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Defensive secretions of adultOreina gloriosa, liberated at the surface of the pronotum and elytra, contain a complex mixture of cardenolides, and ethanolamine. Proportions and concentrations of constituents determined by reverse-phase HPLC show considerable variation among individual beetles. Heritabilities of proportions of five main components were estimated by mother-offspring regression providing a validation of the less reliable full-sib correlation estimates. Average heritabilities based on the two methods were 0.51 and 0.58, respectively, estimated by using offspring of two age groups. Regression estimates of 2- and 10-week-old offspring differed significantly for one secretion constituent (RT16). Heritability estimates of concentrations of 16 secretion components were calculated by full-sib correlation analysis. Average heritability was 0.45, indicating a significant genetic component. Estimates did not differ significantly between the two age groups. We also estimated heritabilities of concentrations by a two-way model including data from offspring of both age groups. Heritability estimates based on this model are thought to correspond approximately to estimates based on samples from natural populations. The average of these estimates was lower (h 2 =0.31) than the average heritability of each age group separately (h 2 =0.45), suggesting a developmental effect on variation in chemical defense ofO. gloriosa.  相似文献   

The lycaenid butterfly,Eumaeus atala, was found to contain cycasin, an azoxyglycoside, by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Quantification of cycasin content in 10 individual freshly killed and frozen males and females, using capillary gas chromatography (GC), showed that cycasin contents of individual butterflies ranged from 0.21 to 0.51 mg (1.24–2.75% dry weight). A museum specimen ofE. atala of unknown age had undetectable amounts of cycasin by GC. GC showed that larval frass contained about 0.10% cycasin, which was not detectable by TLC. Cycasin in the host plant was not detectable by TLC but was detected by GC and found to be 0.02% dry weight. There was no macrozamin, another azoxyglycoside characteristic of many cycads, in the butterfly or plant. Feeding trials with a colony of the ant,Camponotus abdominalis floridanus, showed that both cycasin and the adult ofE. atala were deterrent to the ants.  相似文献   

The potential role of the plant enzyme lipoxygenase in host resistance against the corn earwormHelicoverpa zea was examined. Lipoxygenase is present in most of the common host plants ofH. zea, with highest activity in the leguminous hosts such as soybean and redbean. Treatment of dietary proteins with linoleic acid and lipoxygenase significantly reduced the nutritive quality of soybean protein and soy foliar protein. Larval growth was reduced from 24 to 63% depending upon treatment. Feeding byH. zea on soybean plants caused damage-induced increases in foliar lipoxygenase and lipid peroxidation products. Larvae feeding on previously wounded plant tissue demonstrated decreased growth rates compared to larvae feeding on unwounded tissue. Midgut epithelium from larvae feeding on wounded tissues showed evidence of oxidative damage as indicated by significant increases in lipid peroxidation products and losses in free primary amines. The potential role of oxidative and nutritional stress as a plant defensive response to herbivory is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the potential role of defensive chemicals in the avoidance of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) by the cooccurring amphipod,Gammarus pseudolimnaeus at two spring brooks: Carp Creek, Michigan and Squabble Brook, Connecticut. We conducted observations and laboratory experiments on the consumption of watercress, the toxicity of damaged (frozen) watercress, and the toxicity of damage-released secondary chemicals. Field-collected yellowed watercress typically lacked the bite and odor characteristic of green watercress and was consumed byG. pseudolimnaeus. G. pseudolimnaeus strongly preferred yellowed watercress to green watercress despite the higher nitrogen content of the latter (2.7 vs 5.4%), and usually consumed five times more yellowed watercress (>50% of yellowed leaf area vs. <8% of green leaf area presented). Fresh green watercress contained seven times more phenylethyl glucosinolate than yellowed watercress (8.9 mg/g wet vs. 1.2 mg/g). Cell-damaged (frozen) watercress was toxic toG. pseudolimnaeus (48-hr LC50s: ca. 1 g wet/liter), and the primary volatile secondary chemicals released by damage were highly toxic. The predominant glucosinolate hydrolysis product, 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate had 48-hr LC50s between 0.96 and 3.62 mg/liter, whereas 3-phenylpropionitrile was less toxic, with 48-hr LC50s between 130 and 211 mg/liter. These results suggest that live watercress is chemically defended against consumption. The glucosinolate-myrosinase system, recognized as the principle deterrent system of terrestrial crucifers, is also possessed byN. officinale and may contribute to defense from herbivory by aquatic crustaceans. This system may be just one of many examples of the use of defensive chemicals by stream and lake macrophytes.  相似文献   

Soldier defense secretions of the genusHospitalitermes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) were chemically analyzed by GC-MS and were found to contain volatile monoterpenes and polyoxygenated diterpenes. Interspecific and intraspecific chemical variations forH. umbrinus, H. hospitalis, H. flaviventris, andH. bicolor are described. Interspecific variations in monoterpene and diterpene structures and compositions were evident. A remarkable example of large intraspecific variation from a single species was observed inH. umbrinus, indicating that colonies of this species can be separable into two chemically distinct groups. The diterpenes found in one of these groups have unusually high molecular weights.  相似文献   

The defense secretions of the soldiers of the Malaysian rhinotermitid,Parrhinotermes aequalis (Havilandi) andP. pygmaeus (John),Termitogeton planus (Havilandi) andSchedorhinotermes malaccensis (Holmgren) consist mainly of vinyl ketones, whereas that ofProrhinotermes flavus (Bugnion & Popoff) gives (E)-1-nitropentadecene. The chemistry of the defense secretions ofParrhinotermes andTermitogeton is documented and based on their chemical relationships;Termitogeton shows a closer affinity to the Rhinotermitinae than Heterotermitinae.  相似文献   

Chemical defense in chrysomelid larvae (subtribe Chrysomelina and Phyllodectina) is reviewed. Most species secrete autogenous monoterpenes. The diversity of their secretion is interpreted as a mechanism to reduce adaptation by predacious arthropods. The consequences of a host plant shift to the Salicacae are explored. Salicin from these host plants is used as a precursor for the salicylaldehyde secreted by the larvae of many species. This offers several advantages. It provides the larvae with an inexpensive and efficient defense. The recovery of the glucose moiety of the salicin contributes significantly to the larval energy budget. Adults sequester salicin in the eggs at concentrations which are toxic to ants. Owing to this maternal provisioning, neonate larvae produce salicylaldehyde from hatching onwards, whereas other species secreting monoterpenes are not protected at hatching. The secretion of salicylaldehyde by different species is considered to be chemical mimicry reinforcing visual aposematic signals.  相似文献   

The defense secretions of five species of MalaysianNasutitermes,N. longinasus, N. matangensis, N, havilandi, N. johoricus, andNasutitermes species 01, are compared.N. longinasus andN. species 01 provide trinervitene alcohols,N. havilandi mainly tricyclic trinervitene and tetracyclic kempane alcohols and acetates, whereasN. matangensis furnish acetyl/propionyl derivatives of trinervita-11(12),15(17)-dien-3,9,13-triol (XXI and XXII). A new diterpene, assigned as trinervita-11(12),15(17)-dien-3,13-diol-3,13-O-diacetate (XVII), is isolated fromN. havilandi. The mono- and diterpenoid compositions, being species-specific, are useful for chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Soldiers of the humivorous termite generaCubitermes andCrenetermes (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae) secrete a mixture of unusual diterpene hydrocarbons from the fontanellar opening of the frontal gland. The defense secretions of sixCubitermes species and oneCrenetermes species show species-specific distributions of the five chemically identified major components and 12 unidentified minor components. The secretion is also present with its characteric terpene distribution in white presoldiers and newly molted soldiers, but is completely absent in workers.Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (1981–85) and Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar (1981–86).  相似文献   

The sex pheromone of the vine bud moth, Theresimima ampellophaga, released at the 3rd–5th abdominal tergites, was identified by coupled GC-EAG, GC-MS, and synthesis as (2S)-butyl (7Z)-tetradecenoate. For the first time, full stereochemistry is unambiguously defined for the sex pheromone of a member of the Zygaenidae. The synthetic compound caught significant numbers of males in field-trapping experiments.  相似文献   

Volatile components of Pachycoris stallii scent gland secretions and the bug's host plant, Croton californicus, were identified by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. The predominant compounds isolated from C. californicus fruit and leaves were -myrcene and -caryophyllene. Metathoracic gland secretions of P. stallii contained mostly (E)-2-hexenal, (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal, (E)-2-hexenyl acetate, and n-tridecane. In males, n-tridecane was present throughout the metathoracic gland, but in females this compound was found only in the median reservoir/accessory gland. (E)-2-Hexenal was present throughout the gland of female bugs, but in males was primarily present in the median reservoir/accessory gland. (E)-4-Oxo-2-hexenal and n-dodecane were isolated from the median reservoir/accessory gland of male and female bugs. Metathoracic glands were sexually monomorphic. Data from chemical analyses and anatomical observations suggest that dorsal abdominal glands of adults were apparently obsolescent. In nymphs, dorsal abdominal glands produced (E)-2-hexenal, (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal, n-dodecane, n-tridecane, and tetradecanal. The proportion of the predominant constituent, (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal, decreased from 72% in the first instar to 47% in the fourth instar. Proportions of tetradecanal and n-tridecane were greater in the fourth instar than in the first instar. Observations of dissected glands indicated that median and posterior dorsal abdominal glands of all nymphal instars were more developed than anterior dorsal abdominal glands. Scanning electron micrography revealed the presence of polygonal microsculpturing on the integument surrounding the ostioles of metathoracic and dorsal abdominal glands. Chemical, anatomical, and behavioral data indicated that P. stallii has a chemical defense system based on short-chain carbonyl compounds and that this system is directed against arthropods. The abundance of arthropod natural enemies apparently has forced P. stallii to maintain this defense system despite feeding on a toxic host plant.  相似文献   

Soldiers of free-ranging termites of the genusLacessititermes (Isoptera, Nasutitermitinae) secrete from their frontal glands a mixture of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes.Lacessititermes ransoneti, L. laborator, andL. species A produce species-specific secretions, the composition being most complex forL. laborator. Apart from known mono- and dihydroxytrinervitadienes, the following new diterpenes were isolated and tentatively assigned as trinervita-1(15),8(19)-dien-2,3,9,14-tetraol 2,3,14-O-triacetate, trinervita-1(15),8(19)-dien-2,3,9,14-tetraol 2,3,14-O-triacetate, 2,3,9, 14-tetraacetoxy-1 (15), 8(19)-trinervitadiene, and 2,3,11,13-tetraacetoxy-1(15),8(19)-trinervitadiene. Data on intragenus chemical variations were subjected to canonical discriminant analysis and genetic distances among the species were calculated to depict intragenus identities and affinities.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid is essential for both nutritive and antioxidant functions in phytophagous insects; however, maintaining sufficient quantities of reduced ascorbate may be problematical for them. In this investigation, we show that the plant enzyme ascorbate oxidase retains activity in the digestive system of the herbivoreHelicoverpa zea. High levels of the enzyme are present in several host plants ofH. zea, including cotton, tomato, soybean, crimson clover, and vetch. The enzyme oxidizesL-ascorbic acid to dehydro-L-ascorbic acid, a potentially toxic product. The oxidation of ascorbic acid also produces active oxygen species such as the highly reactive hydroxyl radical. The nutritional quality of protein for larvalH. zea was significantly reduced by treatment with ascorbate and ascorbate oxidase. Oxidative damage to the protein was indicated by decreased lysine content, increased carbonyl formation, and the occurrence of protein fragmentation and polymerization. Furthermore, the oxidative loss of ascorbate in the herbivore's digestive system prevents ascorbate from functioning as an important antioxidant against a plethora of dietary prooxidants.  相似文献   

The diterpene composition of the defensive secretions of minor and major soldiers is described for four sympatricTrinervitermes from the Ivory Coast. The degree of intra- and interspecific similarity between the secretions is assessed and related to available information on soldier behavior. A significant chemical dimorphism is observed between minor and major soldiers ofT. geminatus andT. togoensis. Both species build extensive foraging trails in the open air. During these excursions, the workers are protected by numerous minor soldiers, but only a few major ones. Internest comparison inT. geminatus suggests that the differences between minor and major soldiers is as large within a nest as between different nests. By, contrast, inT. trinervius andT. oeconomus both types of soldiers produce very similar secretions. The foraging habits of those species are far more cryptic. The first species builds earthen tunnels, and the second one forages in close proximity to its nest under cover of vegetation.Maître de Recherche du Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique de Belgique.  相似文献   

The common bright yellow antarctic lamellarian gastropodMarseniopsis mollis was examined for the presence of defensive chemistry. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy indicated that a major component of ethanolic extracts purified by reversed-phase column chromatography was homarine. Further high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of the mantle, foot, and viscera verified the presence of homarine in all body tissues at concentrations ranging from 6 to 24 mg/g dry tissue. A conspicuous macroinvertebrate predator of the shallow antarctic benthos, the sea starOdontaster validus, always rejected live individuals ofM. mollis, while readily feeding on pieces of fish tail muscle. Filter paper disks treated with shrimp elicited a broad range of feeding behaviors in the sea starO. validus (movement of disc to mouth, extrusion of cardiac stomach, humped feeding posture). Shrimp disks treated with homarine (0.4 and 4 mg/disk) were rejected byO. validus significantly more frequently than control disks treated with solvent carrier and shrimp or shrimp alone. The highest concentration of homarine tested not only caused feeding deterrence, but in several sea stars a flight response was noted. Homarine was not detected in the tunic of the antarctic ascidianCnemidocarpa verrucosa, a presumed primary prey ofM. mollis. Nonetheless, crude extracts of the epizooites that foul the tunic (primarily the bryozoans and hydroids) contain homarine, suggestingM. mollis may ingest and derive its chemistry from these organisms. This appears to be only the third example of chemical defense in a member of the Order Mesogastropoda. As the vestigial internalized shell ofM. mollis is considered a primitive condition, the findings of this study lend support to the hypothesis that chemical defense evolved prior to shell loss in shell-less gastropods.  相似文献   

Soldiers of the East African fungus-growing termiteMacrotermes subhyalinus (Rambur) (Termitidae: Macrotermitinae) employ both mechanical and chemical defenses. Soldiers release a chemical secretion composed of long-chain saturated and monounsaturated hydrocarbons into wounds inflicted by their powerful mandibles. Chemical analysis of the secretion shows the paraffin fraction to consist primarily ofn-tricosane,n-pentacosane, 3- and 5-methylpentacosane, and 5-methylheptacosane. The major oleflns were identified as (Z)-9-heptacosene and (Z)-9-nonacosene. The secretion originates from the frontal glands of both major and minor soldiers; however, the hypertrophied gland of the major soldiers contains 500-fold more secretion than that of the minor soldiers. This secretion appears to impair the healing of wounds in test ants, and thus could represent a valuable supplement to the mechanical defense mechanism.  相似文献   

Air movement around a malePseudaletia separata Walker, observed using the smoke of an incense stick during wing-fanning, showed that the air moves away from the female and backwards. Moths moved or flew away immediately when vaporized benzaldehyde was blown over their antennae in a screen cage set in a greenhouse. This repellency lacked species, sex, or individual specificity. Male scent acts as an inhibitor to conspecific males and, at the same time, to other moths if they approach the male in courtship. Inhibition of ovipositional and larval locomotory behavior by benzaldehyde was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The nudibranch,Glossodoris quadricolor (Doridacea) feeds on the red spongeLatrunculia magnifica, which grows in the reefs of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. The ichthyotoxic substance from the sponge, latrunculin B, was also indentified in the mucous secretion of the mollusk by TLC, indicating the use of this substance as defense allomone.  相似文献   

The chemical defense secretions of major and minor soldiers of over 18 colonies of the primitive glue-squirting nasute termiteLongipeditermes longipes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) were analyzed chormatographically. The colonies, collected from four rainforest sites in peninsular Malaysia, showed monoterpene patterns rich in pinenes and limonene but with few quantitative differences between colonies. In marked contrast, the diterpene chemistry is high variable, and includes tricyclic (trinervitane), tetracyclic (rippertane), bicyclic (secotrinervitane), and a new spirotetracyclic (longipane) skeleton. Three new natural products are included in this remarkable and unprecedented example of structural diversity among different colonies of a single species.Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (1981–85) and Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar (1981–86).  相似文献   

A new minor component in the female volatile extract ofLeucoptera malifoliella (Costa) (Lepidoptera, Lyonetiidae) has been identified as 5,9-dimethyloctadecane (2). The amount detected of the minor compound2 ranged from 4 to 8% in comparison with the major component 5,9-dimethylheptadecane (1). Neither compound has been found in the male volatile extract. The identification has been based on its spectroscopic properties and Chromatographic behavior in comparison with an authentic synthetic sample. The synthesis has been carried out through a short route from 2,6-dimethylcyclohexanone (3). In field tests, compound2 appears to act as a Synergist of the major component1 when mixed with the latter in a 1000.1– 5 ratio.  相似文献   

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