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Pigs of varying liveweight received protein-free diets in a trial made to establish the excretion levels of endogenic intestinal nitrogen and endogenic intestinal amino acids. The highest excretion rates of endogenic intestinal N and intestinal amino acids per kg of liveweight or per 100 g of dry matter ingested were found in pigs weighing about 10 to 40 kg. The lowest values were abtained in pigs with a liveweight exceeding 40 kg. The levels of endogenic intestinal N and intestinal amino acids are variable quantities. So, true amino acid digestibility data should be determined in pigs weighing more than 40 kg, because in these animals the relation between the intaken of amino acids and the level of endogenic excretion in the faeces is widest and hence, this variable factor would have the least influence on calculations of digestibility data. The data established for the true digestibility of nitrogen and amino acids of barley fed to pigs weighting 10-100 kg were found to be at the same level (with the exception of lysine) when due consideration was given to figures for the excretion of endogenic intestinal N and intestinal amino acids taking into account the liveweight of the animals.  相似文献   

The study of cytotoxic T cell responses to measles antigens during infection and after vaccination may provide insight into the immunopathology of the infection. It will also provide a knowledge of the immunity conferred by wild or attenuated virus, which will help in the design of new vaccines. Direct cytotoxic T cell responses, which did not require in vitro restimulation, were measured from peripheral blood by a standard 51Cr-release assay in 35 patients with acute measles, using HLA class I matched allogeneic B cells as targets. 77% showed specific responses to measles fusion protein, 69% to the hemagglutinin, and 50% to the nucleoprotein. These responses, which were related to severity of disease and history of previous vaccination, had waned by 14-24 wk after measles when memory responses to the same antigens could be elicited by restimulation in 71% of the 13 patients tested. A similar pattern followed vaccination: direct cytotoxic responses to fusion and hemagglutinin proteins were shown in 70% of the 20 children tested while 50% responded to the nucleoprotein. These responses, which were mediated by both CD8(+) and CD4(+) cells, faded over 6 wk when memory responses could be restimulated. Thus, a vigorous cytotoxic T lymphocyte response to fusion, hemagglutinin, and nucleoproteins is important in both natural and vaccine-induced immunity to measles.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out with 12 pigs (Yorkshire x Landrace) to determine the effect of dietary fat content on amino acid digestibility. The pigs were weaned at 21 d of age and fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum at 27 or 28 d of age. After a 7-d recuperation period, the pigs were fed one of four isonitrogenous cornstarch-based soybean meal diets (22.5% CP) containing 3.2, 6.2, 9.2, or 12.2% canola oil according to a balanced two-period change-over design. The pigs were fed four times daily, equal amounts, at 6-h intervals. The diets were supplied at a rate of 5% of the average body weight that was determined at the initiation of the first (11.0 kg) and second (12.5 kg) experimental period. Each experimental period consisted of 10 d. Feces were collected for 48 h on d 6 and 7 and ileal digesta for 24 h during d 8, 9, and 10. Chromic oxide was used as digestibility marker. The apparent ileal digestibilities of most of the amino acids increased linearly (P < .05) with increasing dietary fat levels. There were differences (P < .05) in the ileal digestibilities of most of the amino acids between the diets containing 3.2 and 12.2% canola oil. Conversely, the dietary level of inclusion of canola oil did not affect (P > .05) the fecal amino acid digestibilities. The protein-sparing effect of additional canola oil inclusion results, in part, from an increase in ileal amino acid digestibility.  相似文献   

A trial was performed with 2 fistula pigs (each with 2 fistulas, one located about 30 cm below the pyloric orifice and the other at the end of the small intestine). Animal A received a casein diet containing 14% crude protein for a period of 2 weeks before the tracer amino acid was administered. Animal B received the same diet for a period of 10 days and was then fed a diet (at the same protein level) containing gluten as sole protein source. The two tracer amino acids, 14C-U-L-leucine and 3H-4,5-(N)-L-lysine, were injected intravenously. The passage rates for dry matter, organic matter and N measured at the beginning of the small intestine were higher than the rate of intake. The rate of passage of amino acids was also found to be increased relative to the rate of intake. In general, this increase involved the non-essential amino acids to a much larger extent. A considerable proportion of the amino acids passing into the large intestine is not excreted with the faeces but is probably converted in catabolic processes. It is for this reason that any values for the efficiency of amino acid absorption calculated on the basis of data on the faecal excretion of amino acids will not provide conclusive evidence for the availability of dietary amino acids in processes of the intermediate metabolism. The rate of secretion of 3H and 14C radioactivity into the digesta of the small intestine was found to increase rapidly within 1-2 hrs after administration of the tracer amino acids. The 14C radioactivity detected was found to be almost exclusively derived from 14C leucine while only about 60% of the 3H activity found in the digesta of fistula I were shown to be bound to lysine. Labelled lysine and leucine (of endogenic origin) are absorbed into the small intestine at a slower rate (i.e. endogenic proteins are less efficiently digested) than the non-radioactive amino acids (of exogenic origin) so that a process of concentration of endogenic amino acids is observed towards the end of the small intestine.  相似文献   

A preliminary study was conducted using lactating British Saanen goats (n = 5) at 109 to 213 d in milk that yielded 1.67 to 3.68 kg of milk/d to examine the application of a U-13C-labeled amino acid (AA) mixture obtained from hydrolyzed algal proteins as a tracer for measuring plasma flux (n = 5) and partition to the mammary gland (n = 3; arteriovenous difference) of 13 AA simultaneously. Except for Ile and Ser, there was incomplete (6 to 54%) equilibration of the tracer with AA from packed blood cells (> 90% erythrocytes) during the 6-h infusions. This result agreed with the large ratio of packed cells to gradients for plasma AA concentration that was also observed. However, net mass and isotope removals by the mammary gland were predominantly from plasma, indicating that the erythrocytes did not participate in kinetic exchanges. Plasma AA fluxes (millimoles per kilogram of metabolizable protein intake per kilogram of body weight 0.75) differed among goats that consumed different protein sources; however, overall rates were lowest for Met (5 to 14) and His (8 to 17) and highest for Leu (48 to 70) and Ala (53 to 88). On average, 25% of plasma flux was partitioned to the mammary gland. Less than 20% of His, Ser, Phe, and Ala were directed to the mammary gland; 20 to 30% of Arg, Thr, Tyr, and Leu were directed to the mammary gland; and 30 to 40% of Pro, Ile, Lys, and Val were directed to the mammary gland. The unidirectional AA flux in the mammary gland (AA apparently available for protein syntheses, oxidation, and metabolite formation) did not match the pattern that is required for casein synthesis, suggesting differences in the metabolic requirements of AA for nonmilk protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The 24-h urine excretion of 20 amino acids was investigated in 24 cystinuric and 15 normal dogs. The diagnosis of cystinuria was based on infrared spectroscopy of removed uroliths, which in all cases were composed of pure cystine. Seven of 24 cystinuric dogs showed normal cystine excretion compared to normal dogs, and four of 24 dogs showed normal total amino acid excretion. In contrast to earlier investigations, almost half of the cystinuric dogs (46%) showed elevated excretion of five or more amino acids. Isolated cystinuria, or isolated dibasic amino aciduria was not found. Compared to normal dogs, the cystinuric dogs showed a significantly (P < 0.05) increased excretion of cystine, arginine, lysine, cystathionine, glutamic acid, threonine and glutamine. There was a significant correlation (P < 0.05) between the urinary excretion of cystine and 10 other amino acids, with the highest correlation found (P < 0.001) for arginine, lysine, cystathionine, ornithine and 1-methyl-histidine. Three patterns of amino acid excretion could be identified: (1) increased excretion and a significant correlation with cystine for the three dibasic amino acids (lysine, arginine and ornithine), compatible with a common reabsorption mechanism as shown in man. This pattern was also found for cystathionine and glutamic acid, which might indicate a relation in metabolism or transport; (2) increased excretion but no correlation with cystine for glutamine, threonine and citrulline; (3) good correlation with cystine, but no increased excretion for 1-methyl-histidine, phenylalanine, 3-methyl-histidine, leucine and alanine. The great variation in urinary cystine excretion suggests that factors other than the excretion of cystine must be considered as causes of cystine urolith formation. For example, cystinuric dogs were found to have lower diuresis than normal dogs and produced urine with higher cystine concentration thereby increasing the risk of cystine urolith formation.  相似文献   

Infestation with ixodid tick stimulates the immune regulatory and effector pathways of the hosts involving antigen presenting cells, T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, basophils, mast cells, eosinophils and a variety of bioactive molecules like cytokines, antibodies and complement. Tick-mediated immunosuppression has been investigated using cells derived from infested animals and by exposing cells from uninfected animals to tick salivary gland molecules. Tick-induced suppression of host immune defences is characterized by reduced ability of lymphocytes from infested animals to proliferate in vitro in the presence of concanavalin A (Con A), diminished primary antibody responses to T-cell dependent antigen, and decreased elaboration of macrophage (IL-1 and TNF-alpha) and Th1-lymphocyte cytokines (IFN-gamma), whereas Th2 cytokines production (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10) is enhanced. It is known that IL-10 inhibits Th1 cell development and also reduces the in vitro T-lymphocyte proliferative response to Con A stimulation. Proteins which inhibited T-lymphocyte in vitro responsiveness to Con A were also isolated from tick salivary glands.  相似文献   

1. Three sequential experiments, each lasting 8 weeks, were carried out on 576 singly-caged light hybrids. 2. In experiment 1 egg production was 84% using a conventional control diet, 61% with a basal low-protein diet, and 79% with the basal diet supplemented with 10 essential amino acids+L-glutamic acid (GA). 3. In experiment 2 supplementation with lysine and methionine (L+M) alone increased egg production significantly from 54 to 72%, compared with 83% with the conventional diet. 4. In experiment 3 egg production was 55% with the basal diet, 71% with the basal diet+L+M, 75% with a diet containing 141 g protein/kg+L+M, and 73% with the conventional diet. 5. In all three experiments supplementation with GA alone either gave no significant response or a depression in production. 6. Daily intakes of 1-24 g nitrogen as non-essential amino acids and 13 to 14 g total crude protein per bird resulted in good egg production. Supplementation of the basal diet with L+M resulted in a daily intake of 413 mg methionine/bird day which was considered adequate, and a daily intake of 710 mg lysine which was considered slightly inadequate.  相似文献   

alpha-Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) is a suicide inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase and potent antiproliferative chemopreventive agent. We conducted a dose de-escalation Phase I trial of DFMO in patients with grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia to determine an optimal dose of DFMO using ornithine decarboxylase activity and polyamine modulation as surrogate biomarkers and to evaluate its toxicity. Thirty patients with biopsy-confirmed grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia were assigned sequentially to one of five DFMO doses (1.000, 0.500, 0.250, 0.125, or 0.060 g/m2) given daily for 31 days. One patient was excluded from analysis for protocol violation. Polyamine levels were assessed in cervical tissue, plasma, and RBCs. Tissue and blood samples were obtained before and after treatment with DFMO. All patients underwent loop excision of the cervix at the end of the study for complete histological evaluation and definitive treatment of the premalignant condition. No major clinical toxicity was observed at any DFMO dose. A reduction in tissue spermidine to spermine (SPD:SPM) ratio and an increase in plasma arginine levels were observed among patients receiving 1.000 g/m2/day (P < 0.05). A nonsignificant reduction in SPD:SPM ratio was also observed in the 0.500 g/m2/day dose group, and a nonsignificant increase in plasma arginine level was observed down to the 0.125 g/m2/day dose level. There was no evidence of modulation of other polyamines or precursors. Fifteen patients experienced a complete (5 patients) or partial (10 patients) histological response. In conclusion, DFMO was well tolerated and significantly modulated tissue SPD:SPM ratio and plasma arginine level at the dose of 1.000 g/m2/day. To clarify whether DFMO has activity at lower doses, these results will be tested in a three-armed double-blinded Phase II study using placebo and DFMO doses of 0.500 and 0.125 g/m2/day.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of dietary NDF on apparent ileal and fecal digestibility and portal flux of nitrogen (N) and amino acids, and on N retention in growing pigs. In four equal portions (at 0600, 1200, 1800, and 2400) barrows on Treatment B received a basal diet, based on casein, cornstarch, and dextrose, at a feeding level of 2.6 times energy for maintenance. Barrows on Treatment B+NDF received an additional amount of 15% (wt/wt) of purified wheat bran NDF (pNDF). In Exp. 1, four ileally cannulated barrows (40 to 75 kg) were used in a crossover arrangement comprising two treatments and three periods. The addition of pNDF decreased ileal N digestibility from 94.1 to 88.9% (P < .001), whereas ileal digestibility of most amino acids was 2 to 5.5 percentage units lower (P < .001). Utilization of ileally digested N increased from 64 to 72% with the addition of pNDF, presumably because of the contribution of pNDF to the energy supply. In Exp. 2, three barrows (30 to 54 kg) fitted with catheters in the portal vein and the mesenteric vein and artery were used in a crossover arrangement comprising two treatments and five periods. Portal absorption of nutrients was derived by multiplying the porto-arterial plasma concentration differences by portal vein plasma flow. The pNDF did not significantly affect the absorption of ileally digested amino acids and the portal flux of ammonia and urea. The results showed that addition of NDF reduced amino acid digestibility, but not the portal flux of digested amino acids, and NDF energy presumably improved utilization of ileally digested amino acids.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that maternal dietary protein deficiency decreases amino acid availability to the fetus, thereby contributing to retarded fetal growth. Primiparous gilts selected genetically for low or high plasma total cholesterol concentrations (low line and high line, respectively) were mated, and then fed 1.8 kg/d of isocaloric diets containing 13% or 0.5% crude protein. At d 40 or 60 of gestation, they were hysterectomized, and maternal and fetal blood samples as well as amniotic and allantoic fluids were obtained for analyses of amino acids, ammonia and urea. Dietary protein restriction decreased (P < 0.05) the following: 1) maternal plasma concentrations of urea at d 40 and 60 of gestation; 2) fetal plasma concentrations of alanine, arginine, branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), glutamine, glycine, lysine, ornithine, proline, taurine, threonine and urea at d 60 of gestation; 3) amniotic and allantoic fluid concentrations of urea at d 40 and 60 of gestation; and 4) allantoic fluid concentrations of alanine, arginine, BCAA, citrulline, cystine, glycine, histidine, methionine, proline, serine, taurine, threonine and tyrosine at d 40 of gestation, in gilts of both genetic lines. At d 60 of gestation, protein deficiency decreased (P < 0.05) allantoic fluid concentrations of arginine, cystine, glycine, taurine and tyrosine in low line gilts and of cystine, glutamine, ornithine, serine, taurine and tyrosine in high line gilts. Low line and high line gilts also differed remarkably in allantoic fluid concentrations of arginine, glutamine, ornithine and ammonia at d 40 and 60 of gestation. Our results suggest the following: 1) protein-deficient gilts maintain maternal plasma concentrations of amino acids by mobilizing maternal protein stores and decreasing oxidation of amino acids during the first half of gestation; 2) protein deficiency may impair placental transport of amino acids from the maternal to the fetal blood; and 3) low line and high line gilts differ in fetal amino acid metabolism. Decreases in concentrations of the essential and nonessential amino acids in the fetus may be a mechanism whereby maternal dietary protein restriction results in fetal growth retardation.  相似文献   

Three trials were carried out with pigs between 5 and 8 wk of age to determine the limiting order of amino acids in a 13.5% CP corn-soybean meal-based diet containing 8% dried whey. The positive-control diet was a 19.2% CP corn-soybean meal-based diet (1.15% lysine), also with 8% dried whey. Amino acid additions to the low-protein, negative-control diet were based on levels needed to accomplish 110% of ideal ratios (to lysine, set at 1.15%). In Exp. 1, the addition of an amino acid mixture containing Lys, Trp, Thr, Met, Ile, and Val to the low-protein diet increased (P<.05) gain and gain: feed ratio, and these response traits were not different from those of pigs fed the 19.2% CP positive-control diet. Single deletion of Lys from the supplemental amino acid mixture depressed performance to a greater (P<.05) extent than single deletion of any of the other amino acids. Single deletions of Trp, Thr, Met, or Val decreased (P<.05) performance in a similar but lesser magnitude than the decrease caused by Lys deletion, whereas Ile deletion was without effect. Experiments 2 and 3 were designed to evaluate the limiting order of AA beyond Lys in the low-protein diet. Neither His nor Glu were found to be deficient, and, as in Exp. 1, deletion of Trp, Thr, Met, or Val from the supplemental amino acid mixture resulted in performance depressions (P<.05) that were similar. The results suggest that Lys is first-limiting and Trp, Thr, Met, and Val are equally second-limiting in a reduced protein (13.5% CP) corn-soybean meal-based diet with 8% whey for 10-kg pigs.  相似文献   

Human protein S binds to C4b-binding protein (C4BP) both in plasma and in a system using purified proteins. Amino acid residues 420-434 of the first disulfide loop of the sex hormone binding globulinlike domain of protein S are involved in the interaction of protein S with C4BP. To define the involvement of specific polar amino acids within residues 420-434, we studied in parallel synthetic protein S peptides and recombinant protein S variants containing the same amino acid replacements, K423E, E424K, Q427E and K429E. Synthetic peptide analogs of peptide PSP-420 (residues 420-434) were assayed for binding C4BP and as inhibitors of complex formation. The PSP-420 peptide and the analogous peptide with the substitution E424K, but not the peptides containing the substitutions K423E and K429E, were able to bind C4BP. Recombinant proteins with mutations of K423E, Q427E and K429E showed reduced affinity for C4BP compared to plasma protein S, recombinant wild type protein S, or E424K-protein S. These results suggest that Lys-423, Gln-427 and Lys-429 of protein S are important for normal binding to C4BP. The anti-protein S monoclonal antibody LJ-56, raised against peptide PSP-420, recognizes only free protein S and inhibits complex formation with C4BP. Antibody LJ-56 recognized the E424K and Q427E peptides but not the K423E or K429E peptides. Similarly, the E424K and Q427E protein S mutants were recognized by LJ-56, whereas the K423E and K429E protein S mutants were not recognized. This suggests that both in the peptide PSP-420 and in protein S, Lys-423 and Lys-429 significantly contribute to binding to antibody LJ-56. These results demonstrate that protein S residues 423, 427 and 429, but not residue 424, are involved in binding to both the antibody LJ-56 and to C4BP. When peptides PSP 420 and SL-6 (residues 447-460) with carboxyterminal amide or carboxylate moieties were compared to their ability to inhibit C4BP-protein S complexation, PSP-420-amide was the most potent. This finding together with the other results described here supports the hypothesis that the residues 420 and 434 in protein S provides a major binding site for C4BP.  相似文献   

For routine evaluation of the quality of dietary protein, amino acid scoring patterns were used. Evaluation of this pattern for soy and casein revealed that these proteins are of almost equal quality. However, in vivo studies showed a large difference. To study the biological effects of meals with casein and soy protein, the contributions of individual amino acids to net protein retention and amino acid kinetics in gut, liver and muscle in healthy pigs were investigated. Isonitrogenous enteral nutrition, infused at a rate of 10 mL. kg body wt-1. h-1 and consisting of maltodextrin (137 g/L) with added casein (53 g/L) or soy protein (68 g/L), was given to conscious, healthy female multicathetized pigs (20-22 kg, n = 12). A primed-constant infusion protocol with L-[ring-2,6-3H]phenylalanine, L-[3,4-3H]valine and [15N-15N]urea was used to measure amino acid and urea kinetics in gut, liver and muscle. Measurements were done postabsorptively and 2-6 h after initiation of the enteral nutrition. During the meal, appearance of amino acids into the portal vein and the uptake by the liver was lower with casein infusion. Muscle uptake did not differ. Gut protein synthesis tended to be lower with soy infusion (P = 0.1). Liver protein synthesis and degradation were higher with casein infusion (P < 0.05), while in muscle, soy infusion stimulated protein turnover (P < 0.05). In comparison to the postabsorptive condition, liver urea production was unchanged after casein infusion, while it was significantly increased after soy infusion. These results suggest that the quality of soy protein is inferior to that of casein protein.  相似文献   

To elucidate the response of amino acid metabolism in the liver to dietary protein and plasma amino acids, the livers of adult rats fed on diet containing 10% (control) or 3% (low-protein) egg protein for 3 weeks were perfused for 120 min with amino acid-free medium in Experiment 1 or medium containing an amino acid mixture simulating that in plasma in Experiment 2. During perfusion about 40% of the free amino acids were lost from the liver in Exp. 1, and about 30% in Exp. 2. During this period, in Exp. 1 the releases of free amino acids and urea into the medium were 140 mumol and 2.52 mg, respectively, in the control group and 207 mumol and 1.10 mg respectively, in the low-protein group. Thus release was greater than decrease in free amino acids in the liver. Essential amino acids, particularly lysine and branched chain amino acids, were released preferentially. The results suggest that the amount of breakdown of liver protein in the two groups was similar, but that the nitrogen was mainly released as free amino acids in the low-protein group, and as urea in the control group. On the contrary, in Exp. 2 the amount of nitrogen released from the liver was comparable to the decrease in amino acids in the liver, and the releases of urea were also less, being 1.83 mg in the control group and 0.54 mg in low-protein group. The results show that amino acid metabolism in the liver is greatly affected by the nutritional state of the animal and the amino acid content of the perfusion fluid.  相似文献   

We studied the molecular basis of protein C deficiency in a family with a history of thromboembolic disease. An approximately 50% reduction in anticoagulant activity despite normal levels of protein C amidolytic activity and antigen was detected in plasma from the proband. All the exons and intron/exon junctions of the protein C gene were studied using a strategy that combined polymerase chain reaction amplification with DNA sequencing of the amplified fragments. We identified a C-to-A change at nucleotide number 1387 of the protein C gene in the proband and his mother, and this mutant was designated protein C Osaka 10. The C-to-A change resulted in the substitution of Ser for Arg at position -1, which is the processing protease cleavage site. The mutant protein C was partially purified from plasma of the patient's mother using barium adsorption followed by ion-exchange column chromatography. It eluted at the same sodium chloride concentration as normal protein C, and thus gamma-carboxylation of the mutant protein appeared to be normal. The apparent molecular weight of this mutant protein C was the same as that of the normal protein on immunoblotting. Amino-terminal sequence analysis showed that the light chain of the mutant protein C had an additional Ser at position-1. Thus, the loss of anticoagulant activity of protein C Osaka 10 can be explained by alteration of the conformation of the Gla domain by the additional Ser in the mutant molecule.  相似文献   

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