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很多设计师都曾说过这样的话作为他们总结设计灵感来源的心得,设计是要细心观察身边每一寸生活的。再看看即将带给读者的这些出现在身边的产品,你就更能感觉到生活是令创意萌生多么肥沃的富饶的一块土壤啊。沙发、座椅、床、灯具、衣帽架、餐具、织物哪一样不是与我们息息相关,朝夕相处?  相似文献   

在无锡国际工业设计博览会的现场,长虹公司展区内有一处格外引人注目的展示.在这里人们看到的全是尚未转化的概念设计。虽然想法还和实际有距离.可是这些新颖的点子总能激起观者的浓厚兴趣.评论、提议、赞叹、揣摩的人络绎不绝。依托空调、上一点儿观众的想象,这些被称之为电视、手机和MP3的技术,如果加“感观创意“的优秀参评作品无一例外都给人们的生活带去了一种全新的感觉。在每个创意的背后.都有一位或一组年轻设计师的身影。这些年轻人在关注什么?他们是如何看待生活与设计的?他们有着怎样的创造梦想?《Design》带你走进比赛佼佼者的设计故事和感言中.你会从中发现更多有趣的想法:不仅如此.我们还能明显发觉这些年轻的创意人群都不约而同地挚爱生活.他们有着火一般的热情参与新生活的创造。  相似文献   

红点概念设计的最新结果又一次为人们打开了一扇前瞻未来美好生活的窗口。确切地说,竞赛不单纯是评选最新发明奖,而是一个展示好想法的舞台,那些超越产品外形,超越美学格式的强大设计理念充满了舞台的每一个角落。  相似文献   

本文先总体概述产品创新设计的特点,提出产品创新设计是设计师凭借对生活的洞察力,综合运用各种科学思维,找到设计突破口的过程。由此引出产品创新设计源自生活且高于生活。从人们生活中的需求、生活中的设计原型以及仿生设计三个方面阐述产品创新设计源自生活,接着论述了人机工程、核心技术和质量、情感、美学、个性形象、影响力等体现产品创新设计高于生活的因素,最后通过对经典产品设计案例的分析,近一步深入闸释了产品创新设计源自生活且高于生活的观点。  相似文献   

2005年度美国优秀工业设计奖(IDEA)的最终得主.本年度最佳和最热门的产品评选结果庆典共同呈现了新一级别的复杂性管理和经营模式.开辟了新的市场环境.并扩展了原有的市场。关注点在美观、可持续性和工艺三方面目.并将其结合起来重新让人们找回了使用感受。当美国《商业周刊》杂志宣布今年IDEA的获奖名单时.以上这些特征便成了一种主流的趋势。  相似文献   

设计是一个跟生活息息相关的行业,大到城市规划、小到桌子上的一个杯子,都有设计人在辛勤的劳动。许多人在不知不党当中也在参与设计,比如自己家里的布置。在设计里,没有一样不是和生活、和人相关联的,就是所谓的“人本设计”。一个设计师总是要在生活中学习、在生活中成长。  相似文献   

本由飞利浦设计公司的首席执行官和首席创意总监Stefano Marzano撰写,讲述飞利浦的设计管理之道他提出“高级设计”的概念所谓“高级设计”是指一种设计哲学,它强调的是满足真正需要和拥有永恒价值的产品创新。多学科领域相交互的工作方法利用了技术,但这种利用本着伦理和人性化的特点它既是一条在设计上通往创新领域的道路.又是整个飞利浦的一种从开发电子消费品到制造复杂医疗设备所必备的清晰思维模式。本同时还将介绍飞利浦的两组概念设计。  相似文献   

托马斯·普莱斯(Thomas Plath)是宝马集团在德国慕尼黑研发中心的设计战略,控制和高级设计副总裁,他与一队资深的设计师共事,率领200多位职员彼此紧密合作,在接受采访时,他多次强调宝马汽车的设计要坚持一个观念,那就是具有领导精神,其实,成为领导者是每个设计团队共同的夙愿。那么如何去做?接下来从普莱斯的回答中一起寻找可供借鉴的答案吧。[编者按]  相似文献   

产品形态设计中人的因素新探   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
产品形态设计要求“设计者”的意图和“使用者”的需求统一,这是产品成功的关键。  相似文献   

基于现代生活方式的竹产品创新设计思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宗登  张红颖 《包装工程》2017,38(2):96-100
目的开发满足现代民众生活需求的竹产品。方法根据现代民众的生活方式、审美品味、消费观念、价值取向以及竹材的材性,运用"半竹"设计、材料组合设计、文化移植设计、"郁制"成型设计等方法,开发适合民众需求的竹产品。结论运用"半竹"设计、材料组合设计、文化移植设计、"郁制"成型设计等创新设计理念与方法,可以开发出符合现代民众生活需求的竹产品。  相似文献   

A discussion of salient aspects of the design, construction, and performance of the National Research Council 2.1-meter cesium-beam frequency standard is presented. Emphasis is placed on the characteristics of the cesium (F = 4)?(F = 3) ? transitions as they are affected by a range of microwave power and weak dc-magnetic C-field intensities. The technique of C-field determination based on excitation of the (4, -4)?(4, -3) transition is described.  相似文献   

有着20多年历史的GAD是巴西和拉丁美洲规模最大的品牌设计公司,侧重于品牌建立和综合管理。GAD从品牌发展整合的角度去考虑战略、形象、传达及品牌价值,并通过对设计、传达、建筑和销售的整合构建了自己的品牌方法论。  相似文献   

Axial PET is a novel geometrical concept for Positron Emission Tomography (PET), based on layers of long scintillating crystals axially aligned with the bore axis. The axial coordinate is obtained from arrays of wavelength shifting (WLS) plastic strips placed orthogonally to the crystals. This article describes the design, construction and performance evaluation of a demonstrator set-up which consists of two identical detector modules, used in coincidence. Each module comprises 48 LYSO crystals of 100 mm length and 156 WLS strips. Crystals and strips are readout by Geiger-mode Avalanche Photo Diodes (G-APDs). The signals from the two modules are processed by fully analog front-end electronics and recorded in coincidence by a VME-based data acquisition system. Measurements with point-like 22Na sources, with the modules used both individually and in coincidence mode, allowed for a complete performance evaluation up to the focal plane reconstruction of point sources. The results obtained are in good agreement with expectations and proved the set-up to be ready for the next evaluation phase with PET phantoms filled with radiotracers.  相似文献   

This paper presents the step-by-step application of proven far-field range and instrumentation design techniques to a specific antenna measurement problem, describes the resulting facility design, and presents the predicted measurement uncertainty. Fundamental electromagnetic design criteria for an outdoor, far-field facility establish minimum dimensional requirements for the range design and limiting values of source-antenna directivity. Electromagnetic compatibility of the facility is assured by frequency coordination with existing and planned services in the area surrounding the available site. Additional design constraints for this facility included restricted measurement time, reduction of spurious test enclosure effects, limited available terrain, and required data quality. In this case, the required range length is in excess of 6500 ft, and paraboloidal source antenna diameters up to 23 ft are required. The frequency coordination problem was solved by exploiting the natural terrain features and configuring the measurement system as "test-on-transmit." Signal and reference paths share the same range cable. The quantity of data that must be handled in the available measurement interval required the use of a computer-based measurement system.  相似文献   

乡村设计是将乡村的优势特色资源,在现代消费文明、文化表达和美学取向中,重塑价值体系的创新活动,是以设计思维与创意策略对乡村世界进行美学观照和艺术感知的具体行动,在唤醒东方田园的场所精神和重塑乡野浪漫生活方式的同时,与科技、商业进行结合,建立地域文化与现代价值的系统连接。乡村设计具有鲜明的在地性、系统性和融合性特点,并应该立足于生态文明、社会创新,以及城乡融合的价值立场,将农耕文明、工业文明和信息文明进行系统融合创新。  相似文献   

一类聚羧酸高性能减水剂的设计合成与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别以甲基丙烯磺酸钠(SMAS)等5类含磺酸基的不饱和单体,合成了5种侧链带有磺酸基团的梳形聚羧酸减水剂。用红外光谱(FT-IR)对其结构进行了确认。正交试验分析表明,SMAS是最佳的磺酸基单体,并用SMAS与丙烯酸、丙烯酸酯-聚乙二醇单甲醚共聚得到了一种新型聚羧酸高效减水剂(SPC3)。应用试验结果表明,当水灰比(W/C)为0.29,掺入量为0.30%时,SPC3的减水率高达36%,而萘磺酸甲醛缩合物(SNF)减水剂的减水率只有17%。同样条件下,掺入SPC3制备的泵送混凝土在120 min的坍落度损失为8.9%,远小于掺入SNF时的65.0%。掺入0.30%的SPC3制备的高强度混凝土(HPC),其90d压缩强度达到71.6 MPa。  相似文献   

At a time when we can least afford it, mastery of experimentation among practicing engineers is fast becoming a lost art. Within the undergraduate engineering curriculum there has been a continuous decrease in emphasis in the study and practice of experimentation over the past several decades. The Introductory Engineering Test, Design and Simulation Laboratory is an important and unique component of the “Enhanced Educational Experience for Engineers,”—Drexel's E4 program—which attempts to reverse this trend in a substantial way. It is based on three premises: that experimentation is a critical and distinguishing element of the profession; that experimental skills require time to develop; and that entering students are interested in laboratory work. Thus it provides early, continuous and significant laboratory experiences for all students regardless of major throughout the freshman and sophomore years. The nature of the program and facilities are based on a perspective which recognizes the rich diversity of engineering experimentation yet emphasizes its common elements. The laboratory facilities and program can be incorporated in most lower-division programs creating the potential for significant improvements in the upper division. The results of our experience since 1989 indicate that the laboratory provides a rich learning environment in which most students achieve or exceed the educational and performance objectives. Equally important, student response is enthusiastic and they have found the laboratory to be a place for them to have a lot of fun becoming engineers!  相似文献   

工业设计学科产学研合作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
产学研合作对工业设计学科发展和企业生产力发展有重要的意义。文章探讨了工业设计学科产学研合作的产生背景、发展及趋势,并且对其特点及形式进行了研究。产学研合作促进工业设计专业教学改革。工业设计产学研合作与教学结合要注意对学生作好正确引导,理论与实践并重;在教学中合理安排好产学研合作的不同形式;围绕产学研课题实现学科知识体系化。  相似文献   

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