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New freezing methods developed with the purpose of improved product quality after thawing can sometimes be difficult to get accepted in the market. The reason for this is the formation of ice crystals that can give the product a temporary color loss and make it less appealing. We have here used microscopy to study ice crystal size as a function of freezing temperature by investigating the voids in the cell tissue left by the ice crystals. We have also investigated how freezing temperature affects the color and the visible absorption spectra of frozen salmon. Freezing temperatures previously determined to be the best for quality after thawing (-40 to -60 °C) were found to cause a substantial loss in perceived color intensity during frozen state. This illustrated the conflict between optimal freezing temperatures with respect to quality after thawing against visual appearance during frozen state. Low freezing temperatures gave many small ice crystals, increased light scattering and an increased absorption level for all wavelengths in the visible region. Increased astaxanthin concentration on the other hand would give higher absorption at 490 nm. The results showed a clear potential of using visible interactance spectroscopy to differentiate between poor product coloration due to lack of pigmentation and temporary color loss due to light scattering by ice crystal. This type of measurements could be a useful tool in the development of new freezing methods and to monitor ice crystal growth during frozen storage. It could also potentially be used by the industry to prove good product quality. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: In this article we have shown that freezing food products at intermediate to low temperatures (-40 to -80 °C) can result in paler color during frozen state, which could affect consumer acceptance. We have also presented a spectroscopic method that can separate between poor product color and temporary color loss due to freezing. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: High-pressure processing is finding a growing interest in the food industry. Among the advantages of this emerging process is the ability to favorably freeze and thaw food. This study aims at comparing the effect of different freezing and thawing processes on the quality of Atlantic salmon fillets. Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) samples were frozen by Pressure-Shift Freezing (PSF, 200 MPa, −18 °C) and Air-Blast Freezing (ABF, −30 °C, 4 m/s). Samples were stored 1 mo at −20 °C and then subjected to different thawing treatments: Air-Blast Thawing (ABT, 4 °C, 4 m/s), Immersion Thawing (IMT, 20 °C), and Pressure-Assisted Thawing (PAT, 200 MPa, 20 °C). Changes in texture, color, and drip loss were investigated. The toughness of the PSF samples was higher than that of the ABF sample. The modification of color was more important during high-pressure process than during the conventional process. The PSF process reduced thawing drip compared with ABF. The presence of small ice crystals in the pressure-shift frozen sample is probably the major reason leading to the reduced drip volumes. The freezing process was generally much more influent on quality parameters than the thawing process. These results show the interaction between freezing and thawing processes on selected quality parameters. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: The effects of salting method (injection salting compared with dry salting), smoking temperature (20°C compared with 30°C), and storage (chilled storage compared with no storage) on astaxanthin retention, surface coloration (CIE1994 L * a * b *), and process yields of cold-smoked Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) fillets was investigated. An overall loss of 13% astaxanthin was observed when correcting for weight changes. Astaxanthin retention was 6.0% higher after smoking at 30°C than at 20°C ( P < 0.01). A significant decrease in astaxanthin retention (4%) was observed after chilled storage of vacuum-packaged fillets at 1°C ( P < 0.05). Salt curing was quantitatively more important to astaxanthin loss than smoking temperature and storage. Salting method did not affect astaxanthin retention, but its concentration was reduced significantly more by injection salting than with dry salting ( P < 0.01). A higher overall color change (AE) was observed for dry-salted compared with injection-salted fillets ( P < 0.001) and for fillets smoked at 30°C compared with 20°C ( P < 0.05), and this coincided with a high variability in the colorimetric parameters in these groups. Higher product yields were obtained by injection salting compared with dry salting (10%) and after smoking at 20°C compared with 30°C (2%), P < 0.001. It is concluded that choice of processing technology may have substantial impact on important quality parameters such as color stability and variation in cold-smoked Atlantic salmon. 相似文献
Scott L. Burnett Erin L. Mertz Barbara Bennie Thomas Ford Anna Starobin 《Journal of food science》2005,70(6):m301-m304
Growth or survival of Listeria monocytogenes in cold‐smoked salmon; sliced, cooked ham; sliced, roasted turkey; shrimp salad; and coleslaw obtained at retail supermarkets stored at 5 °C, 7 °C, or 10 °C (41 °F, 45 °F, or 50 °F, respectively) for up to 14 d was evaluated. Cold‐smoked salmon, ham, and turkey were obtained in case‐ready, vacuum packages. All food products were stored aerobically to reflect additional handling within the retail supermarket. Cold‐smoked salmon, ham, and turkey supported the growth of L. monocytogenes at all 3 storage temperatures. Fitted growth curves of initial populations (about 3 log10 colony‐forming units [CFU]/g) in cold‐smoked salmon, ham, and turkey stored at 5 °C achieved maximal growth rates of 0.29, 0.45, and 0.42 log10 CFU/g growth per day, respectively. Storage at 10 °C increased the estimated maximal growth rate of the pathogen by 0.56 to 1.08 log10 CFU/ g growth per day compared with storage at 5 °C. A decline in populations of L. monocytogenes was observed in shrimp salad and coleslaw, and the rate of decline was influenced by storage temperature. Retention of viability was higher in shrimp salad than in coleslaw, where populations fell 1.2, 1.8, and 2.5 log10 CFU/g at 5 °C, 7 °C, and 10 °C, respectively, after 14 d of storage. Inability of shrimp salad and coleslaw to support the growth of L. monocytogenes may be attributed to the acidic pH (4.8 and 4.5, respectively) of the formulations used in this study. Results show that the behavior of L. monocytogenes in potentially hazardous ready‐to‐eat foods is dependent upon the composition of individual food products as well as storage temperature. 相似文献
Comparison of the microflora isolated from spoiled cold-smoked salmon from three smokehouses 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lisbeth Truelstrup Hansen Hans Henrik Huss 《Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)》1998,31(10):703-711
The microflora on spoiled, sliced and vacuum packed, cold-smoked salmon from three smokehouses was quantified and characterized in two independent experiments. Large variations in the microflora were observed both within (i.e. among vacuum packs from the same batch) and among the smokehouses. Lactic acid bacteria dominated the microflora, which reached 107 cfu g−1. Total viable counts of microorganisms alone were not related to quality, though spoilage characteristics were typical for microbiological spoilage. Among the lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus curvatus (ca 52–55%) was the most common species in both experiments with Lactobacillus saké, Lactobacillus plantarum, Carnobacterium spp. and Leuconostoc spp. present in smaller numbers. In some cases, large numbers of Enterobacteriaceae were also present and identified species were Serratia liquefaciens, Enterobacter agglomerans and Hafnia alvei. The microflora on cold-smoked salmon appeared to be related to the source of contamination i.e. the raw material and/or the smokehouse rather than being specific for the product, thus rendering the identification of the specific spoilage organisms difficult. 相似文献
Pasteurized mushrooms had firmer texture and lighter color compared with those that were retorted. Addition of acid and retorting temperature resulted in extensive softening of mushrooms and solubilization of proteins and polysaccharides that diffused into brine. Total chitin was not affected by applied treatments and did not appear to be related to texture alteration of processed mushrooms. Extensive solubilization caused by acidification and retortion resulted in reduction of cell diameter and enlarged intercellular space within the cap tissue. Mild acidification of sterilized samples reduced discoloration compared with the control, but further acidification resulted in considerable darkening. In contrast, tissue and color of pasteurized mushrooms seemed to be unaffected. 相似文献
Pecan texture was measured by texture profile analysis (TPA) at 80% compression before and after being frozen at 6 controlled rates, to 3 minimum temperatures and thawed at 2 rates. Freezing and thawing rates had more influence than storage temperature on pecan texture. Certain TPA parameters (i.e., hardness, area 1, fracturability and slope of linear segment of force vs. deformation curve) were more affected than others by freezing and thawing rates. Freezing and thawing at high rates had the least effect on pecan texture. 相似文献
本文以冻结曲线、冻结速率、持水性、蛋白质变性程度、色差和质构为指标,研究不同冻结方式(浸渍冻结、鼓风冻结和静置冻结)对牡蛎品质的影响。结果表明:浸渍冻结组冻结速率为6.67 cm/h,分别是鼓风冻结组的5倍,静置冻结组的23倍,且其样品解冻汁液流失率和蒸煮损失最低,分别为6.75%±1.12%、42.08%±3.72%,蛋白变性程度最小,其中盐溶性蛋白含量为(48.15±5.53) mg/g,Ca2+-ATPase酶活为(0.202±0.020) μmol Pi/(mg·h)。浸渍冻结处理的牡蛎的弹性为(3.96±0.25) mm,与鼓风冻结组和静置冻结组比较差异显著(p<0.05)。在不同冻结方式下的色差值(L*、a*、b*)、总色差(ΔE)、硬度和咀嚼性差异性不显著(p>0.05)。浸渍冻结处理牡蛎的所有品质指标都与鲜样差异不显著(p>0.05),但鼓风冻结和静置冻结在盐溶性蛋白含量、Ca2+-ATPase活性和弹性指标上都与鲜样差异性显著(p<0.05)。综上,浸渍冻结对牡蛎品质的保持比鼓风冻结和静置冻结更具优势,且其处理的样品品质更接近鲜样。 相似文献
Sensory‐evaluated hardness of smoked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) was correlated with various response variables from instrumental texture analysis of raw or smoked cutlets (25 mm thick) using 4 different probes: 12.5‐ and 23‐ mm‐dia cylinders, a Warner‐Bratzler blade, and a 25.4‐mm‐dia sphere. Sensory hardness correlated significantly with analyses using all mechanical methods, but it was most accurately predicted by the 12.5‐mm‐dia cylinder in raw salmon (force and area at 90% compression; r = 0.70, P < 0.0001), and by the 23‐mm‐dia cylinder in smoked salmon (force at 90% compression and the area from origo to the 1st significant break; r = 0.63 to 0.64, P < 0.0001). 相似文献
本文以传统冷冻处理(FT)为对照,研究超高压协同冷冻处理(FT+200、300、400 MPa,1、3、5 min)对南美白对虾脱壳(脱壳时间、虾仁完整率及得肉率)及其品质(汁液流失率、持水性、pH、色泽和质构参数)的影响。结果表明:超高压协同冷冻处理有利于南美白对虾的脱壳,FT+300 MPa,1 min条件下脱壳时间较未处理、FT组分别缩短59.80%、13.54%,得肉率分别提高30.92%、7.25%,虾仁完整率明显提高。超高压协同处理后,由冷冻引起的汁液流失率显著降低,持水性显著提高,与未处理组鲜虾无显著差异;虾仁内部亮度L*、白度和总色差显著升高,压力≥300 MPa、保压时间≥3 min条件下虾仁呈现熟化现象;随着压力增加,虾仁硬度、咀嚼性增加,弹性下降。综合脱壳效果及其品质特性指标,FT+300 MPa,1 min处理可在显著提高脱壳效果的同时保持虾仁的良好品质,是一种较为理想的辅助脱壳手段。 相似文献
谷氨酰胺转氨酶对鸭胸肉糜凝胶性能的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以鸭胸肉糜为研究对象,探讨不同谷氨酰胺转氨酶(transglutaminase,TG)添加量(0(T1)、2(T2)、4(T3)、6(T4)、8 g(T5))对肉糜保水性、色差、质构和水分分布状态的影响。结果表明:添加TG酶显著提高鸭胸肉糜的亮度值(L*)、蒸煮得率和质构参数(P<0.05),降低红度值(a*)和黄度值(b*);鸭胸肉糜的L*、蒸煮得率和质构特性随着TG酶添加量的增加而显著提高(P<0.05),但T4和T5组差异不显著(P>0.05);鸭胸肉糜的T21和T22起始弛豫时间随着TG酶添加量的增加显著缩短(P<0.05),T21的峰面积比例显著增加,T22的峰面积比例显著降低(P<0.05),表明水分的流动性降低,但T4和T5组差异不显著(P>0.05)。综上所述,711.6 g鸭胸肉糜中添加6 g TG酶时保水性和质构最佳。 相似文献
Stephen D. Evans Ada BrambillaDeirdre M. Lane Danila TorreggianiLaurance D. Hall 《LWT》2002,35(2):177-184
The aim of this study was to develop experience in acquiring water mobility and moisture data that could be used to develop improved models for predicting water loss during osmotic dehydration and/or air-drying. One-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging protocols were used to follow temporal and spatial changes in water mobility via T2 profiles, water content via M0 profiles, and structural shrinkage of strawberry slices during osmotic dehydration with 600 g/kg aqueous sucrose over 2 h. Those measurements were also made for 1 h during air-drying of normal and osmotically dried slices at 20, 30, 45 and 60 °C. Air-drying above 20 °C resulted in changes in the strawberry matrix, which suggests the need for a model that incorporates the interaction between the strawberry tissue and the water that diffuses during drying. Modelling of the air-drying of osmotically pretreated slices would be complicated by the variable amounts of sucrose solution remaining after osmotic dehydration. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) fillets were stored on ice for a maximum of 14 d to determine which muscle structures are associated with changes in texture and rigor. Texture was measured as shear force and the changes correlated with structural alterations. Texture decreased significantly within 24 h in parallel with loss of attachment of muscle fibers. Loss of rigor stiffness by 5 d was associated with myofiber detachment from the myocommata. These results show that fillet texture depends on several distinct structures and events, initially including breaks in the cell cytoskeleton and loss of fiber-fiber attachment and later breaks in the connective tissue and fiber detachment from the myocommata. 相似文献
High-Pressure-Freezing Effects on Textural Quality of Carrots 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Raw or 3 min blanched carrots were pressurized for 45 min at ?18°C ~–20°C and then thawed at 20°C. When carrots were frozen at 100Mpa (ice I), firmness decreased and strain increased. Textural values of carrots pressurized at 200MPa (liquid), 340MPa (ice III), 400MPa (ice V) at ca. –20°C were acceptable. When pressure was increased above 500MPa, the strain increased. Release of pectin and histological damage in carrots pressurized at 200, 340 and 400MPa were less than carrots frozen at 100 and 700MPa (ice VI). After pressurization at 200 and 340MPa at —20°C, carrots were stored in a freezer (–30°C). Firmness decreased and strain increased, but textural values were higher and histological structure were more intact than those frozen at –30°C (0.1MPa) then stored. Thus, high-pressure-freezing at 200, 340 and 400MPa appeared to be effective in improving both the texture and histological structure of frozen carrots. 相似文献
M.T. SANCHEZ-PINEDA-INFANTAS G. CANO-MUÑOZ J.R. HERMIDA-BUN 《Journal of food science》1994,59(4):821-823
We studied effects of three methods of blanching in conjunction with freezing, on texture of white asparagus as defined by three measures: maximum shear force, cutting energy, and total fiber content. We also assessed shelf life of asparagus kept in frozen storage at -22°C. Methods of blanching were total immersion in hot water, progressive immersion in hot water and steam. An increase in total fiber content was found throughout frozen storage. This increase correlated with lignification of vascular bundles in the basal segment of spears, even during frozen storage. This was reflected in an increase in maximum shear force and cutting energy required. The shelf life of frozen asparagus was 12 mo using total fiber content as a criterion. 相似文献
为探究浸渍冷冻对水果质地的影响,以皇冠梨为试材,采用不同浸渍冻结温度(−20、−40 ℃)及浸渍液(单一30%氯化钙浸渍液、30%氯化钙+4%海藻糖+0.05%聚赖氨酸复合浸渍液)进行冷冻处理,通过硬度、果胶含量和组织细胞微观结构等,分析浸渍冷冻对梨质地特性的影响。结果表明:海藻糖和聚赖氨酸复合浸渍液在−40 ℃冻结组,能够更好地控制果胶损失及原果胶分解(
Carrots preheated for 2 hr at 60°C and then cooked became firmer than raw or cooked carrots. After preheating, the amount of high methoxyl pectin decreased, and low methoxyl pectin increased. Firmness of carrots decreased through freezing then thawing, but preheated carrots retained firmer texture than those blanched in boiling water. Quick-freezing resulted in better texture than slow-freezing. Loss in texture was accompanied by release of pectin. Slow-freezing accelerated release of pectin as compared to quick-freezing. Preheated carrots were slower in release of pectin. The degree of esterification of pectin substances in raw carrots decreased during preheating, freezing and thawing. Cell damage in quick frozen carrots was slight. Optimum preheating occurred with 30 min at 60°C or 5 min at 70°C. Preheating and then quick freezing were effective in improving texture of frozen carrots. 相似文献
Sandy Van Buggenhout Inge Messagie Ann Van Loey Marc Hendrickx 《Journal of food science》2005,70(4):S304-S308
ABSTRACT: Freezing causes texture loss of tissue-based systems such as fruits and vegetables. To evaluate the potentials of high-pressure freezing for minimizing freezing damage, the effects of high-pressure shift freezing and regular freezing conditions on the texture of carrot cylinders were investigated. To improve the strength of the plant material by a pectin-based network, carrot cylinders were submitted to different pretreatment conditions before freezing. The reduced freezing time of high-pressure shift freezing compared with conventional freezing results in a limited positive effect on the hardness of non-pretreated carrots. A pronounced hardness improvement was obtained when calcium soaking followed by thermal (30 min at 60°C) or high-pressure (15 min at 60°C and 300 MPa) pretreatment was combined with high-pressure shift freezing. During subsequent frozen storage at -18°C, the increased hardness values of pretreated, high-pressure frozen carrots could not be maintained. 相似文献