurrence of innovative investment and output growth due to such expenditures. The results of the estimated econometric model exhibit significant and positive spillover effects by the government R&D expenditures for the capital goods industry with a three-year lapse, as well as a one-year lag for the occurrence of output effects on the other companies of the manufacturing sector, resulting from innovative investments by the capital goods industry.  相似文献   

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