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实施油库安全精细化管理能有效提升油库的安全生产经营水平。精细化管理首先强调"精",即抓住要点,精益求精,其次强调"细",即管理标准要具体、量化,最后还讲究"化",就是要实现企业的变化。基于精细化管理涵义,结合油库安全生产实际,从责任具体化、作业标准化、检查规范化、训练常态化、考核科学化、管控信息化等方面构建油库安全精细化管理体系,保障油库安全生产。  相似文献   

煤炭企业的安全生产管理要考虑到安全效益问题,并遵循安全效益的前提下重视对监察管理、信誉管理、培训管理、专项管理的控制,实现全面的管理防范措施。本文分析了煤炭生产安全效益问题,提出了安全效益和生产管理的联合管理原则,总结了解决煤矿安全管理的对策。  相似文献   

当前煤矿安全生产仍然十分严峻,事故的频繁发生已成为山西省经济社会发展中一个突出的问题。要从根本上遏制煤矿企业安全事故的发生,笔者认为除了要从管理、技术、设备上下功夫外,关键还是要加强企业安全生产法治建设,让安全生产走上法治化轨道,真正让安全生产做到有法可依、有法必依、执法必严。因此,健全和完善煤矿安全生产的立法刻不容缓。  相似文献   

精细化是城市管理追寻的重要目标,大数据等新一代信息技术的发展,为城市管理理念创新提供了便捷高效的支撑。这一支撑的促进作用主要体现在五个方面:价值挖掘功能降低城市精细化管理成本、高效智能功能提升城市精细化管理效率、精准分析功能提升城市人性化管理水平、模拟预测功能提升城市管理科学决策水平,以及网络互动功能推进城市向精细化治理转型。  相似文献   

评价安全投入状况必须借助相应的评价指标方能进行,现有安全投入评价指标体系的设计都是基于一般工业考虑,而煤炭工业具有非常鲜明的行业特点,将这些指标用于煤矿安全投入综合评价缺乏针对性.文章结合煤矿安全生产的特点,通过聚类分析将年安全投入总额、吨煤安全投入、安全工程投入、安全设备投入、安全科技投入、安全管理投入确定为评价煤矿安全投入水平的主要指标.  相似文献   

对煤矿瓦斯灾害事故的特征进行了深入分析,对瓦斯危险辨识与瓦斯灾害控制技术在生产中的应用进行了论述.运用系统安全分析理论充分分析了影响煤矿安全生产的灾害危险源,提出了提高突出矿井抗灾能力的技术手段和途径.实践证明,系统地进行安全管理可取得十分明显的经济和社会效益.  相似文献   

通过对煤矿安全管理现状剖析,阐述了人的可靠性理论在大规模复杂的人机系统的特征及对人因的影响,建立了人因事故原因模型,并分析了影响人因可靠性因素,制定出在矿山管理中防治人的失误对策;进而提出加强煤矿安全管理重点,实现煤矿企业的安全管理水平稳步提高.  相似文献   

煤矿安全生产关系矿工生命财产安全,分析了煤矿安全生产行政问责制的概念及意义、法律依据、存在的问题以及完善的途径,对煤矿安全生产问责制的问责主体、问责对象、问责内容、问责程序和问责执法等方面进行阐述,以期更好地服务于煤矿安全生产。  相似文献   

矿井"一通三防"工作在煤矿安全生产工作中是重中之重,是预防重大安全事故的决定性因素。对于基建矿井而言,"一通三防"系统的投入受现场条件以及工期等因素影响未能及时得到完善,给矿井的安全生产管理带来一定的难度。为了保障基建矿井的安全高效生产,采用了基础管理和科学管理相结合的安全管理模式,即通过辐射培训、强化"两系统"管理和开展专项安全检查不断完善质量标准化保障安全生产;利用科学管理促进安全高效生产。  相似文献   

本文从加强法制建设,强化执法监察的角度,阐述煤炭企业要走向法制轨道,煤矿安全要依法整治,安全监察要依法行政,提出了搞好执法监察,要以《煤矿安全监察条例》等法律法规为准则,提高执法水平,实现综合治理,加大事故处罚力度,以案为教,促进安全管理,遏制重大事故,实现安全生产的根本好转。  相似文献   

In recent years improper allocation of safety input has prevailed in coal mines in China, which resulted in the frequent accidents in coal mining operation. A comprehensive assessment of the input efficiency of coal mine safety should lead to im-proved efficiency in the use of funds and management resources. This helps government and enterprise managers better understand how safety inputs are used and to optimize allocation of resources. Study on coal mine's efficiency assessment of safety input was conducted in this paper. A C2R model with non-Archimedean infinitesimal vector based on output is established after consideration of the input characteristics and the model properties. An assessment of an operating mine was done using a specific set of input and output criteria. It is found that the safety input was efficient in 2002 and 2005 and was weakly efficient in 2003. However, the effi-ciency was relatively low in both 2001 and 2004. The safety input resources can be optimized and adjusted by means of projection theory. Such analysis shows that, on average in 2001 and 2004, 45% of the expended funds could have been saved. Likewise, 10% of the safety management and technical staff could have been eliminated and working hours devoted to safety could have been reduced by 12%. These conditions could have given the same results.  相似文献   

基于区间数层次分析法的基本原理,全面综合考虑了煤矿安全生产的各种因素,应用区间数层次分析,将各指标两两比较得出区间数判断矩阵;将判断矩阵的特征向量作为煤矿安全评价因子的权重范围,构建了煤矿安全评价指标体系.该体系能客观地反映煤矿安全评价中各影响因素的权重范围,从而为煤矿安全评价及管理决策提供依据.  相似文献   

During the past decade, coal dust and gas explosions have been the most two serious types of disasters in China, threatening the lives of miners and causing significant losses in terms of national property. In this paper, an evaluation model of coal dust and gas explosions was constructed based on a fuzzy fault tree by taking the Xingli Coal Mine as a research site to identify the risk factors of coal dust and gas explosions.Furthermore, the hazards associated with such explosions were evaluated for this particular coal mine.After completing an on-site investigation, the fuzzy probabilities of basic events were obtained through expert scoring, and these expert opinions were then aggregated as trapezoidal fuzzy numbers to calculate the degrees of importance of all basic events. Finally, these degrees of importance were sorted. According to the resulting order, the basic events with higher probabilities were determined to identify key hazards in the daily safety management of this particular coal mine. Moreover, effective measures for preventing gas and coal dust explosions were derived. The fuzzy fault tree analysis method is of high significance in the analysis of accidental coal mine explosions and provides theoretical guidance for improving the efficiency of coal mine safety management in a scientific and feasible manner.  相似文献   

Coal mine safety is a complex system, which is controlled by a number of interrelated factors and is difficult to estimate. This paper proposes an index system of safety assessment based on correlated factors involved in coal mining and a comprehensive evaluation model that combines the advantages of the AHP and a grey clustering method to guarantee the accuracy and objectivity of weight coefficients. First, we confirmed the weight of every index using the AHP, then did a general safety assessment by means of a grey clustering method. This model analyses the status of mining safety both qualitatively and quantitatively. It keeps management and technical groups informed of the situation of the coal production line in real time, which aids in making correct decisions based on practical safety issues. A case study in the application of the model is presented. The results show that the method is applicable and realistic with regard to the core of a coal mine's safety management. Consequently, the safe production of a mine and the awareness of advanced safe production management is accelerated.  相似文献   

从产权制度角度对产生煤矿安全事故的原因进行研究,并借助于信息经济学的博弈论工具,以经济学为视角构建了煤矿安全生产涉及的相关利益主体博弈模型,分析了产生煤矿安全事故的原因并且提出治理煤矿安全生产的有效途径,即加大对发生安全事故的煤矿企业的惩处力度,并加大政府监管的概率。  相似文献   

煤矿开采的主要对象是煤层,煤层对比清楚与否,直接影响煤矿安全生产和经济效益.岱庄煤矿3上1、3上及3下煤层相距较近,区分不明显,容易造成采掘巷道串层现象.对岱庄煤矿可采煤层中微量元素赋存特征开展研究,掌握不同煤层中微量元素的赋存状况,可很好地判断岱庄煤矿煤层层位,能有效避免地质构造等因素造成近距离煤层采掘串层现象,对合理设计开采方案和采掘进度有重大意义,从而为岱庄煤矿安全、高效生产提供科学依据和保障.  相似文献   

评述了当前我国矿难频发原因的几种代表性观点,论述了改革开放以来我国煤炭行业管理体制的变化历程,1989年煤炭行业管理体制变化对煤矿安全生产带来的影响,分析了当前我国矿难频发、治理效果不显著的主要原因,提出了防治我国当前煤矿灾难频发的诸多建议.  相似文献   

文中从管理的角度和法律的角度,围绕河北省内煤矿企业整合重组后如何实现"安全、高效、和谐"的目的,对整合重组后的小煤矿公司提出了三种管理模式,并分析比较了每一种管理模式的特点。  相似文献   

The purpose of ventilation management systems is to ensure the health and safety of underground workers by creating and incorporating structured plans, procedures and processes on the day-to-day operations of the mine ventilation system. The application of ventilation management programs consists of audit, verification, and corrective action procedures to:(1) ensure adherence to regulatory standards,or to(2) return to compliance and safety standards when an upset condition arises. This paper describes how a ventilation management program can be developed and implemented to ensure regulation compliance, to increase safety, to improve operational efficiency and to reduce the operating costs of an operating mine. Two case applications are presented in this paper. The first case is presented to demonstrate use of a ventilation management program in response to a site inspection and audit, with follow-up application of corrective actions. The second case application describes how air quality conditions has been substantially improved with the development and implementation of a ventilation management program for an operating underground hard rock mine.  相似文献   

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