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要分析欧洲酱料和沾酱的市场是一件非常困难的事情,因为每个国家对这些产品的定义都不太相同。九十年代以来,传统酱料和沾酱的界限愈来愈模糊,过去认为只是摆在桌边的产品,现在则扩大到用于烹调或沾浸的都属此类。 德国、英国、法国、意大利和西班牙等五个主要欧洲国家的酱料和沾酱市场,在1998年增长到116万吨,约值29亿欧元。平均每人每年的消费  相似文献   

在欧洲水果制品市场上的产品品种繁多,为不断进入买方市场的水果产品制造商提供了新的商机。由于人们对健康的广泛关注,促进了对新鲜水果制品的消费。一些经过加工的水果,例如  相似文献   

Recently, consumers’ awareness regarding food production has increased, leading to a growing focus on shorter food supply chains and regional or local food systems. In the livestock sector, these developments are closely related to a regionalization of feed production. At the same time, a low self-sufficiency rate in protein feed is being reported for many European countries. In this paper, we analyze market impacts resulting from a complete switch to regionally produced feed in the European livestock sector. We simulate a shortening of feed supply chains in European livestock production using a large-scale agricultural sector model. Livestock production was restricted to feed that can be produced within the same EU member state. Our work represents a first step towards a simulation of regional or local food systems. The results reveal large increases in the prices of livestock products in Europe due to the shortening of feed supply chains. This is a result of a significant increase in livestock production costs. The ability to supply livestock products with regionally produced feed in the EU would be improved through a reduced consumption of livestock products.  相似文献   

饮料市场在全球的快速发展在很大程度上得益于厂商的不懈努力。对于国际性大公司来说,在以资金优势占领市场的同时也面临如何把握不同地区消费者口味习惯的困惑;而对于地产品牌的制造商,他们在各自产品的开发上也有自己的特色,以此应对与大企业的竞争。以下即是德威龙公司欧洲饮料部MichaelZieger,对欧洲、美洲饮料市场的分析。  相似文献   

基于笔者2006年在非洲埃塞俄比亚从事服装生产教育工作的经历,从对埃塞俄比亚服装产业发展趋势的分析出发,探讨了四川服装产业的特点和中小企业向埃塞俄比亚拓展服装市场的可能性.  相似文献   

Pigs are the major animal reservoir for Yersinia enterocolitica strains, which are potentially pathogenic for humans. The goals of this study were (i) to estimate the individual animal and on-farm prevalences of Y. enterocolitica in hogs based on tonsil samples collected during National Animal Health Monitoring System Swine 2002 study and (ii) to use these data with data previously published for fecal samples to determine on-farm risk factors for Y. enterocolitica. Tonsil swabs (1,218) and fecal samples (2,847) were collected on 124 farms located in the top 17 pork-producing states. Ten percent of tonsils (122 of 1,218 samples) were positive in irgasan-tiracillin-chlorate (ITC) enrichment broth by real-time PCR, but only 5.6% of samples (68 of 1,218) were positive after subculture on the more selective cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin (CIN) agar. For tonsils, the on-farm prevalence based on real-time PCR detection of the ail gene in ITC enrichment broth cultures was 32% (32 of 100 premises sampled); the prevalence based on subculture in CIN agar was 19.6% (20 of 102 premises). Results of bacteriological isolation and real-time PCR analysis of tonsils and feces were combined to estimate prevalence (individual animal and farm), which was subsequently correlated with 40 farm management practices. Four factors and their accompanying odds ratios (ORs) were identified in the final regression model: location in a central state (OR = 0.3), vaccination for Escherichia coli (OR = 3.0), percentage of deaths due to scours (OR = 3.5), and presence of meat or bone meal in grower-finisher diet (OR = 4.1).  相似文献   

Commercially grown US Runner peanuts from 10 cultivars comprising 151 samples over two recent crop years contained 10.54 ± 1.50 mg α‐tocopherol (T)/100 g kernel, 0.31 ± 0.12 β‐T, 10.93 ± 2.04 γ‐T and 0.76 ± 0.31 δ‐T. Box plots revealed segregations in tocopherol levels for normal, mid and high oleic cultivars as well as production years among the cultivars. Correlation coefficients indicated positive relationships between β‐ and γ‐T (r = 0.436, P < 0.001) and γ‐ and δ‐T (r = 0.437, P < 0.001) but no relationship between α‐ and γ‐T (r = ?0.032). Principal component analysis of tocopherol contents simplified the data set and revealed two significant principal components (PCs) (PC1 and PC2), which together accounted for 72.6% of the total variance in the data. Eigen analysis of the correlation matrix loadings of the PCs revealed that PC1 was mainly contributed to by α‐, β‐ and δ‐T, whereas PC2 was by γ‐T. This study clearly demonstrates that using a chemometric approach to analyse raw data can provide scientists with more information concerning the variation in peanut cultivars than by simply reporting the means and standard deviations of HPLC results.  相似文献   

<正> 一、认识电动文具产品 第一次见到电动文具产品,不禁感到眼前一亮,接着就是惊奇:文具竟然能够做成如此精致!既而又是感叹,如此方便,真有点爱不释手。一个电动钉书机不仅仅满足了装订的功能,并且又充满了品味和紧张工作之余难得的一丝轻松。  相似文献   

Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined for 811 strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from cases of bovine mastitis in 11 countries. The countries and number of isolates included Denmark (105), England (92), Finland (95), Germany (103), Iceland (22), Ireland (42), Norway (101), Sweden (123), Switzerland (69), United States (53), and Zimbabwe (6). The antimicrobial agents tested were penicillin, ampicillin, oxacillin, cephalothin, ceftiofur, amoxicillin + clavulanate, penicillin + novobiocin, enrofloxacin, premafloxacin, erythromycin, clindamycin, lincomycin, pirlimycin, neomycin, lincomycin + neomycin, and sulfamethazine. The MIC90 for these antimicrobial agents for all strains were 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, < or =0.06, 0.125, 0.125, < or =0.0078, 0.5, 1.0, 16.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.5, and 4.0 microg/ml, respectively. Overall, only small variations between countries were seen in the MIC90 for the majority of compounds tested. Of the strains tested, 35.6% were positive for beta-lactamase production on initial testing, with an additional 21.3% positive after induction by penicillin. In conclusion, the overall level of resistance was generally low for all antimicrobial agents tested regardless of country. Given the differences in antimicrobial use in various countries, the widespread adoption of mastitis control programs to prevent infections limits the exposure of S. aureus infected animals to antimicrobial drugs.  相似文献   

今年以来,俄罗斯政府已将技术纺织物工业作为未来发展目标制定了相关发展政策.技术纺织与无纺工业已成为国家投资重点.其中具体举措之一就是向俄罗斯巴拉索夫(Balashov)地区的纺织公司投资100亿卢布,约合2亿美元,以扩展技术纺织物和无纺材料聚酰胺纤维的产量.  相似文献   

The legal view     
The different areas of the law which influence the dairy industry are considered, together with the organizational structures that give stability to the industry. The author then gives a personal view of the legal and political constraints that apply to dairying, both justifiable and unjustifiable, and suggests ways in which the situation might be improved.  相似文献   

The major suppliers of goods and services to the dairy industry are identified. The commercial relationships arising in each sector of supply are considered and comparisons are made between monopolistic and competitive sources. Consideration is given to the scope of suppliers' responsibilities in terms of design, development and collaborative ventures.  相似文献   

The relationships between the dairy industries of the UK and of other countries, both developed and developing, are considered from technical and economic standpoints. The International Dairy Federation (IDF) is a valuable channel for cooperation and the transfer of information, although its financial resources are limited and many countries with developing dairy industries are not members of IDF.  相似文献   

Changes in farming systems, including dairy farming systems, have had adverse effects on the countryside. The money available for the protection of the country environment is insignificant alongside the financial pressures which encourage change. Leaching from fields treated with nitrogenous fertilizers can cause contamination of water supplies with nitrates. The problem of effluent disposal from dairy farms is a particular problem. It is suggested that there may be a need to revert to less intensive farming methods, and that wastes should be utilized rather than disposed of. as fertilizers or to produce methane for power generation, or as feedstuffs after modification.  相似文献   

Over a span of roughly 30 years the dairy industry has been steadily advancing in its technology. Two main areas in this advance have affected the employee. They are the development of high speed processing and bottling, and the steady progress of the carton in gradually speeding up production and the use of less and less manual labour.
The high speed bottling plant has on the plus side done away with a lot of manhandling of a heavy product and helped to improve the pay with less hours worked. On the minus side, a lot of processing jobs were lost. These things had relatively little effect on the milkman.
Cartoning has a plus side for processing workers in that it replaced some jobs which otherwise have been lost. For retail milkmen the carton that was first produced for very good reasons is now, with improved productivity and the interest shown in it by the supermarkets, posing a threat to retail distribution which would make the processing job losses minimal by comparison.  相似文献   

Although technology has allowed great expansion in the production of milk, and has improved its bacteriological and chemical quality, there has been no significant development of new sales outlets. The factors influencing the uptake of technology are considered. It is contended that a great effort is needed to find new large-scale food uses for native or modified milk protein, lactose and butterfat. The dairy industry will be under great pressure from alternative food materials under the influence of biotechnological developments.  相似文献   

动画的动作设计好似影视戏剧演员的表演,在动画制作过程中具有举足轻重的地位。动画诞生至今,美国、欧洲、日本、中国都产生了众多优秀的动画片,经历过试验、探索的过程,形成了各自典型的动画艺术风格。动画动作设计作为表演手段,各国也有不同的特色。美国式动作夸张,欧洲式动作精准,日本式动作拟真,中国式动作程式,共同组成了动画艺术的动作设计特色。  相似文献   

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